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1、浅议中西餐桌礼仪差异文化研究【摘要】本文通过对中国餐桌礼仪和西方餐桌礼仪进行比较,旨在更深了解餐桌礼仪,以便顺利的实现跨文化交际。【关键词】餐桌礼仪;中西方差异一、前言由于中西方所处的自然环境和劳动方式的不同,使中西方在餐饮礼仪方面有许多差别。我国的饮食文化源远流长,博大精深,据文献记载:至少在周代,饮食礼仪已形成了一套相当完善的制度。这些礼仪日臻成熟和完善,它们在古代社会发挥过重要的作用,对现代社会依然产生着影响。西方餐桌礼仪起源于法国梅罗文加王朝,在20 世纪,意大利文化流入法国,餐桌礼仪和菜单用语均变得更为优雅精致,教导礼仪的著作亦纷纷面世。时至今日,餐桌礼仪还在欧洲国家继续传留下去。随


3、主桌越远,桌次越低。每张餐桌上排列位次的基本方法有以下五点: 主人大都应面对正门而坐,并在主桌就坐。主宾和副主宾分别坐在主人的右侧和左侧。举行多桌宴请时,每桌都要有一位主桌主人的代表在座。位置一般和主桌主人同向,有时也可以面向主桌主人。各桌次的尊卑,应以与这桌主人的距离远近来定,离主人近的位置比较尊贵。与本桌主人的距离相同的位次,则以本桌主人面向为准,主人座位右边的位置比较尊贵。如果主宾身份高于主人,为表示尊重,可以安排在主人位子上坐,主人则坐在主宾的位置上。对于少于5人的便餐,位次的排列可以遵循四个原则:右高左低;中坐为尊;面门为上;灵活安排。2、西餐餐桌礼仪西餐中,一般均使用长桌。在正式宴







10、,会摆着三四只酒水杯。可一次由外侧向内侧使用,一般香槟酒 杯、红葡萄酒杯、白葡萄酒杯以及水杯是不可缺少的。3、西餐上菜顺序的差异中餐上菜顺序是:先上凉菜、饮料及酒,后上热菜,然后上主食,最后上甜食和水果。宴会上桌数很多时,各桌的每一道菜应同时上。上菜顺序依然保持传统,先冷后热。热菜应从主宾对面席位的左侧上;上单份菜或配菜和小吃先宾后主,上全鸡、全鸭、全鱼等整形菜,不能头尾朝向正主位。上菜的方式大体上有以下几种:一是把大盘菜端上,由各人自取;二是由侍者托着菜盘逐一给每位分让;三是用小碟盛放,每人一份。在正式宴席上,菜式的吃法很像放映的幻灯片,每一次一道菜。西餐上菜程序通常是:面包黄油凉菜汤海鲜主




14、离席后,其他宾客方可离席。离席时,应帮助隔座长者或女士拖拉座椅,告别时应向主人致谢,更为慎重时,还可再以电话或谢卡致谢。三、结语通过中西餐桌礼仪的比较,发现个人在用餐的仪态会对别人造成某种程度的心理影响。我国正面临着前所未有的挑战,无论在物质还是精神和文化方面,都急迫的需要一套完整合理的价值观进行统一,只有了解了中西礼仪文化的差异,将二者合理有机的融合,方能建立适合我国当代社会的礼仪文化体系和消除在跨文化交际中由于文化障碍而产生的误解,对我国文明的发展和在国外生存有一定的帮助作用。【参考文献】 1 段洁,陈谦. 餐桌礼仪与口才M . 中国经济出版社, 2008. 1. 2 胡文仲,杜学增. 中

15、英文化习俗比较M ,外语教学与研究出版社, 1999. 7. 3 胡文仲,平洪,张国扬. 英语习语与英美文化M ,外语教学与研究出版社, 2000. 1. 4 金正昆,礼仪金说M . 陕西师范大学出版社, 2006. 5. 5 王小梅. 不可不知的1000 个礼仪常识M . 中央翻译出版社, 2008. 9. 6 殷莉,韩晓玲. 英语习语与民俗文化M . 北京大学出版社,2007. 11. 7 张晓梅. 小梅说礼仪M . 中国青年出版社, 2008. 1.(上接第108页)317 - 327. 2 Lin, Yutang. My Country and My Peop le M . 北京:外语

16、教学与研究出版社, 2000. 3 Lin, Yutang. The Importance of LivingM . 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1998. 4 Zhang, Kuiwu. Survey of Britain & America M . 长春:吉林科学出版社, 2002. 5 杜学增. 中英(英语国家)文化习俗比较M . 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1999. 6 李新柳. 东西方文化比较导论M. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2005. 7 刘承华. 文化与人格对中西方文化差异的一次比较M . 合肥:中国科学技术出大学出版社, 2002. 8 滕延江,王勇. 民族文化心理与饮食

17、习俗的跨文化对比分析 J . 潍坊学院学报. 2005 (9) : 117 - 120. 浅议中西餐桌礼仪差异 【 pick to 】 this article through to the Chinese table manners and western table manners, compared to a deeper understanding of the table manners, so as to realize smooth intercultural communication.【 key words 】 table manners; Differences betwe

18、en Chinese and westernThis articleThe differences between Chinese and western in the natural environment and the different ways of labor, make the differences between Chinese and western culture in restaurantsTheres a lot of difference etiquette. Our countrys food culture has a long history, and ext

