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1、御尊卡(售价2988元/套)第一部分浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店御尊卡俱乐部章程ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU Excellen Club Constitution一、 总则Profile1、 浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店御尊卡俱乐部的所有成员,均须遵守此章程。All members of Excellen Club should comply with the constitution.2、 俱乐部介绍Introduction本俱乐部是为感谢关心与支持浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店发展的各地宾朋而专门创建的,希望各位嘉宾在公务繁忙之余,在浙旅杭

2、州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店能享受到与众不同的贵宾待遇。俱乐部分会员发展部与会员接待部。会员发展部负责对御尊卡俱乐部会员的资格审核与会员发展工作,会员接待部负责对会员的各项预订工作与会员到本酒店的接待服务工作,并将及时地向会员发布浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店的最新动态与各项会员政策。Excellen Club is established to pay the appreciation to our guests who support and care for the development of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU. We hope

3、the members can enjoy special VIP treatment while staying in the Hotel. The Club includes Member Development Section and Reception Centre. The Member Development Section is responsible for developing club members and verifying the membership qualification and Reception Centre is in charge of reserva

4、tion, guest service, and publishing the new policies in time.3、 本俱乐部对御尊卡实行限量发行。Excellen Club will limit the issuing quantity of the Excellen Card.该御尊卡具有身份识别功能和优惠结算功能,会员持卡来浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店消费将得到优质、优先、优惠的个性化服务。此御尊卡只作优惠证件之用,不能用以抵扣任何酒店消费用。The Excellen Card has the function of guest identification and favor

5、able treatment. Members with the card will receive high quality, preferential, and favorable service when consuming in the hotel. The Excellen Card is only used as a preferential certificate with no discount for any consumption in the hotel.4、 御尊卡有效期为一年(包括所有赠送的券种),逾期作废。The Excellen Card is valid for

6、 one year (including all complimentary vouchers) and will be invalid after the specified date.二、 御尊卡会员享有的权利Members Rights作为御尊卡俱乐部会员,一经入会,将获得以下礼券:The following vouchers will be issued to the guest who has become the member of the club at the very beginning.A、 1张豪华湖景房免费住宿凭证,可在有效期内免费入住豪华湖景房壹间夜(含单早,只限于散

7、客形式入住,不适用于会议用房)。A.One free accommodation certificates for lake deluxe room,with which you can live one lake deluxe room for one day. Also, they are for individual tourists and not for conferences.B、 1张行政湖景套房免费住宿凭证,可在有效期内免费入住行政湖景套房壹间夜(含单早,只限于散客形式入住,不适用于会议用房)。B.One free accommodation certificates for

8、lake executive suite,with which you can live one lake executive suite for one day. Also, they are for individual tourists and not for conferences.C、 赠送价值总额900元的等值客房消费券,此券限折扣前使用,不兑换现金,不找零,根据房型不同仅限使用一张指定等值客房消费券。C.The members are entitled room coupons equivalent of ¥900, which can only be used before t

9、he discount. And they cannot cash back or refund the change. Also only one coupon can be used according to different type of rooms.D、 赠送价值总额200元的等值餐饮消费券,此券限折扣前使用,不兑换现金,不找零,每次消费每桌仅限使用一张,凭此券可以在浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店的餐饮场所消费(商场除外)。D.The members are entitled dinner coupons equivalent of ¥200, which can only be u

10、sed before the discount. And they cannot cash back or refund the change. Also only one coupon can be used for one table. The coupon can be used in eating places of ZTG Resort Thousand-Island Lake Holiday Hotel except the shopping mall.E、 赠送价值总额120元的等值娱乐消费券,此券限折扣前使用,不兑换现金,不找零,每次消费仅限使用一张(娱乐项目限于酒店自营娱乐项

11、目)。E.The members are entitled entertainment coupons equivalent of ¥120, which can only be used before the discount. And they cannot cash back or refund the change. Also only one coupon can be used for one bill in the hotel.F、 赠送价值总额120元的客房洗衣券,此券限折扣前使用,不兑换现金,不找零,每件衣物仅限使用一张。F.The members are entitled

