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1、合作经营湛江宝隆水产有限公司合同书第一章总则湛江#有限公司和#集团公司根据中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法及中国有关法规,本着平等互利的原则,通过友好协商,同意在中华人民共和国广东省湛江市#试验区,共同投资举办合作经营企业,特订立本合同。第二章合作各方第一条 本合同的各方为:甲方:登记注册地:法定地址:法定代表: 职务: 董事长 国籍:中国公司电话: 传真:乙方: 登记注册地:法定地址:法定代表: 职务;国籍:公司电话: 传真:第三章成立合作公司第二条 甲、乙方根据中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法和中国的其他有关法规,同意在中国境内建立合作经营湛江宝隆水产有限公司(下称合作公司)。第三条 合作

2、公司的名称为:湛江宝隆水产有限公司合作公司的法定地址:广东省湛江市东海岛经济开发试验区东海大道8号第四条 合作公司的一切活动,必须遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关规定。第五条 合作公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。甲、乙方以各自认缴的出资额对合作公司的债务承担责任。各方按其出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。第四章合作公司的经营范围和规模第六条 合作公司经营范围:水产品冷藏、加工(包括来料加工)及销售;对国内外销售市场的开发与维护;水产养殖;水产品收购自用;研究与发展新产品,多样化经营。第七条 合作公司生产规模:年加工能力2000吨水产品。第五章投资总额和注册资本第八条 合作公司的

3、投资总额为60万美元。第九条 合作公司注册资本为30万美元。其中:甲方18万美元,占60,乙方12万美元,占40。第十条 甲乙双方将以下列作为出资:甲方:出资现金18万美元;乙方:出资现金12万美元。甲、乙双方的出资在合作公司营业执照签发之日起三个月内投入完毕。第十一条 甲、乙任何一方如向第三方转让其全部或部分出资额,须经另一方同意,并报原审批机构批准。一方转让其全部或部分出资额时,在同等条件下另一方有优先购买权。第六章合作各方的责任第十二条 甲乙方各自负责完成以下各项事宜:甲方责任:按第九、第十条规定出资;向中国有关主管部门申请批准、登记注册、领取营业执照等事宜;向有关部门办理合作公司申请取

4、土地使用权的有关手续;协助合作公司组织公司场地和其他工程设施的设计、施工;协助合作公司办理机械设备进口有关事宜;协助合作公司在中国境内购置(或租赁)设备、办公用具、交通工具、通讯设施等;协助合作公司招聘当地中国籍职员;协助合作公司办理外籍工作人员所需的入境签证和旅行手续;负责办理合作公司委托的其他事宜。乙方责任:按照第九、十条规定出资;协助合作公司在中国境外选购机械设备、交通工具、办公用品、原辅料等;协助合作公司培训职员;负责办理合作公司委托的其他事宜。第七章 产品销售第十三条 合作公司的产品在中国境内外市场销售。第十四条 合作公司产品的销售价格,以成本加合理利润为原则,由合作公司决定。第十五

5、条 为了便于开展业务,经中国有关部门批准,合作公司可在中国境内外设立分支机构。第八章董事会第十六条 合作公司注册登记之日,为合作公司董事会成立之日。第十七条 董事会由六名董事组成,其中甲方委派三名,乙方委派三名。董事长由甲方委派;副董事长一名,由乙方委派。董事、董事长和副董事长任期3年,经委派方继续委派可以连任。董事长和副董事长不得兼任合作公司总经理或副总经理及其他高级管理人员。第十八条 董事会是合作公司的最高权力机构,决定合作公司的一切重大事宜。对下列重大问题,须经出席董事会会议的董事一致通过,方可作出决议:1.本合同和合作公司章程的修改;2.合作公司的终止、解散;3.合作公司注册资本的增加

