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1、毕业论文开题论荀子哲学思想论荀子“冰火相序”的儒学思想 中文系 李 晔 指导教师 赵鹏鸽 摘要 荀子是壹位如此丰富多彩的儒学大师,被时代尊称为荀卿的他,与孟子所崇尚的“性善论”针锋相对,提出了应依循礼乐教化来达到“善美相乐”境界的“性恶论”。于是乎,围绕着荀子的先秦思想,有壹连串的问题被人们所争议:荀子所代表的到底是不是继承孔子“仁”的核心思想的儒学正统;面对同样纷乱复杂的社会环境,他和孟子的观点到底谁的更符合社会与时代的需要和潮流;以及他与另壹位先秦思想家韩非说提倡的法家思想,与庄子梦幻斑斓而又磅礴大气的到家思想,甚至是远在八百多年前的西周初定,叔旦为匡扶周室,从商所保存下来的诸夏文化中汲取

2、养分,制礼做乐的“礼乐文化”;其实都与荀子儒学思想有着千丝万缕的联系,再近壹步说,无论是韩非,庄子还是周公,他们对传统的继承和发扬,都无疑被现实中社会环境打上了深深的时代烙印。 荀子的儒学思想是对传统儒家思想的壹种创新式的变革,但贰者在其内在思想的核心方面却有着高度的重叠与壹致。正是在这种“德治”与“礼节”的交相辉映,王道与霸道的冰火两重之中,儒家学说发展被拔升到前所未有的高度,也正是这样才会出现后来汉朝董仲舒所主张的“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”历史篇章! 关键词: 儒家思想;善美相乐论;礼乐教化说;功利主义;封建王权;艺术形式; 1 The Dissertation Of the Ice and

3、Fire by Xuncius Of Confucianism ABSTRACT Xuncius is a so rich and colorful Confucianism master, was known as theXun Qing era he, give tit for tat and Mencius advocated good nature, put forward the theory of evil human nature should follow the music educationto achieve good and beautiful music realm

4、. Then, around the pre Qinthought of Xunzi, is one of a series of problems are people dispute: Xunzi environment,he represent what of is core thought is the not inherited Confucius benevolence same complicated social the Confucian orthodoxy; face and Mencius view exactly who satisfies the needs and

5、trends of society and times; and he and the other a pre Qin thinkers advocated by Han Feisaid the legalist thought, and Chuang-tzus beautiful and majestic atmosphere of the Taoism, even far more than 800 years ago in the Western Zhou Dynasty initially, uncle Dan Kuang Fu Zhou room, draw nutrients to

6、 save the business by Zhu Xia culture, ritual music do the ritual and music culture; in fact, all with Xunzis Confucianism has have all kinds of connections with contact, again near one step to say, whether it is Han Fei, Chuang-tzu or duke, they are the traditional inheritance and carry forward, al

7、l will be social environment in reality marked by deep brand of the times. Xuncius Confucian thought is a kind of innovation to the traditional Confucian thoughts change, but two in the inner core of thought has itsoverlap with a highly favorable. It is in this rule of virtue andmanagement system, a

8、dd radiance and beauty to each other kingcraft and overbearing the twofold, Confucianism is pulled up to hitherto unknown height, it is in this way will appear later Han Dong Zhongshuadvocated deposed 100, only Confucianism history chapter! Keywords: Confucianism; good and beautiful music education;

9、 utilitarianism; feudal monarchy; art form; theory; music 2 目录 摘要 . 1 ABSTRACT . 2 目录 . 3 前言 . 4 一 、荀子提倡儒学思想概述 . 5 二 、“恰逢其时”的思想新变 . 6 由“外在之礼”到“内在之仁”. 6 从“善美相乐”看“性论本原”. 8 三 、荀子儒学思想新变的特征 . 9 促成文学艺术的现实主义化. 9 “五声八音”式的中和思想. 11 四 、荀子儒学思想的历史演绎 . 12 ( 一) 封建王权专制统治的“通行证”. 12 ( 二) 制约着文学形式美的“绊脚石”. 13 结语 . 14 参考文献 . 15 致 谢 . 16 3 4


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