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1、Unit 5,Theme parks,Period 1Important words&expressions,He left for a variety of reasons.他由于种种原因而离开了。Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.对于这件事,人人意见不一。(1)There are different_(各种各样)of plants in the garden.(2)由于种种原因我才这样做的。(汉译英)_,varieties,I did that for various reasons.,学以致用,介词填空Prices va

2、ry_ the seasons.The price of the holiday varies_ 500_1,200,depending _ the time of year.These fish vary_weight_3 pounds and 5 pounds.,with,from to,on,in between,Big cities have many amusements.大城市有许多娱乐活动。I dont find any amusement in his comments.我不认为他的话有什么好笑。(1)We were all amused at his foolish beha

3、viour.(英译汉)我们对他那愚蠢的行为都感到好笑。(2)The children_(取乐)themselves by playing hide-and-seek games.(3)Ive brought a few toys to_(使孩子高兴).(4)They often sing for their own amusement.(英译汉)_,amused,amuse the children,他们常常唱歌自娱。,3.swing swi v.(swung,swung)摇摆;摆动 n.C摇摆;秋千1)His arms swung/He swung his arms as he walked

4、.他走路时摆动着手臂。2)The monkey was swinging in the tree.猴子在树上荡来荡去。小练:根据句子的要求填入适当的词或翻译。1)She _(swing)her legs from side to side.2)She _(突然转过身来)on him angrily.3)He swings _(介词)wild optimism _(介词)total despair.,swung,from,swung round,to,4attraction nU吸引;吸引力;C吸引物;喜闻乐见的事物【思维拓展】have no/a little/much attraction f

5、or sb.对某人不具有/有一点/很有吸引力attract v.吸引.引起(注意)attract ones attention/interest引起某人的注意、兴趣attract sb.ton./pron.把某人吸引到attractive adj.有吸引力的;引人主义的.,The television has little attraction for me.The beautiful beaches are the islands main attractions The walled city is an important tourist attraction.,5unique adj.

6、独一无二的;仅有的归纳拓展(1)既可以作定语,也可以作表语。(2)unique to sb./sth.仅与一个人或一个群体或一件事情有关。unique没有比较级形式。The custom is unique to the region.这种风俗是这一地区特有的。It is a unique place to visit.这是一处独特的游览胜地。,6.preserve n保护区 vt.保存;保留联想拓展preserve sb/sth from/against 保护免受nature preserve 自然保护区in the preserve在保护区be well preserved保养得很好pre

7、serve resources 保护资源 preserve ones strength保存体力/eyesight保护视力preservation n维护;保护;保持;保养,用preserve,keep或reserve的适当形式填空You can meat or fish in salt.She knows she must calm.I advise you not to walk too fast;your strength for the climb.,preserve,keep,reserve,我们应当保护儿童免受伤害。We should_ the children from harm.

8、我们必须保护我们的自然资源。We must_ _ _ _.,protect,preserve our natural resources,学以致用,句型转换What can we do to stop the company from ruin?What can we do to?What can we do to?,preserve the company from ruin,keep the company from ruin,7.length n 长度;长This room is twice the length of that one.at length 1).after a long

9、 time;at last 最后,终于;详细地At length the bus arrived,forty minutes late。,8.advance n前进;进步 vt.后期的advanced engineer/worker/English/maths/technology高级工程师/先进工作者/高级英语/高等数学/先进技术,They use the Internet as a tool to advance their research.他们使用因特网作为工具来推进研究工作。Its cheaper for you to book the tickets in advance.预订票要

10、便宜一些。_ is known to all,China will be an _ and powerful country in 20 or 30 years time.After months of hard work,the scientists made a very important _ in their scientific research.数月的努力工作后,科学家在科学研究方面取得重大进步。Apromotion Badvance Cprogress,As advanced,.这将进一步增进两国的友好关系。It will _ _the friendly relations be

11、tween the two countries.如果你想买这个,你得提前预订。If you want to buy it you must make an order _.我们有些产品已达到了世界先进水平。Some of our products have reached_ world level.,学以致用,further advance,in advance,advanced,1.no wonder难怪;怪不得联想拓展(1)no wonder是It is no wonder(that).的省略It is a wonder(that)真想不到,奇怪的是do/work wonders创造奇迹n

12、o doubt毫无疑问,是There is no doubt that的省略形式No way!门儿都没有/不行!There is no point doing sth做某事无意义,Jack,you seem in high spirits._We won the match 40.(2011陕西,18)AGuess what?BSo what?CNo wonder.DNo doubt.Her father is very rich._She wouldnt accept his help even if it were offered.(2010山东,34)AWhat for?BSo what

