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1、一、IntroductionWe want to open a bakery likes 85 degrees C in Taiwan Institute of Technology. First, we will introduce 85 degrees C. It is Taiwan-style catering company, mainly engaged in supplying coffee and dessert. Its name means that coffee tastes best at the temperature of 85 degree centigrade ,

2、 and its set up on the basic of five-star chef and banquets specified top-level coffee .This shop is a new form of creative, it makes shop more bright with elegant lamplight , and suits with brand image, so that it can bring the consumer different feeling in the bright open space, at the same time t

3、he consumer can enjoy the sense of beauty and temptation from the delicious dessert, which will makes your sight smelling and tasting feel brand new.85 degrees C is created in 2004, and at present, 85 degrees C has became a chain of enterprise, and has more than 340 stores in Taiwan, annual operatin

4、g income is more than RMB 1.5 billion, has exceed more than 200 Starbucks in Taiwan area.Over the years, it is becoming more and more popular among consumers, especially among the young. There are a large number of students in Anyang Institute of Technology, it can meet the demands of the students n

5、eed. So if we open a store like 85 degrees C, it will have a big market.We aim to offer our high quality products at a competitive price to meet the demands of the university students.Our bakery managed by our there partners. There are Niu Xiaoxia, Li Juan and Zhang Shanshan. Each of us has a differ

6、ent responsibility.Niu Xiaoxia is in charge of the sales, marketing and supply chain, and Li Juan is in charge of the administration and finance. Zhang Shanshan is interested in bakery, so she is in charge of the quality of our products and purchase. Our bakery also intends to hire two full-time pas

7、try bakers whose duty is making bread and we also have two part-time staff to handle customer service and day to day operations.二、Products and serviceWe offer a broad range of milk, tea, coffee in high quality, and also provide freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all time. We cater to all

8、 the students demands by providing each student high quality products. And make our products suit the customers taste, down to the smallest detail.Our bakery provides freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all times during business operations. Moderate batches of bakery and pastry products a

9、re prepared during the day to assure fresh baked goods are always available. Especially in the morning, we will provide the fresh, healthy, delicious bread and milk for all the students to let them have a better breakfast.We provide a comfortable place for students to have rest. We also provide free

10、 WIFI, you can come and have fun in surfing the Internet if you take your PC or mobile phone which WIFI allow.三、Promotion and market penetrationPromotion strategies will include three parts. Including Advance publicity later publicity and activities. Advance publicity will be large-scale, high stren

11、gth and invest more. Later publicity will pay more attention to the customer relationship management. In addition to these, we will hold some specific activities planning and organization, such as sponsor the school party, in order to promote our bakery, at the same time we can also remind customers

12、 awareness through the activities. For the holidays, we will carry out targeted promotion strategies such as send leaflets and give some discounts to the customer.人员推销主要是在买卖的过程中服务员提建议,成本预测300元/月 广告印制宣传单在学校发送 成本预测500元/月 网上推销信息费在团购网和打折网上宣传成本预测500元/月 营业推广6斤以上的顾客可打折 成本预测500元/月图表1四、Market analysisThe dom

13、inant target market for our bakery is university students. Personal and expedient customer service at a competitive price is the key to maintaining the local market share of this target market.Because the students in Anyang Institute of Technology have a higher demand on food, they always like fresh

14、 and good-tasted food and they also want a comfortable place to have rest. We provide fresh baked bread. You can always see our Baker in the continuous production of bread. We also provide delicious mike tea and coffee all days, especially on the breakfast time and dinner time. And the comfortable p

15、lace for you and your friends is always available.Our bakery wants to establish a large regular customer base, and we will therefore concentrate our business and marketing on Anyang Institute of Technology students, which will be the dominant target market. This will establish a healthy, consistent

16、revenue base to ensure stability of the business.五、Financial ConsiderationsOur bakery shop expects to collect about 1500,00RMB. Mainly used for the purchase of raw materials, the loan, staff training, market promotion. We anticipate sales of about 8,4000 in the first year, and 124,000 in the second

17、year, of the plan. We should break even by the fourth month of its operation as it steadily increases its sales. So the company does not anticipate any cash flow problems.1、Fixed assets名称 数量 单价总费用(元)专制高级烧烤炉135003500一般烤炉25001000面包醒发箱115001500蛋糕展示制冷柜230006000烤罐6100600鲜奶机117001700立式制冷130003000打蛋机250010

18、00耐高温纸10101000裱花嘴2150300耐高温手套22754厨宝烤盘1020200工作台1540待添加的隐藏文字内容3540图表22、Balance sheet(见附录)六、Competitor Analysis & Main CompetitionsFrom the research we can see that there are several bakery shops around us, such as Rosemood, Hao Xiang Lai, but we can find some problems with them. On the one hand, it

19、has a very high cost. On the other hand, the environment there is too crowded. The most important reason is that there is no special bakery near our school, so we can open a bakery around.We may meet the following risks. First, the threat of potential entrants. Second, competition in this industry.

