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1、电气工程专业英语电路 electric circuit 电气工程electrical engineering 电机electric machine 自然科学physical science 电气设备 electrical device 电器元件 electrical element 正电荷positive charge 负电荷negative charge 直流direct current 交流alternating current 电压voltage 导体conductor 功work 电动势electromotiveforce 电势差potential difference 功率power

2、 极性polarity 能量守恒定律the law of conservation energy 变量variable 电阻 resistance 电阻率resistivity 绝缘体insulator 电阻器resistor 无源元件passive element 常数constant 电导conductance 短路short circuit 开路open circuit 线性的linear 串联series 并联parallel 电压降voltage drop 等效电阻equivalent resistance 电容器capacitor 电感器inductor 储能元件storage e

3、lement 电场electric field 充电 charge 放电discharge 动态的dynamic 电介质dielectric 电容capacitance 磁场magnetic field 电源power supplu 变压器transformer 电机electric motor 线圈coil 电感inductance 导线conducting wire 绕组wingding 漏电阻leakage resistance 电子系统electronic system 结构图block diagram 功能模块functional block 放大器amplifier 滤波器filt

4、er 整形电路wave-shaping circuit 振荡器oscillator 增益gain 输入阻抗input impedance 带宽bandwidth 晶体管transistor 集成电路integrated circuit 电力电子power electronics 数字信号处理digital signal-processing 输出装置output device 模拟信号analog signal 数字信号digital signal 传感器transducer 采样值sample value 模数转换器analog-to-digital converter 频谱frequenc

5、y content 采样频率sampling rate or frequendy 扰动disturbance 分立电路discrete circuit 数字化信号digitized signal 运算放大器operational amplifier 有源电路active circuit 电子部件electronic unit 封装package 管脚pin 同相端noninverting terminal 反相输入inverting input 电路图circuit diagram 压控电压源voltage-controlled voltage source 开环增益open-loop gai

6、n 闭环增益closed-loop gain 负反馈negative feedback 正饱和positive saturation 线性区linear region 电压跟随器voltage follower 等效阻抗equivalent impedance 逻辑变量logic variable 位bit 数字字digital word 字节byte 半字节nibble 与运算AND operation 真值表truth table 与门AND gate 非门NOT gate 或门OR gate 加号addition sign 与非门NANA gate 异或运算XOR operation 逻

7、辑表达式logic expression 二进制binary system 正逻辑positive logic 负逻辑negative logic 参考方向reference direction 理想变压器ideal transformer 电气绝缘electrical isolation 阻抗匹配impedance matching 电力electrical pewer 绝缘变压器isolating transformer 电压互感器voltage transformer 电流互感器current transformer 原边绕组primary winding 工作频率operating f

8、requency 配电变压器distribution transformer 电力变压器power transformer 磁通密度flux density 磁场magnetic field 铁芯变压器iron-core transformer 大功率high-power 空芯air-core 磁耦合magnetic coupling 小功率lower-power 励磁损耗magnetizing loss 磁滞损耗hysteresis loss 涡流eddy current 励磁电流exciting current 漏磁通leakage flux 互磁通 mutual flux 线圈coil

9、芯式core form 壳式shell form 高压绕组high-voltage winding 磁链flux linkage 电动势electromotive force 有效值root mean square value 匝数比turns ratio 视在功率apparent power 匝数the number of turns 升压变压器step-up transformer 降压变压器step-down transformer 电动机motor 发电机generator 机械能mechanical energy 电能electrical energy 电磁的electromagne

10、tic 直线式电动机linear motor 同步电机synchronous machine 感应电机induction machine 定子stator 转子rotor 气隙air gap 轴shaft 电枢armature 励磁绕组field winding 无功功率reactive power 制动状态braking mode 稳态steady-state 相序phase sequence 反响制动plugging 滞后电流lagging current 励磁电抗magnetizing reactance 启动电流starting current 变频器frequency changer

11、 感应电势induced voltage 逆变器inverter 周波变换器cycloconverter 换向器commutator 自动控制automatic control 控制器controller 扰动disturbance 期望值desired value 压力pressure 液位liquid level 被控变量controlled variable 方框图block diagram 传递函数transfer function 工程控制process control 伺服系统servomechanism 流率flow rate 加速度acceleration 前向通路forwar

12、d path 补偿correction 反馈通路feedback path 闭环closed-loop 开环open-loop 输出output 增益gain 手动调节manual adjustment 变送器transducer 误差error 控制方式control mode 比例控制proportional control 积分控制integral control 微分控制derivative control 执行元件manipulating element 调节时间setting time 残差residual error 不确定度uncertainty 观测数据observation

