《留学生求职网面试邀请email该如何回复,be professional!.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《留学生求职网面试邀请email该如何回复,be professional!.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、留学生求职网面试邀请email该如何回复,be professional! 海归求职网-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 面试邀请email该如何回复,be professional! 面试邀请的email要如何回复?投出无数简历后拿到的interview可不能就这么败在一封email回复上! 一脸萌地“Thank you. See you then就完事儿了? 到了面试地点找不到可以联系的人? 见了面试官也不知道怎么称呼人家? Exo me?Be professional ok? 今天的干货,教你如何回复面试邀请的email。 1、首要前提:设置一个专门的email account 设置一个专
2、门用于找工作,接受职业相关email的账户!这会让你看起来更专业。试想面试官看到这样的邮箱前缀名,还会对这个应聘者抱有什么幻想吗?自个儿回家lol666去吧 记得经常刷新email,回复的速度当然是越快越好,不能让日理万机的HR久等啊! 2、阅读:Get面试邀请信里的信息 面试邀请信里应当包含了以下信息: 公司名称,职位名称,工作地点 面试地点 面试形式:telephone/ video / in person 面试官信息:名字,职位 面试时间:可能有多个时间段的options 其他信息:方向指示,停车场 这些都是必须get的信息!如果邮件里信息不足,下一步email回复就务必向对方询问啦!
3、3、向雇主回复邮件时,校对以下checklist,确认email内容包含了所有元素 1. 开篇必备的一句话:Thank you for the invitation to interview. 礼貌和感谢绝对是必须的制胜法宝。不要忘记感谢recruiter,一个职位的面试者不止一个,recruiter当然会把礼貌、懂得感恩的求职者放在优先的位置。 海归求职网-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 2. 告诉对方 Im very interested in learning more about this opportunity. 3. 选择合适的面试时间。如果有多个时间available,表明哪个是
4、你的first preference。尽量挑选上午而不是下午,避免忙碌的周一和周五,日期越靠前越好。 4. 大胆询问在面试邀请信里没有get到的信息,例如面试官的名字和职位。这些细节信息都是决定你成功与否的因素。 小编找了一个模板,仅供大家参考 TO: person who sent you the invitation or the addressee specified in their message CC: others who were copied on the invitation message Subject: RE: subject from the invitation
5、message Name of the addressee, like Mr. Jones Thank you for the invitation to interview for the job title position at employer name. I am very interested in learning more about this opportunity. I assume that I will be speaking with you and, possibly, one or two other people. Please, if possible, sh
6、are the names and job titles of the other people who will be interviewing me. If I should expect to spend more than two hours, please give me your best estimate at the amount of time needed. The best times for me to attend this interview are: first preference for date and time or, if that is unavail
7、able, second preference for date and time. Please let me know which date is best for you. I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you again for this invitation. Best regards, your first name your full name current job title, if employed, or target job title, if not best phone number for your job
8、search city and state LinkedIn Profile URL 4、与对方进行最终的confirm 海归求职网-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 收到respond邮件后,你应该已经掌握了关于面试的所有基本信息。与对方进行最后的确认。Confirming email的正文应当简短明了,例如 Confirming the interview on date at time at location to speak with names about job title. email的回复是你与雇主的第一次接触,务必使用规范的语言、谦逊的态度给对方留下一个好印象。错误的语法和信息遗漏,no tolerance! 下一步要做的就是准备面试啦! 海归求职网满满当当的干货,还等什么! 打滚求关注