期中检测卷 .docx

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1、期中检测卷 .听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。 6.A . Because shes studying. B . Because shes going to the hospital. C . Because shes visiting her aunt. 7.A . Rainy. B .Sunny. C .Cloudy. 8.A .On Friday. B .On Saturday. C .On Sunday. 9.A .Be the same as her. B .Be funny. C .Be popular. 10.A .Terrible. B .Good . C .

2、Great. .听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。短文听两遍。 Information Card Chinese name: Wu Peng English name: Peter From:11._ Be good at:12._ How he goes to school:13._ What he does every Saturday:14._ Where hes going next week:15._ 笔试部分 .单项选择。 16.Dont give him too much homework. He is just _ eleven year old boy. A .a B .an C

3、 .the 17.You can improve your English _ practicing more. A .by B .with C .of d .in 18.Speak aloud, please! I can_ hear you. A .usually B .almost C .hardly d . nearly 19.Who ran _ of all in the sports meeting? Hector did, I think. A .fast B .the fastest C .faster D .more fast 20.I _ Li Na to win the

4、next Open Tennis Championships(网球公开赛). A .hope B .ask C .help D .expect 21.Toms friends like to do the same things as he _. A .do B .is C .does D .did 22.Carls parents made him_ his homework at home. A .do B .did C .to do D .does 23.This room is_ for 100 people to have a meeting in. A .enough big B

5、.small enough C .enough small D .big enough 24.The road goes _ the forest. A .in B .on C .through D .across 25.We need to go shopping. There is _ juice left in the fridge(冰箱). A .little B .few C .many D .much 26.I slept three hours last night. Thats terrible. You know sleep is _ for good health. A .

6、easy B .fresh C .necessary D .common 27.Whose picture is better, Jacks or Toms? I think Jack draws _ Tom. A .as good as B .less than C .more than D .as well as 28.This movie is terrible. I cant _ it. A .see B .mind C .find D .stand 29. _was his vacation? It_ great. A .What;was B .How;was C .How;is D

7、 .What;is 30.Tom, supper is ready. I dont want to eat _,Mom. Im not feeling well. A .everything B .nothing C .something D .anything .完形填空。 Jon Hunt is a famous writer and he works at home. He is 31 from many writers. Why? Because he likes going outside and 32.For example, he often runs, goes camping

8、 and goes skateboarding.33 his healthy lifestyle(生活方式),he is very happy. And he is 34 in good health. How can he keep 35? He tells us three pieces of advice(建议).First, keep exercising every day. He gets up at 600 A .m. and runs 36 one hour every morning. And he walks to mountains three times a week.

9、 So dont be lazy. Second, remember to have 37.It is very important. For him, he always has lots of porridge, bread or milk after doing morning exercises. Then 38 after working. Dont worry too much about your work. It isnt 39 for your health. You can 40 listening to music or walking with friends if y

10、ou have time. 31.A .same B .different C .popular D .smart 32.A .exercising B .talking C .writing D .reading 33.A .So B .Because C .Because of D .In fact 34.A .sometimes B .hardly C .never D .always 35.A .health B .healthy C .quiet D .loud 36.A .for B .with C .from D .between 37.A .meal B .supper C .

11、breakfast D .lunch 38.A .relax B .talk C .practice D .leave 39.A .bad B .good C .important D .cool 40.A .choose B .make C .spent D .try .阅读理解。 A My name is Eric .I know many students like going to the movies, and Im sure that different people like different kinds of movies. Well, what kind of movies

12、 do you like? Last Monday I went to a school and asked some students about their favorite movies. Here are some of their answers. Jack, an 11-year-old boy, likes watching scary movies. He thinks scary movies are scary but exciting .His classmate,Alice,13,cant stand documentaries. She thinks they are

13、 boring and they are for parents. But she really likes comedies because they are funny. James, a big boy, doesnt mind documentaries. But he doesnt like comedies because he thinks they are not exciting! The survey showed that the most popular movies were action movies. Most of the students enjoyed th

14、em very much. 41.When did Eric do the survey? A . Last Monday. B .Last Tuesday. C .Last Wednesday. D .Last Thursday. 42.What kind of movies does Jack like? A .Sitcoms. B .Scary movies. C .Comedies. D .Cartoons. 43.Who cant stand documentaries? A .Jack. B .Alice. C .James. D .Eric . 44.Why doesnt Jam

15、es like comedies? A .Because he thinks theyre boring. B .Because he thinks theyre for parents. C .Because he thinks they arent funny. D .Because he thinks they arent exciting. 45.What are the most popular movies for most of the students? A .Documentaries. B .Comedies. C .Scary movies. D .Action movi

