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1、生化中英文对照习题修改Exercise collections for Biochemistry Section one: noun explanation 1. Primary structure of protein蛋白质的一级结构 2. Secondary structure of protein蛋白质的二级结构 3. Tertiary structure of protein蛋白质的三级结构 4. Quaternary structure of protein蛋白质的四级结构 5. Motifs基序 6. Domains域名 7. Molecular chaperones分子伴侣 8.

2、 Cooperativity协同 9. Protein denaturation蛋白质变性 10. Primary structure of DNA DNA的一级结构 11. Secondary structure of DNA DNA的二级结构 12. Nucleosome核小体 13. Ribozyme核酶 14. DNA denaturation DNA变性 15. Melting temperature熔融温度 16. DNA renaturation DNA的复性 17. Nucleic acid hybridization核酸杂交 18. Enzyme酶 19. Multienzy

3、me system多酶片系统 20. Multifunctional enzyme多功能酶 21. Holoenzyme全酶 22. Coenzyme辅酶 23. Prosthetic group辅基 24. Vitamine维生素 25. Essential group of enzyme酶的重要组 26. Active center of enzyme酶的活动中心 27. Activation energy活化能 28. Specificity of enzyme特异性的酶 29. Induced-fit hypothesis诱导契合假说 30. Initial velocity初始速度

4、31. Michealis constant (Km) Michealis常数 32. Optimum temperature and Optimum pH最适温度和最适pH 33. Inhibitor of enzyme酶抑制剂 34. Irreversible inhibition不可逆性抑制 35. Reversible inhibition可逆的抑制作用 36. Competitive inhibition竞争性抑制 37. Activator of enzyme激活酶 38. Activity of enzyme酶活性 39. Zymogen (Proenzyme) 酶原 40. A

5、ctivation of zmogen激活的zmogen 41. Competitive inhibition竞争性抑制 42. Allosteric regulation变构调节 43. Covalent modification共价修饰 44. Indution and repression of protein biosynthesis蛋白质合成的Indution和压制 45. Isoenzymes同工酶 46. Enzyme coupled assays酶耦合分析 47. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay酶联免疫吸附试验 48. Glycolysis

6、(narrow sense) 糖酵解 49. Glycolytic pathway糖酵解途径 50. Substrate-level phosphorylation底物水平磷酸 51. Aerobic oxidation of glucose葡萄糖的有氧氧化 52. Pastuer effect 53. Glyconeogenesis糖原生成作用 54. Gluconeogenic pathway 55. Substrate cycle基板周期 56. Cori cycle (lactate cycle) 柯里周期 57. Pentose phosphate pathway磷酸戊糖途径 58.

7、 Favism蚕豆病 59. Glycogenesis糖原生成 60. Glycogenolysis糖原 61. Activated glucose激活葡萄糖 62. Cascade system级联系统 63. Three-carbon pathway三碳途径 64. Blood sugar血糖 65. Essential fatty acids必需脂肪酸 66. Fat mobilization脂肪动员 67. Hormone-sensitive triglyceride lipase激素敏感型甘油三酯脂酶 68. Lipolytic hormone脂解激素 69. Anti-lipoly

8、tic hormone抗脂解激素 70. -Oxidation of fatty acid脂肪酸-氧化 71. Ketone bodies酮体 72. Citrate-pyruvate cycle柠檬酸 - 丙酮酸循环 73. Blood lipid血脂 74. Lipoprotein脂蛋白 75. LCAT and ACAT LCAT和基督徒 76. LDL-receptor metabolic pathwayLDL受体代谢途径 77. Reverse cholesterol transport胆固醇的逆向转运 78. Biological oxidation生物氧化 79. Citric

9、acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle) 柠檬酸循环 80. Oxidation-reduction potential (redox potential) 氧化还原电位 81. Electron transport chain (Respiratory chain) 电子传递链 82. Oxidative phosphorylation氧化磷酸化 83. P/O ratio P / O比值 84. Respiratory control呼吸控制 85. Uncouplers解偶联剂 86. Photosynthesis光合作用 87. The light r

