1、李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第3辑文本李阳疯狂英语 第3辑; 第一部 疯狂精神篇; My Pledge My OathIII;我的誓言III Today I believe- This unique trip will completely change my life!; 今天我相信- 这段特殊的旅程将 彻底改变我的一生! Today I believe- That all my efforts will produce generous returns!; 今天我相信- 我所有的付出终将 得到丰厚的回报 Today I believe- English will be a powerful wea
2、pon in my life!; 今天我相信- 英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器! Therefore,I must devote all my energy to learning English with high spirit,; enthusiasm and vigor!;I will enjoy losing face!; I will pour all my effort into leaning English.; 所以,我一定要 精神饱满、热情高涨、 热爱丢脸、疯狂投入! I must be absolutely responsible for myself!;我必须对
3、自己 百分之百地责任! I must not waste one minute, or even one second!;我必须每一分每一秒 全力以赴! I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!;挑战极限、超越自我! I will conquer English and charge toward success!;征服英文,迈向成功! I can speak good English!;我一定能讲一口 最漂亮的英文! 第二部 疯狂准备篇; 第一节 疯狂演绎一百个 句型以一顶十、以一顶百 的核裂变超级句型; 1According to.
4、 按照/根据.; According to my watch, its five twenty now.;按我的手表看, 现在是5点20分。 According to our teacher, we should practise English for at least 30 minutes a day.; 据我们老师要求, 我们每天至少要用半个 小时来练习说英语。 2again and again 不断地/一遍又一遍地.; Why do you make the same mistake again and again? 你怎么不断地犯同 一个错误啊? 3All I want. 我所想要的
5、.; All I want is a little peace and quiet.;我所想要的就是一点 安宁。 All I want is you.;我所想要的就是你。 4anything but. 除了.,什么都有/并不, 根本不.; I will eat anything but pork!; 1除了肉,我什么都吃。 2我吃除了肉以外的 任何东西。 3我就是不吃肉。 I can help you with anything but math. Im terrible with numbers.; 除了数学,我什么都可以 帮你。我的数学遭透了。 5Are there any.? 有.吗?;
6、 Are there any questions?;有什么问题吗? Are there any foreign teachers in your schools?;你们学校有外教吗? 6Are you satisfied with.? 你对.满意吗?; Are you satisfied with your current salary?;你对目前的工资满意吗? Are you satisfied with our service?;你对我们的服务满意吗? 7As far as. 就.而言/至于.; As far as your tuition goes, Ill pay it.;至于你的学费
7、, 我会支付的。 As far as going home earlythats out of the question.; 至于早点回家- 那是不可能的。 8.as soon as possible. 尽快.; Please reply as soon as possible.;请尽快回复。 You must get out of this place as soon as possible.;你必须尽快离开这里。 9.be about to. 刚要/正要.; A: How come you havent called me?;你为什么没给我打电话? B: I was about to ca
8、ll you when you called.;我刚要给你打电话你就打给我了。 He was about to say something, but Lucy spoke first.; 他正要说些什么,露西却先开了口。 10.be regarded as. 被认为是.; She was regarded as one of the most promising students in our class.; 她被认为是我们班上最有前途的学生之一。 11Cant you.? 你就不能.吗?; Cant you speak a little louder?;你就不能说大声点吗? Cant you
9、 stop it? Its really pissing me off.;你就不能闭嘴吗? 真惹我恼火。 12Congratulations on.! 恭喜/祝贺你.!; Congratulations on your award!;恭喜你获奖! Congratulations on becoming a father!;恭喜你当爸爸了! 13Could you tell me.? 你能告诉我.吗?; Could you tell me what time it is? 你能告诉我现在几点了吗? Could you tell me how to use this camera? 你能告诉我怎么
