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1、环境与可持续发展双语课期末考试复习资料环境与可持续发展 第一章 Environmental Problems and Living Sustainability 环境问题与可持续发展 一.Translation(翻译) cultural eutrophication(植物性富营养化) municipal solid waste(城市固体废弃物) eutrophication (富营养化) point sources(点源污染) non-point sources(面源污染) primary pollutant (初级污染物 ) secondary pollutant (二级污染物 ) phot

2、ochemical smog (光化学烟雾) solid waste(固体废弃物) 二.Glossary(名词解释) Primary pollutant直接排放到空气中的由于自然原因或人类活动达到一定浓度的有害化学物。 Secondary pollutant初级污染物与空气成分或者其他的空气污染物发生化学反应产生的新的有毒有害的化学物。 Solid waste任何不想要的或者丢弃的非液体非气体材料 Municipal solid waste城市里或者城市附近被家或商业活动丢弃的固体废弃物。 Point sources单一的可识别的向环境排放污染物的污染口。 hazardous waste (有

3、害的废弃物) acid deposition (酸沉降) desertification(荒漠化) ozone layer(臭氧层) depletion of the ozone layer(臭氧层耗竭) biodiversity loss(生物多样性丧失) ozone depletion (臭氧损耗) Non-point sources大的或者分散地向环境排放污染物的一个区域。 Ozone layer(臭氧层) 在大气平流层所聚集的通过过滤对人体有害的来自太阳紫外线的臭氧气体层。 Ozone depletion(臭氧层耗竭)平流层里臭氧浓度逐渐降低的过程。 三.Multiple choice

4、 (选择题) 1. Ozone which contributes to the formation of smog is found in the ( ) a. troposphere. b. thermosphere. c. mesosphere. d. stratosphere 2. Each of the following is one of the major classes of outdoor pollutants excep a. carbon oxides. b. smog. c. nitrogen oxides. d. sulfur oxides. 3. Acid dep

5、osition ( ) a. increases the mobility of toxic metals. b. kills many species of fish. c. damages statues, buildings, and car finishes. d. all of these answers. 4. Which of the following are a point source of water pollution? ( ) a. offshore oil wells b. livestock feedlots c. urban lands d. croplands

6、 第二章 Ecosystems and Sustainability 生态环境与可持续发展 一.Translation(翻译) community (群居体) lithosphere( 岩石圈) ecosystem (生态系统) troposphere (对流层) stratosphere (平流层) hydrosphere (水圈) biosphere (生物圈) photosynthesis(光合作用) aerobic respiration (有氧呼吸) food chain(食物链) producer (生产者) consumer (消费者) decomposer (分解者) hydr

7、ologic cycle (水文循环) carbon cycle(碳循环) nitrogen cycle (氮循环) phosphorus cycle(磷循环) primary consumer(初级消费者) sulfur cycle (硫循环) secondary consumer (次级消费者) ecosystem services(生态服务)tertiary (higher-level) consumers (三级消费者) 二.Glossary(名词解释) 三.Multiple choice (选择题) 1.All physical forms of water (solid, liqu

8、id, and gas) make up the ( ) a. atmosphere. b. lithosphere. c. biosphere. d. hydrosphere. 2Life of individual organisms is maintained by ( ) a. cycling of energy and flow of matter. b. flow of energy and cycling of matter. c. cycling of energy and matter. d. flow of energy and matter. 3. A transitio

9、nal zone between two ecosystems is called ( ) a. a fragile ecosystem. b. a biome. c. an ecotone.交错带 d. a buffer 4. Photosynthesis ( ) a. converts glucose into energy and water. b. requires the combustion of carbon. c. produces carbon dioxide and oxygen gas. d. yields glucose and oxygen gas as produc

10、ts 5. Aerobic respiration requires ( ) a. glucose and carbon dioxide. b. glucose and oxygen. c. oxygen and water. d. carbon dioxide and water. 6. The nitrogen cycle is an example of a(n) ( ) a. hydrologic cycle. b. sedimentary cycle. c. carbohydrate cycle. d. atmospheric cycle. *Atmospheric cycles (C, N)Carbon cycles (碳循环) Nitrogen cycles (氮循环) 7. The phosphorous cycle is an example of a(n) ( ) a. hydrologic cycle. b. sedimentary cycle. c. carbohydrate cycle. d. atmospheric cycle. *Sedimentary cycles (P, S)Phosphorus cycle (磷循环) AND Sulfur cycle (硫循环)


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