10、eactions光反应 88. The dark reactions (carbon-fixation reactions) 暗反应 89. Photosystem光系统 90. Essential amino acids必需氨基酸 91. Complementary effect of food proteins食物中蛋白质的互补效应 92. Putrefaction of proteins腐烂的蛋白质 93. Ubiquitination marker泛素标记 94. Metabolic pool of amino acids氨基酸的代谢池 95. Transamination转胺基作用

11、96. Oxidative deamination氧化脱氨 97. Conjunctive deamination结膜脱氨 98. Purine nucleotide cycle嘌呤核苷酸循环 99. Alanine-glucose cycle丙氨酸 - 葡萄糖循环 100. Ornithine cycle (urea cycle) 鸟氨酸循环 101. One carbon unit一碳单位 102. Methionine cycle蛋氨酸循环 103. The nitrogen cycle氮循环 104. Biological nitrogen fixation生物固氮 105. Nitr

12、ogen assimilation氮同化 106. de novo synthesis of purine nucleotaide从头合成嘌呤救助途径 107. Salvage pathways of pyrimidine nucleotide嘧啶核苷酸的救助途径 108. Anti-metabolite of nucleotide synthesis核苷酸合成的抗代谢 109. Central dogma中心法则 110. DNA replication DNA复制 111. Semi-conservative replication半保守复制 112. Semi-discontinuous

13、 replication半不连续复制 113. Replication forks复制叉 114. Replicon复制子 115. Prepriming complex引物预合成复合体 116. Leading strand and lagging strand领导链和滞后链 117. Klelow fragment Klelow片段 118. Okazaki fragments冈崎片段 119. Reverse transcription反转录 120. Mutation突变 121. Spontaneous mutation自发突变 122. Mutagenesis突变 123. DNA

14、 damage DNA损伤 124. Point mutation点突变 125. Deletion and insertion删除和插入 126. Frame-shift mutation移码突变 127. DNA Repair DNA修复 128. Transcription转录 129. Structural gene结构基因 130. Asymmetric transcription不对称转录 131. Coding strand编码链 132. Heat shock proteins (Hsp) 热休克蛋白 133. Transcription bubble转录泡沫 134. Pre

15、-initiation complex (PIC) 前起始复合物 135. Split gene拆分基因 136. Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) 小核核糖核蛋白 137. Splicesome 138. Exon外显子 139. Intron内含子 140. rDNA rDNA序列 141. Translation翻译 142. Genetic codon遗传密码子 143. Open reading frame (ORF) 开放阅读框 144. Degeneracy简并 145. Wobble摇晃 146. Actiation of amin

16、o acid Actiation的氨基酸 147. Shine-Dalgarno sequence (ribosomal binding site) 服务Dalgarno序列 148. Ribosomal cycle核糖体循环 149. Transpeptidase and Translocase 150. Release factor (RF) 释放因子 151. Polyribosome多核蛋白体,多核糖体 152. Folding of nascent polypeptide chain新生肽链的折叠 153. Protein targeting蛋白质定位 154. Signal seq

17、uence信号序列 155. Signal peptide信号肽 156. Signal recognition particles (SRP) 信号识别颗粒 157. Antibiotics抗生素 158. Inteferon (IF) Inteferon 159. Genome基因组 160. Gene expression基因表达 161. Temporal specificity (stage specificity) 时空特异性 162. Spatial specificity (tissue specificity) 空间特异性 163. Housekeeping geng 164

18、. Constitutive geng expression 165. Induction and repression诱导和压制 166. Coordinate expression坐标表达式 167. Operon操纵子 168. Pribnow box Pribnow盒 169. Cis-acting element顺式作用元件 170. Hogness box Hogness盒 171. Trans-acting factors反式作用因子 172. Transcriptional factors (TF) 转录因子 173. Heat shock response热休克反应 174.

19、 Enhancer增强子 175. Homologous recombination (general recombination) 同源重组 176. Conjugation共轭 177. Transformation转型 178. Transduction转导 179. Site-specific recombination位点特异性重组 180. Transposition换位 181. DNA cloning (molecular cloning) DNA克隆 182. Recombinant DNA technology重组DNA技术 183. Target gene靶基因 184.

