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1、9.2.1物主代词(Possessive Pronoun),1.The cup is mine,not yours.,3.These books are ours.,4.Long curly hair is theirs and Adams apple is ours.,2.The beautiful clothes are yours,not hers,not his and also not mine.,属格代词(Genitive Pronoun),物主代词(Possessive Pronoun),名词性属格代词Nominal Genitive Pronoun,限定词性属格代词 Deter

2、minative Genitive Pronoun,按语法功能分,物主代词Possessive Pronoun,物主限定词Possessive Determiner,mine,yours,his,hers,ours,yours,theirs,my,your,his,her,our,your,their,ones,its,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词,物主代词在句中起名词词组的作用,可作主语、主语补语、宾语、介词补足语成分以及同位语等。,Someone hit a car in the parking lot,mine unfortunately.,物主代词还可在“双重属格”(Double

3、Genitive)结构中作介词of的补足成分。,He is a friend of mine.,We were absorbed in that song of yours.,Exercises:,1.These books are_._are in_ school bag.()A.my,You,you B.my,Yours,yourC.mine,Yours,yours D.mine,Yours,your,2.Everyone should be careful of _ grammar.A.their B.onesC.our D.his,3.Our room is big.But _ is

4、bigger than _.theirs,ours B.their,ourC.theirs,our D.their,ours,天道酬勤,God helps those who help themselves.,9.2.2反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun),Bubble can see himself in the mirror.,You must take good care of yourself.,We must believe in ourselves.,Nancy herself will perform the operation.,Nancy will perform

5、the operation herself.,Herself,Nancy will perform the operation.,Nancy will perform the operation.,反身代词可在句中作同位语、宾语、主语补语以及介词补足成分等。,反身代词的用法可分为两大类:强调性用法非强调性用法,强调性用法,反身代词要重读,1、反身代词作同位语2、反身代词作介补成分表对比或特殊意义3、反身代词作主语补语,非强调性用法,不需重读,1、反身代词作介补成分的一般情况2、反身代词作宾语,强调性用法,反身代词要重读,1、反身代词作同位语2、反身代词作介补成分表对比或特殊意义3、反身代词作主

6、语补语,非强调性用法,不需重读,1、反身代词作介补成分的一般情况2、反身代词作宾语,强调主语,反代灵活。,The manager himself will interview Lucy.,The manager will interview Lucy himself.,Himself,the manager will interview Lucy.,强调非主,反代直跟。,I spoke to the president himself.,I like the diamond itself but not the setting.,用反身代词做同位语时,要注意避免某些歧义现象,?Mrs Smit

7、h will go and see Nancy herself.,?He spoke to the president himself.,Mr.Smith will go and see Nancy himself.,She spoke to the president himself.,介补成分表对比意义,He thinks of himself but not of you.,介补成分表特殊意义,He was beside himself with joy.,他欣喜若狂。,The matter is between ourselves.,这件事不要让外人知道。,介词+反身代词,by one

8、self,of oneself,单独地,独自地,自行地,自发,自动,自然而然,(by oneself主要含义为“独自、亲自,没有别人帮助,相当于alone;of oneself是指不受外界事物干涉而自行完成的动作,常用在不及物动词之后),The little girl wrote the letter all by herself.,那封信是小女孩独自写成的。,The house stands all by itself on the hill.,那所房子孤零零地耸立在山顶上。,You need not call him;he will wake up of himself.,你不必叫他,他自

9、己会醒的。,The fire went out of itself.,火是自己熄灭的。,for oneself,亲自,为自己,代表自己;独自地,(for oneself一般表示“为自己”的意思),He kept the book for himself.,他把这本书留给自己用。,我有要辩白的话。,I have something to say for myself.,One cant do such a thing for oneself.,这样的事情独自一个人是做不成的。,to oneself,“供某人独自用”和“暗自”的含义,这个车箱就只有我们几个人。,We had the whole c

10、ompartment to ourselves.,He has a room to himself.,他独住一间房。,他似乎在自言自语。,He appeared to be talking to himself.,among themselves(ourselves,yourselves),一起,共同之间,They were arguing among themselves.,他们在一起争论,beside oneself(with.).,得要命,失常,发狂.,On hearing the good news,he was beside himself with joy.,一听到这个好消息,他简

