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1、汉语言文学专业毕业论文开题报告的模板 汉语言文学专业毕业论文开题报告的模板 题 目:浅谈贾宝玉与西门庆的悲剧性 姓 名:自己名字 指导老师:老师名字 专 业:汉语言文学教育 系 别:中文 年 级:自己年级 1 课题论证 (1)国内外研究现状 中国的两大世情小说红楼梦、金瓶梅。对他们的研究是中国古代小说研究领域中的两大学术热点。被称为中国第1奇书的金瓶梅从106世纪末问世后,研究者1开始不是很多,但是随着中国学术的从古典向现代转型,随着小说价值观念的变革与更新。对金瓶梅的研究渐渐的由微入深,被学术界称为“金学”。并受到国外学者的高度重视。现如今的外文译本有英、法、德、意、拉丁、芬兰、俄、日、朝、


3、悲剧,爱情悲剧,人物性格,个性化的文学语言,写实与诗化的融合,浑融1体的网状结构做出了大量的归纳和探究。然而,贾宝玉与西门庆作为是红楼梦和金瓶梅的两位男主人公。国内外的众多评论者都对其2人的人物形象,语言风格,现实原型,性格内涵,性的体验,个人悲剧等都做出了归纳和探究。红楼梦作为是金瓶梅的1个延续、1个发展,它的男主人公贾宝玉与西门庆有着1定的联系,对其2人的研究在今后应趋向于2人的社会悲剧,人类悲剧,男人悲剧的诠释及分析。 (2)现实意义 金瓶梅作为是中国的第1奇书,自问世以后,就为中国的世情小说的发展奠定了基础,并且把我国长篇小说的发展划分成了才子佳人的故事和家庭生活为题材描摹世态的及以社

4、会生活为题材、用讽刺笔法来暴露社会黑暗的两大派系。而红楼梦在批判的继承了金瓶梅的才子佳人小说的创作经验后又有了重大的突破。成为了世情小说最伟大的作品。在“54”文学革命者做出了新的评价,鲁迅等阐述了红楼梦的现实主义精神和杰出成就后,使红楼梦的现实主义精神得以回归。直到现在,红楼梦、金瓶梅仍是许多作家永远读不完、永远值得读的好书。成为中国作家创作出高水平的作品的不可多得的借鉴品。然而,探讨两大名著的男主人公贾宝玉与西门庆的悲剧性,可以对两大名著中的社会悲剧,人类悲剧,男人悲剧更好的认识和了解,以供后人借鉴。从而启发后世的世情小说的创作,使今后的世情小说创作中的人物悲剧性达到1个更高的巅峰。 2

5、方案设计 (1)总论 没有金瓶梅就写不出红楼梦,从红楼梦与金瓶梅题材类似的角度引出中心论点。 (2)分论 全文分3个部分 第1部分:阐述西门庆的悲剧性 西门庆1个市井无赖、流氓、淫棍,1个精明的商人,靠着他对金钱的占有肆意的挥霍、放纵,以自我为中心来实现他对肉欲放纵,及其通过金钱获得了强大的权利,随意的鄙弃人间,在此背后所体现出的社会的黑暗、腐败。构成了其特有的社会悲剧、人类悲剧、男人的悲剧。 第2部分:阐述贾宝玉的悲剧性 贾宝玉1块晶莹剔透的宝玉1个显耀的贵族,他的个性、他的自我、他对女孩子的尊崇迫使他与封建传统相背道。他作为荣国府的唯1继承人,他肩负着荣国府的全部希望。但是他自身的性格特点

6、,使他成为了“大逆不道的不肖子。” 第3部分:论证传统的价值观、传统的伦理观与贾宝玉、西门庆的悲剧性 传统的价值观、传统的伦理观,在贾宝玉与西门庆的行为中被肆意的践踏,新兴的与传统的极大的对立,但是封建的旧势力是无比强大的,最终,贾宝玉是失败的,西门庆是失败的,形成1个永恒的悲剧。 (3)总论 总括全文,证实论点 知识拓展 师范类本科毕业论文开题报告范文 本选题的研究意义和应用价值: 任何专业技能的学习都必须建立在基础知识学习之上。当前,新课程改革要求学生要全面发展,提高综合能力和素质。艺术教育作为一项专业技能教育,成为许多学生和家长眼中的热点。但是,我们应该清楚的看到,现在许多艺术院校的学生

7、基础知识比较薄弱,基本知识掌握较差,再加上艺术院校在录取生源时比较看中学生的艺术能力,对文化基础知识要求比较低,所以造成艺术院校的学生文化素质相对较低。为了学生以后走上工作岗位不出现瘸腿现象,加强艺术教育中的文化素质显得比较重要和具有现实意义。 本选题的研究现状: 学者普遍关注艺术教育从生涯规划的角度关注学生的完满性发展,不仅注重学生专业知识和职业能力的培养,同时注重从情感、意志、情绪、伦理各方面对学生的人格做全面的规划和引导,使之在社会适应能力、综合能力、创新能力以及情感、价值观等各方面平衡发展,进而成为一个完善的社会人。这体现了艺术教育应从过去培养单纯的专业人才转变为培养专业人文者。这种教