13、s 采样sample 算术平均arithmetic average 期望值expected value 标准偏差standard deviation 下限lower range limit 上限upper range limit 跨度span 分辨率resolution 死区dead band 灵敏度sensitivity 阈值threshold 可靠性reliability 过量程overrange 恢复时间recovery time 过载overload 过量程极限overrange limit 漂移drift 准确性accuracy 误差error 重复性repeatability 系统

14、误差systemic error 再现性reproducibility 校准calibration 线速度linear velocity 角速度angular velocity 弧度radian 测速仪tachometer 增量式编码器incremental encoder 定时计数器timed counter 稳定性stability 接口interface 调节器conditioner 开关switch 执行器actuator 电磁阀solenoid valve 连续控制系统sequential control system 触点contact 常开normally open 常闭norm

15、ally closed 限位开关limit switch 继电器relay 延时继电器time-delay relay 接通电流pull-in current 开断电流drop-out current 电机启动器motor starter 接触器contactor 自锁触点holding contact 整流器rectifier 变流器converter 逆变器inverter 二极管diode 阳极anode 阴极cathode 正向偏置forward biased 反向偏置reverse biased 阻断block 稳压二极管zener diode 晶体管transistor 集电极co

16、llector 基极base 发射极emitter 共发射极common-emitter 双向晶闸管triac 正半周positive half-cycle 触发电流trigger circuit 功率容量power capability 功率器件power device 晶闸管thyristor 导通conduction 正向阻断 forward-blocking 通态on-state 关断状态off-state 反向击穿电压reverse breakdown voltage 漏电流leakage current 电流额定值current rating 漏极drain 门极gate 缓冲电路

17、snubber circuit 均流current sharing 额定电压rated voltage 可控开关controllable switch 相控phase-controlled 充电器charger 工频line-frequency 变换器converter 整流rectification 逆变inversion 可逆调速revesible-speed 再生制动regenerative barking 关断时间turn-off time 纯电阻负载pure resistive load 脉动ripple 感性负载inductance load 周期time period 带内部直流

18、电动势的负载load witn an internal DC voltage 波形waveform 换相commutation 稳态steady state 交流侧AC-side 延时角delay angle 交点intersection 电力系统power system 发电厂generating plant 发电机generator 负荷load 输电网transmission nerwork 配电网distribution network 电electricity 天然气natural gas 原理图schematic diagram 锅炉boiler 热效率thermal effici

19、ency 风力wind power 断路器circuit breaker 变电所substation 故障fault 过电压overvoltage 击穿值breakdown value 过电流over current 可靠性reliability 继电器relay 触点contact 电流互感器current transformer 合闸线圈operating coil 分闸线圈trip coil Circuit theory is also valuable to students specializing in other branches of the physical science

20、because circuit are a good model for the study of energy system in general,and because of the applied mathematics,physics,and topology involved. 电路理论对于专门研究自然科学其他分支的学生来说也十分有价值,因为电路一般可以很好地作为能量系统研究的模型,并且电路理论涉及应用数学、物理学和拓扑学的相关知识。 Charge is an electrical property of the particles of which matter consists,

21、measured in coulombs. 电荷是组成物质的原子微粒所具有的电气属性,其单位为库仑。 The common term signal is used for an electric quantity such as a current or a voltage when it is used for conveying information. 当像电流或电压这样的电量用于传递信息时,常称这个电量为信号。 These laws,known as Ohms Law and Kirchhoffs Laws, form the foundation upon which electri

22、c circuit analysis is built. 欧姆定律和基尔霍夫定律是电路理论的基础,电路分析就建立在这些定律的基础之上。 Georg Simon Ohm(1787-1854), a German physicist, is credited with formulating the current-voltage relationship for a resistor. 德国物理学家乔治西蒙欧姆,因提出了电阻的电流电压关系而享誉世界。 Such an equivalent resistance is the resistance between the designated te

23、rminals of the network and must exhibit the same i-u characteristics as the original network at the terminals. 这样的一个电阻是在网络的指定两端等效,并且在这两端等效电阻具有与原网络相同的伏安特性。 The unit of capacitance is the farad(F),in honor of the English physicist Michael Faraday(1791-1867). 电容的单位是法拉,是为纪念英国物理学家迈克尔法拉第而命名的。 It takes pow

24、er from the circuit when storing energy in its field and returns previously stored energy when delivering power to the circuit. 当电容器在电场中储能时,它从电路中吸收功率;当电容器向电路提供功率时,它就释放先前存储的能量。 But in order to enhance the inductive effect,a practical inductor is usually formed into a cylindrical coil with many turns

