电影剧本外星人 ET the ExtraTerrestrial.docx

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《电影剧本外星人 ET the ExtraTerrestrial.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《电影剧本外星人 ET the ExtraTerrestrial.docx(129页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、电影剧本外星人 ET the ExtraTerrestrial-Www.K555.Cn 光影时代 -专业英文剧本下载-影评基地 收集制作 转载请注明出处,谢谢! -E.T.Commentary by Richard MichaelsTITLES: E.T. - THE EXTRA-TERRESTIAL-The letters are in soft-purple against a black background. Purple istraditionally the color of that which is sacred.EXT: NIGHT SKY: NIGHTThe black s

2、creen becomes a night sky. The camera angles lowers to show aforest against the night sky.EXT: LANDING SITE: NIGHTIn an opening in the forest stands a spacecraft. The view of the craft isobscured by tree branches. The atmosphere is misty, with blue lights comingfrom the spacecraft.The opening scene

3、is misty and diffused. This forces the audience to payclose attention to the images on the screen. The characters are not clearlyseen. This engages the audience, as they attempt to see what the aliensreally look like.One creature walks up the gang blank and into the ship.INSERT: ALIEN HANDA strange

4、hand, with two long and slender fingers protruding, move aside abranch that obstructs the view.This concentrates the audiences attention. The creature going into theship is being observed by another creature. Who are they? Whats going on?This is another technique that forces the audience to focus on

5、 the action.INT: SPACECRAFTS GREENHOUSE: NIGHTThe inside of the ship appears to be a greenhouse. There are sounds ofwater dripping. Cone shaped objects (possibly alien plants) sit among earthplants. Vapors flow up from the plants.These images all appear non-threatening. The aliens are inferred to be

6、collecting vegetation, and are thereby inferred to be harmless.Like many of Spielbergs other films, the opening sequences contain almostno dialogue. The story is told without verbal exposition. He forces theaudience to become engaged in the storytelling process by giving them justbits of information

7、 that they have to piece together into the story. Hedoesnt insult their intelligence.EXT: SPACECRAFT: NIGHTA group of the aliens work in front of the spacecraft. Suddenly, they heara dog howl, and they all stop working. Red lights begin to glow in theirchests. It appears as if their hearts have lit

8、up at the sign of danger, asthe red glow seeps through their translucent skin. After a moment the redlights dim and they return to their work.This sets up the prop of the red-lights signifying danger. These smallcreatures are endearing and non-threatening. They are like children, whichis immediate g

9、rounds for audience empathy. The thought that they may be indanger from wild creatures in the forest, also creates empathy for them.EXT: FOREST: NIGHTA small fern grows on the forest floor. An alien hand, with two fingersprotruding, reaches out for the fern. The alien groans. A rabbit turns andliste

10、ns. The fingers dig up the plant as the rabbit watches. The alien thencarefully uproots the plant. A small wayward alien walks alone among thegigantic redwood trees. Hes dwarfed by the huge trees.The awesome towering trees psychologically creates audience empathy forthe creature. The audience identi

11、fies with him because they too feel smallwhen confronted by these trees.EXT: HILLTOP: NIGHTThe creature stands alone on a hilltop as he stares down at the city lightsbelow. Suddenly he lets out a moan of fright. A truck, with headlightsglaring, pulls up next to him.The quiet, peaceful alien is now i

12、n jeopardy.The creature runs from the lights. Several other trucks with head- lightsglaring drive up. Smoke flows from their exhaust pipes. Mens legs are seenas they walk among the trucks. They step into a mud puddle as E.T. watchesfrom behind a shrub. A man with keys jangling from his waist walks p

13、ast aheadlight. He carries a flashlight in his hands.Keys have now become a prop which identifies the antagonist of the story:the faceless government agent. Like the antagonist of many other fantasyfilms, his face is not initially revealed in order to hold the audiencesattention.The man with keys wa

14、lks to a truck where he and two other men review a mapthats placed on the hood of the truck. The man with keys holds theflashlight up and points it at the hood. E.T watches them from the bushes.The fact that E.T. is observing the actions of the men also creates apsychological bond between the audien

15、ce and him, since they are alsoobserving these characters.While the audience doesnt actually see a map, they presume its existencegiven the actions of the characters. This style of story telling engagesthe audience, and gets them guessing about the characters actions. Theythen create expectations, w