13、?CNo doubt.DNo wonder.完成句子昨晚你喝那么多,头疼不足为怪。_ _ youve got a headache considering the amount you drank last night.,学以致用,No wonder,2.be modelled after/on.模仿;效仿归纳拓展be named after以命名/取名 a working model一个劳模 用适当的介、副词填空(1)Their education system is modelled the French one.(2)Jim has always modelled himself his

14、 great hero,Martin Luther King.The new church is modelled after St.Peters in Rome.这座新教堂是仿照罗马圣彼得教堂建造的。,on/after,On/after,e to life活跃起来,苏醒过来;注意:come to life为不及物动词短语,不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。联想拓展come back to life 复活;苏醒过来come to oneself 苏醒过来,Flowers can bring a dull room back to life.鲜花可使沉闷的房间恢复生气。The idea came

15、 to me in the bath.我洗澡时,想出了这个主意。The doctors applied some medicine and he began to _ himself.医生使用一些药物,他开始苏醒。,come to,The children_ the moment they heard that there would be a threeday holiday.Some of them even jumped up with joy.Amoved off Bcame to life Csettled down Dheld their breath完成句子下半场比赛变得很刺激。

16、The game really_ _in the second half.春天来临,万物复苏。Spring is here and everything _.,学以致用,came to life,comes to life,一、单词识记,1._ adj.不同的2._ n.题目;主题3._ adj.中心的;主要的4._ adv.无论在哪里5._ adj.独一无二的6._ n.&v.秋千;摇摆 7._ n.长度;长,length,various,theme,central,wherever,unique,swing,复习与应用,双基达标,8._ n.纪念品9._ vt.保存 n.保护区10._ n

17、.生物11.advance v._12.carpenter n._13.settler n._14.brand n._,商标;牌子,souvenir,preserve,creature,前进;促进;提前,木匠,移民;殖民者,15.admission n._16.translator n._17.tournament n._18.attraction n._19.fantasy n._20.athletic adj._,运动的,允许进入;入场费,译员;翻译,锦标赛;联赛,吸引;有吸引力的事物,幻想;怪念头,4._n.消遣;娱乐_vt.使娱乐_adj.好笑的5._n.有吸引力的事情_vt.吸引_a

18、dj.有吸引力的6._n.旅游业_n.游客7._adj.独一无二的 8._n.发动机9._n.保护区vt.保存;保留10._n.长度_adj.长的_vt.加长11._adj.运动的_n.运动员12._n.译员;翻译_n.翻译_vt.翻译13._v.&n.前进_adj.高级的14._n.允许进入 15._n.高速公路,amusement,amuse,amusing,attraction,attract,attractive,tourism,tourist,unique,engine,preserve,length,long,lengthen,athletic,athlete,translator

19、,translation,translate,advance,advanced,admission,freeway,1._adj.中央的_n.中心2._adj.不同的;各种各样的_v.变化_n.不同种类3._n.漫画;动画片,central,center,various,vary,variety,cartoon,单词自查,.单词拼写1.I find_(乐趣)in collecting stamps.2.The_(吸引力)of the moon for the earth causes the tides.3.You may pick_(无论哪个)you like best.4.The isla

20、nd has been ruined by_(旅游业).5.Youre a wonderful,_(独一无二的)person.,amusement,attraction,whichever,tourism,unique,单词拼写,1.be famous_以闻名2._wonder难怪;不足为奇3.be_after仿造;根据模仿4._advance提前5._close to接近e to_活跃起来7.be familiar_熟悉8._true实现9.a variety_各种各样的,for,no,modelled,in,get,life,with,come,of,短语自查,1She is in a r

21、ather_ position,as her job is different from anyone elses.Aunfortunate Bprecious Cfantastic Dunique解析句意:她的职位相当独特,因为她的工作不同于其他任何人的。unique“独一无二的”;unfortunate“不幸的”;precious“珍贵的”;fantastic“极好的”。答案D,VI 单项填空,2There are_ flowers and trees shown in the park and_ people go to have a look.Aa plenty of;many Bva

22、rieties of;variousCvarious;many Dquite a few;quite a little解析various“不同种类的;各种各样的”,作定语相当于a variety of或varieties of,但various用来修饰人不妥,所以B项不合适。答案C,3The idea of travelling to the moon holds little _ for me.Ascene BviewCattraction Dsight解析句意:到月球去旅行这个主意对我没有吸引力。attraction 吸引力。答案C。,4 The design of this buildi

23、ng is modelled_ classic Greek forms.Aafter BwithCat Dfor解析be modelled after根据仿造。答案A,5John is said to have learned Italian in Italy for five years._ he speaks it like a native speaker.ANo doubt BNo problemCNo wonder DNo reason解析no wonder难怪。no doubt 无疑;no reason 毫无理由;no problem 没问题。答案C,6As she shook h