20、Third, the threat of alternative products. Fourth, the buyers bargaining power is very strong.七、ConclusionsKeys to success for our Miss Bakery ZLN bakery will include:1. Providing the highest quality products with personal customer service.2. Competitive pricing.3. Features of our products.4. Advert

21、isements and colorful activities.5. AtmosphereBecause we think that our student is not only like delicious food but also looking for high quality and fresh products in a relaxing atmosphere where they can chat with their friends, relax themselves, read some books and review their homework. We also p

22、rovide free WIFI, you can come and have fun in surfing the Internet .八、QuestionaryS1、请问您是否是本校学生?1. 是(继续) 2.否(结束)S2、请问您在本年度是否购买过面包或蛋糕?1. 是(继续) 2. 否(结束)正式问题: Q1、最近一周内您购买面包的花费大约是多少?1. 没有 2. 3元以内 3. 3.1元6元 4. 6.1元9元 5. 9元以上 Q2、您一般在什么情况下购买面包1. 食堂已经没有多少饭 2. 不想吃饭,想吃点别的 3. 节假日生活没有规律 4. 平常就爱吃面包5. 时间紧张,来不急去食堂

23、吃饭 6. 不一定什么情况下 7. 其他: Q3、您一般在哪儿购买面包?1. 学校食堂 2. 学校商店 3. 学校内的面包店 4.学校外的面包店 5.学校外的大型超市6. 其他: Q4、您在购买面包时主要看重哪些因素?(最多选三项)1. 包装 2. 品牌 3. 营养 4. 口感 5. 新鲜度 6. 购买便利性 7. 价格 8. 其他: Q5、请问您购买面包一般是什么情况下食用?1. 早饭 2.午饭 3. 晚饭 4. 晚上或其他时间段的加餐 5. 零食 6. 其他: Q6、您一次食用的面包总价大约是多少?1. 2元以内 2. 2.1元4元 3. 4.1元6元 4. 6.1元8元 5. 8元以上

24、Q7、您最喜欢的面包种类是什么样的?1. 精选原料,营养丰富2. 甜度恰当,香气宜人3. 量大价低,口感尚可4. 不好说 5、其他: Q8、您入学以来在安阳购买过蛋糕(如生日蛋糕)吗?1. 购买过(继续回答) 2. 没有(跳至第11题)Q9、您一般在什么情况下购买蛋糕?(最多选两项)1. 朋友生日 2. 恋人生日 3. 朋友聚会 4. 特殊节日(如情人节、母亲节等) 5、其他: Q10、您购买蛋糕的单价一般是多少?1. 80元以内 2. 81元120元 3. 121元160元 4. 161元200元 5. 200元以上 Q11、您更喜欢下列哪种面包、蛋糕的促销方式?1. 打折价促销 2. 免费

25、试吃 3. 赠送礼品 4. 发放优惠券 5、其他: Q12、请写出您所知道的几个面包品牌: Q13、您听说过Miss Bakery 蛋糕吗?1. 听说过 2. 没有(跳至第S1题)Q14、您购买过Miss Bakery 蛋糕的产品吗?1. 有 2.没有 Q15、您对Miss Bakery 蛋糕的印象是什么?(至少选择两项)1. 品质过硬 2. 定价合适 3. 品种丰富 4. 服务到位 5. 店内环境舒适 6. 促销花样多7. 品质一般 8. 定价较高 9. 品种较少 10.服务一般 11.店内环境一般 12. 促销较少13. 其他: Q16、您对Miss Bakery 蛋糕哪些意见或建议? 背

26、景资料:S1.性别: 1. 男 2. 女 S2.学校: 1. 安阳工学院 2. 安阳师范学院 3、安阳人文管理学院3、安阳护理学院S3.年级: 1. 大一 2. 大二 3. 大三 4. 大四S4.请问您的每月生活费大约多少?1.300元以内 2.301元-500元 3.501元-700元 4.700元以上S5.您贵姓: 联系电话: (请留下您的联系方式,以方便我们赠送礼品)访问至此结束,最后再次感谢您的帮助!九、Summary of The Questionaire1、安阳工学院学生一周用在面包上的花费由图表可看出大多数大学生一周内花在面包上的费用是3.192、安阳工学院学生购买面包的情况3、男生女生购买面包在什么情况下食用 4、一周内买面包的花费多少与购买面包时注意的因素的关系5、蛋糕的单价和购买蛋糕情况的双关性6、对Miss BakeryZLN蛋糕的印象


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