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1、柏拉图思想论文中国地质大学江城学院 课程设计 从柏拉图理想国中的分析教育思想 The analysis of the education thought from Platosthe ideal country 姓 名: 吴芳玲 专 业: 英日双语 班 级: 413008070 学 号: 4130080706 ABSTRACT In the plentiful and substantial writing production of Plato, the literatures which mostly reflect his educational ideas are the ideal

2、country and law.In these papers. Plato illuminates that education must cultivates these person who protect their countries-philosopher and soldier. The educational ideas that he illuminated based on the human-nature which he thought deeply, based on the understanding of the human psychology, based o

3、n the analysis of the human personality. The content of this educational idea system come out by his theoretic understanding of concrete ultimate come out by his theoretic understanding of learnings phases. This ladder configuration of understanding make person from the imaging world move up to the

4、Highest Value (the Goodness) to be true. The purposes of education that he prescribed are double: blending the nationalism and individualism, causing up growth of the personal body and progress of moral and intellect, bringing up the personal attainment, body and minds ability, attitude and temperam

5、ent, dominator and assistant of skill and knowledge, which needed by perform the citizens responsibility. There are there parts in this article. In the first part, it mainly discusses the content of Platos educational ideas and the basic theory of philosophy. In the second part, it briefly discusses

6、 the educational ideas before that of Plato. And the third part, discusses the features of Platos education idea, then concludes the whole article and assesses the modern significance of Platos educational idea. Key words: Plato the educational idea the ideal country the idea of Good Plato is not on

7、ly a tremendous impact on Western philosophy, and its educational philosophy also made great contributions to Western civilization, subjected to the influence of philosophy. Platos educational ideas have distinctive values and characteristics of rationalism. By Platos Utopia, we can clearly understa

8、nd Platos educational philosophy and educational philosophy. 1 Theoretical basis of the philosophy of education - Philosophy 1. 1Platos theory of ideas Plato believes that in nature word the visible things are flows, but these tangible substances constitute the form or philosophy is eternal. That is

9、, each thing has its specific name. All things have in common the same name .The common principle is based on specific matters and existence. That is, Platos theory of ideas. 1.2 Platos political theory 1.2.1Theory of Justice Plato defines justice as” Everyone in the country must implement one of th

10、e most suited to his nature of job. But the right division of work is the shadow of justice. The various parts of the mind (reason, passion, desire) play each role. 1.2.2Philosopher king idea Plato Propose that the most fundamental conditions and way to Aristocracy to reform and realization. The jus

11、tice of the state is the philosopher to be king. The purpose to achieve Philosopher king is letting the slave-owning aristocracies who have knowledge can control the countrys highest authority 1.3 City-state system and its ideals Plato believed that a country must be intelligent, brave, modest and j

12、ust. These types of virtue should be a certain relationship. That is, Wisdom to become the dominant factor, Courage and wisdom to obey the guidance of intelligent. They represent the ruler, champion, and laborers, every citizen according to the talent do each own business. Dont interfere with each o

13、ther, everyone is at their own place and do their various things. The relationship between three virtue and three levels in city-state is the justice. This is a justice of the country. In the country anyone should not have private property, realize the communist system, Cancel family, and carry out

14、the same wife and same children. 2 Foundation and claims of education In Platos education is not only the process of selection the philosophy king, At the same time is also methods of identify talents, foster moral .only By through education. Can make peoples foster moral training and learning and m

15、ake every mans heart to justice Out of the blue. Anyone else in the city must be educated and trained. 2.1 The nature of education Plato argued that Education is a kind of skills make the soul as easy as possible, as effectively as possible, Education was not actually like some people claimed in the

16、ir own careers, They can put the knowledge which was without into the soul. It seems that they can put the vision in the eyes of the blind. He Compare the organ with study to the eyes. “If the whole body doesnt change direction, eyes are unable to leave to the dark light. Similarly, as a whole soul

17、must turn to change the world, until his eyes are positive to watch the true. Watch all the brightest. “Education is to trying best to make the soul turn direction , make the heart ruled out uncertainty and unpredictable interference, from perceptual things in earnest. Make the soul purification, tu

18、rning to the truth, to good ideas, to know the idea. Platos attention to the relationship between education and political, requires countries to control the education strictly. Take the education as a order tool to establish an ideal social. He advocated that is the proper political main tools to ed