10、使用这个照相机吗? 14.do something about. 做点什么.; Cant you do something about the mess?; 你就不能把这些乱七八糟 的东西整理一下吗? Do something about your English, or youll fail the college entrance examination.; 你的英语该加把劲了, 不然你高考会失败的。 15Do you know.? 你知道.吗?; Do you know what happened? 你知道发生什么事了吗? Do you know his phone number? 你知
11、道他的电话号码吗? 16Do you mean.? 你的意思是.?; Do you mean you need me to lend you some money? 你的意思是你要 找我借钱? Do you mean its my fault? 你是说这是我的错? 17Do you want to.? 你想.吗?; Do you want to know why? 你想知道为什么吗? 18Dont be.! 不要.!; Dont be silly! 别傻了!; Dont be so sensitive! 别这么敏感! 19Everybody knows. 每个人都知道. Everybody k
12、nows the boss has a hot temper. 每个人都知道这个 老板脾气暴躁。 20.have trouble. .有困难/麻烦。; Were having trouble coming to an agreement on this point.; 我们在这一点上很难 达成一致。 I have trouble remembering peoples names.;我总是记不住别人 的名字。 出。 21Have you decided on.? 你决定好.了吗? Have you decided on where to go for dinner?;你决定好去哪儿 吃晚饭了吗
13、? Have you decided on a present for your girlfriend? 你决定好送给你 女朋友什么礼物了吗? 22Have you.yet? 你.了吗? Have you made up your mind yet? 你决定好了吗? 23How can you.? 你怎么能.?; How can you treat me like that? 你怎么能那样对我? How can you be so cruel? 你怎么能这么残忍呢? 24How come.? 为什么.?; How come you never call me? 你为什么从来 不给我打电话? H
14、ow come I have to go to bed so early? 为什么要我这么 早睡觉啊! 25How do you know.? 你怎么知道.?; How do you know my name? 你怎么知道我的名字? 26How is.? .怎么样?; How is your family? 你家人怎么样? How is your English? 你英语学得怎么样了? 27How quickly.? .最快要多久?; How quickly can you get here? 你最快多久能过来? 28I cant imagine.! 我真想不出.! I cant imagin
15、e who would do something like that! 我真想不出谁会 做那样的事! I cant imagine how foolish I was at that time? 我真没法想象我 那时有多蠢! 29I dont know. 我不知道.; I dont know what to say. 我不知道说什么。 30I dont really enjoy. 我不怎么喜欢.; I dont really enjoy western food. 我不怎么喜欢吃西餐。 I dont really enjoy chatting on the Internet. 我不怎么喜欢网上
16、聊天。 31I figure. 我估计/我想.; I figure its time to look for a new job. 我想是跳槽的时候了。 32I hate. 我讨厌.; I hate waiting in line. 我讨厌排队。 I hate people asking me for money. 我讨厌别人向我要钱。 33I have never. 我从来没有.; I have never been to Shanghai. 我从没去过上海。 I have never broken my word. 我从来没有失信过。 34I have to. 我必须/不得不.; I ha
17、ve to ask my boss first. 我得先问一下我的老板。 35I havent.for. 我已经.(时间)没.; I havent taken a shower for a week. 我已经一个星期 没洗澡了。 I havent studied English for three years. 我已经三年没学英语了。 36I must.我必须.; Its late. I must go now. 时候不早了, 我必须走了。 I must tell you the truth. 我必须告诉你 事情的真相。 37I suppose. 我想/我看.; I suppose hes l
18、ying again. 我看他又在撒慌。 I suppose you have to work harder next time. 我看你下次得再加把劲。 38I want to. 我想做.; I want to improve my English. 我想要提高我的 英文水平。 39I wish you wouldnt. 我希望你不要.; I wish you wouldnt smoke. 我希望你不要抽烟。 I wish you wouldnt hog the phone. 我希望你不要煲电话粥。 40I wont. 我不会.; I wont let you down. 我不会让你失望的。