20、 Restriction endonuclease限制性内切酶 185. Palindrome回文 186. Cloning vector克隆载体 187. Expression vector表达载体 188. Plasmid质粒 189. Genomic DNA library基因组DNA文库 190. cDNA library cDNA文库 191. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 聚合酶链反应 192. Competent cell感受态细胞 193. Transformed cell转化细胞 194. Gene diagnosis基因诊断 195. Ge

21、ne therapy基因疗法 196. Signal transduction信号转导 197. Synaptic signal (neurotransmitter) 突触信号 198. Endocrine signal (endocrine hormone) 内分泌信号 199. Paracrine signal (local chemical medium) 旁分泌信号 200. Autocrine signal自分泌信号 201. Intracellular signaling molecule细胞内的信号分子 202. Secondary messenger第二的使者 203. Ter

22、tiary messenger第三信使 204. Receptor受体 205. Ligand配体 206. Protein kinase A (PKA) 蛋白激酶A 207. Protein kinase C (PKC) 蛋白激酶C 208. Calmodulin (CaM) 钙调蛋白 209. Tyrosine-protein kinase (TPK) 酪氨酸蛋白激酶 210. ALA synthase ALA合成酶 211. Erythropoietin (EPO) 促红细胞生成素 212. Biotransformatin 213. Primary bile acids 初级胆汁酸 2

23、14. Secondary bile acids 次级胆汁酸 215. Bile acids Enterohepatic circulation胆汁酸的肝肠循环 216. Bile pigments胆色素 217. Conjugated bilirubin结合胆红素 218. Unconjugated bilirubin未结合胆红素 219. Bilinogen enterohepatic circulation Bilinogen肝肠循环 220. Jaundice黄疸 Section two: single selection第二部分:单项选择 1. Which of the follow

24、ing is coding amino acid? ( ) A. Cystine B. Tyrosine C. Ornithine D. Citrulline 1。以下是编码氨基酸? A.胱氨酸B.酪氨酸 C.鸟D.瓜氨酸 2. The amino acid containing a hydroxyl group is ( ). A. Glutamate B. Phenylalanine C. Tryptophan D. Tyrosine 2。氨基酸含有羟基组是。 A.谷氨酸B.苯丙氨酸 C.色氨酸D.酪氨酸 3. The amino acid containing a sulfhydryl

25、group is ( ). A. Ser B. Cys C. His D. Met E. Thr 3。包含巯基的氨基酸是。 A.丝氨酸B.半胱氨酸 C.他的D.气象E.苏氨酸 4. The amino acid containing a imidazolegroup is ( ). A. Trp B. Tyr C. His D. Phe E. Arg 4。氨基酸,含有咪唑组是。 答:色氨酸b.酪氨酸 C.组氨酸D.苯丙氨酸E.精氨酸 5. The amino acid which does not exist in natural proteins is ( ). A. cysteine B.

26、 citrulline C. methionine D.glycine E. lysine 5。不存在于天然蛋白质的氨基酸是。 A.半胱氨酸B.瓜氨酸 C.蛋氨酸D.甘氨酸 E、赖氨酸 6. The amino acid occurring at -turn structure of a peptide chain is ( ). A. proline B. Cysteine C. glutamate D. methionine E. alanine 6。又一条肽链结构发生的氨基酸是。 答:A 脯氨酸B半胱氨酸 C.谷氨酸D.蛋氨酸E.丙氨酸 7. The structural level t

27、hat functional proteins have at least is ( ). A. primary structure B. secondary structure C. tertiary structure D. quaternary structure E. to link with prosthetic group 7。功能蛋白的结构层次,至少是。 A.一级结构B.二级结构 C.三级结构D.四级结构 链接与辅基 8. The chemical bond to maintain primary structure of proteins is ( ). A. peptide

28、bond B. hydrogen bond C. hydrophobic bond D. salt bond 8。保持蛋白质的一级结构的化学键是。 A.肽键B.氢键C.疏水键D.盐债券 9. Which of the following structure does the myoglobin have? ( ). A. primary structure B. -helix C. -pleated sheet D. tertiary structure E. quaternary structure 9。肌红蛋白有以下结构? 。 A.一级结构B.-螺旋C.-折叠 D.三级结构E.四级结构 1

29、0. Which of the following can be called an oligomeric protein? A. insulin B. lactate dehydrogenase C. Myoglobin D. pyruvate dehydrogenase complex 10。下列哪一项可以被称为寡聚蛋白? A.胰岛素B.乳酸脱氢酶 C.肌红蛋白D.丙酮酸脱氢酶复合物 11. Which of the following is not a conjugated protein.( ) A. albumin B. dehydrogenase C. hemoglobin D.