16、hich are later often proved to be wrong. Thismakes the story both unpredictable and exciting.EXT: SPACESHIP: NIGHTAn alien stands in front of a round light and transmits a homing signal,presumably to call the other aliens back to the ship.These characters are all in jeopardy.EXT: FOREST: NIGHTWhen E

17、.T hears the sound, his red heart lights up. The homing signalreverberates in his chest.This establishes that his heart is used as a communication device, i.e.,these aliens communicate with their hearts.Keys hears this sound and quickly turns around. He points his flashlighttowards the sounds. The o

18、ther men join him as they walk towards the sound.E.T. screams and runs away, which is indicated by the shaking bushes. Themen with flashlights chase after him.So, like Dorothy in the WIZARD OF OZ, the opening scene has theprotagonist being pursued by an unknown antagonist.EXT: SPACECRAFT: NIGHTThe l

19、ights dim on the footings of the spacecraft, presumably because thespacecraft is preparing to takeoff.The protagonist has the added jeopardy of being abandoned.EXT: FOREST: NIGHTE.T. screams as he races for the spacecraft. The glow from his red-heartreflects off the bushes as he runs towards the whi

20、te light of thespacecraft.The audience still hasnt seen the face of the protagonist.EXT: SPACECRAFT: NIGHTA lone alien stands before a large round white light, as he signals for theother aliens to return to the ship.EXT: FOREST: NIGHTMen with flashlights run through the forest, as they pursue the re

21、d glowinglight racing towards the spacecraft. One of the pursuers is the man wearingthe keys on his waist.EXT: SPACECRAFT: NIGHTThe grated gangplank lifts up, blocking the entrance to the ship. Behindthe grate stands the alien against the large round white light. The redlight of the aliens heart lig

22、hts up as he stands behind the barrier.This image exhibits an obstacle to E.T. returning to his ship.EXT: FOREST: NIGHTThe men reach the edge of the clearing and stop as they watch thespacecraft lift off.One red lighted heart races along an old country fence towards thedeparting spacecraft. Men with

23、 flashlights are still in pursuit. They stopat a wooden gate as they watch the spacecraft fly away.E.T., with face obstructed by a branch, and with red-heart aglow, watchesthe spacecraft fly away into the night. He utters a sorrowful moan.He has been abandoned in a hostile alien world. This situatio

24、n isguaranteed to generate audience empathy.The men with flashlights pointed up towards the sky watch the space- craftfly away. They hear E.T.s groan, and in unison point their flashlights inhis direction.Not only is the small childlike creature abandoned, but he is still injeopardy of being capture

25、d by those who pursue him.This is the inciting event in E.T.s story: his spacecraft has desertedhim.EXT: HILLTOP: NIGHTBelow lies the city, lit up against the dark night sky. E.T slowly makeshis way down the slope.Men with flashlights follow. They reach the hilltop, search the underbrushfor the alie

26、n, then start down the slope after him.This concludes the prelude to the story. Both the protagonist andantagonist have been introduced, and audience empathy has been establishedfor the protagonist. The protagonists primary objective is to survive andfind a way home, while the antagonists primary ob

27、jective is to capture thealien.EXT: SUBURBAN HOUSE: NIGHTThis is an establishing shot.INT: ELLIOTTS HOUSE: NIGHTA group of boys are sitting around a table playing a DUNGEONS AND DRAGONSgame. One boy is on the telephone ordering a pizza. They throw wads ofpaper at each other as they play.Elliott, the

28、 youngest boy, sits behind the counter. Hes separated from theother boys. After a few moments he yells that hes ready to play the game.The characters positions are structured to emphasize Elliotts separationfrom the others.One of the boys tells Elliott that he cant join when they are in themiddle of

29、 the game.Audience empathy is generated for the young child who is being excludedfrom the game.Elliott walks up to the table and yells at his brother, Mike. Michael saysthat Elliott has to ask Steve, who is the Game Master, and who has absolutepower.The notion of absolute power is set up here, for a

30、 payoff later whenElliott uses it to keep Michael silent about E.T.Elliotts objective here is to play the game, but also to be accepted bythe group and gain the respect of the older boys.Steve tells Elliott that first he has to wait for the pizza, then when hebrings it back he can play. Steve gives

31、him money for the pizza. Elliottpicks up his baseball and glove, then leaves the room.The ball and glove are props that will be used in the story.Elliotts sub-objective is to get the pizza. Once this is accomplished,hell be able to play the game.EXT: ELLIOTTS HOUSE: NIGHTIts a rainy, misty night. El

