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1、治愈系英语美句治愈系英语美句 What they call a way out, is go out for a walk. 所谓出路,就是出去走走就有路。 You cant judge my choices without knowing my reasons. 你不清楚我的理由,就别对我的选择指指点点。 Instead of wiping away your tears, wipe away the people who made you cry. 与其抹眼泪,不如抹掉那个让你流泪的人。 There are three sides to every story. My side, your

2、 side, and the truth. 每一个故事都有三个版本。我的版本,你的版本,和事实。 Theres a thin line between companionship and support and dependency. 互相扶持还是太过依赖,只在一念之间。 Happiness does not depend on how much things you need to have, but in whether have what all can find happiness. 快乐并不在于你需要拥有多少东西,而在于无论拥有什么都能找到快乐。 Some of the best m

3、oments in life are those that you can not tell anyone. 生命中总有一些最美好的时光,是谁也不能告诉的。 I am a strong person but every now and then I also need someone to take my hand and say everything will be alright. 纵然我是个坚强的人,也需要有人时不时地牵起我的手,告诉我一切都会好起来的。 A persons heart, the safest place to be, is his own chest. 一个人的心,最安

4、全的去处,便是自己的胸腔。 Live like Spongebob, laugh out loud all day without any reason, and annoy the mean people with your happiness. 要像海绵宝宝一样活着,整天没头没脑地大笑,用快乐去烦死那些讨厌的人。 Maybe some things arent meant to be known. maybe there just meant to be accepted. 也许有些事实并不是用来理解的,它们只需要被接受。 Forgiving is for you, for your in

5、ner peace. You cannot control what someone did in the past, but you can examine what you are doing right now. 宽恕只是为了让自己的内心平静,别人在过去做过什么是你无法控制的,但是你现在在做什么是完全可以由自己来把握的。 You can continue living where you are, without making external changes in your life, and yet attain inner peace. 你可以继续住在原来的地方,不必对你的生活做任

6、何外部改变,而是从内心获得平静。 Its easy to forget things you want to remember. Its hard to forget things you dont want to remember. 生活中很奇怪的是,想记住的事情很容易忘记,想忘记的事情却记得那么清楚。 Looking for the dream of the future, smiles to the reality of the helpless. 寻找梦里的未来,笑对现实的无奈。 Don t ever wrestle with a pig. Because you ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it. 别和猪较劲,因为那会使你全身都脏掉,而它却自得其乐。 English test:


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