12、laundry coupons equivalent of ¥120, which can only be used before the discount. And they cannot cash back or refund the change. Also only one coupon can be used for each clothes.G、 赠送6张大堂吧饮品券,每张可在酒店大堂吧享用免费饮品1人/份。(饮品限于:各式茶类、咖啡/杯)。G.The members are entitled 6 drinks coupons of the lobby and you can ge

13、t a free drink with one coupon, e.g. tea or coffee.H、 赠送8寸精美蛋糕领用券1张,可在酒店大堂吧免费领取8寸精美蛋糕1个。H.The members are entitled one coupon for an eight-inch cake, with which you can get a free eight-inch cake at the lobby.I、 赠送8张健身券,每张可免费享用酒店健身房或室内外浴场1次I.The members are entitled 8 gym coupons. You can enjoy the

14、gym or the bathing place once with one coupon.三、 作为御尊卡俱乐部会员,出示御尊卡在本酒店各场所消费将获以下优惠:The Excellen Club members are entitled to the following preferential treatments in the hotel outlets by producing the Excellen Card:1、餐饮消费Food & Beverage ConsumptionA、持卡会员及带客人在酒店中西餐厅和大堂吧消费可享受8.5折优惠。A.The cardholders are

15、 entitled to15% off discount in Chinese and western banquet halls.*折扣不适用于酒水、烟及服务费。The discount is not applicable to drinks, cigarettes and service charge.*鱼翅、鲍鱼、燕窝不享受以上折扣The discount is not applicable for sharks fin, abalone, and cubilose.*享受VIP会所(蓬莱阁)优先预订权The cardholders own the priority for VIP cl

16、ub (Club Xanadu). 2、住宿优惠Accommodation会员持有效御尊卡在本酒店入住任何房型,可享受门市价6折优惠,(不含早餐。如需要早餐,按58元/份收费),延迟退房至14:00时(国定节假日及长假期间除外);但为保证会员权益不受他人侵犯,预订时必须经过会员身份确认后方可享受。The members can live any room in this hotel with Excellen Card and enjoy a 40% off discount (The breakfast is not included. It is¥58 for one breakfast.

17、 ) Check-out time can be delayed to 2:00 p.m.,To defending the members rights, the membership must be confirmed before booking.3、商场优惠:9折(香烟等特价商品除外)ShopMembers with Excellen Card enjoy 10% discount at the Shop except cigarettes and other commodities at special prices. 4、康乐优惠Entertainment会员持有效御尊卡在酒店各康

18、乐场所消费,可享受以下优惠:The member with Excellen Card can consume at any stores of the hotel and the preferential offers are as follows:A、 凭有效御尊卡可免费享受酒店室外钓鱼平台(需要自带渔具和鱼饵,使用前需提前预约)A.The member with Excellen Card can enjoy outdoor fishing platform (The fishing tackle must be taken by yourself and you should make

19、 an appointment before using)B、 持卡会员及携带人员使用酒店游泳池或健身房,享受8 折优惠。B.The member with Excellen Card and their guests can use swimming pool or gym of the hotel and enjoy a 20% off discount.C、 会员凭有效御尊卡在棋牌室享受8折优惠。(茶水、点心等其他相关消费除外)C.The member with Excellen Card can enjoy a 20% off discount if using Chess & Pok

20、er Room (The tea and desserts are not included).其他Others在入住酒店期间可享受洗衣、烫衣8折优惠。Members can enjoy 20% discount for laundry and ironing during the stay at the hotel. 应邀参加本酒店举行的各种会员活动及其它活动。Members will be invited to the club activities and other activities organized by the hotel.四、 会员应尽的义务Members Obligati

21、on1、 维护浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店的声誉和利益。Maintain the reputation and interests of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU.2、 遵守御尊卡俱乐部会员章程,服从酒店的管理。Comply with the rules of the Excellen Club.3、 按酒店的规定交纳御尊卡俱乐部会员的会费。Pay membership fees in conformity with the rules of the hotel.4、 享用御尊卡俱乐部会员的优惠,必须在本卡的有效期内。Enjoy the

22、membership benefits within the validity of the Excellen Club.5、 如实填写浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店御尊卡俱乐部入会申请表,以便酒店联络。Fill in the application form of the Excellen Club accurately.6、 本卡有效期为壹年,自入会之日起计。The Excellen Card is valid for one year as of the initiation date. 7、 持卡者丢失免费凭证,将不予补发,但如丢失御尊卡,必须24小时内书面向本酒店市场营销部挂失,原卡声

