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1、民航英语1习民航英语1习题1 一、短语翻译 1. 登机桥 2. 控制塔台 3. 中国南方航空公司 4. 螺旋桨飞机 5. 行李签 6. 无人伴随行李 7. 安检员 8. 报关表 9. 写信 10. 安检员 11. 接受海关检查 12. 订座代理 二、单选题 1. This paper is made _ rice straw. A. out of B. from C. in 2. We should _ together in times of difficulty. A. take 第 1 页 共 10 页 B. hold C. turn 3. Two birds escaped _ the

2、ir cage. A. from B. with C. out 4. She is going to _ that new dress. A. try out B. try on C. try for 5. Although Henry was tired, he went _ studying. A. in B. at C. on 6. I have _ a great progress in my English studies. A. done B. got C. made 7. Mary is not here. She _ to Paris. A. went B. has gone

3、C. has been 第 2 页 共 10 页 8. They have done _ work these days. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too 9. There _a book and some magazines on the desk. A. is B. are C. have D. has 10. _her and then try to copy what she does. A. Mind B. See C. Stare at D. Watch 11. _ is the temperature today?

4、A. What B. How C. How many D. How much 12. I _my homework this time yesterday evening. A. were doing 第 3 页 共 10 页 B. was to do C. am doing D. was doing 三、完型填空 With everyday that goes _1_, the world population is growing. We demand _2_ from our natural resources, with the result that the resources of

5、 the earth _3_ out of. In many cases, the _4_ of land has been reduced by human activities, and deserts are _5_. One _6_ of the planets land surface consisits of dry land and _7_ about 7000 million people. Almost one _8_ ten of these people lives on land _9_ is poorly irrigated. Forests are _10_, li

6、vestock over-grazes _11_ the land and destroys vegetation (植物). However, if the lands _12_ to support agriculture, their output could be _13_at least 20 billion dollars a year. Furthermore, the expense of controlling the spread of deserts needs no more _14_ 2.5 billion dollars. _15_ at present the f

7、unds which are made available are _16_ than quarter of that amount. Governments in many countries dont invest the necessary _17_. One reason is that people who live in these _18_ are very poor. They have little political influence and most national leaders know that they do nothing _19_ threaten the

8、 system if their needs _20_. 第 4 页 共 10 页 1. A. after B. by C. down D. of 2. A. most and most C. more and more B. many and many D. much and much C. have been run 3. A. are being run B. are running D. ran 4. A. ability 5. A. becoming 6. A. three 7. A. supports 8. A. from 9. A. where 10. A. cut back 1

9、1. A. on 12. A. continues 13. A. worthwhile 14. A. over 15. A. Yet 16. A. fewer 17. A. areas 18. A. farms 19. A. to 20. A. ignore B. output C. quality B. increasing C. decreasing B. threes C. third B. survives C. keeps B. to C. of B. which C. in which B. cut out C. cut down B. in C. about B. continu

10、ed C. is continuing B. worth of C. worthy B. about C. as B. Therefore C. Still B. little C. less B. funds C. need B. forests C. countries B. as to C. up to B. will be ignored C. are ignored 第 5 页 共 10 页 D. input D. raising D. thirds D. provides D. out of D. on which D. cut off D. from D. has continu

11、ed D. worth D. than D. Thus D. few D. time D. desert areas D. but to D. are ignoring 四、阅读理解题 Helen Keller was a very bright and beautiful girl. At the age of six months she could already say a few words. But before she was two years old, she was badly ill. She could not see or hear, and soon she cou

12、ld not even talk. Since then Helen had to fight for what she wanted. When she was six, her parents invited a teacher for her. With the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands. She learned to read the books for the blind. The teacher took Helen for long w

13、alks and told her about all the beautiful sights. Helen touched flowers, climbed trees and smelled a storm before it came. She also learned how to swim and ride a horse. After she grew up, she became a famous writer in America. Her first and most famous book is “The Story of My Life”. Her story has

14、brought new hope to many blind and deaf people. It gave light to those in darkness and encouraged them to live and work. 1. When could Helen Keller already say a few words? _ A. At the age of two. B. At the age of a year and a half. C. At the age of six months. D. When she was six years old. 2. Why

15、couldnt Helen see or hear later? _ A. Helen was badly ill. 第 6 页 共 10 页 B. She had a traffic accident. C. Helen was very tired. D. She became very lazy. 3. How could Helen begin to see and hear the world around her? _ A. With the help of her parents. B. With the help of her uncle. C. With the help o

16、f her friends. D. With the help of her teacher. 4. After Helen grew up, she became a famous_. A. doctor B. scientist C. singer D. writer 5. Her story is quite important to _ people A. ordinary B. abled C. disabled D famous 五、介词填空题 1. My father will be back _(1)_ two weeks. 2. Have you heard _(2)_Joh

17、n recently? 第 7 页 共 10 页 3. I have no money _(3)_ me, so I cant lend any _(4)_ you. 4. Everyone agree _(5)_you _(6)_ your plan. 六、汉译英 1. 我们经常坐火车旅行。 2. 请不要打开窗户。 3. 玛丽有许多奇怪的想法。 4. 他用木头做了个箱子。 5. 飞机大约在两小时后可以离开。 七、作文 根据所给题目,写一篇100-120字的作文。作文分三段写,每段的第一句话如下: 1. Friendship is important to people. 2. Friends

18、hip can help us grow and make us work hard. 3. Friendship can ease our pain or sorrow. 第 8 页 共 10 页 民航英语1习题1答案 一、短语翻译题 1) a boarding bridge 2) a control tower 3) the China Southern Airlines 4) a propeller plane 5) a baggage check 6) unaccompanied baggage 7) a security guard 8) a customs declaration

19、9) write a letter 10) a security guard 11) go through the customs inspection 12) a reservations agent 二、单项选择题 1.B 2.B 3A 三、完型填空题 1.B 6.C 2.C 7.A 3.A 8.D 第 9 页 共 10 页 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.D 4.B 9.B 5.B 10.C 11.A 16.C 12.B 17.B 13.D 18.D 14.D 19.A 15.A 20.C 四、阅读理解题 题号 答案 五、介词填空题 题号 答案 六、 汉译英 1. We often travel by train. 2. Please dont open the window. 3. Mary has a lot of funny ideas. 4. He made a box out of wood. 5. The plane will leave in about two hours. 七、作文 Friendship 1 in 2 from 3 with 4 to 5 with 6 to 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 D 5 C 第 10 页 共 10 页


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