24、er head,her earrings _ back and forth.Adashed BswungCslid Dexpanded解析swing 摇晃。dash 急冲;slide 滑动;expand 扩大。答案B,7The idea of working for stateowned enterprises has little _ to young people nowadays.Aadmission BappointmentCattraction Darrangement解析attraction 吸引力。admission 进入;appointment 约会;arrangement 安

25、排。答案C,8As we all know,each person has his own _fingerprint.Aunique BdirectCcentral Dathletic解析unique 唯一的,独特的。direct 直接的;central中心的;athletic 体育的。答案A,9The local government has taken measures to_ the districts historic buildings.Aswing BconvinceCintend Dpreserve解析preserve 保护。swing 摇摆;convince 使信服;inten

26、d 打算。答案D,10Information technology has _ rapidly since the 1960s,bringing great convenience to peoples life.Areduced BpreservedCconfused Dadvanced解析advance前进。reduce 减少;confuse 使迷惑;preserve 保存。答案D,11We can produce shoes _ after the fashions of different markets or according to buyers samples.Amodelled

27、 BdesignedCrequested Dmade解析 A考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们能按不同市场的流行款式或客户来样制作不同款式的鞋子。be modelled after仿造。,1.be famous for以而闻名(be well known for)归纳拓展be famous/well known as作为而出名,It is well known that./As is well known.众所周知become famous overnight一夜成名be wellknown to.对来说熟知(1)用适当的介词填空France is famous its wine.Virginia

28、is famous the birthplace of several US presidents.Mother Teresa is well known her work with the poor.She is very wellknown the literature world.,for,as,for,in,2.deed n.-行动,行为,事迹,所做之事Deeds are better than words when people need help.在需要帮助时,行动胜於语言.in deed事实上,实际上,真正地I feel disappointed in deed.我感到无比的失望

29、。,3.minority n.少数;少数民族归纳拓展(1)(be)in the/a minority占(极)少数the/a minority of.少数(2)minor adj.少数的,The nation wants peace,only a minority wants the war to continue.全国人民都要和平,只有少数人希望战争继续。_ _ _ the children wanted a dance party,but the majority chose a picnic.少数孩子想举办一次舞会,而多数孩子选择了野餐。Women were _ _ _ at the me

30、eting.在这次会议上,妇女只占少数。,A minority of,in the minority,温馨提示:minority单独用作主语,谓语用单数或复数均可,但若其后的表语是复数,则谓语通常也要用复数。“the minority of复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数;“the minority单数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数。minority的反义词是majority“多数的”。,4admission n.允许进入;入场费;承认归纳拓展(1)make an admission of sth.admit sth.承认某事gain admission to/into获准进入(2)admit

31、vt.&vi.承认,供认。admitn./pron./doing sth.承认(做)某事admit that.承认vt.准许进入;准许进入/加入admit sb.to/into接纳/许可(人或物)加入,接收入学be admitted to/into被允许进入;被录取,He made an admission/admitted that he had used threatening behaviour.他承认使用了恐吓手段。He gained admission to Beijing University.他获准进入北京大学。She admitted(to)being strict with

32、her son.她承认对自己的儿子很严厉。Only ticketholders were admitted into the theatre.只允许持票者进入剧院。Their daughter _ a key university this year,which made them very satisfied.“被一所重点大学录取”,He was persuaded _ the window.Aadmitting to break Bto admit breakingCto admit to break Dadmitting breaking,was admitted into,5.get

33、close to接近;靠近联想拓展be close to sb.与某人关系密切pay close attention to密切关注Dont get close to me;Im about to get seasick.不要靠近我,我要晕船了。,Its raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood_ to her mother.Aclose Bclosely Cclosed DClosing完成句子我不能走到近前看发生了什么事。I couldnt_ enough to see what was happening.她和父亲的关系很亲密。S

34、he _ _ her father.The two events are closely connected.这两件事情有密切的关系。,学以致用,get close,is very close to,UNIT 5 Theme Parks,课后自测题,单词拼写centraluniquefantasyDeedspreserveadmissionsurvivedadvancedTourism,10.swing11.amusements12.theme13.attraction14.various15.souvenir16.up-to-date17.brand18.modelled,单项填空:1-5

35、BDCCC 6-10 BBACC 11-13 AAA阅读理解:DACCB完型填空:1-5 DACCB 6-10 BDBAC 11-15 ACADB 16-20 DBACC,在一个遥远的农场里住着一个小男孩,每天早上,他要在太阳升起之前开始干家务活,晚上也免不了要再做一次。在太阳升起的时候,他能休息片刻,他就爬到篱笆上,在那儿他可以欣赏到很远地方的一座有着金色窗户的房子.他想要是能在那里住该有多好呀,于是开始想像那座房子里会有现代化的家具和电器,如果他们能装得起黄金窗子。那他们肯定还有其他漂亮的东西。“他对自己许诺说:总有一天,我要去那个美妙的地方看看.,一天早上,父亲让他呆在家里,而父亲去干那



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