25、of conducting wire. 为了增加电感的感应作用,实际的电感器通常是由许多匝导线绕制成的圆柱形线圈构成的。 The unit of inductance is the henry(H), named in honor of the American inventor Joseph Henry(1979-1878). 电感的单位是亨利,是为纪念美国发明家约瑟夫亨利而命名的。 Inductance is the property whereby an inductor exhibits opposition to the change of current flowing throu

26、gh it ,measured in henrys. 电感器具有与流经它的电流变化相反的特性,用电感来描述这一特性,其单位为亨. Electronic systems control fuel mixture and ignition timing to maximize performance and minimize undesirable emissions from automobile engines 电子系统控制燃料混合和点火定时,以使汽车发动机的性能最佳、尾气排放量最少。 By comparing the time of arrival of the signals and by

27、 using certain information contained in the received signals concerning the orbits of the satellites ,the position of the vehicle can be determined. 通过比较信号到达的时间,采用包含在接收信号中的与卫星轨迹相关的信息来对交通工具进行定位。 The amplitude of a typical analog signal is plotted against time in Fig.4.2(a) 典型的模拟信号的幅值随时间变化的曲线如图4.2所示 D

28、igital signals are binary ;however,more levels are sometimes useful. 数字信号是二进制的;不过,有时也采用其他多进制。 Each sample value is represented by a 3-bit code word corresponding to the amplitude zone into which the sample falls. 每个采样值都可以用一个与采样所规定的幅值区域相对应的3位编码字来表示。 Thus,when a DAC converts the code words to form the

29、 original analog waveform ,it is possible to reconstruct only an approximation to the original signal- the reconstructed voltage is in the middle of each zone . 因此,当数模转换器将编码字转换为原模拟波形时,复现一个与原始信号相近的信号是可能的-复现的电压位于各自区域的中心。 Op-amps are commercially available in integrated circuit packages in several form

30、s. 用集成电路封装的几种形式的运算放大器在实际中应用广泛。 An input applied to the noninverting terminal will appear with the same polarity at the output,while an input applied to the inverting terminal will appear inverted at the output. 输出与加到同相端的输入极性相同,而与加到反相端的输入极性相反。 Although the power supplies are often ignored in op-amp c

31、ircuit diagrams for the sake of simplicity ,the power supply currents must not be overlooked. 为了简单起见,尽管在运算放大器的电路图中常省略了电源,但来自电源的电流一定不能忽略。 Although we use the addition sign(+) to represent the OR operation ,manipulation of logic variables by the AND,OR,and NOT operations is different from ordinary alg

32、ebra. 尽管我们用加号来表示或运算,但是逻辑变量的与或非运算与普通的代数运算是不同的。 If the inputs to a NAND are tied together ,an inverter results. 如果将与非门的两个输入端连到一起,与非门就变成了反相器。 The OR operation can be realized by inverting the input variable and combining the results in a NAND gate . 将输入变量取反后再用与非门组合在一起就能实现或运算。 In either case ,the magnet

33、ic cores are made up of stacks of laminations cut from silicon-steel sheets. 无论哪种铁芯都是从硅钢片上剪下的铁芯叠片叠装而成的。 Most laminated materials are cold rolled and often specially annealed to orient the grain or iron crystals. 大多数叠片材料需要经过冷轧加工,而且经过特殊的退火处理后可使晶体获得各向异性。 A large reduction in leakage flux can be obtaine

34、d by further subdividing and sandwiching the primary and secondary turns,however,at considerable cost. 进一步细分绕组 并增加原边和副边的匝数可以大大降低漏磁通,但成本却提高很多 。 The coils employed in shell-form transformers are usually of a pancake form unlike the cylindrical forms used in the core-form transformer,where the coils ar

35、e placed one on top of the other and the low-voltage winding is placed closer to the core with the high-voltage winding on top. 芯式变压器的线圈采用圆柱结构,与之不同的是,壳式变压器的线圈通常采用饼形结构。芯式变压器中一个线圈位于另一个之上,并且高压线圈在上,低压线圈更靠近铁芯。 Such conversion is facilitated through the action of a magnetic field. 在磁场的作用下这样的转换变得更为方便。 In t

36、he braking mode of operation,a three-phase induction motor running at a steady-state speed can be brought to a quick stop by interchanging two of its stator leads. 运行在稳态转速的三相感应电机通过互换两根定子接线就可以运行在制动状态并快速停下来 。 With a cylindrical rotor the reluctance of the magnetic circuit of the field is independent o

