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1、求职申请书 Application for Employment 求职申请书 申请职位: Position applied for: 1. 2. 个人信息Personal Information 中文名: 英文名: 性别: 民族: Name in Chinese: Name in English: Gender: Ethnic: 籍贯: 国籍: 户口所在地: 参加工作时间: Origin: Nationality: Registered Resident: Date of Work: 照片 Photo 身份证/护照号码: 个人档案存放地及社会保险情况: ID/Passport Number:

2、Personal File & Social Insurance: 手机: 电话: 电子邮件: Mobile: Tel: E-mail: 现居住地址: 邮编: Current Residence Address: Postcode: 目前工作单位地址: 可到任工作时间: Current Employer Address: Available Date of Employment 健康状况 身高 体重 视力 左 右 Health condition: Height : Weight: Eyesight: left right 工作经历Employment Record 请由现职开始填写Pleas

3、e list employment record in reverse chronological order. 起止日期 Period(Y/M) 工作单位 Organization 部门 Dept. 职务 Position 离职原因 Reason for Leaving 教育经历Education Background 起止日期 Period(Y/M) 学校名称 School 专业 Specialty 学历 Level 起止日期 培训机构 Page 1 of 4 课程 资格证书 培训及资格证书 Trainings & Certificates Period(Y/M) Training Org

4、anization Course Certificate 评价个人工作风格 Self-evaluation about Working Style 语言能力Language Proficiency 请列出语言及熟练程度Please indicate the languages you know and degree of proficiency. 个人优、缺点 Merit/Demerit about Yourself 兴趣爱好Hobbies and Interests 为更好地了解申请人的期望,请协助填写以下资料。 Could you please help us to become a pr

5、eferred employer by completing the following? 目前/最近一份工作的薪水Present/Last Monthly Salary(RMB) 是否对原单位得到的薪酬和福利满意吗?对求职职位薪水和福利的要求,请说明原因。 Are you satisfied with the salary and benefits? Salary and benefits on the job requirements of positions 与前任雇主的关系With Previous Employer 福利补贴情况 Benefits 佣金或奖金情况 (lunch, tr

6、ansportation, mobile, insurance etc.) Commission or Bonus Page 2 of 4 申请人与前任雇主有无任何形式的纠纷或瓜葛? 如有,请说明。 Have you cleared all the separation formalities with your previous employer (s)? 奖励或过失Awards or Misconduct 申请人得到过奖励或过失教训吗? 如果是,请说明。 从自己的经验中学习是难能可贵的。 Any awards or disciplinary action received? If yes,

7、 please specify. 健康状况Health Status 申请人的身体状况如何?请打勾。非常好 比较好 一般 较差 How is your health? Please tick. Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor ( ) 是否有当年体检证明? Are Physical Examination Records this year available? 申请人是否曾经患过重病、传染病、受过伤,或经历过手术?请说明。 Have you had any serious illness, infectious disease, injuries or

8、 operations? (If yes, please explain) 家庭成员Family Members 姓名 Name 关系 Relationship 年龄 Age 工作单位 Company 职位 Position 紧急联系人Contacts for Emergency 姓名 Name 本酒店任职亲友 Relatives or friends if employed by our hotel. 姓名 Name 推荐人References 关系 Relationship 部门 Department 职位 Position 电话 Contact No. 关系 Relationship 联

9、络地址及邮编 Address and Postcode 联络电话 Contact No. Page 3 of 4 姓名 Name 请仔细阅读此声明Please Read the Declaration Carefully 本人在此声明,此求职申请书内所呈资料全部真实正确。本人理解任何虚假或不属实信息都有可能导致不被雇用。本人授权贵酒店对此申请书所有信息进行核查。 I declare that all the information given in the Application for Employment is true and correct to the best of my know

10、ledge. I understand that any misinterpretation or omission of facts called for herein will be sufficient cause for cancellation of consideration for employment. I accept the information in the Application checked by the Hotel. 本人已阅读上述内容,并做上述声明。 I have read and declared the information above. 公司 Comp

11、any 职位 Position 电话 Contact No. 相识时间 Years known 申请人签字Applicants Signature 日期 Date 以下由人力资源部完成。(Below for Human Resources Depts completion only) 第一次面试意见: 推荐 不推荐 The first interview comments Recommend Regret 其他 Others: 面试者:_ Interviewer 附件: 部门经理面试表 日期:_ Date Attachment: Interview Assessment Form Departmental Interview 备注 Remarks: 录用日期_ 衣柜号码 _ _ 考勤卡号_ 工号_ Accepted Date Locker No. Attendance Card No. Code Page 4 of 4


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