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1、,1.,度假,2.,两年前,3.,到那儿,4.,花大约,9,个小时,5.,开车带我们到他们家,6.,多久,7.,呆在那里,8.,电影明星,9.,在太平洋里游泳,1.on holiday,2.two years ago,3.get there,4.take about nine hours.,5.drive us to their home.,6.how long,7.stay there,8.movie stars,9.swim in the Pacific,Ocean,1.,你打算去哪儿度假?,Where are you going on holiday?,2.,我两年前去过,玩的很开心。,

2、I went there two years ago,and enjoyed it a lot,3.,花了多长时间去那儿?,How long did it take to get there?,4.,然后我们的朋友接着我们,开车带我们到他们家。,Then our friends met us and drove us to their,home.,5.,我太激动了!,I was so excited.,6.,你们在那里呆了多久?我们在那里呆了两天。,How long did you stay there?,7.,你们看见电影明星了吗?,Did you see any movie stars?,



5、t/,/,?,n/,/w,?,nd?fl,/,/p,?,l,?,s/,温故知新,?,看音标写单词,/frent?/_/w?nd?fl/_,?,写出下列单词划线部分的音标,arrive/relax/sell/,?,写出下列动词的过去式,drive take stay see swim,?,翻译:到达北京用了我大约,5,个小时的时间,(,took,),重点短语回顾,1.,坐飞机到达,2.,前天,3.,在机场,4.,劳累,5.,在家休息,6.,开始我们的城市之旅,7.,许多世界著名的艺术作品,8.,例如,9.,在一家法国餐厅吃晚餐,10.,散步,1.arrive by plane,2.the day

6、 before yesterday,3.at the airport,4.be tired,5.relax at home,6.begin our tour of the city,7.many world-famous,works of art,8.such as,9.have dinner in a French,restaurant,10.take a walk,11.,如此好的水果和蔬菜,12.,购物,13.,给你买礼物,14.,乘坐巴黎地铁,15.,许多游客,16.,首先,17.,不得不,18.,排队等一小时,19.,到顶,20.,参观一个著名的宫殿,21.,乘船游览,11.such

7、 good fruit and,vegetables,12.do some shopping,13.buy a present for you,14.take the Paris underground,15.lots of tourists,16.first of all,17.have to,18.wait in line for an hour,19.go to the top,20.visit a famous palace,21.take a boat tour,1.,我前天坐飞机到这儿。,2.,我们感觉很累,所以我们在家休息,昨天开始,在市里观光。,3.,那里有许多世界闻名的艺术品

8、,比如蒙娜,丽莎,4.,今天上午我们出去散步了。,5,他们卖如此好的水果和蔬菜。,I arrived,by,plane the day before yesterday.,We were tired,so,we relaxed,at,home and began,our tour,of the city,yesterday.,It has many world-famous,works of art,such as,the Mona,Lisa.,This morning we took a walk.,They sell such good fruit and vegetables.,6,我们

9、也去购物了。,7.,我也给你买了件礼物,8.,有很多游客,所以,首先我们得排队等了一个小时。,9.,我们在那儿一直等到所有的灯都亮了,10.,明天,我们要参观一个著名的宫殿,还要乘船游览塞,纳河。,We also did some shopping./went shopping.,I bought a present,for,you.=I bought you a present.,There were lots of tourists,so first of all,we,had to,wait,in,line,for,an hour.,We waited till all the ligh

10、ts were on,Tomorrow were going to visit a famous palace and,take a boat tour on the River Seine.,?,收件人:奶奶,?,发件人:贝蒂,金,?,主题:我在巴黎度假,?,日期:,6,月,1,日,星期五,奶奶好!我现在在巴黎。珍妮和我前天坐飞机到这儿,.,琼姑,姑和皮特姑父到机场去接的我们。我们感觉很累,所以我们在家,休息,昨天开始在市里观光。,昨天我们去了卢浮宫博物馆,那里有许多世界闻名的艺术品,,比如蒙娜,丽莎。晚上我们在一家法国餐厅吃了晚饭,那,菜可真好吃!,今天上午我们出去转了转。到处都是商店和餐

11、馆,我很喜欢,那些路旁的市场,卖的水果和蔬菜非常好。我们也买了些东西,,我也给你买了件礼物,希望你会喜欢。,下午三点左右我们坐巴黎地铁去了埃菲尔铁塔。埃菲尔铁塔,真是很高。那儿有很多游客,所以首先我们不得不排队等一个小,时,后来我们到了塔顶。我们一直等到所有的灯都亮了起来,那,景色太棒了!,我们明天要去参观一个著名的宫殿,还要乘船游览塞纳河,,我会再给你写邮件的。,?,爱你的,,?,贝蒂,Bettys journey,?,Two years ago,Betty _(go)to California.,It _(take)her nine hours.Her friends _,(meet)he

12、r at the airport.Next,they,_(leave)Los Angeles and _(spend)two,days in Disneyland.Then she went to,Hollywood.At last she _(get)to Santa,Monica,and _(swim)in the Pacific,Ocean.The journey _(is)great.,took,met,left,spent,got,swam,was,went,1 go_ 2 get _ 3 have _,4 leave _5 meet_ 6 see_,7 spend_8 swim_

13、9 take _,10 eat_ 11 do _ 12 buy _,13 send_14cry_ 15 write_,went got had,left met saw,spent swam took,ate did bought,sent cried wrote,1,.,Why are you so _(,兴奋的,),?,I won the first prize in the test.,2.It _(,花费,)me 2 hours to get there.,3.-What did you do yesterday afternoon?,-We _(,游泳,)in the river n

14、ear our village.,4.What are you going to do on _(,假期,),?,5.Is Los Angeles near the _(,太平洋,)Ocean,?,excited,took,swam,holiday,Pacific,1._(be)there any people in the park when,you arrive,?,2.My brother hopes _(buy)a skateboard.,3.This store _(sell)many cheap,clothes last weekend.,4.Who _(meet)you at t

15、he airport yesterday?,-My parents.,5.It _(take)me half an hour to work,out the math problem this morning.,6.Jack _(leave)ten minutes ago.,7.She was lovely and _(come)from,Australia.,Are,to buy,sold,met,took,left,came,1.Lily spent thirty minutes doing her,homework.(,改为同义句,),_ _ Lily thirty minutes _

16、_ her,homework.,2.Bill had a wonderful winter holiday in,Shanghai.,(改为一般疑问句),_ Bill_ a wonderful winter holiday in,Shanghai?,3.Our school had a sports meeting last,Thursday.,_ _ your school _ a sports meeting?,It took to do,Did have,When did have,4.He read the book last week,.,_ _ he _ last week?,5.They went there by bus.,_ _ they _ there?,6.Mr.Smith lived in the village for ten,years.,_ _ _ Mr Smith live in the,village?,7.I used a pencil because my pen was lost.,_ _ you use a pencil?,What did do,How did go,How long did,Why did,


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