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1、杨浦五角场小学培训五角场小学不下班新王牌四年级英语暑期班综合练四年级英语暑期班综合练习 Class_ Name_ No._ Mark_ Part 1 Listening (听力部分) 40% I. Listen and choose (选出你听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面括号内) 10% ( ) 1. A. count ( ) 2. A. cat ( ) 3. A. grey ( ) 4. A. sheep ( ) 5. A. grass ( ) 6. A. to ( ) 7. A. hard ( ) 8. A. buy ( ) 9. A. fine ( ) 10. A. big II. L

2、isten and choose (听录音,选出相应的答句,将序号填入括号内) 5% ( ) 1. A. Its smooth. B. Yes, its smooth. C. Its hot. C. I can see brown. C. Yes, I like the pie . C. No, its sweet. ( ) 2. A. Its a hard table. B. Yes, its a hard table. C. No, its a hard table. B. cant B. kite B. three B. ship B. glass B. two B. hand B. b

3、ye B. five B. bag C. can C. hat C. green C. shop C. class C. too C. head C. by C. nine C. dog ( ) 3. A. Its a brown door. B. Its brown. ( ) 5. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. ( ) 4. A. No, I like the pie. B. I like the pie. III. Listen and choose (听录音,选出你听到单词的反义词) 5% ( ) 1. A. smooth ( ) 2. A. black

4、( ) 3. A. white ( ) 4. A. hot IV. Listen and write (听音填词) 8% Supergirl and Superdog are on the _. They are_. They go to the supermarket to get some_. There is some Moon _ in the - 1 - B. soft B. red B. tall B. hard B. hard C. head C. white C. fat C. warm C. soft ( ) 5. A. smooth supermarket,but it i

5、s too hard, Superdog doesnt like it. There are some Moon _ too. They are soft and nice. Supergirl and Superdog like the Moon pie very much, they eat a lot. But _, Supermother says, get up,get up.Supergirl,_too late. Its time _ school. Oh, its a dream. What a pity! V. Listen and number (听录音,给下列句子编号)

6、7% ( ) What are they? ( ) No, theyre oranges. Have an orange, please. ( ) There are many things in my bag. ( ) Close your eyes, touch them. ( ) Thank you. I like it. ( ) OK. Are they biscuits? ( ) Its yummy! I like it too. VI. Listen and judge (听短文判断,相符的用“”,不相符用“F”表示) 5% ( ) 1. The rabbit is hard. (

7、 ) 2. The rabbit has got black hair and red eyes. ( ) 3. The rabbit likes eating green and soft grass. ( ) 4. The pineapple is not soft. ( ) 5. The rabbit likes eating grass and pineapple. Part 2 Writing (书写阅读部分) 60% I. Copy and write (正确抄写下面句子, 注意大小写变化和标点符号)9% touch the moon pie alice is it hard no

8、 II. Read and choose (选出划线部分发音不同的词) 5% ( ) 1.A.school ( ) 2.A.ship ( ) 3.A.make ( ) 4.A.listen ( ) 5.A.hot B. peach B. sheep B. paper B. swim B. soft - 2 - C. chair C. shop C. jam C. finger C. orange D. chick D. with D. cake D. pineapple D. go III. Read and write (写出划线单词的同类词)5% Look at me! I have a

9、face, I can see with my beautiful_, I can smell with my _, I can write with my ten _ , I can touch with my two _and I can read with my _. IV. Choose the best answer (选择填空) 6% ( ) 1. I _ hear a bird, but I _ see the bird. A. can, can B. can, cant C. cant, cant ( ) 2. Kitty can see a bus _some cars to

10、o. A. but B. / C. and ( ) 3. Touch the bananas. This one is soft, but that one isnt. Its_. A. soft B. hard C. smooth ( ) 4. Is this _ book? Yes, its _ book. A. your, your B. my, my C. your, my ( ) 5. There _any birds sitting on the chair. A. are B. arent C. is ( ) 6. How many _ are there? Only one_.

