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1、演讲稿What is happinessWhat is happiness? Good morning. Ladies and gentleman, its a great pleasure for me to stand here to present my speechwhat is happiness. What is happiness?Different individual have various understanding of it. In other words, everybody has his or her own criterion of happiness,if

2、you reach the criterion,you are happiness. There is no doubt that other peoples happiness may no be the happiness you want and on the contrary your happiness perhaps cant be accepted by others. To sum up, happiness is like a private article, it is you who could realize the present in it. If you must

3、 give a definition of happiness, in my opinion, there are two kinds of it. One is that you have the perfect life and family, the other is you can do what you like best. It is obvious that lots of people prefer to possess the former kind of happiness, but in the movie the pursuit of happiness”, the c

4、haracter had the later kind of happiness He was brought up in a single family and not until 28 years old did he know his father, so that he set up his mind to keep his son under his protection. It is his dream to be a investment expert, however, his wife left him owing to poverty, and then he couldn

5、t afford the rent so he led a vagrant life in the city. Whats more, he had to run as quickly as possible only to get the chance into the asylum. Too much had to finally made him achieve his goal, the moment he knew the news, his eyes were full of tears. So friends, which kind of happiness do you hav

6、e? Thank you! 因为时间仓促,写的不好,你自己看看能用不,拼写和语法应该没有大的问题,都用Word检查过了,大概有300词,中文翻译没有,我是参考下文再经过删改写成英文的.希望能帮到你,另祝你演讲成功. 什么是幸福? 每个人在心中都有自己的幸福标准,只要达到了这个标准,你就是幸福的。别人的幸福不一定是你所想要的,而你的幸福别人或许也未必认同。幸福是一件私有产品,只有自己才能体会那片刻的快乐。如果非要给幸福下个定论。我觉得无非有两种:一是你拥有完美的生活;一是做你最喜欢的事情。 克里斯加德纳拥有的显然是后一种幸福。单亲家庭长大的他,在28岁的时候才见到自己的亲生父亲,于是他想让自己的

7、儿子一直都活在自己的保护下。他的梦想是成为一名投资专家。可是生活的困苦,却让他的妻子离开了他。接着,没有房租的他开始带着儿子过着流浪的生活。一方面他不得不提着40多磅重的医疗仪器四处奔走推销用以糊口;一方面他要保护好只有5岁儿子的幼小心灵。他因交不上房租,而不得不义务粉墙;他因没钱交汽车罚单,而不得不在警察局里过夜;他因无处可去,而不得不抱着儿子在厕所过夜;他甚至不得不在下班后狂奔,那只为排队获得进收容所的机会太多太多的不得不, 最终让克里斯加德纳在获得工作机会的那一刻感到了莫大的幸福。 他终于成为了一名正式的经济师,这离他的梦想更近了。在那一刻,站在人群中的他激动得不知道如何来表达内心的感受,他飞快地跑到儿子面前和他相拥,眼中的泪花在这一刻则是幸福的泪水。虽然,这对他来说只是一个起步,不过,这确是他的人生转折。得到幸福的过程是如此的艰难,也正因为艰难,我们才会珍惜。他在球场上对儿子说:如果你有梦想,那么请保护好它。在那一刻,他都未必能坚持住自己的梦想,但是他却鼓励儿子能够坚信梦想。 幸福到底是什么?人的一生能体验到多少份量的幸福,其实关键在于你对人生所持的态度。你认为尽责任是一种幸福,你就有了幸福的体验;你认为知足是一种幸福,你就有了知足常乐的幸福体验;你认为平淡简朴是一种幸福,你就有了比别人多得多的幸福体验。


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