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1、百威英博电话面试问题汇总ABI曾经考过的电话面试问题 首先是英文自我介绍 然后题目可能如下: 1)印象最深刻的电影银幕形象是谁?Tell me about your favorite movie 2)有些公司因为员工表现不好,就把他炒了,你认为这是否合理? 3)如果有顾客投诉产品质量,你会怎么办? 4)推荐一本书。 5)收到过的最好的礼物。 7)队伍里有成员不好你会怎么办/如果你是Leader,有成员给你带来很多麻烦,你怎么处理 8)你觉得第一份工作做多久会升职? 9)你取得的成就对你的影响? 10)你觉得是不是男性比女性更适合担任领导?/为什么现实情况是男性领导多于女性领导 11)描述一个校

2、园活动talk a activity you had take part in your university 12)talk about your favorite class (subject) or the class you hate most 13)为什么选择本专业 14)影响最大的人/最喜欢的书,喜欢的原因。 15)Which kind of music do you like, why? 16)Do you like work with others or as yourself? 17)Introduce a neighbor that you admire? 18)what

3、do you do in your spare time? 19)how do you motivate yourself? 20)为什么选择百威? 21)online shopping是不是对所有商品都适用? 22)举个例子说明自己克服困难取得成就。 23)愿意在哪工作,工作灵活性。 24)Tell me about one journey of you 25)给你印象最深的一次旅行,为什么印象深刻? 26)说说你的职业生涯规划。 27)除了专业背景外,有哪些优势/Why do you think that we will hire you? 28)市场和销售,选哪一个 29)你最近看的一本

4、书 30)如果让你选Marketing 还是Sales? Which do you prefer: marketing or sales? 31)5 adjectives to describe yourself几个形容词来描述自己 32)why choose AB in Bev(give 3 reasons) 33)Introduce a beer brand 是否喜欢喝啤酒and which brand do you like most? 34)为什么选择快消? 35)Describe a certain time that you felt depress or upset. 36)怎么

5、理解creativity.? 37)是否同意学习成绩与工作表现之间有很大的关系?Do you agree or disagree that company should choose people base on their academic scores? 38)What is your career plan in the future five years? 39)从学生转型为工作人士要做到哪些? 40)如果同事跟你意见不合怎么办 41)What qualifications do you think a salesman should have? 42)你愿意从事我们公司哪类职位呢?

6、45) 看运动节目是否浪费时间 46) 网购是否适合所有商品 47) 大学再一次机会,你会选什么专业 48) 介绍下HOMETOWN 49)WHY AB, WHY YOU 50) 简单介绍自己什么类型的人 51) 说一个你印象最深的广告 52) minute of self introduction, your weakness and strength, what kind of person you are? 53) what clubs or organizations have you been involved in? 54) why are you applying for AB-

7、INBEV, in three reasons 55) marketing and sales, which will you choose and why? 56) who has the most influence on you? 57) describe a campus activity you are involved in and your role? 58) 5 words to describe yourself. 59) introduce a beer brand 60) something or somebody you like most 61) what is yo

8、ur favorite movie/course/book/star, and why? 62) do you agree or disagree that company should choose people based on their academic scores? 63) describe a recent travel 64) what is your career plan in the next 5 years? 65) how do you deal with the conflict with your coworkers? 66) do you think it male is more suitable to be the leader than females? 67) 曾经面临的困难,如何解决它 68) 如何理解creativity 69) 说说你作为团队leader是如何解决团队出现的各种问题的 70) Tallk your favorite class (subject) or the class you hate most 71) What kind of person would you like your manager to be?


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