19、ucation the ruling class appropriately, and must rely on education to prevent degradation of the ruling class, Education must be service for political. Education content must adapt to the needs of the slave rating system. Plato argued for the education of the good to children. As long as teach those

20、 good justice, courage, and temperance knowledge to them. This is helpful to slave owners class rule and maintain slavery regime. 2.2 The theory of education aim The aim of the ideological education of Plato and his social political thought closely together, Plato have been looking for the ideal cou

21、ntryutopia,Education goal to build the kingdom of ideal frame, Realize the kingdom of justice. In the overall goal, The main purpose of education is to cultivate rulers and protector of the ideal state who love learning and love wisdom”, The internal harmony moulds soul. Education is to cultivate ac

22、cept idea world,Know their supremeGood idea, Has the noble moral cultivation, the ruler who Patriotic. We can see, Plato education purpose is not traditional sense, training musics sharp and body cunning In kids, not through the mythology and poetry reflect human life to develop the political and pr

23、actical wisdom, But according to the basic idea of the philosophy, Claims to cultivate good idea and get real knowledge. Make the human soul paying attention to the visible world that from the observable world. the process of Education is the process of soul , away from the visible world Gradually,

24、to rise to the interfacial, gain the knowledge in appearance. 2.3 Education is the nations business Plato first to put forward a viewpoint, that is, Education and training is the event which national power attention shall be paid attention to. Then, talk about From the role of education to national,

25、 Expounds the education is the business of the cause of the state, Emphasize national leaders cant taken for granted to the great things- education. In Platos seems, the role of education to national performance in the following respects: firstly, People with a good education can be a wise man, Hand

26、le all things will follow a principle, that is, between friends all is common each other, People in the society will be harmonious relationship, National order also so stable. Secondly, Education can constantly improve the quality of citizens, So that countries like wheel rotation, forward at a fast

27、er pace generally. Thirdly, Education can make people get habit to obey the law and good behavior, to maintain the stability of the social order. He said, if children from starting to make games since by music can get to abide by the law of the spirit, and the spirit of the law which in turn against

28、 illegal entertainment, then the spirit of the law will dominate everywhere childrens behavior, they need to be healthy. Once the country what change, they will be up and restore pecking order .fourthly, Education can cultivate wisdom, courage, self-control and justice of virtue, thus maintain natio

29、nal good political order. He hope, National authorities dont spend constantly change in strength and make the law, And instead to train peoples virtue fluctuate, because virtue is a good political foundation of order, If the political order from malnutrition,” The law and the constitution is useless

30、”. 3 main characteristics of Plato education thought Firstly, Plato very stressed that the good education. His teacher Socrates special research ethics problems, Advocacy of knowledge is virtue, this thought development to Plato, Good is to the highest principle for all things, about the good knowle

31、dge-dialectics-is the highest knowledge, He needs to use the highest cognitive ability: rational. So, Platos education idea is to know good for the highest purpose, In the world of knowledge, good idea is finally showed up, And must make a big effort to see. Secondly, Plato attaches great importance

32、 to the heuristic education. In Socrates there, Dialectical method is one of the spiritual birth”. It means, when discussing knowledge and ethical questions, through the both sides ask a friend answer, Expose contradiction, and gradually know the truth. This education method by Socrates, Platos, not

33、 as wise as which, Put some ready-made knowledge, moral taught to students, But only young students, some of the knowledge of the potential congenital, virtue induce out, or lead out. Plato argued that education was not something but the translation of mind. Thirdly, Platos education thought has dis

34、tinct value orientation. Platos emphasis on education goals must be dream land of political service. From the curriculum Settings to training goal is to develop the country of the ideal state with only good citizens, The nominal ruler of the country-philosophy king- Must master the most amazing know

35、ledge. They have to keep moving forward, until it is perfect. The quality of the philosophy king is rational, soldiers should be brave and self-control, they must learn to sports and music. Sports let they brave, music let they harmonious consistent, but not to spreading. And educators (state founde

36、r) mission will make their each with their duty education them, and make the personality accomplishment accord with the needs of the country. Throughout the three characteristics of strong reason is the spirit. Only reason to know to the highest good, Also only rational talent qualified as philosophy king, Platos these thoughts, Platos these thoughts, make the whole western culture has a strong rationalism.


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