1、澳洲英语俚语澳洲英语+澳洲俚语 A Ace! : Excellent! Very good! Aerial pingpong: Australian Rules football Amber fluid: beer Ankle biter: small child Apples, shell be: Itll be alright Arvo: afternoon Aussie (pron. Ozzie): Australian Aussie salute: brushing away flies with the hand Avos: avocados B B & S: Bachelors a
2、nd Spinsters Ball - a very enjoyable party usually held in rural areas Back of Bourke: a very long way away Bail out: depart, usually angrily Bail (somebody) up: to corner somebody physically Barbie: barbecue (noun) Banana bender: a person from Queensland Barrack: to cheer on (football team etc.) Ba
3、stard: term of endearment Battler: someone working hard and only just making a living Beaut, beauty: great, fantastic Big-note oneself: brag, boast Bikkie: biscuit (also it cost big bikkies - it was expensive) Billabong: an ox-bow river or watering hole Billy: large tin can used to boil water over a
4、 campfire for tea Bities: biting insects Bitzer: mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that) Bizzo: business (mind your own bizzo) Black Stump, beyond the: a long way away, the back of nowhere Bloke: man, guy Bloody: very (bloody hard yakka) Bloody oath!: thats certainly true Blow in the bag: have a
5、 breathalyzer test Blowie: blow fly Bludger: lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other people to do things or lend him things Blue: fight (he was having a blue with his wife) Blue, make a: make a mistake Bluey: pack, equipment, traffic ticket, redhead Bluey: blue cattle dog (named a
6、fter its subtle markings) which is an excellent working dog. Everyones favourite all-Aussie dog. Bodgy: of inferior quality Bog in: commence eating, to attack food with enthusiasm Bondi cigar: see brown-eyed mullet Bonzer: great, ripper Boogie board: a hybrid, half-sized surf board Boomer: a large m
7、ale kangaroo Booze bus: police vehicle used for catching drunk drivers Boozer: a pub Bored shitless: very bored Bottle-o: liquor shop Bottle shop: liquor shop Bottler: something excellent Bottling, his bloods worth: hes an excellent, helpful bloke. Bourke Street, he doesnt know Christmas from: hes a
8、 bit slow in the head. (Bourke Street is a brightly lit Melbourne street) Brass razoo, he hasnt got a: hes very poor Brekkie: breakfast Brickie: bricklayer Brizzie: Brisbane, state capital of Queensland Brown-eyed mullet: a turd in the sea (where youre swimming!) Brumby: a wild horse Buckleys, Buckl
9、eys chance: no chance (New Zealand stands Buckleys of beating Australia at football) Brick shit house, built like a: big strong bloke Bucks night: stag party, male gathering the night before the wedding Bull bar: stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle to protect it against hitting kangaroos Bundy
10、: short for Bundaberg, Queensland, and the brand of rum thats made there Bunyip: mythical outback creature Bush: the hinterland, the Outback, anywhere that isnt in town Bushie: someone who lives in the Bush Bushranger: highwayman, outlaw Bush telly: campfire B.Y.O.: unlicensed restaurant where you h
11、ave to Bring Your Own grog, also similar party or barbecue C Cactus: dead, not functioning (this bloody washing machine is cactus) Captain Cook: look (noun) (lets have a Captain Cook) Cark it: to die, cease functioning Cat burying shit, as busy as a: busy Cats piss, as mean as: mean, stingy, unchari
12、table Chewie: chewing gum Chokkie: chocolate Chook: a chicken Chrissie: Christmas Christmas: see Bourke Street Chuck a sickie: take the day off sick from work when youre perfectly healthy Chunder: vomit Claytons: fake, substitute Click: kilometre - its 10 clicks away Clucky: feeling broody or matern
13、al Cobber: friend Cockie: farmer. Also a cockatoo Cockroach: a person from New South Wales Coldie: a beer Come a gutser: make a bad mistake, have an accident Compo: Workers Compensation pay Cooee, not within: figuratively a long way away, far off - England werent within cooee of beating Australia at
14、 cricket Cook (noun): Ones wife Corroboree: an aboriginal dance festival Counter lunch: pub lunch Cozzie: swimming costume Cranky: in a bad mood, angry Crack a fat: get an erection Cream (verb): defeat by a large margin Crook: sick, or badly made Crow eater: a person from South Australia Cut lunch:
15、sandwiches Cut snake, mad as a: very angry D Dag: a funny person, nerd, goof Daks: trousers Damper: bread made from flour and water Date: arsehole (get off your fat date) Dead dingos donger, as dry as a : dry Deadset: true, the truth Dero: tramp, hobo, homeless person (from derelict) Digger: a soldi
16、er Dill: an idiot Dingos breakfast: a yawn, a leak and a good look round (i.e. no breakfast) Dinkum, fair dinkum: true, real, genuine (Im a dinkum Aussie; is he fair dinkum?) Dinky-di: the real thing, genuine Dipstick: a loser, idiot Dob (somebody) in: inform on somebody. Hence dobber, a tell-tale D
