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1、牛津小学英语4B复习资料牛津小学英语4B复习资料之各单元单词及句型 Unit1 A new student 单词: new , student , teacher , doctor , nurse , boy , girl , man , woman 句型: 1. A: Whos that ? B: Hes/Shes Hes/Shes a 例如: A: Whos that man ? 那个男人是谁? B: Hes Mr Brown. Hes a doctor. 他是布朗先生。他是一名医生。 2. A: Are you a ? B: Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 例如:A:

2、Are you a teacher ? 你是一名教师吗? B: No, Im not . 不,我不是的。 3. Welcome to our school . 欢迎来到我们学校。 4. Whos the boy in the tree? 在树上的那个男孩子是谁? 5. Come down, 下来, 6. Dont climb trees again. 不许再爬树了。 7. Im new here . 我是新来的。 Unit2 At a party 单词: white , friend , grandfather , grandmother , father , mother , brother

3、 , sister , hair , head , an eye , an ear , a nose , a mouth 句型: 1. A: Whos the with? B: Hes / Shes my 例如:A : Whos the boy with a big mouth? 那个长着大嘴巴的男孩子是谁? B : Hes my brother. 他是我的弟弟。 2. A: Is that woman your mother ? 那个女人是你的妈妈吗? B: Which one ? 哪一个? A: The one in the red skirt. 穿着红短裙的那个。 B: Yes, she

4、 is . 是的,她是。 3. Were late for the party. 我们参加聚会迟到了。 4. Lets hurry ! 让我们快点! Unit3 Whats your job ? 单词: policeman , policewoman , waiter , waitress , driver , worker , cook , farmer , postman , an engineer 句型: 1. A: Whats your / his / her job ? B: Im / Hes / Shes 例如:A: Whats his job? 他的工作是什么? B: Hes a

5、 worker. 他是一名工人。 2. A: What are their jobs ? 他们的工作是什么? B: Theyre drivers. 他们是司机。 3. A: How old are you / is he / she? B: Im / Hes / Shes 例如:A: How old is he? 他多大了? B: Hes ten . 他十岁了。 4. Its cold today, isnt it? 今天冷,不是吗? 5. A: What do you want to be ? 你想成为什么? B: I want to be a policeman. 我想成为一名警察。 Un

6、it4 Buying fruit 单词: buy , some , apples , oranges , bananas , peaches , grapes , pineapples , lemons , strawberries , mangoes , watermelons , pears 句型: 1. A: What are these / those ? B: Theyre 例如:A : Whatre these ? 这些是什么? B : Theyre grapes. 它们是葡萄。 2. A: Id like some grapes, please. 我想要一些葡萄。 B: How

7、many kilos? 多少公斤? A: Three kilos, please. 三公斤。 B: Here you are . 给你。 3. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗? 4. These or those ? 这些还是那些? Unit6 Lets go by taxi ? 单词: station , supermarket , library , theatre , hospital , airport , by train , by plane , by metro , by motorcycle , by minibus , by taxi , on foot 句型:

8、 1. A: Shall we go to by? B: All right . / OK. 例如:A: Shall we go to the theatre by bus ? 我们乘公共汽车去剧院好吗? B: All right . 好的。 2. A: Is this train for Shanghai ? 这是去上海的火车吗? B: No, it isnt. 不,不是的。 3. A: How do we go there ? 我们怎么去那儿? B: Lets go by taxi. 让我们乘出租车去。 4.How do you go to school? 你怎么上学? 5、Are you

9、 free now? 你现在空闲吗? 6、 Good idea. 好主意。 Unit 7 At a snack bar 单词: pies , sandwiches , hamburgers , chips , sweets , biscuits , noodles , chocolate , tea , coffee , juice , milk 句型: 1. A: What would you like ? 你想要什么? B: Some chips , please . 一些薯条。 A: Anything else ? 还要一些别的吗? B: No, thank you. How much

10、are they ? 不,谢谢。多少钱? A: Ten yuan, please. 十元。 2. How much is it / are they ? Its / Theyreyuan . 3. How about you? 你呢? 4. Something to drink? 要一些喝的吗? 5. What can you see in the picture ? 你能从图上看到什么? Unit8 Open Day 单词: our , chair , blackboard , noticeboard , computer , picture , bookcase , tape record

11、er , music room , an office , playground 句型: 1. A: Whats in / on / near / ? B: Theres a / There are some in / on / near 例如:A: Whats near the classroom ? B: Theres a tree. There are some cars. 2. Ive got a new dress . 我有一件新裙子。 3. Can you read them? 你能读它们吗? Unit9 Breakfast 单词: fridge , able , knife ,

12、fork , plate , bowl , cup , bottle , spoon , glass , cupboard , chopsticks , rice , bread , an egg 句型: 1. A : Wheres / Where are the / my ? B: Its / Theyre 例如:A: Wheres the glass? 玻璃杯在哪儿? (2) A: Where are my chopsticks? B: Its on the bed . 在床上。 B: Theyre in the bookcase . 2. Theres no in/on/near 例如:

13、Theres no rice in the bowl . 碗里没有饭 。 3. Whats for breakfast ? 早餐吃什么? 4. Have some juice then . 那么喝些澄汁吧。 5. A : Can you use chopsticks? 你会用筷子吗? B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. But Id like to try. 是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。但是我想试试。 6. Let me try again. 让我再试一次。 牛津小学英语4B复习资料知识梳理 一、词组 in the tree 在树上 let me see 让我看一看 co

14、me down 下来 all right 好的 climb trees 爬树 the boy with big eyes 长着大眼睛的男孩 late for 迟到 in the car 在车里 how old 几岁 look at 看 old woman 老妇女 how many 多少 in the red sweater 穿着红色的毛衣 want to be 想成为 would like 想要 here you are 给你 some apples 一些苹果 with big eyes 大眼睛的 how much 多少钱 with a big nose 长着一个大鼻子 in your bag

15、 在你的书包里面 go to the theatre 去剧院 by bus 坐公共汽车 by taxi 打的 be free 有空 go to the park 去公园 good idea 好主意 on foot 步行 an apple pie 一个苹果派 orange juice 橘子汁 a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 how much 多少钱 can not move 不能动 go and play basketball 去打篮球 get up 起床 see the doctor 去看医生 watch TV 看电视 in class 在班级里 big and bright 大而明

16、亮 music room 音乐教室 on the piano 在钢琴上 lots of 许多 in the library 在图书馆 go and see 去看看 a new T-shirt 一件新T恤 in the cupboard 在碗橱 on the table 在桌子上 in the fridge 在冰箱里面 a pair of 一双 watch me 看我 try again 再试试 open day 接待日 二单词的复数形式 1 名词的复数 直接加S : apples doctors forks 单词以X, S , ch, , 结尾的 :boxes, glasses watches

17、 辅音+Y结尾的变y为i再加es : strawberries 元音+Y结尾的加s 词尾为f,fe,一般变为ves : knife-knives 一些特殊的形式:manmen foot-feet childchildren 2 代词的复数 *指示代词 thisthese thatthose *人称代词 Iwe youyou he, she, itthey *物主代词 myour youryour his, her, itstheir 附表格: 人称代词主格 中文意思 形容词性物主代词 中文意思 第一人称 第二人称 I 我 my 我的 you 你 your 你的 he 他 his 他的 单数 第

18、三人称 she 她 her 她的 it 它 its 它的 复数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 we 我们 our 我们的 you 你们 your 你们的 they 他们 their 他们的 3 be动词 am, isare 三、句型 本册主要出现的疑问词 who which what how many how much how where 运用上面的疑问词对划线部分提问 1 That boy is my brother. 2 The girl with big eyes is Helen. 3 They are cooks. 4 There is a TV in the classroom.

19、5 Id like some orange juice. 6 I can see seven books on the desk. 7 Its twenty-five yuan. 8 I go to school by bus. 9 The milk is in the fridge 牛津小学英语4B复习资料之1-5单元选择题 ( )1.Whos the boy ? A. on the tree B. one the tree C. in the tree ( )2.Welcomemy school. A. for B. in C. to ( )3.Whos the girl ? A. on

20、there B.over here C.over there ( )4.Are you a student?Yes. a student. A. I B. Im C. I is ( )5.Can you _ the zebra? A.look B.watch C.see ( )6.Whos the man?_ Mr Green A. He B.hes C.Hes ( )7.Whos the girl?_ Linda. A. shes B.She C.Shes ( )8._ climb trees again. A. Do B.Not C.Do not ( )9._ he a teacher?

21、A. are B.Is C.is ( )10.Whos that _? _ Liu Tao. A.boy; He B. girl;Hes C.boy;Hes ( )11.Come _,Mike. A.Down B.down C.up ( )12.Whos the boy _ big eyes? A.in B.have C.with ( )13.Whos the girl _a white dress? A. wear B.in C.on ( )14.Which one? The _ in the vest. A. One B.ones C.one ( )15.Whos the man with

22、 _? A. big nose B.an nose C.a big nose ( )16._that woman your aunt? Yes , _ is. A.is;she B.Is ; Hes C.Is;Shes ( )17.Is the _ your father?No,_ isnt. A.woman; He B.man; He C.man;hes ( )18.Were late_the party. A. four B.for C. to ( )19.His socks and shoes _ black. A. is B.am C.are ( )20.Look,Joe is _ o

23、n the chair. A. sit B.sit down C. sitting ( )21.What are _ jobs? A. they B.them C.their ( )22._ _ a student? A. Are your B.are you C.Are you ( )23._ _ a doctor? A. is He B. Are he C.Is he ( )24.Whats _ job? A. His B.his C. hes ( )25.The _ book and ruler _ on the table. A. boy ; are B.boys ; are C. b

24、oy; are ( )26.What _ you want to be? A. did B. does C.do ( )27.What _ this? A.am B.is C. are ( )28.What _ these? A.am B.is C. are ( )29.What _ you like? Id like some pears. A. do B. would C. are ( )30.What _ you like? I like swimming . A. do B. would C. are ( )31.The one _ the yellow jacket is _ fat

25、her. A. with; his B. in; hes C.in ; his ( )32.Is that _ your sister? A. boy B.girl C.woman ( )33._ is in your pencil box? A. what B.Whats C.What ( )34.Whats _ name? His name is Ganshan. A. her B.hes C.his ( )35.The old _ cat _ oh the tree. A. womans ; is B. woman ; is C.womans ;are ( )36. There are

26、many apples are _ the tree. A. on B.in C. to ( )37.What are these? _ are bananas. A. These B. They C. Those ( )38.Are you a student? A. Yes, Im . B.Yes, he is. C.Yes, I am. ( )39.Wheres Mrs Green? A. Shes thirsty. B. Shes ill . C. Sorry,I dont know. ( )40._ _ your grandmother? A. Are you B. Is he C.