10、对专业化教育、机械性文化、技术性理性构成强有力的文化制衡上。论文范文 自己的见解: 笔者认为,艺术教育中重视文化素质无可厚非,因为任何技能的产生和发展,都与基础知识和文化密不可分,艺术教育也是建立在基础文化知识之上的。但是,现在学者们的研究只盯在论理上,从理论的高度进行分析和论证。其实,从实证的角度更能说明艺术教育中文化素质的重要性和地位更应如何。所以,作者对艺术教育需要哪些文化知识进行了分析和重构,也愿更好的为艺术教育中渗透文化素质建言献策。 研究的主要内容: 一、艺术教育中文化素质缺失及其表现 (一)历史文化知识缺乏,吸收借鉴人类先进文化的自觉意识不强,文化底蕴支撑薄弱 (二)哲学知识不足

11、,创新思维迟钝,思想僵化 (三)文学素养和艺术鉴赏水平不高,人文情怀不足,人格影响力欠缺 (四)心理学伦理学知识欠缺,精神意志不够坚定,应对复杂情况的能力不强 二、艺术教育中增强文化素质的思考 (一)将审美教育与传统文化教育相结合 (二)突出审美教育对培养大学生正确审美观的作用 (三)强化大学生的人格塑造与社会责任感相联系 三、结语 主要研究方法:访谈法、调查法、归纳法、演绎法、经验总结法等。 1、以定性研究为主,辅以定量分析 2、静态研究和动态研究相结合 3、理论研究与实际运用相结合 Chinese language and literature professional graduatio

12、n thesis opening report template Purpose: introduction to the tragedy of jia baoyu and west door celebrate Name: his name Instructor: the teacher name Industry: Chinese language and literature education Dont: Chinese Grade: your grade 1 subject argument (1) the research status at home and abroad Two

13、 of the Chinese novel dream of red mansions, jin ping mei. Of their research is the ancient Chinese novels two academic hotspot in the field of study. Known as Chinas first writing jin ping mei from the late 106 after the advent of researchers at 1 is not a lot, but as the Chinese academic from the

14、classical to the modern transformation, as the novel values changes and updates. The study of jin ping mei gradually by micro into a deep, academia called kiminology. And by the foreign scholars pay great attention to. Foreign language translation of today has English, French, German, Italian, Latin

15、, Finland, Russia, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia and other 10 a few kinds of practice. Every aspect of its made significant research, as the history of the development of Chinese popular fiction a great innovation. Many critics at home and abroad and the era, the author, and to expose the social c

16、ontradictions and section distortion of human nature, in the novel, the tragic depiction of sex, character portrayal, the use of language, and the formation of the mesh structure to make a lot of induction and explored. Between a dream of red mansions and jin ping mei has 10 points clear of the rela

17、tionship between inheritance and development. A dream of red mansions is a breakthrough of jin ping mei. Caused many people to comment and study interest, a dream of red mansions and formed a kind of special learning - redology. A dream of red mansions is a great work belongs to China, also belong t

18、o the world. A dream of red mansions in a foreign country has many translations: Britain, France, Japan and other 10 kinds of language translation. And domestic and international numerous commentators to its version, the author, and its social tragedy, the tragedy in life, love tragedy, the characte

19、r, personalized language of literature, realism and poetic, muddy reticular structure of melt 1 to make a lot of induction and explored. Jia baoyu and west door celebrate, however, is a dream of red mansions and jin ping mei two male protagonist. At home and abroad of many commentators have 2 people

20、 to its characters, language style, realistic prototype, personality connotation, sexual experience, personal tragedy and so on all has made the induction and explored. As a dream of red mansions is a continuation of jin ping mei, a development, it is the hero of jia baoyu had 1 set of connection wi

21、th the west door celebrate, the study of the two people in the future should be 2 people tend to be social tragedy, human tragedy, interpretation and analysis of men tragedy. (2) practical significance Jin ping mei, as is the Chinese writing 1, since the advent, has laid a solid foundation for the d

22、evelopment of the Chinese novel, and divide the development of Chinese novels into beauties stories and to depict the general theme of family life and social life as the theme, with the technique irony to expose the social darkness of the two factions. And a dream of red mansions in the critical inh

23、eritance of jin ping mei beauties novels creation experience again after a major breakthrough. Became the traditional novels greatest work. Makes a new evaluation in the 54 literary revolutionaries, such as lu xun, this paper expounds the realistic spirit and outstanding achievement of a dream of re

24、d mansions, make a dream of red mansions of realism spirit to be able to return. Until now, a dream of red mansions, jin ping mei is still many writers read forever, forever is worth reading a good book. Become the Chinese writers works to create high levels of rare reference. However, this paper di

25、scusses the hero of the two classics, the tragedy of jia baoyu and west door celebrate and for social tragedy in the two classics, human tragedy, tragedy man better knowledge and understanding, to provide reference for the later generations. To inspire future generations of the traditional novel wri

26、ting, make strong the characters in the novel creation in the future the tragic reached a higher peak. 2 the project design (1) general Cant write without jin ping mei out of a dream of red mansions, from a dream of red mansions and jin ping mei similar Angle leads to central argument. (2) theory Th