23、明作废,补发新卡,但要收取手续费。The complimentary vouchers will not be reissued if lost. The member should report to the Sales & Marketing Department of the hotel in writing in 24 hours if the Excellen Card is lost. A new card will be issued after the surcharge is paid. 如个人资料有更改时,应及时通知至酒店市场营销部。The Sale & Marketing

24、 Department should be notified in time if the members personal information changes.8、 持卡者之优惠条款在法定节日期间不使用。(包括元旦、春节、清明节、劳动节、端午节、国庆节、圣诞节、情人节及酒店重大活动日)。The preferential treatments for the Excellen Card holders are ineffective during the national holidays and other special days, which include New Years Da

25、y, Spring Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day, International Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Christmas, Valentines Day and other days on which important activities take place in the hotel.五、 办卡手续 Application Procedures有意申请成为本卡持有者,须提供本人有效身份证明,填写浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店御尊卡俱乐部会员申请表,并交纳相应金额,即可成为浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度

26、假酒店御尊卡俱乐部会员。The guest will become the Excellen Club member as long as he or she fills in the , provides valid identification, and pays corresponding fees accordingly.六、 附则Supplementary Provisions1、 本卡除用于作为享受本章程的优惠凭证外,不作其它凭证使用。The Excellen Card is only used as the certificate for the preferential tre

27、atments of the club member.2、 本酒店拥有在法律允许范围内对本章程的最终解释权。ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU reserves the right to the final explanation of this constitution legally.3、 本卡仅限会员本人至浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店消费时使用,不得出借他人。The Excellen Card is not to be lent to others. It is only effective when used by the holder.

28、浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店御尊卡俱乐部会员登记表ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU Excellen Club Membership Registration Form会员姓名Name手机号码Mobile Phone传真FaxE-mail单位Units电话Phone邮编Zip Code地址Address备注:Remarks感谢您的填写,您已成为浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店御尊卡俱乐部会员,我们将会保管您的资料,在此代表浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店欢迎您的到来!Thank you for filling in the r

29、egistration form. Now you have become the member of the Excellen Club. Your personal information will be safely protected. We sincerely welcome you on behalf of the hotel management.第二部分尊敬的御尊卡俱乐部会员: 欢迎您下榻浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店,感谢您对我们的关心与支持。作为御尊卡俱乐部会员,将在浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店能享受到与众不同的贵宾待遇。我们非常荣幸能够有机会为您提供服务!酒店将以优质、高效

30、的服务使您在入住期间倍感温馨与舒适希望我们的优质规范的服务能为您的住宿留下美好的回忆,您的满意和愉快是我们的最大心愿,在此期待着您度过美好难忘的时光! 浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店Dear Excellen Club Member, Welcome to ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU. Thank you for your concern and support to us. As an Excellen Club member, you will be entitled to special VIP treatment in our Hot

31、el. It is our honor to have the opportunity to provide you with high quality and efficient service. We hope you will spend an unforgettable time during your stay here. ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU(+第一部分) 第三部分P12 1张豪华湖景房免费住宿凭证正面:豪华湖景房住宿凭证Complimentary Lake Deluxe Room背面: 有效期: 年 月 日Period

32、of Validity: 凭本券可以在有效期内免费入住豪华湖景房壹间夜。(含单早,只限于散客形式入住,不适用于会议用房)This voucher values one Lake Deluxe Room for one night with a free buffet breakfast for one person during the valid period. The voucher can only be used for individual guests and is not applicable to rooms for the meeting. 本礼券在法定节日期间不得使用(包括

33、元旦、春节、清明节、劳动节、端午节、国庆节、圣诞节、情人节及酒店重大活动日)The voucher cannot be used during the national holidays and other special days, which include New Years Day, Spring Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day, International Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Christmas, Valentines Day and other days on which import

34、ant activities take place in the hotel. 请预先24小时订房:(86)(571)6501 2166The reservation should be made 24 hours in advance. Tel: (86) (571) 6501 2166 在法律规定范围内的最终解释权归浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店所有ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU reserves the right to the final explanation of this voucher legally. 盖酒店财务章有效The v