6、、转让;4.合作公司与其它经济组织的合并。对其他事宜,可采取多数通过的方式作出决定。第十九条 董事长是合作公司法人代表人,董事长不能履行其职责时,应授权给副董事长代表合作企业。第二十条 董事会会议每年举行两次例会,一般应在6月与12月底在合作公司所在地召开,如有必要也可在其他地方举行。根据需要,董事长在征得副董事长同意后,也可临时召开董事会会议。董事会议由董事长负责召集主持,董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由副董事长主持;会议记录应归档保存。 董事长应将召开董事会议的日期、地点,会议讨论的议题提前三周通知各位董事。第九章 监事会第二十一条 合作公司设监事1名。监事的任期每届为3年。监事任期

7、届满,连选可以连任。合作公司的董事、高级管理人员不得兼任监事。第二十二条 监事行使下列职权:(一)检查公司财务;(二)对董事、高级管理人员执行公司职务的行为进行监督,对违反法律、行政法规、公司章程或者董事会会决议的董事、高级管理人员提出罢免的建议;(三)当董事、高级管理人员的行为损害公司的利益时,要求董事、高级管理人员予以纠正;(四)在董事长和副董事长不能履行或不履行召集或主持董事会会议职责的情况下,召集和主持董事会会议;(五)向董事会会议提出提案;(六)依照中华人民共和国公司法第一百五十二条的规定,对董事、高级管理人员提起诉讼;(七)公司章程规定的其他职权。第二十三条 监事可以列席董事会会议

8、,并对董事会决议事项提出质询或者建议。第十章经营管理机构第二十四条 合作公司设经营管理机构,负责公司的日常经营管理工作。经营管理机构设总经理一人,由乙方推荐;副总经理一人,由甲方推荐。正、副总经理由董事会聘请,任期3年。第二十五条 总经理的职责、权限: (一)执行甲乙双方所订合同、章程及董事会决议; (二)提名各职能部门负责人,审定招聘工作人员,并报董事会备案; (三)制订本企业的经营管理制度,对各职能部门布置、指导、监督和检查工作;(四)定期向董事会提出工作报告、财务报告和利润分配方案; (五)对原材料、零配件的采购、成品销售及专项协作合同和流动资金的借贷作出决定; (六)审定职能部门制定的

9、内外销产品价格,并对价格作适当幅度的调整作出决定;(七)代表企业接待重要的业务联系单位人员、谈判和签署文件; (八)主持企业行政会议,对行政会议的讨论事项及决议负责执行; (九)解决各职能部门向总经理请示的其他重大问题; (十)在董事会授权范围内,代表企业或指派代理人出席涉及企业的审批或仲裁、调解会议; (十一)对职工违反规章制度的处分作出行政方面的最后决定; (十二)其它由总经理负责的事项。 副总经理职责、权限: (一)协助总经理负责本企业的经营管理; (二)总经理外出时,代替总经理行使职权; (三)代表企业进行业务谈判; (四)处理其它工作矛盾和有关问题; (五)其它应由副总经理负责处理的

10、问题。 经营机构下设若干部门经理,分别负责各部门工作,办理总经理交办的事项,并对总经理和副总经理负责。第二十六条 总经理或副总经理不得兼任别的经济组织的总经理或副总经理,除非得过董事会所有董事一致同意;不得参与其他经济组织与公司的营业进行竞争;总经理或副总经理侵占公司财产或严重失职,经董事会会议决议可随时辞退。其职位的空缺由委派方向董事会另外推荐,由董事会聘请。第十一章设备物资购买第二十七条 合作公司所需的机械设备、交通运输工具、办公用品原辅料等,在条件相同情况下,尽先在中国购买。第二十八条 合作公司在国外市场选用机械设备、交通工具、办公用品、原辅料等物资,应由合作公司对外签订进口合同,经原合