37、f its actual direction and relative to the direct axis. 圆柱形转子的磁场 磁路的磁阻与直轴有关,而与磁场的实际方向无关。 It is highest when the field is directly halfway between the poles ,that is .along the quadrature axis. 当磁场正好处于磁极中间时,也就是沿着交轴方向时,磁阻 最大。 Examples of small DC motors include those used for small control devices ,wi

38、nd-shield -wiper motors,fan motors ,starter motors,and various servomotors. 小型直流电机的例子包括小型控制装置中所用的电机、风档刮水电机、风扇电机、启动器电机及各种伺服电机。 Application example for larger DC motors include industrial drive motors in conveyors,pumps,hoists,overhead cranes.forklifts.fans,steel and aluminum rolling mills, paper mill

39、s, textile mills, various other rolling mills, golf carts,electrical cars,street cars or trolleys,electric trains, electric elevators, and large earth-moving equipment. 传送带、泵、起重机、高架起重机、铲车、风机、钢和铝轧机、造纸机、纺织机、其他各种轧钢机等工业拖动中所使用的电机,高尔夫球手推车、电动车、电车、电气火车、电梯以及大型运土设备中所用的电机都是大型电流电机的应用实例。 Obviously, DC machine ap

40、plication are very significant ,but the advantages of the DC machine must be weighed against its greater initial investment cost and the maintenance problems associated with its brush-commutator system. 显然,直流电机的应用非常有意义,但是也存在初期成本投入较高、由电刷-换向器而带来的维修困难,应用时一定要权衡其利弊。 Many complex control systems are inclu

41、ded among the functions of the human body. 在人体的各种功能中包含许多复杂的控制系统。 A block diagram consists of a block representing each component in a control system connected by lines that represent the signal paths. 方框图由表示控制系统每个元件的模块组成,这些元件由代表信号通路的信号线连接。 The process block represents everything performed in and by

42、the equipment in which a variable is controlled. 过程模块代表被控变量所在装置完成的每件任务和通过装置执行的每件任务。 Finally ,the change in the manipulated variable drives the controlled variable back toward the set point . 最后,控制变量的改变带动被控变量向设定值方向变化 。 The mean gives us an estimate of the expected value of an observation ,but it give

43、s no idea of the dispersion or variability of the observation. 平均值给出了对观测数据期望值的估计,但不能指出观测数据的偏移和变化。 Operating characteristics include details about the measurement by ,and operation of effects on the measuring instrument. 运行特性详述了测量仪器的测量及测量仪器 所受影响的作用。 Resolution ,dead band, and sensitivity are differen

44、t characteristics that relate in different ways to an increment of measurement. 分辨率、死区 和灵敏度以不同的方法描述了测量增量不同的特性。 Repeatability and reproducibility deal in slightly different ways with the degree of closeness among repeated measurements of the same value of the measured variable . 重复性和再现性以大同小异的方式论述被测变量

45、在同一个值的重复测量中的接近程度 。 A normally open switch will close the circuit path between the two terminals when the switch is actuated and will open the circuit path when the switch is deactuated. 当驱动开关时,常开开关闭合两端子之间的电路通道;当撤除驱动后,开关断开电路通道。 When an operator actuates a maintained-action switch,the contacts remain

46、in the new position after the operator releases the actuator. 操作值驱动一个持续动作的开关,当撤除驱动后,触点仍然维持在新的位置。 The relay is actuated by completing the circuit branch that contains the relay coil. 通过接通继电器线圈所在的分支电路激励继电器。 The small contact is called a holding contact because it holds coil 1M in the energized conditi

47、on after the operator the operator releases the START button. 称小的触点为自锁触点,因为在操作者释放开始按钮后,这个触点能将线圈M自锁在通电状态。 The triac was developed as a means of providing improved controls for AC power. 双向可控硅已作为对交流电网进行改进控制的工具。 Latched on by a control signal but must be turned off by the power circuit. 由控制信号控制器件导通,但必须

48、通过电力电路的作用才能使其关断。 Once the device begins to conduct ,it is latched on and the gate current can be removed. 一旦器件开始导通,它就自锁,可以移去门极电流 。 latched on by a control signal must be turned off by the power circuit. 由控制信号控制器件导通,但必须通过电力电路的作用才能使其关断。 once the device begins to conduct ,it is latched on and the gate current can be removed. 一旦器件开始导通,它就自锁,可以移去门极电流。 Because of the large ripple in ud and id ,this circuit is of little practical significance . 因为ud和id有很大的脉动,所以这种电路几乎没有实际意义。


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