27、Is she ( )41._ bike is it? Its _. A. my B. mine C. me ( )42._ you LiuTaos classmate? A. Is B. are C. Are ( )43. -Shes Nancys mothers mother.Whos she? - Shes Nancys _. A. mother B. sister C. grandmother ( ).44.There are some _. A. mangos B. mango C. mangoes ( )45.My hair _ long. A. are B.is C. be ( )

28、46.Is _ friend a girl? A. you B.your C. yours ( )47.How _ watermolons can you see ? I can see fifteen. A.many B.much C. old ( )48.How _ are they? Theyre fifteen yuan. A.many B.much C. old ( )49. How many _? A. kiloes B.kilo C. kilos ( )50.Id like one _ pineapples. A. kilos B.kilo C. kiloes ( )51. It

29、s cold today._? A. it is B.isnt it C. it isnt ( )52. Id like some _. A.peach B. peachs C.peaches ( )53.I _ those dogs over there are very thin. A. like B.thin C.think ( )54.-Whats the _? - Im ill. A. this B. matter C. time ( )55. He is _ student. A. a B. the C. an ( )56. The boy _ the walkman. A. li

30、stens B. listen to C. listens to ( )57. .Can I help you ?_some bananas,please. A. I want to be B.Id like C. I like ( )58 .These or those ? The big _,please. A. ones B. it C. one ( )59. .Whos the boy_ white ?Hes Mike. A. with B.in C. in a ( )60.Id like some_ . A. a watermelon B. watermelons C. waterm

31、elon ( )61.What are _over there? A. these B. those C. that ( )62.How much _the apples? A. am B . are C. is ( )63.Look, that is_ . Its four_ now. A. a clock, oclock B. oclock, a clock C. oclock, oclock ( )64.I can see the girl _ the tree. A. in B.with C. on 20.Welcome_our school. Thank you. A. too B.

32、 to C. two D. in 21._ Mr Black a teacher? No, isnt. A. is, he B. its, He C. Is, he D. Its, she 22.Is that woman your mother? Which_one? _one in the blue dress. A. the, The B. , C. , The D. the, 23._the girl_ the red T-shirt. A. Whos, in B. Whose, on C. Whos, on D. Whose, in 24.May I _your name? Sure

33、. _ name is Dick. A. no, My B. know, My C. no, I D. know, I 25.Look, that is_ . Its four_ now. A. a clock, oclock B. oclock, a clock C. oclock, oclock D. a clock, a clock ( )26.What are _? They are pineapples. A. this B. these C. it ( )27._ is her job? A. What B. Which C. Who ( )28.Theyre my uncles.

34、 Theyre _. A. pears B. boys C. workers ( )29._ climb table again. A. Not B. Dont C. Do ( )30.Is this bus _ the station? Yes . A . to B. for C. by ( )31._ do you go to school? At 6;30. A. How B. What time C. What ( )32.Shall we go there _ minibus? Great. A. on B . at C. by ( )33.The coffee is _ you .

35、 Thank you A. to B. for C. about ( )34. What are these ? _ lemons. A. Its B. Theyre C. Therere ( )35._ is the pie? _ six yuan. A. How many , Its B. How much , Theyre C. How much, Its ( )36.Shes my fathers mother. Whos she? A. uncle B. mother C. grandmother ( )37.Can I help you ?_some bananas,please.

36、 A. I want to be B. Id like C. I like ( )38.How many _ ?One _, please. A. kilos/kilo B. kilo/kilo C. kilos/kilos ( )39.These or those ? The big _,please. A. ones B. it C. one ( )40.What are _jobs ?They are_ . A. they/farmers B. his/farmer C. their/farmers ( )41.Whos the boy_ white ?Hes Mike. A. with

37、 B.in C. in a ( )42.Id like some_ . A. a watermelon B. watermelons C. watermelon ( )43.Whats the boys name ?_name is Tom. A. His B. his C. hes ( )44.What are _over there? A. these B. those C. that ( )45.How much _the apples? A. am B. are C. is ( )46.Shall we go to _school ? A. the B. a C. / ( )47.How many _can you see in the picture? A.pear B.oranges C.peachs ( )48. _sweets? Four. A.How much B.How many C.What are ( )49. _ , are you a teacher? A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Im sorry ( )55. _he a teacher ? No,hes _. A.is/a doctor B.Is/a doctor C.Whos/a doctor ( )56. Whos the man


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