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1、知识产权协议为保护双方的知识产权,本着公平合理、平等互利的原则,双方经友好协商达成如下知识产权协议: To protect intellectual property rights of both parties and following the principle of fairness, equity and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B hereof come to this agreement on intellectual property rights: 1、产品保证责任 Responsibility for product warran

2、ty 乙方声明并保证如下:Party B makes the statement and commitment as follows: 1.1乙方所提供之产品,其所有权状态不存在法律上的权利设定或限制。 Ownership of products provided by Party B is free of legal right restriction or limitation. 1.2乙方保证甲方有权在全世界直接、间接使用、出口、贩售、经销、买卖乙方所供之产品且无任何其它合约或知识产权上的使用限制或额外收费。 Party B ensures that Party A has the ri

3、ght to directly or indirectly use, export, sell, distribute and market the products provided by Party B over the world free of any other use restriction stipulated in agreement or for intellectual property right protection or extra charges. 1.3乙方及乙方所供产品皆符合中华人民共和国法令及其它相关法令规定,并且符合国际安全使用标准。 Party B and

4、 the products provided by Party B will comply with laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China and other pertinent directives, as well as international standards for safety application. 2、知识产权 Intellectual property rights 2.1乙方保证乙方产品未侵害任何国家及地区之专利、商标、著作权或其它知识产权。 Party B promises that the pr

5、oducts of Party B shall not be in infringement with patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights of any country and region. 2.2若任何第三方向甲方、甲方之代理人、员工或甲方之客户提起控诉或主张任何权利,并起因于以下任 一事件时,乙方应即加以抗辩或与该第三方进行协商、谈判或诉讼,乙方除须全额赔偿甲方因此所支付的赔偿费、权利金、和解费、诉讼费、律师费、车资等费用之外,乙方亦应全额赔偿甲方因此所遭受的其他直接损失,其中包括但不限于甲

6、方对其客户或第三方因此所支付的违约金、甲方因此所增加之库存成本等: If a third party prosecutes or claim for any rights against Party A, agent, employee or client of Party A due to any of the followings circumstances, Party B shall demur, discuss or negotiate with this third party or bring a law suit, and Party B shall make full com

7、pensation to Party A for all indirect losses therefore caused to Party A, including but not limited to the payment made by Party A to the customer or third party as compensation for breach of contract, increased inventory cost, as well as compensation expenses, premium, settlement fee, legal fare, r

8、etaining fee, and charges for vehicle paid by Party A: A、任何有关侵害第三方人之专利权、著作权、商标权、营业秘密、技术密窍或任何知识产权权利之 行为。 All actions in infringement of patent right, copyright, trademark right, operation secrets, technical know-how or intellectual property rights; B、本产品引起人员伤害、财产损害的行为。 This product arouses harmful ac

9、tion that caused personnel injury or property damage; C、乙方违反第1条保证之任一条款的规定。Party B violates any provision of Article 1. 2.3本条全部规定也适用于本协议签署之前以及签署之后,甲乙双方就乙方之产品所进行的任何采购内容。 All the provisions in this article are also applicable for the agreements signed before and after this agreement on any purchases of

10、 products from Party B between Party A and Party B hereof. 3、共同合作成果归属 Ownership of cooperation achievements 甲、乙双方各自拥有彼此在软、硬件设计上的专属知识产权,包括:任何原创性工作、发现、发明、专利权、技术秘密及营业知识等。双方共同执行的合作项目之开发成果为双方共有,一方在未经另一方书面同意前不得任意将此合作的内容或开发成果泄露或销售给任何第三方。若一方或其员工违反本规定,则该方应无条件立即支付违约金人民币伍拾万元给另一方。 Party A and Party B hereof res

11、pectively have their own intellectual property rights in software and hardware design including: any original work, discovery, invention, patent right, technical know-how and operating knowledge. The development achievements from cooperation between the two parties are under the ownership of both pa

12、rties. With no consent in writing from one party, the counterparty is prohibited to disclose or sell the cooperation contents or development achievements to a third party. In case of breach of this provision by one party or its employee, this party shall pay the counterparty RMB500,000 unconditional

13、ly and immediately as compensation for breach of contract. 4、一般条款 General Provisions 4.1本协议若有版本升级,则新版本协议签订后旧版本自动解除。 In case of any upgraded agreement, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement signed. 4.2如果本协议的任何条款被司法机关裁定在某些方面不可执行,且这种不可执行性

14、不会对双方在本协议中的权利造成实质性的影响,则本协议的其它条款继续有效。 Provided any article in this agreement is adjudged as unenforceable in certain aspects by judicial authority while the unenforceability has no material influences on responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the balance of this agreement shall remain vali

15、d and enforceable. 4.3本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签章后生效。 This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties. 4.4本协议之解释、效力、履行及其他未尽事宜均依中华人民共和国法律为准,任何关于本协议产生的争议,由双方协商解决,协商不成的,双方同意任何一方均向甲方所在地人民法院起诉。 This

16、 agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the Peoples Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local peoples court in the location of Party A.


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