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1、A lesson in a lab,Module Five,Vocabulary,New words,n.liquid substance mixture oxygen electricity stage conclusion aim equipment oxide,液体物质混合物氧气电阶段,时期结论目标,目的设备,装备氧化物,New words,n.steam balance crucible tongs flame facility lecture department,蒸汽,水汽天平坩埚夹子,小钳子火焰设备,工具演讲(大学的)科,系,New words,n.potassium sodiu

2、m calcium magnesium aluminiun zinc copperadj.electrical partial ordinary astonished,钾钠钙镁铝锌铜与电有关的部分的,局部的普通的,平常的吃惊的,New words,v.expand contract react rust boil float form dissolve,膨胀收缩(化学)反应生锈煮沸漂浮形成溶解,分解,Know about some of the uses of the new words.expand react aim ordinary astonishedmixture equipment

3、 conclusion balance,Checking work,Language Points:,1 expand:,v.,A A tired expands when you pump air into it.B Expand this sentence into a paragraph.C China is ready to expand cooperation with Greece.,膨胀,张开,扩大,轮胎一打气就鼓起来。,expand-into-expand on/upon sth,expansion expanded,n.,adj.,把-扩展成-,详述某事,Language P

4、oints:,1 expand:,v.,膨胀,张开,扩大,A His company _(扩大)into a big one.B You mentioned the need for funds.Would you _(详细叙述)that?C To the surprise of many people,in the past ten years the citys population _(expand)by 12%.,expanded,expand on,has expanded,Language Points:,1 expand:,v.,contract v.(使)收缩;和订合同;n.契

5、约,合同,make a contract withsign a contractcarry out a contractcancel a contractbreak a contractby/on contract,膨胀,张开,扩大,与签合同,签署合同,履行合同,取消合同,违反合同,按照合同;依约,Language Points:,1 expand:,v.,contract v.(使)收缩;和订合同;n.契约,合同,You should read the carefully before you sign it.A.contrastB.contact C.contractD.conflict,

6、解析 考查名词词形和词义的辨析。contract合同;contrast对照,对比;contact联系,接触;conflict冲突。,A,膨胀,张开,扩大,Language Points:,2 react:,v.,回应;起作用;起反应,A Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water?B They are studying reactions between iron and water.,reaction,n.反应,表格中的金属哪一个与氧气和水反应最厉害?,Language Points:,2 re

7、act:,v.,回应;起作用;起反应,A How did Wilson react to your idea?B Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.C Most people reacted against the passing of the law.D Applause can react greatly on/upon a speaker.,reaction,n.反应,Language Points:,2 react:,v.,回应;起作用;起反应,react的含义及用法:(1)对-作出反应,回应(2)反对,反抗,反动(3)(和物

8、质)起化学反应(4)对某事物有影响,对某事物产生变化,(与to连用),(与against连用),(与with连用),(与介词on连用),Language Points:,2 react:,v.,回应;起作用;起反应,The football player reacted the judges decision by withdrawing(退出)from the match.A.on B.to C.against D.by,解析 表示“人对作出反应”用to,B,Language Points:,3 ordinary:,adj.,普通的;平常的;,A The nails rust in the

9、tube with ordinary water.B Housing prices in Beijing are out of reach for ordinary people.C What is ordinary in one country may be strange in another.,Language Points:,ordinary/common/usual/normal(1)ordinary普通的,平常的,平凡的。强调无特殊 之处。有“平庸无奇”之意。-Although he is rich,he is always in ordinary dress.(2)Common共

10、有的;常见的。强调司空见惯,也可指共同的,共存的。-The plants are common here.Snow is common in cold countries.,special,rare,Language Points:,ordinary/common/usual/normal(3)usual惯常的,惯例的。强调依照惯例来判断,有“遵循常规”之意。A It is usual for him to go back home late.B He arrived later than usual.(4)normal正常的,合乎标准的。强调在正常情况下应有的。His temperature

11、 was two degrees above normal.,Language Points:,用ordinary,common,usual 或normal 填空:A Whoever has _ sense(常识)knows that somking is harmful to peoples health.B Last Sunday,he went to work as _(像平常一样).C Im looking for something a little more out of the _.D It is known that a persons _ temperature(正常体温)i

12、s about 37,common,usual,ordinary,normal,Language Points:,A Trees of this kind are so _(常见的)that they can be seen everywhere.B After the earthquake,it took them quite some time to bring the city back to _(正常).,common,normal,Language Points:,4.mixture:,n.,混合物,mix,v.,混合,mix-with-mix-into-mix up,和-混合,把-

13、和-弄混,将-混合到-里,搅拌,弄乱,5 equipment:,un.,a piece of equipment,一套设备,Language Points:,6 conclusion:,结论;断定;结束;结局;协定,协议,n.,A What conclusion do you draw from the evidence?B From what you say I conclude that you are right.,你从证据中得到了什么结论?,根据你的话我断定你是对的。,Language Points:,6 conclusion:,结论;断定;结束;结局;协定,协议,n.,C The p

14、lay concluded with the death of the entire cast.D In conclusion,I wish all of you good health and a long life.,该剧以全体剧中人物之死为结局。,最后,我祝大家健康长寿。,Language Points:,6 conclusion:,结论;结束;协定,,n.,conclusion用作“结束,结尾”讲时常用单数 用作“结论”讲时为可数名词,用作“协议,缔结”讲时为不可数名词。come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusionin conclusion con

15、clude withconclude sth.from sth.conclude sth.(with)sb.,conclude v.结束;断定;订立,得出结论,最后,以而结束,从某事中得出某个结论,与某人达成(协定),Language Points:,6 conclusion:,结论;结束;协定,,n.,conclude v.结束;断定;订立,David from the analysis of the traffic accident that it had been caused by human error.A.announced B.acknowledgedC.concluded D.

16、considered,解析 句意为:David从交通事故分析中推断出这次交通事故是人为错误导致的。,C,Language Points:,7 aim:,n.目标,对准v.对准目标,打算,He aims to be a successful writer.,What is your aim in life?,I aimed at the target but hit the wall.,My remarks(谈话)were not aimed at you.,aim high 胸怀大志,aim at 瞄准,目标是,take aim at 把目标对准某人、某事物,aim to do,旨在做某事,L

17、anguage Points:,8 balance:,n.v.,天平,平衡,A Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.B Riders need a good sense of balance.C You must balance the advantages against the disadvantages.,keep ones balance lose ones balanceThe balance of nature,保持平衡,失去平衡,生态平衡,Language Points:,8 balance:,n.v.,天平,平衡,

18、A She cycled round the corner,_(失去平衡)and fell off.B Its difficult to _(保持平衡)on an icy pavement.C You are working too hard.Youd better keep a _(平衡)between work and relaxation.,lost her balance,keep ones balance,balance,Language Points:,9 astonished:,adj.,to ones astonishmentastonish sb sth is astonishing sb is astonished,astonishing,astonish,v.,adj.,astonishment,n.,Checking work,Homework,prepare the expressions and useful sentences:1 recite the meaning of the expressions 2 find out the uses of expressions and useful sentences.,Thanks!,


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