35、oucher is valid with a financial stamp of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU. P34 1张行政湖景套房免费住宿凭证正面:行政湖景套房住宿凭证Complimentary Lake Executive Suite背面: 有效期: 年 月 日Period of Validity: 凭本券可以在有效期内免费入住行政湖景套房壹间夜。(含单早,只限于散客形式入住,不适用于会议用房)This voucher values one Lake Executive Suite for one night with a fre

36、e buffet breakfast for one person during the valid period. The voucher can only be used for individual guests and is not applicable to rooms for the meeting. 本礼券在法定节日期间不得使用(包括元旦、春节、清明节、劳动节、端午节、国庆节、圣诞节、情人节及酒店重大活动日)The voucher cannot be used during the national holidays and other special days, which i

37、nclude New Years Day, Spring Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day, International Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Christmas, Valentines Day and other days on which important activities take place in the hotel. 请预先24小时订房:(86)(571)6501 2166The reservation should be made 24 hours in advance. Tel:

38、(86) (571) 6501 2166 在法律规定范围内的最终解释权归浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店所有ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU reserves the right to the final explanation of this voucher legally. 盖酒店财务章有效The voucher is valid with a financial stamp of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU. P5-12 房间消费券(100元等值房间消费券4张)正面:价值100元等值房间消费

39、券The Living Coupon Equivalent Of ¥100背面: 有效期: 年 月 日Period of Validity: 本券仅限入住酒店豪华湖景房时抵用The coupon can be used only for living in lake deluxe room. 本券限折扣前使用,不可兑换现金,不找零,每间房仅限使用一张The coupon can only be used before the discount and cannot cash back or refund the change. Also only one coupon can be used

40、for one room. 在法律规定范围内的最终解释权归浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店所有ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU reserves the right to the final explanation of this voucher legally. 盖酒店财务章有效The voucher is valid with a financial stamp of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU.P13-14 房间消费券(200元等值房间消费券1张)正面:价值200元等值房间消费券 The L

41、iving Coupon Equivalent Of ¥200背面: 有效期: 年 月 日Period of Validity: 本券仅限入住酒店行政湖景房时抵用The coupon can be used only for living in lake executive room. 本券限折扣前使用,不可兑换现金,不找零,每间房仅限使用一张The coupon can only be used before the discount and cannot cash back or refund the change. Also only one coupon can be used for

42、 one room. 在法律规定范围内的最终解释权归浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店所有ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU reserves the right to the final explanation of this voucher legally. 盖酒店财务章有效The voucher is valid with a financial stamp of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU.P15-16 房间消费券(300元等值房间消费券1张)正面:价值300元等值房间消费券The Livin

43、g Coupon Equivalent Of ¥300背面: 有效期: 年 月 日Period of Validity: 本券仅限入住酒店行政湖景套房时抵用The coupon can be used only for living in lake executive suite. 本券限折扣前使用,不可兑换现金,不找零,每间房仅限使用一张The coupon can only be used before the discount and cannot cash back or refund the change. Also only one coupon can be used for o

44、ne room. 在法律规定范围内的最终解释权归浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店所有ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU reserves the right to the final explanation of this voucher legally. 盖酒店财务章有效The voucher is valid with a financial stamp of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU.P17-20 餐饮消费券(50元等值餐饮消费券2张)正面:价值50元等值餐饮消费券The Dinner Co

45、upon Equivalent Of ¥50背面: 有效期: 年 月 日Period of Validity: 凭本券可以在浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店的餐饮场所消费(商场除外) The voucher can be used for food & beverage consumption in the hotel outlets except the Shop. 本券限折扣前使用,不可兑换现金,不找零,每次消费每桌仅限使用一张The coupon can only be used before the discount and cannot cash back or refund the c

46、hange. Also only one coupon can be used for one table. 在法律规定范围内的最终解释权归浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店所有ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU reserves the right to the final explanation of this voucher legally. 盖酒店财务章有效The voucher is valid with a financial stamp of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU.P21-24 餐饮消费券(30元等值餐饮消费券2张)正面:价值30元等值餐饮消费券The Dinner Coupon Equivalent Of ¥30背面: 有效期: 年 月 日Period of Validity: 凭本券可以在浙旅杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店的餐饮场所消费(商场除外) The voucher can be used for food & beverage consumption in the hotel outlets except the


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