30、lipoprotein 11。下列哪一项不是偶联蛋白 A.白蛋白B.脱氢酶 C.血红蛋白D.脂蛋白 12. Which pH solution of the following does serum albumins (pI = 4.7) have positive charges in? ( A. pH4.0 B. pH5.0 C. pH6.0 D. pH7.0 E. pH8.0 12。其中pH值以下的解决方案做血清白蛋白有正面的收费吗? 答:PH4.0 B. PH5.0三pH6.0的D. pH8.0 pH7.0的大肠杆菌 13. Essential of protein denaturat

31、ion is ( ). A. break of peptide bonds B. rupture of hydrogen bonds C. break of secondary bonds D. rupture of disulfide bonds 13。蛋白质变性至关重要的是。 A.打破肽键B.氢键破裂 D. C.二级债券打破二硫键断裂 14. The base is found in mRNA but not in DNA is ( ). A. A B. C C. G D. T E. U 14。该基地是在mRNA,但不是在DNA是 15. The common composition of

32、 DNA and RNA is ( ). A. D-ribose B. D-2-deoxyribose C. guanine D. uracil E. thymine 15。共同构成DNA和RNA是。 A. D -核糖B. D - 2 -脱氧核糖C.鸟嘌呤D.尿嘧啶E.胸腺嘧啶 16. Essential of DNA denaturation is ( ). A. break of phosphodiester bonds B. rupture of hydrogen bonds C. break of secondary bonds D. destruction of base stack

33、ing 16。 DNA变性的本质是。 A.磷酸二酯键断裂B.氢键破裂 C.打破二级债券D.破坏堆叠基地 17. If the content of base A is 15% in a double strand DNA molecule, that of base C is ( ). A. 15% B. 35% C. 55% D. 75% E. 85% 17。如果基地的内容,一个是在一个双链DNA分子,15的基础C是。A. 15B. 35C. 55D. 75E. 85 18. The higher the melting point of the DNA, the higher its co

34、ntent of ( ) base pairs. A. A + T B. A + G C. C + T D. G + C 18。 DNA的熔点越高,其内容个碱基对。 19. Accurate description about hnRNA is ( ). A. as long as mRNA B. primary mRNA C. found in cytosol D. capable of catalysis itself ) 19。有关hnRNA的准确描述是。 答:只要作为mRNA的B.小学的mRNA C.发现细胞质D.能催化本身 20. The 5 end of mRNA in most

35、eukaryotes has ( ). A. SD sequence B. cap structure C. poly A D. initiation codon 20。大多数真核生物mRNA的5端有。 A. SD序列B.结构封顶三聚甲D.起始密码子 21. The codon (encoding Ala.) in mRNA reversely complementary pairing with anticodon UGC in tRNA is ( ). A. ACG B. AUG C. GCA D. GCT E. TCG 21。教资会在tRNA的反密码子密码子与mRNA的反向互补配对是。

36、答:ACG的B.八月三GCA的D. GCT的大肠杆菌TCG 22. Nucleic acid rich of the minor (稀有) bases is ( ). A. mRNA B. tRNA C. rRNA D. snRNA 22。核酸丰富的未成年人基地是。 答tRNA的基因B. C. D. snRNA的rRNA的 23. An enzyme facilitates chemical reaction by ( ). A. increasing the free-energy difference between reactants and products. B. decreasin

37、g the free-energy difference between reactants and products. C. lowering the activation energy of the reaction. D. raising the activation energy of the reaction. 23。一种酶促进化学反应。 A.增加反应物和产物之间的自由能的差异。 B.降低反应物和产物之间的自由能的差异。 C.降低反应的活化能。 D.提高反应的活化能。 24. In eukaryotes, the major RNA of participation in hnRNA

