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1、现在进行时的基本用法现在进行时基本用法 现在进行时的肯定肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式: 主 语 第一、二人称和第三人称复数以及名词复数 肯 定 式 I am driving. He/She/It is working. We/You/They are something. 否 定 式 疑 问 式 I am not driving. Are you driving? He/She/It is not Is he/she/it working? doing working. Are you/they doing We/You/They are not something? doing anythin

2、g. 现在进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作,由“be动词 + 动词的现在分词”构成。 现在进行时的肯定句 句型 第一人称:主语 + am + 现在分词 + eg. I am watching TV. 我现在看电视。 第三人称单数:主语 + is + 现在分词 + eg. She is washing the dishes. 她正在洗澡。 第二人称及复数人称:主语 + are + 现在分词 + eg. They are playing games. 他们正在做游戏。 现在进行时的否定句 句型 主语 + 相应be动词 + not + 现在分词 + eg. He isnt watching TV. 他

3、没在看电视。 I am not cooking. 我没有在做饭。 We arent haveing English calss. 我们没在上英语课。 注意 is not和are not可缩写为isnt和arent。 现在进行时的一般疑问句 句型 相应be动词 + 主语 + 现在分词 + ? eg. Are you dancing? 他们正在跳舞吗? Is he drawing a picture? 他正在画一张画吗? Are you talking with your friend? 你正和你的朋友谈话吗? 现在进行一般疑问句的答语 句型 肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + 相应be动词。 否定回答

4、:No, 主语 + 相应be动词 + not。 eg. Are you listening to the music? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 你正在听音乐吗?是的,我正在听。/ 不,我没在听。 Is Aunt Wang knitting a sweater? No, she isnt. 王阿姨正织毛衣吗?不,她没有。 现在进行时的特殊疑问句 句型 特殊疑问词 + 相应be动词 + 主语 + 现在分词 + ? eg. What are you doing? 你正在干什么? Who is singing a song? 谁在唱歌呢? Why are they cle

5、aning their room? 他们为什么在打扫房间? 现在进行时特殊疑问句的答语 回答特殊疑问时,根据不同的疑问词的情况来决定回答方式。回答what提问时,答语是现在进行时的肯定形式;回答who提问时,只需说明主语是谁,再加相应的be动词即可。 eg. What is he doing? He is writing a letter. 他正在干什么?他正在写信。 Who is swimming in the lake? Jim is. 谁正在湖里游泳?吉姆正在游泳。 现在进行时的用法 表示阶段或现在正在发生的动作。 eg. Look! He is flying a kite. 看,他正在

6、放风筝。 It is raining now. 天正下着雨。 Dont make any noise. The baby is sleeping. 不要吵,孩子正在睡觉。 动词现在进行时常与always搭配使用,表示反复出现或习惯性的动作,隐含说话人的赞扬、喜好或厌恶的情绪。 eg. He is always talking. 你老是说个没完没了。 She is always helping people. 她总乐于助人。 时间状语:now, these days, recently等。如果句子中出现提示语,如look,listen等也经常用现在进行时。 动词的现在分词形式构成方法 一般动词原

7、形结尾 .直接在词尾加ing,如:playing,listening,cleaning等等 重读闭音节单词,末尾以元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的,双写辅音字母加ing,如:getting,beginning,putting,stopping,sitting,cutting,running,shopping,swimming,setting 以不发音的字母e结尾,having,coming,writing,taking,making,arriving,living,hoping 一、把动词变成现在分词形式易出错 例:1、They are swiming.(swim) 2 、Jenny is pla

8、iing(play)football. 答案:1.swimming 2 .playing 解析:动词变现在分词可有如下口诀:“一添一去y不变”. “一添”指双写规则;“一去”指去掉不发音字母e规则;“y不变”指要与名词变复数区分开。 二、丢掉be动词或忘记把动词变成现在分词 例:1、 Look,two children flying.(fly) a kite in the park. 2 、Li Mingisnt read ( not read) a book in bed now. 答案:1 are flying 2 isnt reading 解析:现在进行时肯定句的结构规律为: “be+现

9、在分词,缺一不可”。这一点必须牢记。 三、对动词或动词词组提问时丢掉doing 例:1 、The students are singing in the room.(对划线部分提问) What are the students in the room? 答案:What are the students doing in the room? 解析:现在进行时态中对动作提问可记住此句式“What +be +主语+doing+其它?” 或简写为“What.doing.”?句式。 四、现在进行时态的选择疑问句中易忽视or后用现在分词形式 例:孩子们在跑还是在跳? Are the children ru