19、 41Id appreciate. 我会很感激.; Id appreciate you finishing this by tomorrow.; 你能在明天之前完成的话,我会很感激的。 Id appreciate it if youd lend me some money. 如果你能借我点钱, 我会很感激的。 42Id rather. 我宁愿.; Id rather you didnt do it. 我宁愿你不要这么做。 Id rather you told me frankly what you think. 我宁愿你直截了当地 告诉我你的想法。 43Ill probably. 我可能会.;
20、 Ill probably take off early this afternoon. 今天下午我可能会 早点离开。 44Im considering. 我打算.; Im considering starting my own business. 我打算创业。 45Im glad. 我很高兴.; Im glad you could make it. 我很高兴你能来。 46Im going to. 我要.; Im going to get married. 我要结婚了。 47Im sorry, but. 对不起,(但是).; Im sorry, but I cant make it. 对不起,
21、我来不了。 Im sorry, but the answer is no. 对不起,答案是否定的。 48Ive thought about. 我已考虑过.; Ive thought about what you said. And I decided that youre right. 我已考虑过你说的话了, 我认为你是对的。 Ive thought about joining the army. 我考虑过要不要参军。 49If only.! 要是.就好了! If only I could speak perfect English! 要是我能说一口流利的 英语就好了! If only I h
22、adnt left my girlfriend! 要是我没有和我女朋友 分手就好了! 50In my opinion. 在我看来.; In my opinion, thats the right thing to do. 在我看来, 那样做是对的。 In my opinion, the company should not launch this project. 就我个人的观点,公司不应实施这个项目. 51.in need of. 需要.; He was definitely not in need of money. 他确实不需要钱。 You look as if youre in nee
23、d of a bath! 你看起来需要洗个澡了! 52Is it OK for me to.? 我.可以吗?; Is it OK for me to pay by check? 我用支票支付可以吗? Is it OK for me to leave early? 我可以早点走吗? 53Is there anyone.? 有谁.?; Is there anyone willing to go with me? 有谁愿意跟我一起去吗? Is there anyone here who knows the para-para? 这里有谁会跳芭拉芭拉舞吗? 54.is up to you. .由你。;
24、 The choice is up to you. 你自己选择。 55Isnt it time for.? 难道现在不是. 的时候吗? Im so hungry. Isnt it time for dinner?我饿死了,难道现在不是吃晚饭的时候了吗? 56It is great. .真是太好了。; It is great that you came. 你来了,真是太好了。 It is great to have some time to myself. 留一些属于自己的时间 真是太好了。 57It is true that. 确实,.; It is true that we still ha
25、ve a long way to go. 确实,我们仍有一段 很长的路要走。 It is true that pollution has become more and more a serious issue.; 确实,环境污染已经成为 一个越来越严重的问题。 58It sounds like. 听起来.; It sounds like a wonderful place.;听起来这地方很不错。 Is sounds like he knows something.;听起来他似乎 知道些什么。 59It was not until.that. 直到.才.; It was not until y
26、esterday that I heard the news.;我直到昨天才听到这个消息。 It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true reason.; 直到我看完你的信, 我才明白真正的原因。 60It is a pleasure to. 很高兴.; It is a pleasure to work with you.;很高兴跟你一起工作。 It is a pleasure to meet you.;很高兴认识你。 61Its not likely that. 不太可能.; Its not likely
27、 that he will succeed.;他不太可能赢。 Its not likely that they would agree.;他们不太可能同意。 62Its your turn to. 轮到你.; Its your turn to make dinner.;轮到你做饭了。 63Just let me know if.;如果.,就告诉我。 Just let me know if I can do anything for you.; 如果有什么我可以 帮忙的,就告诉我。 Just let me know if you dont understand.;如果你不明白,就告诉我。 64M