11、 A. children, children B. child, child C. children, child V. Read and fill in the blanks (用括号内所给词的适当形式填空) 9% 1. Touch the bag. How _ (do) it feel? 2. Feel the _ (glass). How do they feel? 3. How many _(library)are there in your school? 4. There is _(a) aeroplane in the sky. Its very high. 5. Kittys

12、friends _(have) got some bananas. They _(be) soft. 6. Look at _(I) spinner. Its colorful.(五颜六色的) 7. This plant is beautiful. It _(have) three _(leaf). VI. Read and write(用am, is, are, have, has,的适当形式填空)7% 1. I _ a good friend. Her name _ Kitty. 2. Where _ the boys? In the library. - 3 - 3. A frog _

13、four legs. Two frogs _ eight legs. 4. There _ some Moon bread in the supermarket. 5. Touch the pineapple. _ it hard? V II. Change the patterns(按要求改变句型) 14 % 1. The toys are soft and rough. (划线提问) _ _ the toys? _ _ the toys _ ? 2. The insects can fly with their wings. (划线提问) _ can the insects _ ? 3.

14、Ben can run fast with his legs. (划线提问) _ can Ben _ _ _ _ ? 4. I can use a toothpick. (一般疑问句) Can _ _ a toothpick? V III. Read and judge (阅读并判断,用T或F表示) 5% Its raining outside. Kitty, Alice and Danny are at home. They are playing with the toys and playing touching games. Kitty : Alice, touch them. How

15、 do they feel? Alice : Theyre smooth and hard. Theyre cold. They are glasses. Kitty : Bingo. Youre right. Danny, touch it. How does it feel? Danny : Its rough and soft. Oh, its bread. Kitty : Yes! Its bread. Its nice. ( ) 1. Its a fine day. ( ) 2. There are three children in the room. ( ) 3. The gla

16、sses are smooth. ( ) 4. Danny likes eating bread. ( ) 5. The bread is rough and nice. - 4 - 四年级英语暑期班综合练习 听力内容 I. Listen and choose (选出你听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面括号内) 10% ( A ) 1. How many ships? Count them please. Six ships. ( A ) 2. The cat can hear the mice with its ears. ( C ) 3. Are there any green trees

17、on the moon? No. ( B ) 4. What can you see, Peter? I can see a big ship on the sea. ( B ) 5. Give me a glass of milk, please? Here you are. ( A ) 6. Lets go to the supermarket and get some food. ( B ) 7. I can touch the glasses with my hand. ( A ) 8. I want to buy some pineapples. ( B ) 9. Can your

18、sister write? No, shes only five. ( B ) 10. Please touch the bag ,Kitty. II. Listen and choose (听录音,选出相应的答句,将序号填入括号内) 5% ( A ) 1. How does the apple feel? ( B ) 2. Is it a hard table? ( C ) 3. What colour can you see? ( B ) 4. What do you like? ( B ) 5. Is the lemon sweet? III. Listen and judge (听录音

19、,选出你听到单词的反义词) 6% ( B )1. Is the desk hard? ( A )2. What colour is the cow? Its white. ( B )3. This is my little sister, shes short. ( A )4. Its very cold on the moon. ( A )5. How do the oranges feel? Theyre rough. IV. Listen and write (听音填词) 10% Supergirl and Superdog are on the _moon_. They are_hun

20、gry_. They go to the supermarket to get some_food_. There are some Moon _bread_ in the supermarket,but they are too hard, Superdog doesnt like it. There are some Moon _pies_ too. They are soft and nice. Supergirl and Superdog like the Moon pie very - 5 - much, they eat a lot. But _listen_, Supermoth

21、er says, get up,get up.Supergirl,_youre_too late. Its time for _school_. Oh, its a dream. What a pity! V. Listen and number (听录音,给下列句子编号) 7% ( 2 ) What are they? ( 5 ) No, theyre oranges. Have an orange, please. ( 1 ) There are many things in my bag. ( 3 ) Close your eyes, touch them. ( 6 ) Thank yo

22、u. I like it. ( 4 ) OK. Are they biscuits? ( 7 ) Its yummy! I like it too. VI. Listen and judge (听短文判断,相符的用“”,不相符用“F”表示) 5% I am a rabbit. Im soft and warm. I have got white hair and two red eyes. Look at the grass. I like to eat the grass. Its green and soft. I dont like to eat pineapple . Its hard and rough. But its sweet. F F T T F - 6 -


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