11、同审批机关审核后方能进口。进口的物资,须报经中国出入境检验检疫机关检验合格,并接受海关监管。第十二章劳动管理第二十九条 合作公司职工的招收、招聘、辞退、辞职、工资、劳动保险、生活福利和奖惩等事项,按照中华人民共和国外商投资企业劳动管理规定及其配套的实施办法,经董事会研究决定方案,由合作公司与工会或职工订立劳动合同加以规定。劳动合同订立后,报当地劳动部门备案。第三十条 甲、乙方推荐的高级管理人员的聘请和工资待遇、社会保险、福利、差旅费标准等,由董事会会议讨论决定。第十三章税务、财务、审计第三十一条 合作公司按照中华人民共和国的有关法律和条例规定缴纳各项税金。第三十二条 合作公司职工按照中华人民共

12、和国个人所得税法缴纳个人所得税。第三十三条 合作公司按照中华人民共和国的有关法律规定提取储备基金、企业发展基金及职工福利奖励基金,每年提取的比例由董事会根据公司经营情况讨论决定。合作公司依法缴纳所得税和提取上述基金后的利润,按甲方占60,乙方占40%的比例分配。第三十四条 合作公司会计年度从每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止。合作公司一切记帐凭证、帐簿、报表、单据用中文书写。第三十五条 合作公司的财务审计聘请在中国注册的会计师审查稽核,并将结果报告董事会和总经理。如其中一方认为需聘请其他国家的审计师对年度财务进行审查,其他方应予以同意,但其所需一切费用由聘请方负担。第三十六条 每一会计年度的头三

13、个月,由总经理组织编制上一个会计年度的资产负债表、损益计算书和利润分配方案,提交董事会会议审查通过。第十四章合作期限第三十七条 合作公司的经营期限为三十年,从合作公司营业执照签发之日算起。经一方提议,另一方同意,可以在合作期满前6个月向原审批机构申请延长合作期限。第十五章合作期满财产处理第三十八条 合作期满,合作公司应依法进行清算,清算后的财产,按甲、乙双方在注册资本中的出资比例进行分配。第十六章保险第三十九条 合作公司的各项保险事宜,按照中华人民共和国的法律规定,由合作公司董事会会议讨论决定。第十七章合同的修改、变更与解除第四十条 对本合同及其附件的修改,必须经甲、乙双方签署书面协议,并报原

14、审批机构批准,才能生效。第四十一条 由于不可抗力致使合同无法履行,或是由于合作公司连年亏损,无力继续经营,经董事会一致通过,并报原审批机构批准,可以提前终止合作期限和解除合同。第四十二条 由于一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务,或严重违反合同、章程规定,造成合作公司无法经营或无法达到合同规定的经营目的,视作违约方片面终止合同,对方除有权向违约一方索赔外,并有权依法向原审批机构申请批准终止合同。如甲乙双方同意继续经营,违约方应赔偿合作公司的经济损失。第十八章违约责任第四十三条 甲乙任何一方未按合同第五章的规定提供出资或合作条件时,从逾期第一个月起,每逾一个月,违约一方应缴付应缴出资额的1违约金给守约

15、的一方。如逾期三个月仍未提交,除累计缴付应缴出资额的3%违约金外,守约一方有权按本合同第四十二条规定申请终止合同,并要求违约方赔偿损失。第四十四条 由于一方的过失造成本合同及其附件不能履行或不能完全履行时,由过失的一方承担违约责任,如属双方的过失,根据实际情况,由双方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。第十九章不可抗力第四十五条 由于地震、台风、水灾、战争以及其他不能预见并对其发生和后果不能防止或避免的不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定条件履行时,遇上述不可抗力的一方,应在15天内,提供不可抗力详情及合同不能履行的理由的有效证明文件,此项证明文件应由不可抗力发生地的公证机构出具。按其对