11、直欣喜若狂.,between ourselves,私下谈;不和外人谈,(=between you and me;between you,me and the gatepost),This matter is between ourselves.,这件事别对外人讲,in oneself,本质,本身 实际上,就其本质而言,那部书本身是个小图书馆。,The book is really a small library in itself.,水本质是无色的.,Water is colorless in itself.,in spite of oneself,I laughed in spite of

12、myself.,不由自主地,我不由自主的笑起来.,反身代词作介补成分一般情况是非强调性用法。,I have nothing to say for myself.,Hes not worried about himself.,反身代词作宾语,1.动+反代+副,He often puts himself forward.,摆架子,Carl played a joke on Bob and gave himself away by laughing.,露马脚,2.动词+反代+介词,avail oneself of 利用Pride oneself on 夸耀Absent oneself from 没有

13、出席Adapt oneself to 适应 apply oneself to 专心致志于Surrender oneself to 陷于绝望,成语,Make a nuisance of oneself 讨厌Make a show of oneself 出丑Make a pig of oneself 狼吞虎咽Hug oneself for joy 沾沾自喜Kick oneself 严厉自责Keep oneself to oneself 不与他人往来,1.She should _(严厉自责)for committing such a mistake.,have kicked herself,2.Do

14、nt _(狼吞虎咽),make a pig of yourself.,3.I dont want to _(出丑)before strangers.,Make a show of myself,在某些SVO结构中,反身代词常与behave,conduct,deport等动词搭配表示举止行为的好坏。,He behaved himself fairly well when he was at college.,(举止端庄),She always conducts herself like a lady.,(举止大方),The boys were trained to deport themselv

15、es like gentleman.,(作风正派),在某些SVoO结构中,间接宾语通常用反身代词,而不用相应的人称代词宾格。,She made herself a fine dress.,I promise myself a fruitful discussion with you.,我指望与你有一个富有成效的讨论。,她给自己做了一条很好的裙子。,在美国口语中,可用人称代词宾格表示“反身”意义。,I bought me a new hat.,在某些以反身代词作宾语的SVOC结构中,某宾语补语有时候表示某一动作对自己引起的后果。,He talked himself hoarse.,他一直讲到声音

16、嘶哑。,They quarreled themselves red in the face.,他们一直争到面红耳赤。,在由“find,hear,catch+反身代词”构成的结构中,宾语补语有时候表示自己处于某种不自觉的状态。,Mr.Jones found himself thinking.,She caught herself making the same mistake.,乔斯先生不知不觉沉思起来。,她突然发现自己又犯了同样的错误。,在由“fancy,see+反身代词”构成的SVOC结构中,其宾语补语往往表示一种“想象的”或“仿佛看到的”情景。,She still fancies hers

17、elf young and beautiful.,她自以为仍旧年轻漂亮。,I cant see myself allowing people to cheat me.,我无法想象会允许别人欺骗我。,反身代词作主语补语属于强调性用法,这种用法通常表示身体状况或并列补语的一部分。,Frank is not quite himself today.(身体不适),The girl will be herself in no time.(很快康复),Now I feel quite myself.(感觉好多了),反身代词的其他用法问题:,正式语体中则视为错误,应改为:,Herself is the ca

18、use of the difficulty.,Pat and myself are writing a novel.,非正式语体中是正确的,而且很普遍。,She/She herself is the cause of the difficulty.,Pat and I/I myself are writing a novel.,在anyone/no one but之后可用第一二人称反身代词作主语,却通常不用第三人称反身代词。,Anyone but yourself would have noticed the change.,Nobody but myself noticed the chan

19、ge.,No one but he himself speaks French here.,“no one but+人称代词”作主语通常用主格。,Nobody but I noticed the change.,No one but he speaks French here.,如果“but+人称代词”这一结构与nobody/no one分离出现在句尾,即在宾语的区域,则用宾格。,Nobody said anything about it but me/myself.,No one speaks French here but him.,Exercises:,1.Tom felt that he knew everybodys business better than they knew it().themselves B.oneselfC.itself D.himself,2.A person who talks to _ is not necessarily mad.A.himself B.oneselfC.yourself D.itself,3.God helps those who help _.himself B.itselfC.themselves D.ourselves,Thank you!,


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