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1、用于谈论电视节目的英语用于谈论电视节目的英语 当我们和朋友谈论电视节目的时候,我们可以使用例如“My favourite program of all is.” 这样的短语表达。 “I love watching.” 我喜欢看. “I adore watching.”我喜欢看. “I hate watching.” 我讨厌看. “I cant bear watching.”我无法忍受看. “That program keeps me on the edge of my seat”那个节目让我看得很专心。 “I cant bear to miss an episode of.” 我不能忍受错过一

2、个片段. “The special effects are.” 特技效果真是. “I missed last nights episode. Can you tell me what happened?” 我错过了昨天晚上的片段,你能告诉我发生了什么吗? 我们可以问问朋友们的选择 “What did you think about.?”你觉得.怎么样? “Could you believe what happened last night in.?” 你相信昨天晚上发生的吗? “Did you understand the ending of.?”你理解了最后的结局吗? “What was g

3、oing on in.?”发生什么了? 有很多形容词可以用来描述我们对电视节目的看法 “Scary” 可怕的 “Interesting” 有趣的 “Fascinating” 迷人的 “Great fun”很有趣 “Funny” 滑稽的 “Absorbing”吸引人的 “Exciting” 刺激的 “Depressing”令人失望的 “Sad” 难过的 “Uplifting”令人激动的 “Boring” 无聊的 “Realistic” 真实的 “Amazing” 令人惊讶的 “Unrealistic” 不切实际的 “Soppy” 多愁善感的 “Enthralling”迷人的 “Addictive

4、”沉迷的 “Stimulating”刺激的 “Thought-provoking”引人深思的 想想你看过的那些电视节目。你会使用以下哪种描述呢? “I think soaps are boring.”我觉得肥皂剧很无聊。 “In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.” 我认为,新闻和天气节目通常都很令人失望。 “Most sports programs send me to sleep, but I quite enjoy watching tennis and snooker.”大多数的体育节目让我觉得很催

5、眠,但是我十分喜欢看网球和斯诺克比赛。 “I love comedies I always feel optimistic and happier after having a good laugh.” 我喜欢喜剧 开怀大笑之后,我总是觉得很快乐。 “I love watching most types of films even tear-jerkers.” 我喜欢看很多类型的电影甚至是催人泪下的电影。 “I find wildlife documentaries totally absorbing and thought-provoking. ”我觉得野生记录片非常吸引人,发人深思。 你看

6、什么类型的电视节目呢?为什么呢?试着把这些很好的形容词在你的回答里表达出来吧。 English for Talking about Whats on TV When we are talking about TV programs with our friends we can use phrases such as “My favourite program of all is.” “I love watching.” “I adore watching.” “I hate watching.” “I cant bear watching.” “That program keeps me o

7、n the edge of my seat” “I cant bear to miss an episode of.” “The special effects are.” “I missed last nights episode. Can you tell me what happened?” We can ask our friends opinions “What did you think about.?” “Could you believe what happened last night in.?” “Did you understand the ending of.?” “W

8、hat was going on in.?” There are lots of adjectives we can use to describe TV programs and what we think about them “Scary” “Interesting” “Fascinating” “Great fun” “Funny” “Absorbing” “Exciting” “Depressing” “Sad” “Uplifting” “Boring” “Realistic” “Amazing” “Unrealistic” “Soppy” “Enthralling” “Addict

9、ive” “Stimulating” “Thought-provoking” Think about the TV shows that youve seen. Which of the following descriptions would you use? “I think soaps are boring.” “In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.” “Most sports programs send me to sleep, but I quite enjoy watching tennis

10、 and snooker.” “I love comedies I always feel optimistic and happier after having a good laugh.” “I love watching most types of films even tear-jerkers.” “I find wildlife documentaries totally absorbing and thought-provoking. “ What type of TV programs do you watch and why? Try to use some good adjectives and descriptions in your answers.


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