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1、电大在线跨文化交际作业答案学习记录001一、简答题1. Can you give a brief definition of Cross-cultural Communication?Cross-cultural communication refers to the different cultural backgrounds of communication between individuals, that is, people from different cultural backgrounds of the interaction between what happened. In

2、 recent years, it is caused most peoples attention. In China, the language teachers to show great interest, reflecting the changes of the times and demands, has attracted people from the perspective of cross-cultural education of foreign language teaching in-depth thinking.2. List some important ter

3、ms you have learned in this Unit. Make sure you understand what each of them refer to and how they may affect cross cultural communication. 1.People?who?know?about?art,?music and?literature?are?cultured.2.To?an?anthropologist?the?word?culture?means?all?the?ways?in?which?a?group?of?people?act,?dress,

4、?think,?and?feel.?3.People?have?to?learn?the?cultural?ways?of?their community:they?are?not?something?that?the?people?in?the?group?are?born?with.From Intellectual PerspectiveFrom Anthropologic PerspectiveFrom Social PerspectiveFrom Psychological PerspectiveFrom Intercultural Communication Perspective

5、Culture Is Learned Culture Is a Set of Shared Interpretations Culture Involves Beliefs, Values, and Norms Culture Affects Behaviors Culture Involves Large Groups of People学习记录002一、简答题1.Can you give a brief definition of culture shock? Provide two examples of culture shock, please. Culture shock can

6、be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientationthat one experiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations. Many things contribute to it smells, sounds, flavors, the very feeling of the air one is breathing. Of course, the natives unfamiliar language a

7、nd behavior contribute to it, too. Peoples response to culture shock vary greatly, from excitement and energetic action to withdrawal, depression, physical illness, and hostility. A particular individual might react to culture shock one way one day and another the next.The notion of culture shock ca

8、lls two useful points to mind. First, most people experience some degree of culture shock when they go to a new country, whether they admit it to themselves and others or not. Culture shock is more a product of the situation of being in a new culture than it is of the travelers personal character.Se

9、cond, culture shock, like other kinds of “shock”, is normally transitory. It passes with time.Academic analysts(学术分析家) of the culture shock idea point out that the experience of culture shock need not be negative. While there may be some unhappiness and unpleasantness along with the confusion and di

10、sorientation, the confusion and disorientation are necessary steps in learning about a new culture. If everything in the new place is just like home, no learning will come from being there.满分:502. List some important terms you have learned in this Unit. Make sure you understand what each of them ref

11、er to and how they may affect cross cultural communication.This general business strategy becomes increasingly important when dealing with businesses across cultures. Get on their website, check out their promotional material. Get a feel for the atmosphere, attitude, and angle that the business has.

12、 Many cultural factors are passed down from the societal level to businesses. However, each organization will have its own culture, personality, and way of doing things在线自测1一、单项选择题1. Xiao Wang meets Peter at the airport and says to him: “Morning, Peter!” In this case, the source of information is _

13、. A. Xiao WangB. PeterC. the airportD. “Morning, Peter!”正确答案:A 满分:7 得分:未判分2. There are two kinds of cross-cultural communication: unilateral communication and _.A. successful communicationB. verbal communicationC. bilateral communicationD. unsuccessful communication正确答案:C 满分:7 得分:未判分3. Utterance mea

14、ning in a face-to-face communication refers to _.A. what the speaker has intended to convey in what is saidB. what what is said normally meansC. what the hearer has understood on the basis of what is saidD. the associative meaning words have正确答案:B 满分:7 得分:未判分4. When we are in a social gathering, we

15、must be aware of the rules and procedures that govern the way things are going to proceed. These rules and procedures are technically called _.A. anecdotesB. goalsC. gestures D. schema (schemas) 正确答案:D 满分:7 得分:未判分5. Which doesnt belong to the group in a cross-cultural situation? _.A. Head movementsB

16、. Social valuesC. Facial expressionsD. Body contact 正确答案:B 满分:7 得分:未判分6. When you are invited for a western meal, youre offered a second helping but you have already had enough. What would you say? “_”A. Oh, thanks. That tastes awful.B. No, I dont want that. C. No, I dont like it.D. That was delicio