17、ocket: a bill, receipt Doco: documentary Dog: unattractive woman Dogs balls, stands out like: obvious Dole bludger: Somebody on social assistance when unjustified Donger: penis Doodle: penis Doozey: something very pleasant, significant, large Down Under: Australia and New Zealand Drink with the flie
18、s: to drink alone Drongo: a dope, stupid person Drum: information, tip-off (Ill give you the drum) Duchess: sideboard Duffer, cattle: rustler Dummy, spit the: get very upset at something Dunny: outside lavatory Dunny budgie: blowfly Dunny rat, cunning as a: very cunning Durry: cigarette E Earbashing
19、: nagging, non-stop chatter Esky: large insulated food/drink container for picnics, barbecues etc. Exy: expensive F Face, off ones: drunk (He was off his face by 9pm) Fair dinkum: true, genuine Fair go: a chance (give a bloke a fair go) Fair suck of the sav!: exclamation of wonder, awe, disbelief (s
20、ee also sav) Fairy floss: candy floss, cotton candy Figjam: F*ck Im good; just ask me. Nickname for people who have a high opinion of themselves. Fisho: fishmonger Flake: sharks flesh (sold in fish & chips shops) Flick: to give something or somebody the flick is to get rid of it or him/her Flick it
21、on: to sell something, usually for a quick profit, soon after buying it. Fly wire: gauze flyscreen covering a window or doorway. Footy: Australian Rules football Fossicking: searching, rummaging (fossicking through the kitchen drawers) Franger: condom Freckle: anus Frog in a sock, as cross as a: sou
22、nding angry - a person or your hard drive! Fruit loop: fool Full: drunk G Galah: fool, named after the bird of the same name which flies south in the winter - a bloody silly thing to do in the Southern Hemisphere Garbo, garbologist: municipal garbage collector GDay: hello! Give it a burl: try it, ha
23、ve a go Gobful, give a: to abuse, usually justifiably (The neighbours were having a noisy party so I went and gave them a gobful) Going off: used of a night spot or party that is a lot of fun - the place was really going off Good oil: useful information, a good idea, the truth Good onya: good for yo
24、u, well done Goog, as full as a: drunk. Goog is a variation of the northern English slangword goggie meaning an egg. Greenie: environmentalist Grinning like a shot fox: very happy, smugly satisfied Grog: liquor, beer (bring your own grog, you bludger) Grouse (adj.): great, terrific, very good Grundi
25、es: undies, underwear (from Reg Grundy, a television person) Gutful of piss: drunk, hes got a gutful of piss Gyno: gynaecologist H Handle: beer glass with a handle Heaps: a lot, e.g. thanks heaps, (s)he earned heaps of money etc. Hoon: hooligan Hooroo: goodbye (? Don Burke) Hotel: often just a pub H
26、ottie: hot water bottle I Icy pole, ice block: popsicle, lollypop J Jackaroo: a male station hand (a station is a big farm/grazing property) Jillaroo: a female station hand Joey: baby kangaroo Journo: journalist Jumbuck: sheep K Kangaroos loose in the top paddock: Intellectually inadequate (hes got
27、kangaroos loose in the top paddock) Kelpie: Australian sheepdog originally bred from Scottish collie Kero: kerosene Kindie: kindergarten Knock: to criticise Knock back: refusal (noun), refuse (transitive verb) Knocker: somebody who criticises L Lair: a flashily dressed young man of brash and vulgar
28、behaviour, to dress up in flashy clothes, to renovate or dress up something in bad taste Lair it up: to behave in a brash and vulgar manner Larrikin: a bloke who is always enjoying himself, harmless prankster Lend of, to have a: to take advantage of somebodys gullibility, to have someone on (hes hav
29、ing a lend of you) Lippy: lipstick Liquid laugh: vomit Lizard drinking, flat out like a: flat out, busy Lob, lob in: drop in to see someone (the rellies have lobbed) Lollies: sweets, candy London to a brick: absolute certainty (its London to a brick that taxes wont go down) Loo: toilet Lucky Country
30、, The: Australia, where else? Lunch, who opened their?: OK, who farted? Lurk: illegal or underhanded racket M Maccas (pron. mackers) : McDonalds (the hamburger place) Mallee bull, as fit as a: very fit and strong. The Mallee is very arid beef country in NSW/SA. Mappa Tassie: map of Tasmania - a woma
31、ns pubic area Mate: buddy, friend Mates rate, mates discount: cheaper than usual for a friend Metho: methylated spirits Mexican: a person from south of the (Queensland) border Mickey Mouse: excellent, very good. Beware though - in some parts of Australia it means inconsequential, frivolous or not ve
32、ry good! Middy: 285 ml beer glass in New South Wales Milk bar: corner shop that sells takeaway food Milko: milkman Mob: group of people, not necessarily troublesome Mob: family or herd (?) of kangaroos Mongrel: despicable person Mozzie: mosquito Muddy: mud crab (a great delicacy) Mug: friendly insul
