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1、牛津英语初一英语语法专题讲解初一英语 语法 1.动词be的用法 be是系动词,意为“是,在”,它包含am、is、are等形式。这三个词都是“是”的含义,但用法比中文中的“是”要复杂,英语中的am, is 和are都是be 的变化形式,根据不同的主语选用不同的动词,主语I 用am,表示复数的主语和单数you则要用are I am fine. 我很好。 I am not Mary. 我不是玛丽。 Are you Mr. Li? 你是李先生吗? You are welcome. 不客气。 is出现在其他场合 My name is Kate. 我叫凯特。 Where is Tom? 汤姆在哪里? 肯定

2、式为I am/ Im, he is/hes, she is/shes, it is/its, you are/youre, they are/theyre, we are/were 否定式为 I am not/Im not, he is not/he isnt, she is not/she isnt, it is not/it isnt, you are not/you arent, they are not/they arent, we are not/we arent . Is she in Class 2, Grade 1? 她在一年级二班吗? -No, she isnt. She i

3、s in Class 1, Grade 2. 不,她不在。她在二年级一班。 -Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhang? 对不起,你是张先生吗? -No, I am not. Im Mr. Liu. 不,我不是。我是刘先生。 2.数字: 0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen Whats your number? 你是多少号? number (n.) 号, 号码后接数字

4、His number is 13. 他是十三号。 We live at no. 102 Church Street. 我们住在教堂街102号。 No. 3 bus is coming. 三路车来了。 Im Number 2 in Row 1. 我是一排二号。 row (n.) 排,列 Excuse me, are you in Row 5? 对不起,你在五排吗? Look at that row of books on the desk. 看桌上的那排书。 There are rows of houses in front of the school. 学校前面有好几排房子。 -Whats o

5、ne plus two? 一加二等于多少? -Its three! 等于三。 表示加法的还可以用Whats one and two?来表示,回答则用Its plus (prep.)加上 Two plus two is four. 二加二等于四。 Four plus three equals seven. 四加三等于七。 -Whats nine and three? 九加三等于多少? -Its twelve. 等于十二。 -Whats five plus five? 五加五是多少? -Ten. 十。 1 10 ten -Whats five minus three? 五减三等于几? -Its t

6、wo. 等于二。 minus (prep.) 减去 Twelve minus seven leaves five. 十二减去七剩五。 Nine minus three is six. 九减三等于六。 指示代词 this、that、it的用法: this 和that用做指示代词,有“这个,这,那个,那”的意思。This指离说话人较近的一个人或物,that则指较远的一个人或物。在句中常做主语或定语。如:this is my pencil. 这是我的铅笔。 this pencil is nice 这支铅笔很漂亮。 it做主语,指前面已经提到的人或事物。It常在句中代替this 或that。如: Wh

7、ats this/that? 这/那是什么? Its a cake. 是一块蛋糕。 this is 不能略写为thiss。 人称代词的用法: 他 he 她 she 它 it,其后be动词用is 他的 his 她的 her 它的 its,其后接名词 he 通常用来代替单数男性。She 通常用来代替单数女性。It 通常用来代替一个动物或一个无生命的物体。 He is my little brother. 他是我的弟弟。 This is my parrot. Its name is Polly. 这是我的鹦鹉,它的名字叫波力。 Is that his computer? 那是他的电脑吗? She i

8、s our new teacher. Her name is Susan White. 她是我们的新老师,她的名字叫苏珊怀特。 3.人称代词:I, we, you(你), you(你们), he, she, it, they 4.物主代词:my, our, your, his, her,its, their 人称代词就是我们经常用做主语的代词。表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可称为代词所有格。物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 物主代词包括形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词只能作定语,修饰名词,包括:my, your, his, her, its, our, the

9、ir This is my book and that is your book. 这是我的书,那是你的书。 Where is your school-bag? 你的书包在哪呢? Who is his grandfather? 他的爷爷是谁? 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词区别是: 形容词性物主代词具有形容词性质和作用,用于修饰名词;名词性物主代词具有名词2 性质和作用,本身就可以做主语、表语或宾语。换句话说,形容词性物主代词后面必须加名词,而名词性物主代词后面不得加名词。以下是名词性物主代词用法的具体分析: a. 作主语 May I use your pen? Yours is bette

10、r. 我可以用一用你的钢笔吗?你的比我的好用。 He has a new cap. His looks very nice. 他有了一个新帽子,这个帽子看起来很不错。 b. 作宾语 I love my motherland and she love hers, too. 我爱我的祖国,她也爱她的祖国。 You have a very interesting storybook. May I have a look at yours? 你有一本非常有趣的故事书,我能看一下吗? c. 作介词宾语 They have a big room. I think I can stay at theirs.