17、us but Ive already had plenty, thanks.正确答案:D 满分:7 得分:未判分7. Most Americans see themselves as separate _, not as representatives of a family, community or other group.A. independenceB. individualsC. customersD. cultures正确答案:B 满分:7 得分:未判分8. It is right to ask children or teenagers their age. But it is

18、not normally _ in English speaking societies to ask an adult their age - and never a woman! A. considerateB. inappropriateC. impoliteD. polite正确答案:D 满分:7 得分:未判分9. The American child is nurtured to be _, to be able to do whatever he could by himself, ever since he was born.A. independentB. good-looki

19、ngC. obedientD. private正确答案:A 满分:7 得分:未判分10. One way of talking about the different stages in getting used to life in a new country is the distinction of euphoria, depression, _ and acceptance.A. criticismB. admirationC. adjustmentD. shock正确答案:C 满分:7 得分:未判分二、判断题1. In face-to-face communication, non-

20、verbal signals are not as important as verbal messages.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A 满分:6 得分:未判分2. When we Chinese refer to something about ourselves or related to us, we tend to elevate them. A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A 满分:6 得分:未判分3. When you phone to tell your friend something, you are the source of information. A. 错误B.

21、正确正确答案:B 满分:6 得分:未判分4. Culture shock is a term used to describe the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within an entirely different cultural or social environment, such as a different country or a different state than where they live.

22、A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B 满分:6 得分:未判分5. Chinese people tend to say things like “No, not really” when they are asked “Are you hungry?” in the host family. A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B 满分:6 得分:未判分学习记录004一、简答题1. Please give a brief summary of the main ideas of Unit 4. NO need to write in too many details, ONLY the key aspe

23、cts. .What Chinese values does li mings response to praise of his abilities show?2.What Chinese habits does wang hongs response show when others make complimentary comments on his purchases ?满分:50 得分:32 评价:2. List some important terms you have learned in this Unit. Make sure you understand what each

24、 of them refer to and how they may affect cross cultural communication. Within the business context, cross cultural communication refers to interpersonal communication and interaction across different cultures. This has become an important issue in our age of globalisation and internationalisation.

25、Effective cross cultural communication is concerned with overcoming cultural differences across nationality, religion, borders, culture and behaviour.Cross cultural communication is critical to the business world. The diversity of people in cities and countries means an element of cross cultural com

26、munication will always be needed whether it is between staff, colleagues, customers or clients. Awareness of cultural differences can favourably impact the success of a business. Improved staff interaction, better customer relations and effective client management are all areas that will reap benefi

27、ts through cross cultural understanding.Although cross cultural communication competency can only be truly achieved through cross cultural awareness training, language acquisition, foreign travel and cultural immersion (文化融合,渗透) there are some guidelines that can enhance your cross cultural communic

28、ation skills在线自测2一、单项选择题1. The _ of a person is his or her family name.A. given name B. middle name C. surname D. initials正确答案:C 满分:7 得分:未判分2. English surnames can show various sorts of information about people, including the place a person is from, the job he has, family relationships, ethnic ident

29、ity and personal _. A. consideration B. knowledge C. politeness D. characteristics正确答案:D 满分:7 得分:未判分3. Nowadays in England, people usually call each other _.A. Sir or Madam B. by their first name C. Mr, Mrs, Miss, or Ms D. by their last name正确答案:B 满分:7 得分:未判分4. Unlike in China, the kin terms used fo

30、r relatives do not distinguish between _ relatives in Britain. A. internal and externalB. old and young C. maternal and paternal D. male and female正确答案:C 满分:7 得分:未判分5. In America _ is the collective informal term for addressing a group of friends. A. guys B. girls C. boys D. mates正确答案:A 满分:7 得分:未判分6

31、. In China nowadays a lot of people are getting used to sharing the cost of the meal equally between them, _, as we say.A. to buy a round B. to foot the bill C. to go Dutch D. to go to Dutch正确答案:C 满分:7 得分:未判分7. In the West, it is regarded polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express _.A