32、liott, with ball and glove in hand wait at thebottom of the driveway for the pizza. A car pulls up and parks in thedriveway. Elliott pays the driver, then takes the pizza box from him as thecar pulls out of the driveway.Elliott walks up the driveway and into the garage. He hears a noise in thebackya

33、rd, then calls out the name HARVEY, presumably his dogs name.INT: ELLIOTTS HOUSE: NIGHTElliotts mother wears an orange outfit as she works in the kitchen. Shebends over to put dishes into the dishwasher. When she does this one of theyoung boys reaches out to put his finger on her rear. Mike yells fo

34、r him tostop. He pulls his finger away.INT: PATIO: NIGHTElliot walks past the ping pong table when he hears more noises in thebackyard. Again he calls out the name Harvey.This generates tension and suspense in the audience.With the pizza box in hand, Elliot walks past the patio table and towardsthe

35、shed in the backyard. A bright crescent moon hangs in the night sky.This adds enchantment to the scene.There is a mist in the air, and a bright light shines in the shed. Elliottplaces the pizza box on the ground as he approaches the shed. Hes stillcarrying the baseball and glove as he stands in fron

36、t of the shedsentrance. He tosses the ball into the shed. After a few seconds the ball istossed back out at him and hits him on the foot.This is the payoff to the setup of the baseball prop. This event surprisesboth Elliott and the audience.Elliott becomes frightened, turns and steps on the pizza bo

37、x as he runstowards the house.This is the inciting event in Elliotts story: there is some creaturehiding out in his shed that will change his whole life.INT: ELLIOTTS HOUSE: NIGHTElliotts mother is talking to the boys when Elliott runs into the housescreaming that theres something in the tool shed.

38、He tells them that itthrew a ball at him, but they continue to ignore him until he screamsQUIET! Nobody go out there, says Elliott. The boys immediately jump upfrom the table. Two boys grab kitchen knives as Michael tells his mother tostay inside. He and his friends will check it out. She yells at t

39、hem to putthe knives back as she follows them outside.EXT: SHED: NIGHTThe light is still on in the shed.EXT: PATIO: NIGHTElliotts mother walks into the yard with a flashlight in her hand. She issurrounded by the boys as they approach the shed. The mother says thattheres nothing in there as Michael w

40、alks through the entrance. Michaelbends down and finds tracks on the dirt floor. The coyotes come backagain, Ma. he says. His mother becomes frightened and orders them all backinto the house.Jeopardy is introduced into the situation. Even though the audience knowsthat it is probably the alien in the

41、 shed, the scene increases thetension.On his way back to the house, Michael sees the pizza box. He bends down,opens the box, then takes out a piece. Hes angry at Elliott. Elliott triesto explain that it was just an accident, but his brother is still angry.When the mother asks who ordered the pizza,

42、Elliott points to one of Mikesfriends. This makes the friend mad at Elliott. Elliot tries to persuade hismother that there is a creature in the shed, but she doesnt believe him.They walk into the house.Empathy is generated for Elliott because the two boys are unfairly angryat him and his mother does

43、nt believe him.INT: SHED: NIGHTThe aliens fingers point out into the shed entrance, then wrap around theside of the door. The sound of his heavy breathing is heard.This establishes for the audience that he really is in the shed. They feelsorry for Elliott because he was telling the truth and no one

44、believedhim.INT: ELLIOTTS BEDROOM: NIGHTThe clock on the end table indicates 2:00. Next to the clock is a pictureof a dog, presumably Harvey. This same dog lies asleep in the bed. He hearsa noise and picks up his head. He is in the lower half of a bunk bed. Onthe top bunk sits Elliott. He is awake a

45、s he listens to the noise outside.Elliotts objective is to prove theres a creature in the shed.EXT: BACKYARD: NIGHTElliott opens a gate and walks into the backyard. He carries a flashlightin his hand and shines it into the cornfield next to his house. He walksinto the field.EXT: CORNFIELD: NIGHTElli

46、ott walks into the cornfield. He whistles, and gets entangled in thecornstalks as he walks. He sees tracks in the dirt with his baseballnearby. He continues to walk through the field.The stalks are obstacles that obstruct both his path and his vision. Italso clutters the visuals and forces the audie

47、nce to pay closer attention.The suspense increases because they arent sure whether hell meet up withthe alien or the coyote.Elliott pushes aside some stalks and shines the light into the face of E.T.Together, in unison, the scream. Elliot drops his light, then continues toscream as he looks around the field. E.T. cries out and runs away throughthe cornfield.Their reactions upon seeing each other were identical


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