28、aybe I will. 或许我可以.; Maybe I will be able to see you tonight.;或许我今晚可以见你。 65.means a lot to me. .对我来说很重要。; My family means a lot to me.;我的家庭对我来说很重要。 66My point is. 我的意思是.; My point is that youre wasting your time at that job.; 我的意思是你做那个工作是在浪费时间。 My point is that you need to be more reponsible.;我的意思是你
29、的 责任心不够。 67.neither. nor. 既不.,也不.; He neither drinks nor smokes.;他既不抽烟,也不喝酒。 68Nice to. 很高兴.; Nice to meet you.;很高兴认识你。 Nice to see you again.;很高兴再次见到你们。 69No wonder. 难怪.; You jogged 10 miles? No wonder youre so tired.;你跑了10英里? 难怪你这么累。 70.not only., but also. 不仅.,而且.; His girlfriend is not only pret
30、ty, but also intelligent.; 他的女朋友不仅漂亮,而且很聪明。 71. not that. 没那么.; Im not that stupid!;我可没那么蠢! English is not that difficult.;英语没那么难。 72.nothing but. 就只有./除了., 啥都没有。; I did nothig but sleep all weekend.;整个周末,我除了睡觉, 啥都没做。 73Now that. 既然.; Now that you have come, you may as well stay for a couple of days
31、.; 既然你已经来了, 就呆几天吧! 74.one of the most. 最.之一。; I think she is one of the most beautiful girls Ive ever seen.; 我想她是我见过的 最漂亮的女孩之一了。 75Please dont. 请不要.; Please dont say that. Its not your fault.;请不要那样说。 那不是你的错。 Please dont make a fuss.;请不要小题大做。 76., that is to say, . 也就是说,.; Hes a workaholic, that is t
32、o say, a man who devotes all his energy to work.; 他是个工作狂,也就是说,他把全部精力 都投入到工作中。 77That reminds me. 那提醒了我/ 那让我想起了.; That reminds me I need to buy my wife a gift for her birthday. 那提醒了我要给我妻子买一件生日礼物。 That reminds me of the summer we spent on Hainan Island. 那让我想起了我们在海南岛度过的夏季。 78Thats the best. 那是最好的.; Tha
33、ts the best youll find. 那是你能找到的 最好的东西。 79Thats very. of you. 你真.; Thats very nice of you.;你真好。 80They say. 听人说/有人说.; They say the president is going to resign.;听人说总裁要辞职。 They say our manager is gay.;有人说我们经理是同性恋。 81What a.! 真是/多么.!; What a surprise!;真是意想不到! What a pretty girl!;多漂亮的姑娘啊! 82What can we
34、do to.?;我们怎样才能.? What can we do to change his mind?;我们怎样才能改变他的 想法呢? What can we do to help save the environment?;我们怎样才能保护 环境呢? 83What do you mean by.? 你.是什么意思?; What do you mean by saying that?;你那样说是什么意思呢? What do you mean by raising your voice to me?;你提高声调对我说话 是什么意思? 84What else.? 还有什么.?; What else
35、 have you heard?;你还听到了什么? What else do you want to know?;你还想知道什么? 85What.for? .是为了什么?; What did you do that for?;你那样做是为了什么? What did you come back here for?;你回来是为了什么? 86What Im saying is. 我是说.; What Im saying is that you are going to get in trouble.;我是说,你会惹麻烦的。 87What if.? 如果.怎么办?; What if I fail?;如
36、果我失败了怎么办? What if he finds out our secret?;要是他发现了我们的 秘密怎么办? 88What makes you.? 是什么让你/ 你怎么会.?; What makes you so upset?;是什么让你这么 心烦意乱啊? What makes you change your job?;你怎么会跳槽呢? 89Whats.about? .是关于什么的?; Whats this meeting about?;这次会议是关于 什么内容的? Whats all the fuss about?;干嘛大惊大怪? 90Whats wrong with.? .怎么了