32、. greediness B. misunderstanding C. gratitude D. appreciation正确答案:D 满分:7 得分:未判分8. Guests invited to dinner in the West frequently bring _ of wine.A. only one bottleB. two bottlesC. a dozen bottles D. a pack正确答案:A 满分:7 得分:未判分9. We Chinese are brought up to initially refuse friendly offers to demonstr

33、ate _ in seeming not to wish to put our host to any trouble. A. invitation B. tradition C. politeness D. personality正确答案:C 满分:7 得分:未判分10. Normally, when hearing compliments, a typical Chinese reaction is to show _. A. disagreement and anger B. modesty and humility C. enjoyment and pride D. pride and

34、 gratitude正确答案:B 满分:7 得分:未判分二、判断题1. In work places, it is quite common to see people use their initials when they make any changes to a document they are reviewing.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B 满分:6 得分:未判分2. English family names have always been there since the beginning of human civilization. A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A 满

35、分:6 得分:未判分3. Comparatively speaking, the Westerners tend to avoid direct conflicts and losing face when confronted with a problem or when refusing a request. A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A 满分:6 得分:未判分4. The behavior of the host in actively offering and the guest in asking the host not to bother have become conven

36、tional and habitual in the West.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A 满分:6 得分:未判分5. When meeting at a pub for drinks, a popular pastime in England, each person in the group will buy everyone a round. A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B 满分:6 得分:未判分学习记录005一、简答题1. What are the major differences between Chinese families and Australian familie

37、s, in terms of the roles, relationships, and expectations of the family members?In AUSTRLIA families the central relationship is that between husband and wife,with children being thought of as independent individuals from an early age;but in chinese families the central relationship is that between

38、parents and children。满分:50 得分:32 评价:2. List some important terms you have learned in this Unit. Make sure you understand what each of them refer to and how they may affect cross cultural communication.Definition 1:the activity or process of giving information to other people or to other living thing

39、s, using signals such as speech, body movements, or radio signals,e.g.: Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of communication.Definition 2:the systems of processes that are used to communicate or to broadcast information, especially those that use electricity or radio wave, e.g.: the

40、current revolution in communications Definition 3:a letter, telephone call or some other message; a formal use, e.g.: a secret communication from the Foreign Minister满分:50 得分:32 评价:在线自测3一、单项选择题1. 1. The biggest difference between the Chinese way of child-rearing and the Australian one is that the fo

41、rmer fosters dependence and the latter _.A. reference B. independenceC. interdependence D. indifference正确答案:B 满分:6 得分:未判分2. The traditional, primary relationship in a Chinese family is usually that between _.A. husband and wifeB. parents and childrenC. father and childrenD. teacher and students正确答案:

42、B 满分:6 得分:未判分3. In a typically traditional Chinese family, children are expected to show _ and obedience to parental wishes.A. revengeB. rejectC. respectD. regret正确答案:C 满分:6 得分:未判分4. While many women feel it natural to confer with tier partners at every turn, many men feel free to make decisions wit

43、hout such _.A. congratulationB. commitmentC. conclusionD. consultation正确答案:D 满分:6 得分:未判分5. Chinese students are often surprised at the frequency with which their English friends _ to one another over trivial things. A. apologizeB. confessC. shoutD. explain正确答案:A 满分:6 得分:未判分6. Body language can somet

44、imes lead to _ since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior for sending the same message or have different interpretations of the same signal.A. effectivenessB. communicationC. agreementD. misunderstanding正确答案:D 满分:6 得分:未判分7. Non-verbal communication includes all of the

45、following but Not _.A. telephone messagesB. gesturesC. facial expressionsD. eye movements正确答案:A 满分:6 得分:未判分8. The ring gesture, where you form an “O” by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb, means in France that you think something is _.A. worthlessB. “Ill kill you!”C. goodD.

46、great正确答案:A 满分:6 得分:未判分9. Some psychologists argue that there are six basic emotions. They are surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness, and _.A. confusionB. boredomC. sadnessD. shyness正确答案:C 满分:6 得分:未判分10. In Britain, if you do not look at the person in a conversation, it could imply a number of things, including fear, _, uneasiness, guilt or indifference.A. attentionB. happinessC. attemptD. contempt正确答案:D 满分:6 得分:未判分二、判断题1. An American visiting Australia has to be careful in using the index finger to beckon someone.A


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