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1、游客须知及注意事项尊敬的游客: Dear visitors: 一、本中心开门营业时间:7:00-18:30。 Open time:7:00-18:30 二、本中心提倡文明行为,请勿进行随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾等不文明行为;禁止毁坏财物、打架斗殴、寻衅滋事、偷窃等违法犯罪行为。 Civilized behaviors are advocated in the center. The following behaviors are forbidden: spitting, littering; damaging facilities in the area; fights; picking a quar

2、rel and making trouble; stealing; and other behaviors violating the laws. 三、请您遵守本中心的各项规章制度,照顾好老人和小孩。 Please consciously follow the rules of the center. Children and seniors may enter the center when accompanied by adults or family members. 四、请您在参观中心同时,照看并保管好自己的随身携带物品,不便携带的非贵重物品可到寄存处寄存。 Please take y

3、our belongings with you. Goods that are not valuable and not easy to carry can be deposited in the left-luggage office. 五、请您注意中心内的安全警示,遵守秩序,请勿攀爬、翻越安全防护栏 Please pay attention to the safety warnings and follow the center orders,please dont climb or jump over the safety guards. 六、你可以在本中心咨询旅游线路、住宿标准、餐饮标

4、准、交通标准及票务方面旅游信息。 You can consult our Visitor Center about traveling route, the standard of accommodation, food, transportation and ticket information. 七、下列人员禁止入内:携带易燃、易爆及其它危险品者;衣冠不整者;智障人士;酗酒且酒意明显者;带宠物者 The following people are forbidden to enter into the center: carrying inflammable, explosive and o

5、ther dangerous goods; untidy dressing; insanity; alcoholism; bring any pets 八、本中心是旅游咨询服务为一体的公共服务场所,请每位游客进入本中心时爱护我们的公共设施,文明用语,不要大声喧哗。 The visitor center is a public service sites with all kinds of travel consultation service,please cherish our public facilities, civilized language and no shouting when you visit. 八、对中心的服务有意见和建议,欢迎您提出。 If you have any suggestions about our service, we are looking forward to hear your voice. 谢谢合作! Thank you! 旅游投诉电话: Tourism Complaints Phone: 中心投诉电话: Visitor Center Complaints Phone:


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