37、?; Whats wrong with him?;他怎么了? Whats wrong with your eyes? Did you get in a fight?; 你的眼睛怎么了?是不是 跟别人打架了? 91Whats your favorite.? 你最喜欢的.是什么?; Whats your favorite food?;你最喜欢吃什么? Whats your favorite pastime?;你最喜欢的消遣是什么? 92When could you possibly.? 你大概什么时候能.?; When could you possibly let me know the resu
38、lt?;你大概什么时候能 告诉我结果? When could you possibly deliver the goods?;你们大概什么时候 能发货? 93When would you like to.? 你想什么时候.?; When would you like to place an order?;你想什么时候下订单? When would you like me to come?;你想我什么时候来? 94Whos.here? 这里谁是.?; Whos the manager here?;这里谁是经理? Whos the best pingpong player here?;这里谁乒乓球
39、打得最好? 95Why do you have to.?;你为什么要.? Why do you have to tell her the truth?;你为什么要告诉她真相? 96Why do you think.? 你为什么会认为.?; Why do you think he is unqualified for the job?; 你为什么会认为他 不能胜任这份工作呢? Why do you think going to English corners is useless?; 你为什么会认为去 英语角没有用? 97Why dont you.? 为什么不/何不.?; Why dont yo
40、u come with me?;为什么不跟我一起去呢? Why dont you tell him the truth?;为什么不告诉他真相呢? 98Would you like to.? 你想.吗?; Would you like to go for a walk?;你想出去散散步吗? Would you like to try some Beijing duck?;你想尝一尝北京烤鸭吗? 99Would you mind.? 你介意.吗?; Would you mind waiting for an hour or two?;请你等一两个小时, 你介意吗? Would you mind n
41、ot smoking here?;请你不要在这里 吸烟好吗? 100You shouldnt. 你不应该.; You shouldnt waste your time.;你不应该浪费时间。; You shouldnt complain so much.;你不应该有那么多抱怨。 第二节 一百个纯正时尚、 精炼达意的口语要素, 英语语言精华集中奉献!; 1All at the same time.;全部都挤在同一个时间。 2Allow me.;请让我来。 3Am I getting through to you?;你懂不懂我的意思? 4Anything you say.;好的/随你。 5Are y
42、ou ready for this?;你有心理准备吗? 6As I see it.;依我看。 7Can you handle it?;你能处理/解决吗? 8Catch you later.;以后再聊。 9Come see us again.;以后再来看我们。 10Could I join you?;我可不可以加入? 11Dear me!/Oh my!;天啊/糟了! 12Do I make myself clear?;你听得懂我的意思吗? 13Dont ask!;别提了/别问了! 14Dont be too sure.;别太肯定。 15Dont drink and drive.;不要酒后驾车。
43、16Dont even think about it.;连想都别想。 17Dont make me laugh.;别让我笑了。 18Dont speak too soon.;别说得太早。 19Every now and then/Every now and again.;有时候。 20Fine with me.;我没问题。 21Get lost!;滚开! 22Go for it.;努力干。/加油。 23Have fun! Have a good time!;玩得愉快! 24Hows it going?;你好吗?/过得怎么样? 25I am just looking.;我只是到处看看。 26I
44、dont believe this.;我真不敢相信 竟然会这样。 27I guess.;应该可以。 28Ill be back soon.;我很快就会回来。 29Is that so?;真的吗? 30It happens often.;那是常有的事。 31It is becoming traditional.;这已经逐渐成了惯例了。 32It is inconvenient.;不太方便。 33It was a stupid mistake.;那是个愚蠢的错误。 34It was a tie game. It ended in a tie.;打成平局/势均力敌。 35It was an afte
45、rthought.;事后诸葛亮。 36Its a good deal.;这是笔好交易。 37Its a significant investment.;那是一个重要的投资。 38Its either yes or no.;不是是就是否。 39Its for you.;给你的。 40Its hard to believe.;那真令人难以相信。 41Its on me.;我请客。 42Its really a different matter.;那是另一回事。 43Its water under the bridge.;事情都过去了。 44Its your best bet.;这是你最好的选择。 45Just think about it.;好好想想吧! 46Keep an eye on it.;多留心点。 47Keep in touch.;