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1、,初中一年级英语上册,Modules122010年6月23日,一、重点单词,Meet认识遇见meeting会议(名词)First第一(序数词)one一(基数词)last最后的(反义词)Class班级classes(复数)Close关闭open打开(反义词)City城市cities(复数)England英国,英格兰English英国的parent_parents(复数)Factoryfactories(复数)Her她的,她she(人称代词主格)Familyfamilies(复数)Work工作(动词)worker工人(名词),二、重点短语归纳,Stand up 站起来 sit down坐下Give

2、n name 名字 family/last name 姓Play/basketball/table tennis/tennis网球Play football/the piano弹钢琴Ride a horse/a bikeSpeak English/Chinese in my class A photo of 一张的照片At the hospital z在医院The first English lesson 第一节英语课,三、重点句型结构,1、somebody be from+地点。某人来自Im from Beijing2、My name is+名字。我的名字是My name is Wang H

3、ui3、this is+名字 这是某某This is Daming4、Im+数词+years old 我几岁了。Im twelve years old5、welcome somebody to+地点 欢迎某人到某地Welcome Betty and Tony to our school,6、Can somebody do?某人能做吗?Can Betty speak English?7、I can speak English,but I cant speak Chinese8、whats somebody job?某人是做什么工作的?Whats your fatherjob?你的爸爸是做什么的

4、9、Is your mother a teacher?你母亲是老师吗10、They are factory workers,四、语法Be动词(一)、Be动词的用法规则,在一般现在时的句子中be动词有三种形式:am,is,are.相当于汉语中的“是、叫、做”,用来说明身份、年龄和状态等。其用法如下我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is跟着他(he)她(she)它(it)单数名词用is,复数名词都用are变否定更容易,be后not加上去变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫忘记疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑,(二)、Be动词各种人称的用法,(三)、Be动词可以与前面或后面单词合写,I am=Im You

5、are=Youre He is=Hes She is=Shes It is=ItsWhat is=WhatsIs not=isnt are not=arent,(四)、Be动词过去时的两种形式,一种形式是was 它是am is的过去式一种形式是were 它是are的过去式作用:用来叙述过去存在的状态或情况,(五)、一般过去时态Be动词各种人称的 肯定句、否定句和疑问句的用法,温馨提示动名词或动名词短语作主语,表达的是一件事情时,用be动词作谓语应该用单数形式Swimming is my favourite sport(游泳是我最喜爱的体育运动),五、语法情态动词can的用法,Can属于情态动词

6、,can后的动词不用改变形式 He can ride a bike I can speak Chinese否定形式是在can后加not,可缩写cant.Tony cant swim 在疑问句、否定句中,can表示说话人的怀疑、猜测、或不肯定.Can you play the piano?(你会弹钢琴吗)It cant be him He is taller(那不可能是他,他还要高一点)Can 表示主观上能够,be able to 多强调客观上的能够“I m sure I can fly”says the boy 为使语气委婉,可用could代替can could help me?Can表示“能

7、”和“会”,疑问句中在首位,婉言形式变could,否定句中加not,初中一年级英语上册,Modules 34江淮辅导学校制作2010年6月23日,一、重点单词,Dictionary字典dictionaries picture照片photo(同义)Right wrong(反义词)building建筑物build建造(动词)People人们people(单、复同形)Him(他,宾格)he(主格)his(他的,形容词性物主代词)they(他们人称代词主格复数)them(宾格)Library(图书馆)libraries,二、重点短语归纳,Dining hall餐厅 in front of 在前面In

8、the front of 前面(内部的)Next to 在旁边,相邻Have/has got 拥有 how many 多少Family tree家谱 thank somebody for 为某事感谢某人,三、重点句型结构,There is/are(某处)有.There isnt/arent(某处)没有.There are 46 students in my class there isnt a computer on Miss Li desk Is there a dining hall?Where is/are?在哪里?Where is the gym?体育馆在哪里?its in a bui

9、lding in front of the office在办公室前面的一座楼里How many+复数名词+are there?有多少 How many people are there in your family?Three are fourHe hasnt got any brothers,Have you got?你有.吗?Have you got a big family?你有一个大家庭吗?yes,I have;no I haventSomebody have/has got.某人有.I have got an English friend Somebody havent/hasnt

10、got.某人有,四、语法there be句型,什么情况下使用there be 句型呢?如果要表达“地方有”就要使用there be 句型。例句:There is an apple on the desk.There is still some water in the cup There are many students on the playground温馨提示:There be 用于表示在某地方有什么东西或某人,所表示的人或物都是泛指,而非特指。There are many students in the classroom,句型结构:There is/are+某人/某物+地点,五、语法have/has got句型,什么情况下使用have/has got句型呢?表示某人有什么东西是,一般要使用这个句型。例句:I have got a brother and a sister I have got a lot of friends We have got acomputer She has got a very nice bike Has he got a brother?Have they got any fruit?You havent got a bike,句型结构:某人+have/has+某物,


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