16、履行合同的影响程度,由双方协商决定是否解除合同,或者部分免除履行合同的责任。第二十章适用法律第四十六条 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决,均适用中华人民共和国法律。第二十一章争议的解决第四十七条 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,由该会根据申请仲裁时现行有效的仲裁规则在北京进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。第四十八条 在仲裁过程中,除双方有争议正在进行仲裁的部分外,本合同应继续履行。第二十二章文字第四十九条 本合同用中文写成。第二十三章合同的生效及其他第五十条 按照本合同规定的各项原

17、则订立的附属协议文件,均为本合同的组成部分。第五十一条 本合同及其附件,均须经中华人民共和国的审批机构批准,自批准之日起生效。第五十二条 甲、乙双方发送通知的方法,如用电报、电传通知时,凡涉及各方权利、义务的应随之以书面信件通知,合同中所列甲乙双方的法定地址即为甲、乙双方的收件地址。第五十三条 本合同于 年月日,由甲、乙双方授权代表在签署。甲方:乙方代表:代表:(签字、盖章) (签字、盖章) BAOLONG AQUATIC CO., LTD. JOINT VENTURE CONTRACTChapter 1 General ProvisionsIn accordance with the Law

18、 of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, # and #, in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly set up a Cooperative venture inZhanjiang City

19、, Guangdong Province , the Peoples Republic of China. Chapter 2 Parties of the Cooperative VentureArticle 1 Parties to this contract are as follows:Party A: #Registered in: #Legal address :#The name of Legal representative: Position: Nationality:Party B: # Registered with : Legal address :The name o

20、f Legal representative: Position: Nationality:Chapter 3 Establishment of the Cooperative Venture CompanyArticle 2 In accordance with the Cooperative Venture Law and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, both parties of the Cooperative venture agree to set up BAOLONG Cooperative venture limite

21、d liability company (hereinafter referred to as the Cooperative venture company).Article 3 The name of the Cooperative venture company: #The legal address of the joint venture company: #Article 4 All activities of the Cooperative venture company shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent r

22、ules and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.Article 5 The organization form of the Cooperative venture company is a limited liability company. Each party to the Cooperative venture company is liable within the limit of the capital subscribed. The profits, risks and losses of the Cooperativ

23、e venture company shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital. Chapter 4 The Purpose, Scope and Scale of Production and BusinessArticle 6 The productive and business scope of the Cooperative venture company: frozen aquatic products; processing and ma

24、rketing; aquaculture; provide maintenance service after the sale of the products; study and develop new products.Article 7 The production scale of the Cooperative venture company: The annual processing capacity is 2000 tons of aquatic Products.Chapter 5 Total Amount of Investment and the Registered

25、CapitalArticle 8 The total amount of investment of the Cooperative venture company is 600 thousand U.S. dollars.Article 9 The registered capital of the joint venture company is 300 thousand U.S. dollars . (Party A 180 thousand U.S. dollars, accounting for 60% ; Party B 120 thousand U.S. dollars, acc

26、ounting for 40%.)Article 10 Party A and Party B will contribute the following to the cooperative venture:Party A: cash 180 thousand U.S. dollarsParty B: cash 120 thousand U.S. dollarsThe cash by Party A and Party B shall be for the use of the cooperative venture company within 3 monthes after the ap

27、proval of the contract.Article 11 In case any party intends to assign all or part of his investment subscribed to a third party, consent shall be obtained from the other party , and approval from the examination and approval authority is required .When one party assigns all or part of his investment

28、, the other party has preemptive right .Chapter 6 Responsibilities of Each Party to the Joint Venture.Article 12 Party A and Party B shall be respectively responsible for the following matters: Responsibilities of Party A:1. Providing cash, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 and 10.2. Ha

29、ndling of applications for approval, registration, business license and other matters concerning the establishment of the cooperative venture company from relevant departments in charge of China;3. Processing the application for the right to the use of a site to the authority in charge of the land;4

30、. Organizing the design and construction of the premises and other engineering facilities of the cooperative venture company;5. Assisting the cooperative venture company to process import customs declaration for the machinery ;6. Assisting the cooperative venture company in purchasing or leasing equ