27、e full text is divided into three parts Part 1: in this paper, the west door celebrate the tragic West door celebrate a common rogue, rogue, immoral man, a shrewd businessman, by his possession of money recklessly squandered, indulgence, self-centered to realize his sensual indulgence, and through t

28、he money received a strong power, casual spitting, embodied by the social darkness and corruption. Form its unique social tragedy, human tragedy, the tragedy of the man. Part 2: in this paper, the tragedy of jia baoyu Jia baoyu 1 piece glittering and translucent get rid of the treasure jade a blatan

29、t aristocrat, his personality, his ego, his respect for girls forced him with feudal traditional backsliding. He as only 1 line of rong-guo mansion, his shoulder the rong-guo mansion of all hope. But his own personality, so that he became a profoundly stupid son. Part 3: demonstrate the traditional

30、values of jia baoyu, west door celebrate, traditional ethics and tragic Traditional values, the traditional ethics, in the act of jia baoyu and west door celebrate being wanton trample, emerging with the traditional great opposition, but the old feudal forces are immensely powerful, in the end, jia

31、baoyu was a failure, the west door celebrate a failure, form a tragedy of the eternal. (3) general Sum up the full text, prove argument knowledge expansion Normal class undergraduate course graduation thesis opening report model essay This topic research significance and application value: Any profe

32、ssional skills learning must be based on basic knowledge learning. At present, the new curriculum reform requires students to develop in an all-round way, improve the comprehensive ability and quality. Art education as a professional skill education, is becoming a hot spot of many students and paren

33、ts eyes. But we should clearly see that now many art college students the basic knowledge is weak and poor basic knowledge, coupled with the art colleges in admission students when compared to the students ability of art, low requirement to the basic knowledge of culture, so the cause of art college

34、s students cultural quality is relatively low. Later dont appear to be going to work for students lame phenomenon, strengthen the cultural quality of art education is more important and has practical significance. The research situation of this topic: Scholars generally focus on art education from t

35、he Angle of career planning, pay attention to students full development, not only pay attention to the cultivation of the students professional knowledge and professional ability, at the same time the attention from students from all parties in emotion, will, emotion, ethical personality do overall

36、planning and guidance, make the social adaptation ability, comprehensive ability, innovation ability and emotion, values and so on various aspects balanced development, to become a social person. It embodies the art education should cultivate merely professional talents to cultivate professional hum

37、anities. This kind of education idea transformation inevitably cause art education series of curriculum reform and consolidation. Scholars think that advocates the spirit of the humanities spirit and the innovation should be the development of art education guiding ideology. To improve students huma

38、nistic quality depends on the humanities education. To strengthen humanistic education, helps to cultivate the students sense of social responsibility, helps to cultivate students perfect personality, help to improve the students mental state, art colleges and universities is the cradle of culture a

39、nd art, is a fertile soil, promote human civilization should improve students humanistic quality as the fundamental task. But unfortunately, we have been do not attach importance to the improvement of students comprehensive quality, especially the cultivation of humanistic quality, the one-sided emp

40、hasis on practical skills education and neglect humanities education, may make our students develop into a technical tool for virtuous people. The scholar thinks, humanities education especially education of art major is to cultivate and enhance students ability of thinking in images. Also some scho

41、lars believe that art education is a long process of development, to make clear the development direction of he and basic task. Art discipline construction is not vulgar, but should pay attention to fine effect. Meet artists, art colleges and universities comprehensive university is committed to cul

42、tivate art theory researchers, under the double track comprehensive development, research, reform, pay attention to interdisciplinary, artistic education from the Angle of macroscopic overall research, establish the status of arts. To clear understanding to the basic task of the art education should

43、 be: art education to college students, improve the comprehensive quality of the whole university students. Dr LAN thought quality of nankai university, college of liberal arts education series of art education should www.fukong.org be more prominent its function of psychological education, emotion

44、education, aesthetic education, plays its role as cultural balance and innovation factors, promote peoples free and comprehensive development. She thinks the mass popularity for the college students of art theory, art history, art appreciation education, focus on promoting college students all-round

45、 development, on to the machinery specialized education, culture, constitute a strong culture of checks and balances the technical rationality. Thesis this viewpoint Own opinion: The author believed that art education attaches great importance to the cultural quality is understandable, because of th

46、e emergence and development of any skills, and knowledge and culture are inseparable, art education is based on the basic cultural knowledge. But now, the scholars research on ethical issues, from the height of the theory analysis and demonstration. Actually, from the perspective of empirical more c

47、an illustrate the importance of cultural art education quality and status should be how to. So, the author analyses the art education need what cultural knowledge and refactoring, also may penetrate culture quality in better for art education make recommendations. The main content of the research: A

48、 lack of cultural quality education and its performance, the arts (a) the lack of historical and cultural knowledge, absorb the advanced culture of human consciousness is not strong, weak culture support (2) insufficient knowledge of philosophy, creative thinking, rigid (3) the literary accomplishment and artistic appreciation level is not high, lack of humanity, lack of personality influence (4) lack of knowledge, psychology of eth


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