1、男人抱着女人会睡得踏实些男人抱着女人会睡得踏实些? BIG day tomorrow, boys? Then do the opposite of Mick Jagger and tell her: lets not spend the night together。 明天是大日子吗,小伙子们?那就跟米克贾格尔反着干,对那个她说:“我们不要一起过夜”吧。 A mans brainpower, scientists say, can be damaged by sharing a bed. When they spend the night with a partner, their sleep
2、 patterns are disturbed, whether they make love or not. This leads to poorer mental agility the next day。 科学家们说,与人同床会损伤男人的脑力。不管做不做爱,只要跟别人一起过夜,男人的睡眠模式就会发生紊乱,而这又会使他们的大脑在第二天变得反应迟钝。 Women do not suffer from the same problem. They have disturbed sleep if they share a bed, but tend to get better quality r
3、est when they do drop off and their brain power remains undiminished。 女人就没有这个问题。与人同床她们会睡不安稳,可一旦入睡就能获得较高的睡眠质量,脑力也不会受到损伤。 The findings suggest if a man has an important day ahead he would be best to head off to the spare room rather than share the marital bed。 这一发现表明,面临重大事件的男人最好到空余的房间去睡觉,不要跟伴侣分享婚床。 Th
4、e research, featured in New Scientist magazine, also found sharing a bed can impact on dreams。 刊载于新科学家杂志的这一研究还发现,同床共枕会对梦发生影响。 Typically, women remembered more of their dreams after sleeping alone, while men recalled the most after sex。 一般来说,女人在独眠之后能记起更多梦境,男人记得最多梦境的时候则是在性爱之后。 And while most men belie
5、ved having a partner helped them to drop off, most women felt they slept better when alone。 大多数男人认为有个伴更容易入睡,大多数女人却觉得独自一人睡得更香。 This could be because men were more often blamed for some of the obvious causes of disturbed sleep, such as snoring, tossing and turning and hogging the doona。 其中原因也许是,打鼾、“辗转反侧”、“拱被子”等明显扰乱睡眠的行为更多出现在男人身上。 Over-heating because of the extra warmth generated by sleeping beside another person may be just as blameworthy for a sleep-deprived night as other factors。 睡在他人身侧会带来额外的热量,由此造成的身体过热跟其他一些因素一样是无眠之夜的罪魁祸首。