10、nning or jump? 答案:Are the children running or jumping? 解析: or连接的是两个并列成分,动词形式须一致。 、单选 1、 Look! He _their mother do the housework. A. is helping B. are help C. is help D.is helpping 2 、_are the boys doing ? They are singing in the room. A .Who B .How C.What D.Where 3、 Dont talk here. My mother _. A. i

11、s sleeping B .are sleeping C. sleeping D .sleep 4 、Danny _. Dont call him. A. is writeing B .is writing C.writing D .writes 5 、When_he_back? Sorry, I dont know. A. does,come B.are coming C.is come D.is coming 答案:A C A B D 、填空 1、 Its ten oclock. My mother _(lie)in bed. 2、 What_he _(mend)? 3、 We _(pla

12、y)games now. 4、 What _you_(do) these days? 5、 _he _(clean) the classroom? 6、 Who_(sing)in the next room? 7 、The girl_(like)wearing a sweater. Look! She _(wear)a red sweater today. 答案:1 is lying 2 is mending 3 are playing 4 are doing 5 Is cleaning 6 is singing 7 likes ; is wearing 三、用动词的适当形式填空。 1、Tom

13、 (swim) in the river now. 2、Why (be) they not here yesterday? 3、Yesterday afternoon they (play) football with their English teacher. 4、Its eight oclock now. The boys (watch) TV. 5、She usually (do) her homework in the evening. 6、Tom and Tony cant (swim). 7、What does your father _ (do)? Hes a worker.

14、8、Look! Jim and Tom (run) there. 一、按要求改写句子 1. The boy is playing basketball. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答:_否定回答:_ 对“ The boy”提问:_ 2.造句: 1).she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.)_ 2).is,who,the window,cleaning?(连词成句)_ 3).She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)_ 4.)You are doing your homework.(用I作主语改写句子)_ 5).they,th

15、e tree,sing,now,under.(用现在进行时连词成句.)_ 6).The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)_ 二、单项选择 1.我在照看孩子. (A)I am looking after the baby.(B)Im look aftering the baby. (C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby. ( )2._friends making_a kite. (A)I,me (B)My,my (C)My,me (D)His,his

16、( )3.Is the woman _ yellow your teacher? (A)in (B)putting on (C)wearing (D)having ( )4.Look!The twins_their mother do the housework. (A)are wanting (B)help(C)are helping (D)are looking ( )5._are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree. (A)Who (B)What (C)How (D)Where ( )6.Is she_something? (A)eat

17、 (B)eating (C)eatting (D)eats ( )7.你在干什么? (A)What is you doing? (B)What are you do? (C)What are you doing? (D)What do you do? ( )8.What are you listening_? (A)/ (B)for (C)at (D)to ( )9.我正在听他说话. (A)I listening to him. (B)Im listening to him. (C)Im listen to him. (D)Im listening him. ( )10.They are_th

18、eir clothes. (A)makeing (B)putting (C)put away (D)putting on ( )11.Listen! She_in the classroom. (A)is singing (B)sing (C)to sing (D)is sing ( )12.Today Jim_ his white shirt and brown trousers. (A)is putting on (B)wear (C)put on (D)is wearing ( )13._are you eating?Im eating_meat. (A)What,some (B)Whi

19、ch,any (C)Where,not (D)What,a ( )14.They_TV in the evening.They do their homework. (A)are watching (B)cant watching (C)dont watch (D)dont watching ( )15.The children_football. (A)is playing (B)are playing (C)play the (D)play a ( )16.They are flying kites. (A)他们喜欢放风筝. (B)他们在放风筝吗? (C)他们在放风筝. (D)他们常放风筝

20、. ( )17.Look,They are swimming in the river. I want_you. (A)to go with (B)go with (C)helping (D)help ( )18.Look.Lucy is_a new bike today. (A)jumping (B)running (C)riding (D)takeing 三、用现在进行时完成下列句子: 1.What_you_(do)? 2.I_(sing) an English song. 3.What_he_(mend)? 4.He_(mend) a car. 5._you_(fly) a kite?Y

21、es,_. 6._she_(sit) in the boat? 7._you_(ask) questions? 8.We_(play) games now. 进行时参考答案 1、The boy is not playing basketball. Is the boy playing basketball. 肯定回答Yes,he is . 否定回答No,he isnot 2、She is opening the window now. Who is cleaning the window? She isnot closing the door now. I am doing your homework. They are singing under the tree now. Are the Young Pioneers helping the old woman? 二、单项选择 ACCCB BCDBD ADABB CAB 三、用现在进行时完成下列句子: 1、are doing 2、 am singing 3、is mending 6、Is sitting 7、 Are asking 8、are playing 4、is mending 5、Are flying I am


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