33、t (have a go, yer mug), gullible person Mull: grass (the kind you smoke) Muster: round up sheep or cattle N Nasho: National Service (compulsory military service) Naughty, have a: have sex Never Never: the Outback, centre of Australia Nipper: young surf lifesaver No-hoper: somebody wholl never do wel
34、l Not the full quid: not bright intellectually No worries!: Expression of forgiveness or reassurance (No problem; forget about it; I can do it; Yes, Ill do it) Nuddy, in the: naked Nuns nasty, as dry as a: dry O Ocker: an unsophisticated person Offsider: an assistant, helper Oldies: parents - Ill ha
35、ve to ask my oldies O.S.: overseas (hes gone O.S.) Outback: interior of Australia Oz: Australia! P Pash: a long passionate kiss; hence pashing on Pav: Pavlova - a rich, creamy Australian dessert Perve (noun & verb): looking lustfully at the opposite sex Piece of piss: easy task Pigs arse!: I dont ag
36、ree with you Piker: Someone who doesnt want to fit in with others socially, leaves parties early Piss: beer. Hence hit the piss, sink some piss Plate, bring a: Instruction on party or BBQ invitation to bring your own food. It doesnt mean theyre short of crockery! Plonk: cheap wine Pokies: poker mach
37、ines, fruit machines, gambling slot machines Polly: politician Pom, pommy: an Englishman Pommy bastard: an Englishman Pommy shower: using deodorant instead of taking a shower Pommys towel, as dry as a: very dry - based on the canard that Poms bathe about once a month Port: suitcase (portmanteau) Pos
38、tie: postman, mailman Pot: 285 ml beer glass in Queensland Pozzy: position - get a good pozzy at the football stadium Prezzy: present, gift Q Quid, make a: earn a living - are you making a quid? Quid, not the full: of low IQ R Rack off: push off! get lost! get out of here! also rack off hairy legs!.
39、 Rage: party Rage on: to continue partying - we raged on until 3am Rapt: pleased, delighted Ratbag: mild insult Raw prawn, to come the: to bullshit, to be generally disagreeable Reckon!: you bet! Absolutely! Reffo: refugee Rego: vehicle registration Rellie: family relative Ridgy-didge: original, gen
40、uine Right: okay (shell be right, mate) Ripper: great, fantastic - it was a ripper party Rip snorter: great, fantastic - it was a rip snorter of a party Road train: big truck with many trailers Rock up: to turn up, to arrive - we rocked up at their house at 8pm Rollie: a cigarette that you roll your
41、self Roo: kangaroo Root (verb and noun): synonym for f*ck in nearly all its senses: I feel rooted; this washing machine is rooted; (s)hes a good root. A very useful word in fairly polite company. Ropeable: very angry Rort (verb or noun): Cheating, fiddling, defrauding (expenses, the system etc.). Us
42、ually used of politicians Rotten: drunk - I went out last night and got rotten Rubbish (verb): to criticize S Salvos, the: Salvation Army, bless them Salute, Aussie: brushing flies away Sandgroper: a person from Western Australia Sanger: a sandwich Sav: saveloy (see also fair suck of the sav!) Schoo
43、ner: large beer glass in Queensland; small beer glass in South Australia Scratchy: instant lottery ticket Screamer: party lover; two pot screamer - somebody who gets drunk on very little alcohol Servo: petrol station Shark biscuit: somebody new to surfing Sheila: a woman Shell be right: itll turn ou
44、t okay Shonky: dubious, underhanded. E.g. a shonky practice, shonky business etc. Shoot through: to leave Shout: turn to buy - a round of drinks usually (its your shout) Sickie: day off sick from work (chuck a sickie = take the day off sick from work when youre perfectly healthy!) Skite: boast, brag
45、 Slab: a carton of 24 bottles or cans of beer Sleepout: house verandah converted to a bedroom Smoko: smoke or coffee break Sook: person or animal who is soft, tame, inoffensive. Hence sooky (adj.) Snag: a sausage Spag bol: spaghetti bolognese Spewin: very angry Spit the dummy: get very upset at some
46、thing Sprung: caught doing something wrong Spunk: a good looking person (of either sex) Squizz (noun): look - take a squizz at this Station: a big farm/grazing property Stickybeak: nosy person Strewth: exclamation, mild oath (Strewth, that Chris is a bonzer bloke) Strides: trousers Strine: Australia
47、n slang and pronunciation Stubby: a 375ml. beer bottle Stubby holder: polystyrene insulated holder for a stubby Stuffed, Ill be: expression of surprise Stuffed, I feel: Im tired Sunbake: sunbathe Sunnies: sunglasses Surfies: people who go surfing - usually more often than they go to work! Swag: roll
48、ed up bedding etc. carried by a swagman Swaggie: swagman Swagman: tramp, hobo T Tall poppies: successful people Tall poppy syndrome: the tendency to criticize successful people Taswegian: a person from Tasmania Technicolor yawn: vomit Tee-up: to set up (an appointment) Thingo: Wadjamacallit, thingummy, wha