11、 他们的房间很大,我想我可以待在他们的房间。 My book is in my desk and your book is in yours. 我的书在我的桌子里,你的书在你的桌子里。 名词的所有格形式一般在名词后加s构成,表示所属关系,如果是名词是复数形式,则在规则名词的复数形式后直接加,若是不规则名词,如表示孩子们的则表示为childrens。 This is Jims new hat. 这是吉姆的新帽子。 That is Jack and Sues room. 那是杰克和苏的房间。 Today is Childrens Day. 今天是儿童节。 英语名词的复数问题: 1) 英语里的名词从

12、数方面上分为可数名词和不可数名词两大类,可数名词有单数与复数之分,而不可数名词如抽象名词,物质名词就没有复数形式。 2) 句中出现复数名词,其他成分如代词,动词也要与其相配合。 3) 名词从单数变复数的方法如下: (1) 大部分的名词+ -s=复数 pen (笔) pens, apple (苹果) apples, book (书) books, girl (女孩) girls, cat (猫) cats,car (汽车) cars (2) 词尾s,x,sh,ch,o的名词+ -es=复数 class (班级) classes,church (教堂) churches, fox (狐狸) fox

13、es, hero (英雄) heroes, dish (盘子) dishes (3) 词尾是f或fe时,先将f改为v,再加-es=复数 leaf (叶子) leaves, half (一半) halves, knife (小刀) knives, wife (妻子) wives (4) 词尾是元音+y时,则直接+ -s=复数 day (日子) days, key (钥匙) keys, boy (男孩) boys (5) 词尾是辅音+y,先去掉y,再+ -ies=复数 party (宴会) parties, baby (婴儿) babies, city (城市) cities family (家庭

14、) families (6) 有些名词的单复数同形 deer (鹿) deer, sheep (绵羊) sheep, fish (鱼) fish, Chinese (中国人) Chinese (7) 有些名词形式上是复数,但代表单数意义 3 news(消息),physics(物理学),the United States(美国) 注意:以上规则适用一般情况,其中不排除特例。 如:radio(收音机) radios, handkerchief(手帕) handkerchiefs 单数变复数后s, es的读音: 4) 元音,浊辅音后读 /z/,如:days /deiz/,games /geimz/,

15、flags /flgz/ 5) 清辅音/p/, /k/, /f/ 后读 /s/,如:maps /mps/,books /buks/ 6) /t/后读/ts/,如:cats /cts/ 7) /d/后读/dz/,如:goods /gudz/ /s/, /z/, /, /t/后读/iz/,如:matches /m tiz/ 冠词的用法: 冠词分定冠词和不定冠词。 the为定冠词,特指某个人,某件事,某种东西。 This is a map of the world. The map is very big. 这是一张世界地图。这张地图很大。 指说话双方都了解的事或人 如: lets go to th

16、e playground. 让我们去操场吧 表示世界上独一无二的事物。如:the sun the moon the earth 用在序数词和形容词最高级的前面 Shanghai is the biggest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。 某些专有名词前 the U.S.A the Summer Palace the Great Wall a, an为不定冠词,泛指一个人,一件事,一样东西。一般情况,上下文中第一次出现的名词前用a或者an,其后在出现的则用the。 I have a little cat. The cat is very cute. 我有一只小猫。它很可爱。

17、 there be句型: 1) there be句型表示“存在”,“有”。 “there”在这里没有“那儿”的意思,而是和be动词一起构成“有”句型的结构。 2) be动词可以有不同的性数时态变化,其单复数要和紧跟其后的名词单复数一致 There is a cat under the table. 桌子下有一只猫。 There are five English exercise-books on the shelf. 架子上有五本英语练习册。 There is some water in the glass. 玻璃杯里有一些水。 There is a boy and three girls o

18、n the playground. 操场上有一个男生三个女生。 There are two cars and one jeep in the garage. 车库里有两辆小汽车一辆吉普车。 There are many students there. 那儿有很多学生。 there be句型否定句和疑问句用法总结: 1) 否定形式即在be动词后加not There isnt any coffee in the cup. 杯子里没有咖啡了。 There are not any workers in the factory. 工厂里没有工人。 There is no dog in the garde

19、n. 花园里没有狗。 There are no books on the desk. 桌上没有书。 2) 一般疑问句即将be动词放在there之前,句中其他成分顺序不变 -Are there many cars in the street? 街道上有很多汽车吗? -Yes, there are. 是的,很多。 -Is there any interesting news in the newspaper? 报纸上有没有有趣的新闻? 4 -No, there isnt. 没有什么有趣的新闻。 -Are there any maps on the wall of the classroom? 教室