38、 splicing and transport is ( ). A. snRNA B. snoRNA C. scRNA D. rRNA 24。在真核生物中,参与hnRNA剪接和运输的主要RNA是。 答snRNA的B. snoRNA的C. scRNA D. rRNA的 25. The specificity of enzyme is determined by ( ). A. coenzyme B. apoprotein C. prosthetic group D. metal ion 25。酶的特异性是由。 答:辅酶B.载脂蛋白C。辅基 D金属离子 26. In vivo, which of

39、following vitamins can be converted into NAD+and NADP+? ( ) A. VitB1 B. VitB2 C. VitB6 D. VitPP 26。在体内,下面的维生素,可转换成NAD +和NADP +? A. VitB 1 B. VitB 2 C VitB 6 D. VitPP 27. Which VitB of the following is the composition of CoA? ( ) A. Riboflavin B. Folic acid C. Pantothenic acid D. Biotin 27。下列哪VitB是辅酶

40、A的组成? 答:核黄素B.叶酸 C.泛酸D.生物素 28. VitB which can act as a prosthetic group directly without conversion is ( ). A. VitB2 B. Folic acid C. Pantothenic acid D. Biotin 28。 VitB,可以作为辅基,无需转换直接是。 A. VitB 2 B.叶酸 C.泛酸D.生物素 29. If the enzymatic velocity is 90% of Vmax, S should be ( ) times of Km. A. 4.5 B. 9 C.

41、8 D. 5 E. 90 29。如果酶的速度是90的VMAX,S应公里的时候。 A. 4.5 B. 10 C. 8 D. 4 E. 90 30. The effect of competitive inhibitor on enzyme-catalyzed velocity is ( ). A. Km increased, Vmax unchanged B. Km decreased, Vmax decreased C. Km unchanged, Vmax decreased D. Km decreased, Vmax increased E. Km decreased, Vmax unch

42、anged 30。的竞争性抑制剂的酶催化速度的影响是。 A.公里增加,VMAX不变 B.公里下降,VMAX下降 三公里不变,VMAX下降 四公里下降,VMAX增加 E.公里下降,VMAX不变 31. Which of the following is the competitive inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase? ( ) A. Malate B. Malonate C. Oxaloacetate D. Pyruvate 31。下列哪项是琥珀酸脱氢酶的竞争性抑制剂? A.苹果酸乙丙二 C.草酰乙酸D.丙酮酸 32. Analog of sulfonam

43、ide is ( ). A. folic acid (FA) B. dihydrofolic acid (DHFA) C. tetrahydrofolic acid (THFA) D. paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA) E. glutamate 32。磺模拟的是。 答:叶酸 B. dihydrofolic酸 C.四氢酸 D. paraaminobenzoic酸 E.谷氨酸 33. The effect of noncompetitive inhibitor on enzyme-catalyzed velocity is ( ). A. Km increased, Vma

44、x unchanged B. Km decreased, Vmax decreased C. Km unchanged, Vmax decreased D. Km decreased, Vmax increased, E. Km decreased, Vmax unchanged 33。非竞争性抑制剂的酶催化速度的影响是。 A.公里增加VMAX不变B.公里下降,VMAX下降 三公里不变,VMAX下降四公里下降,VMAX增加, E.公里下降,VMAX不变 34. Which of the following is not the mechanism for enzymic activity re

45、gulation in cells? ( ) A. Binding of regulatory peptides via disulfide bonds B. Proteolysis C. Covalent modification D. Induced changed in conformation 34。下列哪一个不是在细胞中酶的活性调节机制? A.结合调节肽通过二硫键 B.蛋白水解 C.共价修饰 D.诱导改变构象 35. Which amino acid residue does the covalent modification in th form of phosphorylatio

46、n takes place in? ( ) A. Phe B. Cys C. Lys D. Trp E. Ser 35。 TH磷酸化形式共价修饰氨基酸发生呢? 羟基类 答:苯丙氨酸B.半胱氨酸C.赖氨酸D.色氨酸E.丝 36. The physiological significance of zymogen activation is ( ). A. to accelerate metabolism B. to resume enzyme activity C. to facilitate growth D. to avoid self damage E. to protect enzyme activity 36。酶原激活的生理意义是。 答:加快新陈代谢B.


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