16、es. B A smart diet, a healthy life No matter how old your kids are, you can take steps to improve a healthy diet and to encourage good eating habits. Tip One: Family Meals Family meals are nice for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance t

17、o introduce new foods to children. Parents can also use the mealtime as a chance to talk with their kids about their life. Tip Two: Healthy Snacks(零食) Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what they can get at home. Thats why its important to have enough healthy snacks, such as fruits, vege

18、tables, nuts, yogurt and wholegrain biscuits. Tip Three: Being a Good Example The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow the lead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and sweet drinks, you are sending

19、 the right message. Tip Four: No Shouts about Food Parents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy foods in front of them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are asked to eat. You need to work a bit on different cooking methods(方式,方法). Tip Five: Get Kids

20、Included(参与) Most kids will enjoy making the decision about food .Talk to them about making choices and planning a healthy meal .It can help them to make good decisions on their own about the foods they want to eat. 46.What is the authors attitude(态度) toward snacks? A .Snacks shouldnt be eaten. B .H

21、ealthy snacks can be accepted. C .Kids can only have snacks at home. D .Its not necessary to have snacks at home. 47.The best way for parents to encourage a healthy diet is A .to have family meals B .to eat healthy snacks C .to be a good example D .to get kids included 48.What does the underlined ph

22、rase “the right message” mean? A .Being a good cook. B .Healthy eating. C .Eating fast food . D .Cooking at home. 49.According to Tip Four, what should parents do if kids refuse to eat healthy food? A .Explain how healthy it is. B .Try cooking it in a different way. C .Never cook the same food. D .A

23、sk kids to get used to its taste. 50.Why should parents get kids included when they make the decision about food? A .To let kids eat anything they like. B .To help kids become a wonderful cook. C .To help kids make good choices by themselves. D .To set a good example of eating healthy food . .从方框中选择

24、恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。 however, comfortably, different, one, little 51.His English is very well. _he didnt get good grades in the test. 52.The sofa is very beautiful and _.I want to buy it. 53.The two pictures are not the same. Can you find the _? 54.He plays chess(象棋) with his friend _ a day. 55.Jack has

25、 the_ milk of the three. .根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 56.我经常看见他装扮成一只兔子。 I often see him_ _ _ a rabbit. 57.黄磊在这部电视剧中演得很棒。 Huang Lei did a _ _ in the TV play. 58.至少有50%的青少年经常上网。 _ _ fifty _ of the teenagers often go online. 59.她编造了超人的故事。 She _ _ a story about supermen. 60.我们必须认真对待我们的健康。 We must _ our health_ . .阅读材

26、料,然后根据材料内容回答所提问题。 Liu Wei is very famous in China because he can play the piano with his toes(脚趾). One day when Liu Wei was only 10 years old, he played a game with some friends. He lost both his arms because of electricity(电). Liu Wei was very sad when both his arms were cut off after the accident.

27、 But soon he had to make a choice. “For people like me, there were only two choices. One was to give up all the dreams, which would cause a quick death. The other was to work hard without arms to live an excellent life.” says Liu Wei. Lius dream was to be a pianist. His excellent life included a sho

28、w on Chinas Got Talent and a wonderful performance(演奏) playing the beautiful Marriage Damour with his two feet on the piano. Liu Wei learned to play the piano with his feet. And teaching himself to play the piano with his feet was very hard .Many times he wanted to give it up, but his parents went o

29、n encouraging(鼓励) him and he wanted to make his parents proud . Maybe you cannot believe that Liu Wei is able to play well only with his toes. The audience(观众) were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance. 61.Why is Liu Wei very famous in China? _ 62.How old was Liu Wei when

30、he lost his arms? _ 63.Was Liu Wei very sad when both his arms were cut off? _ 64.Who encouraged Liu Wei to play the piano? _ 65.How did the audience feel when they watched Lius performance? _ .根据首字母提示完成下列短文。 Bill is my cousin. Hes f_ Canada. He likes China very much. He thinks its a great c_ .And h

31、e knows there are many i_ places in China .So last month he decided to go to Beijing on vacation. First he went to the Palace Museum. There he s_ lots of old things. He liked them very much. And he l_ a lot about Chinese history. Then he v_ the Great Wall. On the Great Wall he m_ his favorite singer

32、, Jolin Tsai. She had a new l_. She had long blonde hair. She looked very b_ .Bill took some p _with Jolin Tsai and he felt very excited that day. .书面表达。 新学期开始,八班组织班长竞选活动,张明想参加。请根据下面的提示代他写一份6080词的英文发言稿,开头已给出。 提示:饮食习惯良好,热爱体育锻炼,身体素质好。; 待人直爽、友好、乐于助人。; 想利用假期组织全班同学外出观光。 Hello, everybody! Im Zhang Ming. To be the monitor is my dream._


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