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1、供应商调查表SUPPLIER INFORMATION声明 Statement1. 本调查旨在了解企业信息,按照国际采购商的供应商选择标准进行潜在供应商推荐。2. Tootoo对填表企业提供的信息承担保密责任,这些信息不会被用于供应商推荐活动以外的其它商业目的。3. 填表企业明确理解解并同意此项调查的意图,同意Tootoo在线向其他采购商发布企业信息。1. The form is designed to collect the company information which will be used by Tootoo for recommending potential suppliers

2、 for international purchasers. 2. All the information will be kept confidential by Tootoo and will not be utilized for any commercial purpose other than for supplier recommendation of Tootoo.3. The company who completes the form understands and agrees to accept the on-site visits from purchasers and

3、 to allow Tootoo to use the information for other supplier recommendation activities.1. 企业基本信息 Company Basic Information企业名称 Company Name注册资金 Registered capital组织机构代码 Organization Code行业类别 Sector业务性质(选一) Business Type (please one) 生产企业 Manufacturing 销售公司 Sales Company 设计研发机构 R& D 投资机构 Investment 采购中

4、心 Purchasing 服务机构 Service 进出口商 Import & Export 商会、协会 Chamber, association 政府或其它公共机构 Government or other public institution 其他 Others 资本类型(选一)Capital Type (please one)投资控股公司 Investment holding company 有限责任公司 Limited liability company 上市公司 Listed company 全资子(分)公司Wholly owned subsidiary股份公司 Share holdi

5、ng company 中外合资公司 Joint-venture 其他 Others 2. 部门和人员信息 Department and Employment主要部门 Main department管理人员数量 Management 直接员工数量 Workers技术人员数量 Engineer 3. 联系人信息 Contacts姓名 Name性别 Gender职务/职别 Title 部门 Department办公电话Telephone手机 Mobile 电子邮箱 E-mail传真 Fax待添加的隐藏文字内容34. 主要产品/服务 Main Products / Services说明:需填占60%比

6、重的产品,或 5个产品,如果单一产品达到了25%的比例或更多,请说明。Note: Please list the product which accounts for 60% of the total production of the company or 5 different products. If one product accounts for 25% or more, please specify it. 主要产品服务名称年生产数量销售额 (万人民币) 该产品/服务占企业总销售额的 %产能(每月可生产的数量/单位) 产品进入市场的时间备注Name of Main Product/

7、 ServiceAnnual OutputAnnual Turnover (10,000 Yuan)Percentage of the Total Production/ ServiceSurplus Productivity (Monthly Quantity/Unit) Time-to-volumeRemark产品/服务优势Advantage and strength of product and service有无OEM能力OEM capabilityOEM经验年限Years with OEM service荣誉或口碑Honour and reputation5. 主要客户/市场 Mai

8、n Customers / Markets说明:占60%比重的客户,或 5个客户,如果单一客户达到了25%的市场份额或更多,请说明。Note: Please list the customer who takes 60% of the total sales of the company or 5 different customers. If one customer accounts for 25% or more, please specify it.主要客户名行业地区销售给该地区/客户的主要产品/服务该地区/客户占企业总销售额的 %业务开始的时间说明Main CustomerSecto

9、rRegionMain Products/Services takenPercentage of the Total TurnoverTime of Business StartingNote6. 出口信息 Export information海关Customs 报检注册号Inspection registration出口港口Export port海关登记编号Customs registration进出口检验减疫局Inspection and quarantine institution年份 Year出口额(万人民币) Annual Export Turnover (10,000 Yuan)

10、占总销售额的比重 Percentage to the Annual Sales7. 工艺/设施设备/原材料 Workmanship/ Equipments/Materials主要原材料 Main material供应商情况 Suppliers总建筑面积(平方米)Total construction Area()制造工厂面积 (平方米) Plant Buildings()设备名称产地制造商设备关键参数投产日期数量备注Equipment Name/ ModelOriginManufacturerTechnical Specifications/ AdvantagesManufacturing Da

11、teQuantityRemark设备管理情况Equipment management模具能力 (自制或外包)Moulding(Self build or subcontract)工艺优势简述Strength of workmanship8. 关键试验、检测设备 Key Testing & Inspection Equipments设备名称/型号产地生产商技术指标或优势简述设备生产时间数量备注Equipment Name/ ModelOriginManufacturerTechnical Specifications/ AdvantagesManufacturing DateQuantityRe

12、mark9. 交付保证能力 Manufacturing and Delivery Capability典型产品/工艺名称 Product/Process Name月产能Quantity/per month最小起订单位/量Minimum order quantity制造周期时间Manufacture cycle time交货周期时间Delivery Cycle time交样时间Sample delivery lead-time10. 贸易结算 Trade account一般的付款周期Payment cycle time expected最大支持的付款周期Max payment cycle tim

13、e support进出口中的付款条件Payment terms of import/export 进出口中的价格条件Price terms of import/export 11. 交付保证 Delivery warranty公司是否设置了一定水平的安全库存以应对意外的供应中断?Does company build certain safety stock level to react to unexpected delivery interruption?公司是否应用了管理信息系统来执行从订单处理到最终交付的整体业务流程Does company has applied any managem

14、ent information system to implement from order processing to final delivery, as well as other key management process?公司是否通过转包加工扩大产能?Does the company apply subcontracting to increase capacity?公司有没有EMAIL系统作为与客户沟通的平台Does company has Email system as internal and external communication platform?12. 技术保证

15、Technology是否研发和工程人员有足够的技能和经验应用电子设计平台来进行产品和工艺设计?应用何种平台?Whether R&D and engineering staffs have adequate skill and experience to use electronic platform to perform product and process design? What platform is applied?当收到顾客电子化的工程文件,是否公司的软件平台可以快速和完整地将顾客的文档转化为内部可处理的格式When received customer engineering el

16、ectronic documents, does company platform has ability to quickly and entirely transform these documents into internal format?公司有没有新产品项目小组?Does company has a new project management team?公司是否有信息安全机制以保守客户机密?Does company has information security arrangement to maintain customer confidential?13. 企业通过的认证(

17、包括公司管理体系、质量、产品、环保等) Certificates(Include Management system, Quality, Product, Environmental)证书名称类型 Certificate Name(Type)认证机构 Certified by适用于 Applies to签发日期 Acquired on有效期至 Expires14. 质量 Quality公司的供应商有没有被要求提交物料材质报告并且结果是合格的?Have supplier been required to provide material compound test report with res

18、ult of PASS? 如果顾客要求提交产品材质成分的化学测试报告,公司是否可以提供?If customer require for substance report with product,can the company provide it? 哪个部门或代表负责处理客户投诉或退货?Which department or representative is responsible to handle customer reject or complaint?如果化学成份测试是在外部试验室进行的,那么是什么实验机构,是否是国际认可的?If Chemical tests are perfor

19、med externally. What is the external organisation and has it been accredited? 平均出厂合格率水平Average shipment pass rate质量检验和保证手段, 列出质量检测方式或设备list inspection method/equipment/ and type of inspection in different 15. 专利/专有技术/许可 Patents/Licenses专利/专用技术/许可名称 Patent Name授予机构 Certified by适用于 Applies to有效期 Expires特点与价值 Features & Value


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