19、ensive and profound, according to document to rememberLoad: at least in the zhou dynasty, diet etiquette has formed a fairly sound system. These manners,Reaches maturity and perfection in the ancient society, they played an important role in modern society is still, productionThe effect was born. We

20、stern table manners started in France may LuoWenJia dynasty, in the 20 th century, ItalyThe culture into France, table manners and menu expressions are become more elegant and delicate, teach mannersWork is also available in succession. Today, the table manners also in European countries continue to

21、 ChuanLiu down.Western culture with an influx of China, Chinese traditional etiquette is also constantly by western etiquette cultureThe impact of the protection of traditional etiquette, China, and with the etiquette of western effective integration, betterWe and the western countries intercultural

22、 communication.Second, Chinese and western table manners differences1, seats arrangement etiquette(1) Chinese food table manners. In Chinese banquets, often take the round table. Not just inDifferent positions of the round the difference between being a round table, each of the different seating als

23、o have the honour lowPoints. By two table of small fete is usually two table the horizontally or two table ShuPai form. When two tableThe horizontally, when on the right of the front desk is Lord table; When two table ShuPai, from the farthest on the front doorThe table is the main table. By three t

24、able or more than three table number of dinner table of besides attention appearance setA , to the right for honour, beyond the rules for the consideration should be given to both the other table of a table. The Lord is far fromNear. Usually, the distance from the table more close, and the higher th

25、e table times; The farther the distance table, desk time is lower.Each table arrangement of the seating arrangement has the following five basic methods: (1) the master should face the mostMain gate and sit, and sit in the table. The guest and deputy chief guest sit at the right and the master respe

26、ctively on the left.(2) more than a table, held each table should have a master table master represent all. Position generalAnd the main table as the first degree turn, sometimes also can master the table for master. (3) the table times, with the honour low should beThis table of master of distance

27、to decide, from the position of the master is nearly honor. (4) the table with masterThe distance of the seating arrangement is same, in this table for master, master shall prevail on the right position comparison. SeatNoble. 5. If the guest of identity, respect for higher than the master, can be ar

28、ranged in the master the seatSit, host, sitting on the position of the guest. For less than 5, the arrangement of the seating arrangement meal can beFollow the four principles: right left lower; high Sitting in for honour; Face immediately for; Flexible arrangements.2, western-style food table manne

29、rsWestern food, the general all the long use. In a formal dinner ready to the discretion of the time being in distanceThe position of the table near the and decide, on the right of the table times more noble, in the same table, the closer the masterPosition the honour. In a formal dinner, the order

30、of the British seat is: men and women host sits tableThe two ends of the son, the men and women sitting at a desk, on both sides of the man stagger the guest and NvZhu Penn NvZhu respectively. SittingAnd the male host on the right. If the guest in the guest, the hostess but not the age of the guests

31、Big lady arranged in male host on the right. In an informal dinner party, follow the principles of ladies first.If two people dine is men and women, men should please lady sitting in your own right hand, but also pay attention to not letShe sat in the heats had people come and go; If only one agains

32、t the wall, should please lady sitting position, maleThen sit on her on; If two couples repast, ladies should sit by the position of the wall,Gentlemen, sitting on their opposite; Mrs. If two men accompanied a lady to dine, madamShould be sitting in the middle of the two men; If two gay dine, rely o

33、n a wall should be located to itOlder people. In addition, the man shall voluntarily for lady move chairs let girls sit down first.Second, the use of tableware etiquette1, Chinese food tableware put and use(1) the chopsticks. Chopsticks are the most important Chinese tableware. Using in the center,

34、before a meal a chopsticksTo be neat, the rice bowl right after meals must be straight vertical rice bowl of positive. No matter whether remain food chopsticks, dont go to lick; And during a conversation, to temporarily putThe chopsticks; Dont put the chopsticks inserted in food; above vertical Cant

35、 use chopsticks teeth, scratch a little or useTo clip food things outside.(2) the spoon. Spoon is mainly used to drink soup, and sometimes also can be used to take shape quite smallThe food. But spoons get food, dont too full, lest overflow to dirty table or their clothesClothing. But spoons get foo

36、d, immediately after eating or put on her plate, if access foodContent is too hot, can be in your bowl and cool to eat, 10 million dont blow with the mouth, also do notTo spoon plug into the mouth, or repeated to suck.(3) the dishes. Mainly used to put the food dish, according to the food and how ma

37、ny and form notWith different shapes and sizes. A little bit a little bit small plates for food dish, generally in the left side of the bowl, isUsed to temporarily put dishes from the public to get to enjoy dishes. With food dish, a dont take too muchDishes, dont put the DuoZhong dishes together, ju

38、st in case they applicant each other. Dont eat of residue,Bone, thorn in the plate should be the front of, cant put directly from the bark on a plate, in food withChopsticks add in dish side.(4) cup. Mainly used for holding water glass, soda, fruit juice, coke, etc drinks, generalThe plate on the up

39、per left. Dont use it to wine, also do not pour cup. In addition, drink into mouthWhat cant spit back to the cup.(5) the napkin. In before having dinner, more exquisite and restaurant or master, will be for each diner on oneWet towels, it just to wipe the hand, after hand rub, by a waiter or master

40、take away. Sometimes, inA formal dinner, meeting before the end of a wet towel, it is used to wipe your mouth, can brush a face, wipe the sweat.(6) toothpick. When your teeth, the application of the other hand cover mouth and department, carved out of the things, do not whenAll the appreciate or again, also do not conveniently strum entrance, freely to vomit. A After your teeth, dont long time


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