20、墙上有没有地图? -There are two. 有两幅。 3) 对there be句型提问的特殊疑问句通常是“Whatbe动词表示地点的介词短语” -What is in the room? 房间里有什么? -There is a computer. 有一台电脑。 -What is under the bed? 床下有什么? -There is a football under the bed. 床下有一个足球。 介词短语用法小结: 在英语中,介词是一种虚词,在句中不能单独使用。介词与其后的名词或代词连用,构成介词短语。一般用来表示事物的方位或状态。介词短语在句子中的作用,我们目前已学过的有

21、以下三点: a) 作表语:位于系动词之后,说明主语的方位或所处状态 His ruler is under the desk. 他的尺子在桌子下面。 He is in front of me. 他在我前面。 b) 作状语:表示主语动作发生的地点、时间等 What can you see on the map? 你能看见地图上有什么? What are you doing under the tree? 你在树下干什么呢? c) 作后置定语:修饰前面的名词 This is a photo of her family. 这是她的全家照。 The boy on the bike is my broth

22、er. 那个在自行车上的男孩是我的弟弟。 The woman in red is our new English teacher. 那个穿红衣服的女的是我们新的英语老师。 特殊疑问句小结: Whats this ? Whats your name ? How old are you ? What are those ? Where is it ? Where are they ? What class is he in ? What row is he in ? Whos that boy ? Who are they ? Which man is her teacher ? What col

23、our is it ? What colour are they ? 时刻的表示方法: (1) 表示正点:Its + 数词 e.g. Its three oclock. 三点了。 Its five p.m. 下午五点了。 (2) 表示几点一刻:Its a quarter past +数词 e.g. Its a quarter past ten. 十点一刻。(Its ten fifteen.) Its a quarter past twelve. 十二点一刻。(Its twelve fifteen.) (3) 表示几点半:Its half past+数词 e.g. Its half past e

24、leven. 十一点半。(Its eleven thirty.) Its half past four. 四点半。(Its four thirty.) (4) 表示几点差几分:Its + 数词+ to + 数词 e.g. Its five to six. 六点差五分。 Its eight to three. 三点差八分。 5 (5) 表示几点过几分:Its + 数词+ past + 数词 e.g. Its four past four. 四点零四分。(Its four four.) Its six past six. 六点零六分。(Its six six.) (6) 表示几点几分最直接的表达法

25、:Its + 数词+ 数词 e.g. Its twelve fourteen. 十二点十四分。(Its fourteen past twelve.) Its five forty-two. 五点四十二分。(Its eighteen to six.) Its two thirty. 两点半。(Its half past two.) 基数词: a) hundred的用法:(n.)一百个;(num.) 百 hundreds of 固定词组,表示好几百,许许多多 注意:hundred前如有表示数的形容词,则hundred后不加s e.g. There are two hundred cows on t

26、he farm. 农场上有两百头奶牛。 There are hundreds of people in the street. 街上有很多很多人。 He has three hundred model cars. 他有三百辆模型车。 b)对于英语基数词如何记忆,当我们仔细观察它们的拼法后,发现有如下规律: (1) 从1至12的数词都不一样,必须逐个熟记其拼法。 (2) 从13至19的数词都以teen结尾。-teen前面的词根或与相应的个位数词完全相同,如:fourteen ,sixteen, seventeen, nineteen (但是eighteen中少一个字母t);或与个位数词有关系,但

27、拼法与读音都有变化,如:thirteen, fifteen (3) 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90都以-ty结尾。-ty前面的词根或与相应的个位数词完全相同,如:sixty, seventy, ninety;或与个位数词相似,但拼法与读音不一样,如:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty (4)“几+几”是在“几十”后面加上个位数词,两词之间要加上连字符号“”。如:fifty-three 53, eighty-two 82 (5) 100以上的基数词,在百位数与十位数之间加and。 如:two hundred and forty-five 245, nine

28、hundred and sixty-seven 967 附:部分常见字母组合的含义: HK (Hong Kong) 香港 IBM (International Business Machine) 美国国际商用机器公司 ID (identification) 身份 CD (Compact Disc) 激光唱盘 MBA (Master of Business Administration) 工商管理硕士 NBA美国职业篮球联赛 CBA 中国职业篮球联赛 a.m. (ante meridian) 上午 p.m. (post meridian) 下午 kg (kilogram) 公斤,千克 km (k

29、ilometer) 公里,千米 mm (millimeter) 毫米 cm (centimeter) 厘米 BC (Before Christ) 公元前 AD (Anno Domini) 公元 ABC (American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.) 美国广播公司 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 英国广播公司 NE (North-East) 东北 CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China) 中国民航 PRC (Peoples Republic of China) 中国 P

30、LA (Peoples Liberation Army) 中国人民解放军 PC (personal computer) 个人电脑 PE (Physical Education) 体育 6 IQ (Intelligence Quotient) 智商 EQ (Emotional Quotient) 情商 IOC (International Olympic Committee) 国际奥林匹克委员会 IDD (International Direct Dial) 国际直拨长途电话 EMS (Express Mail Service) 邮政特快专递 RMB 人民币 IT (Information Te