31、ipment, materials, raw materials, articles for office use, means of transportation and communication facilities etc.;7. Assisting the cooperative venture in recruiting Chinese management personnel, technical personnel, workers and other personnel needed;8. Assisting foreign workers and staff in appl

32、ying for entry visas, work licenses and handling their travel procedures;9. Responsible for handling other matters entrusted by the cooperative venture company.Responsibilities of Party B:1. Providing cash, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 and 10.2. Handling the matters entrusted by th

33、e cooperative venture company, such as selecting and purchasing machinery and equipment outside China, etc.;3. Assisting the cooperative venture company in Training the technical personnel and workers ;4. Responsible for handling other matters entrusted by the cooperative venture company. Chapter 7

34、Selling of ProductsArticle 13 The products of the joint venture company will be sold both on the Chinese and the overseas marketArticle 14 The sales price of the products is the cost plus the reasonable profit, the cooperative venture company decide itArticle 15 In order to facilitate business, appr

35、oved by the Chinese authorities, the cooperative venture company can establish branches Chapter 8 The Board of DirectorsArticle 16 The date of registration of the cooperative venture company shall be the date of the establishment of the board of directors of the cooperative venture company. Article

36、17 The board of directors is composed of 6 directors, of which 3 directors shall be appointed by Party A, 3 directors by Party B. The chairman of the board shall be appointed by Party A, and its vice-chairman by Party B. The term of office for the directors, chairman and vice-chairmans is three year

37、s, their term of office may be renewed if continuously appointed by the relevant party. Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall not act as general manager or deputy general manager and other senior management.The directors of the first board of directors are :Chairman (1): # (appointed by the Party A)Vice

38、Chairman (1): # (appointed by the Party B)Director (4): # (appointed by the Party A)# (appointed by the Party A)# (appointed by the Party B)#(appointed by the Party B)Article 18 The highest authority of the cooperative venture company shall be its board of directors . It shall decide all major issue

39、s concerning the cooperative venture company. Unanimous approval shall be required for the following decisions concerning major issues: 1. The amendment of the Contract and the Articles of Association 2. The termination or dissolution of the cooperative venture company 3. The increase, reduction or

40、assignment of the registered capital of the Company 4. Merge with other economic organizations As for other matters, approval by majority shall be requiredArticle 19 The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the cooperative venture company. The chairman be unable to exercise his respo

41、nsibilities for any reason, he shall authorize the vice-chairman to represent the cooperative venture company . Article 20 The board of directors shall convene Twice meetings every year, normally be on June and December .The meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. Fol

42、lowing the agreement with the Vice Chairman , the chairman may convene an interim meeting . The chairman be unable to call and preside for any reason, the vice-chairman to preside it .Minutes of the meetings shall be placed on file.The Chairman shall give each director notice at least three weeks in

43、 advance of each regular Board meeting , specifying the date, the time ,the place,and the proposed draft resolutions of the Board meeting. Chapter 9 The Supervisors and the Supervisory BoardArticle 21 There is 1 Supervisor in the cooperative venture company, The term of the Supervisor is three years

44、, the term may be renewed.The directors and other senior management shall not act as the SupervisorArticle 22 and 23 Duties and Responsibilities of the Supervisor: The relevant provisions about the supervisors in THE COMPANY LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA Chapter 10 Business Management OfficeA

45、rticle 24 The cooperative venture company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management. The management office shall have a general manager, appointed by Party B; a deputy general managers, appointed by Party A. The terms of the general manager and the deput

46、y general managers are 3 years .Article 25 Duties and Responsibilities of the general manager:1. Carry out the Contract, the Articles of Association and the decisions of the board meeting. 2. Appoint the department managers as appropriate to be responsible for the work of their respective departments. ,and record them to the Board. 3. Decide the operational structure4. Report its work to the board regularly


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