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1、江苏省赣榆县门河中学年级英语下册Unit7InternationalCharitiesTask学案牛津Unit7 International Charities Task 学习目标: 1. 能根据一系列图片提示,描述有关ORBIS工作的具体细节。 2.会通过组织语言和描述性文字,写一篇关于一个印度女孩的报告。 学习难点:如何根据图片选用适当的关联词串联故事 学习过程: 课前预习导学 1.朗读范文,体会文章含义 备 注 2.预习教材,回答问题 (1) What did Diana do in the past? (2)Why did Diana seldom take the plane? (3

2、)How did she learn about the Flying Eye Hospital? 课堂学习研讨 Step1 Leading in What does this logo stand for? ORBIS即国际奥比斯组织。国际奥比斯组织 (Project Orbis - ORBIS) 是一个致力于为世界各国盲人和眼疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,它的宗旨是“使全球失明者重见光明”。 Would you like to do charity work? What would you like to do for others? Can you help others solve

3、their problems? Step 2 Finish Part A A Amy wants to write about the work of an ORBIS nurse called Diana for her class presentation. She found these pictures of Diana. Can you describe these pictures in your own words? Step 3 Finish Part B 1. B Amy wrote a report on Diana and her charity work. Read h

4、er article and complete the table. Remember to put one word in each blank. Changes in Dianas life In the worked as a (1) _ past was afraid of (2) _ 1 learnt about ORBIS on (3) _ trained as a (4) _ and attended (5) _ after work At present gets used to (6) _ by plane (7) _ being able to help people se

5、e again makes her life more (8) _ 2. Read Amys report and try to retell the report. Diana was once One day, Now, Diana thinks that Step 4 Language points 1. She wanted to help poor people with eye problems see again, so she made up her mind to train as a nurse and attended courses after work. 短语make

6、 up ones mind 意思是“作出决定,下定决心”。 2. She is getting used to travelling by plane. 短语be/get used to something/doing something意思是“习惯于,适应”。 Step 5Writing Do you still remember UNICEF?Search for information on the Internet. You can also use the information below. Use Amys report as a model. Name: Mandeep Cou

7、ntry: India Family: many children, poor In the past: used to work on the farm all day, could not read or write One day: a UNICEF officer came and learnt about the conditions of the local people. Now: entered a school, can read and write Future: hopes to become a teacher Sample Writing Mandeep is a g

8、irl from India. She used to work on the farm all day. Her family had many children and was very poor, so Mandeep did not 2 go to school and she could not read and write. One day, a UNICEF worker came to Mandeeps village and learnt about the conditions of the local people. He said it was important fo

9、r children to receive education. He wanted all the children in the village to learn to read. Three weeks later, Mandeep entered a local school. Now, she goes to school every day. She can read and write. She enjoys school and is grateful to UNICEF for helping her. Mandeep says that she hopes to becom

10、e a teacher in the future. 当堂训练巩固 单项选择 ( )1. By children to from good habits, we hope they can become great people. A. train B. training C. trains D. trained ( )2. Would you mind the music a little? Dont you think its too loud? Sorry! Ill do it in a minute. A. turning on B. turning in C. turning up

11、D. turning down ( )3. Im very sorry,Alllen. I cant find your favourite CD. ,Tom. Ill go and buy another one. A. It doesnt matter B. Dont say that C. Sure D. You are kidding ( )4.Nothing can me from doing this. Which of the following words CANNOT be used? A. keep B. prevent C. stop D. protect ( )5. t

12、he machine for keeping the house warm? A. Do; use B. Is; using C. Is; used D. Did; use ( )6. Dr Yang worked three years ago. A. in hospital B. at hospital C. in a hospital D. on a hospital ( )7. Can I use your knife? . I am using it now. A. I am afraid so B. I am afraid not C. I hope not D. I hope s

13、o. ( )8. The boy is not good at reading Writing. A. and B. but C. with D. or ( )9. His sister is afraid having a maths lesson. A. from B. of C. by D. with ( )10. Im sorry that I shouted at you this moring. , but please dont get angry so often. A. All right B. No problem C. Never mind D. With pleasur

14、e 拓展延伸提高 3 阅读理解 The short play Here Is Your Bag is very interesting. It is about a careless woman. She drives to work every day. She usually parks (停放) her car in the street. One day on her way home, she finds a yellow car following her. The driver is a big man. When she turns left, the yellow car a

15、lso turns left. When she turns right, the yellow car turns right, too. When she stops at the traffic lights, the yellow car stops behind. The woman is afraid, so she drives quickly to the police station, but the yellow car still follows her car. Then she jumps out of the car quickly and runs to a po

16、liceman in police uniform. She asks the policeman for help. The policeman runs to the yellow car quickly and asks the man what he is doing. Just then the driver in the yellow car comes out and says to the policeman, I want to give back this bag to her. She drops it on the street. ( )1. Here Is Your

17、Bag is the name of a _. A. film B. book C. play D. newspaper ( )2. How does the woman go to work every day? A. By bus. B. By car. C. By train. D. On foot. ( )3. What does the woman think of the man at first? A. She thinks he is a kind man. B. She thinks he is a policeman. C. She thinks he is a bad m

18、an. D. She thinks he is a clever man. ( )4. Why does the woman go to the police station? A. Because she wants to find her bag. B. Because she cannot find her way. C. Because a policeman waits for her there. D. Because she finds a car following her. ( )5. Where does the woman get back her bag? A. In her office. B. In the street. C. In the mans office D. In the police station. 课后反思改进 4 5


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