31、chnology) 信息技术 CCTV (China Central Television) 中国中央电视台 UN (the United Nations) 联合国 UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) 联合国教科文组织 UFO (unidentified flying object) 不明飞行物 VIP (Very Important Person) 贵宾, 大人物 WTO (the World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织 UK (United Kingdom

32、) 联合王国,大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国 USA (the United States of America) 美利坚合众国 和电脑相关的单词: 电脑:computer, 键盘:keyboard, 鼠标:mouse 显示器:monitor, 硬盘:hard disc, 中央处理器:CPU 巩固练习 一、语音 找出每组单词划线部分读音与众不同的一个。 1. A. whose B. who C. do D. no 2. A. four B. for C. come D. floor 3. A. many B. have C. has D. thank 4. A. afternoon B. scho

33、ol C. good D. food 5. A. sorry B. son C. cock D. not 二、词汇 按要求写单词。 1do not_ 2. family_ 3Japanese _ 4. twins_ 5Lucys_ 6.ask_ 7Old_ 8.his_ 9Whos_ 10.white_ 词组互译。 1脱下_ 2.一百_ 3十点半_ 4.打扫教室_ 5看电视_ 6.play a game_ 7Have supper_ 8.in the morning_ 9Look the same_ 10.an English jeep_ 三、选择恰当的词填空。 1Lets go and he

34、lp_sister. 2There is a big cock_the tall tree. 3Its time_school. 7 4Peter is_home now. 5Dont read_the sun, 6Those are_of my family. 7There are many_over there. 8Give those books_Mr Wu. 9This is the_bedroom. 10.What_are the flowers? Theyre red. 四、单项选择 1. What_in the desk? There_some books in it. A. i

35、s, are B.is, is C.are, is D.are, are 2. Theres a window_the wall and there are some pictures_the wall. A. in, in B.in, on C.on, on D.on, in 3._you answer the question? Yes, I_. A.Can, Can B.can, can C.Can, can D.can, Can 4. There arent_students in the classroom. A.Some B.some C.Any D.any 5._pictures

36、 are there in the room? A.How much B.How old C.How nice D.How many 6._on the table? Theres a bag on it. A.Whats B.Wheres C.Whos D.Whats that 7.Its time_bed. A.to B.for C.on D.at 8.Im sorry._。 A.Thats all right B.You are right C.All right D.Youre wrong 9.Lets_friends. A.is B.am C.are D.be 10.Its time

37、 for school. I must_now. A.to go B.go C.go on D.going on 五、选择对应的答语。 1.Thank you! A.Its blue 2.Whats that? B.Hes Li Lei 3.How are you C.Its ten o clock. 4.Have a seat, please. D.All right 5.How do you do? E.Im a girl. 6.Are you a boy or a gril F.How do you do? 7.Lets go to school together. G.Thank yo

38、u. 8.Whats the time? H.Fine, thank you. 9.Whos that? I. Its kite. 10.What colour is the dress? J. Youre welcome. 六、句型转换,按要求完成句子,每空一词。 1Therere some pictures on the wall. There_ _pictures on the wall. 2They have some English books _ _ _ _ English book? 3There are twelve flowers here. _ _ _are there h

39、ere? 8 4Write on the wall. _ _ on the wall. 5There is a photo on the desk. There_ _ _on the desk? 6Are there any oranges in the box? _ _ _ _in the box? 7There is a kite in the sky. _in the sky? 8I can sing an English song. _ _ _ an English song? 9My clothes are on the clothes line. _ _are on the clo

40、thes line. 10.The apples are red. _ _ _the apples? 11.The boy in the hat is my brother. _ _ _brother? 12.Its ten o clock now. _ _ _now? 13Its time to go to school. Its time_ _. 14Class, are, in, you, what. _ _ _ _ _? 15Go, ask, please, and, Li Lei. _ _ _ _ _。 七、选择正确的译文。 1.今天谁值日? A. Whos duty today?

41、B.Whos on duty today? 2.你能看见多少个桔子? AHow many oranges can you see? B.How many orange can you see? 3.Lucy的铅笔在哪儿? AWheres lucys pencils? B.Wheres Lucy pencils? 4.那些是谁的鞋? AWhose shoes are those? B.Whos shoes are those? 5.那只鸟是什么颜色? AWhats the bird colour? B.What colour is the bird? 6.Whats this in English? A这个用英语怎么说? B.在英国中这个是什么? 7.Whats one plus two? A一加二等于多少? B.一减二等于多少? 8.Whats the time? A几点了? B.时间是什么? 9.Im in Class 1,Grade 2. A.我在一班二年级。 B.我在二年级一班。 10.How do you do? A.你怎么做? B.你好! 八、根据上下文完成对话。 9


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