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1、咖啡厅操作手册介 绍Food and Beverage is a hugely diversified Department that has to cater to guests varied needs in a polite, friendly and professional manner while at the same time striving for optimum profitability.餐饮部是一个大部门,它要在同一时间迎合客人在礼貌、友好、专业态度上的不同要求。同时追求最佳的效益。As the public becomes more knowledgeable th

2、e demand upon the Food and Beverage Department to satisfy their needs becomes a greater challenge. To meet this challenge we need to provide our guests with a quality of service and product that is second to none. 当相关政策被人们所广泛熟悉的同时,餐饮部在满足客人的需求方面遇到的极大的挑战。为了迎接挑战,我们唯一能做的就是给我们的客人提供高质量的服务和产品。To achieve th

3、is the Food and Beverage Department needs to set standards for quality of service and product. 为了实现这一目标,餐饮部制定了一系列有关服务和产品的标准。This manual has been structured in a user-friendly format. Giving various job descriptions and job list with tasks and service standards relevant to that position.这些准则有相当友好的界面格

4、式。对不同的工作岗位进行了描述,列出了每个岗位的工作职责以及相关了服务标准。The main objective of EZ cafe is to contribute to the profitability of the Food & Beverage Department as well as to maintain a standard of performance that is expected in the entertainment industry.EZ咖啡厅的主要目标是在给餐饮部尽可能创收的同时,也要保持消费行业的服务水准。APPEARANCE AND GROOMING仪容

5、仪表OUR GOOD IMAGE BEGINS WITH YOU树立良好形象As a staff of cafe , you play a vital role in shaping the public image and reputation of one of Shanghri-Las best restaurants.作为咖啡厅的一名员工,你所树立良好大众形象及声誉对于这一香格里拉大酒店最好的餐厅起着致关重要的作用。Providing good service, the kind of service that makes people want to return again and

6、 again, entails much more than simply knowing your job. The Hospitality Industry places special demands on personal qualities and conduct, that few other industries require.提供良好的服务。这种服务能够使顾客乐意再来,而不是对你的工作只停留在简单的表面认识上。比其他的行业,酒店业对于个人的品德和操守的有特别的要求。You have been employed for your specific job because we

7、believe that you possess special skills and qualities, which will make you an asset to the company. The following guidelines will assist you in achieving your personal presentation and grooming, which will ensure that you project the professional image that our guests expect.你现在所从事的是一项特别的工作。因为我们相信你具

8、有特殊的技能,这也是你加入我们公司的原因。以下的这些规定,将会帮助你实现个人仪容仪表的塑造。以确保你能建立起客人所希望的形象。“IMAGE” vs “LOOKS”“形象”和“外表”The EZ cafe image deals with two major aspects of an individual:EZ咖啡厅的形象由两个方面构成Presentation - which entails appearance and grooming外表 - 包括外表和装饰Conduct - which covers behavior, attitude and etiquette操作 - 包括行为、态度

9、和礼仪Certain codes and guidelines have been outlined in this manual to help you formulate your own way of responding to situations that arise while you are working.这一手册中已列出了相关的规则可以帮助你在应对相应的工作情况。By following these guidelines and by bearing in mind at all times that “our guest is the most important pers

10、on”, you will be able to offer the highest standard of service possible.只有准守这些准则,时刻把“客人是最重要的”牢记在心,才能尽可能地为客人提供最高标准的服务。You are an important image-maker. This manual will help you believe in your own abilities to enable you to bring out the best in yourself in order to develop self-confidence. Not only

11、 will you add incalculable value to our restaurant, moreover will enable you to build a rewarding career within the company.你是致关重要形象树立者。这个手册将让你相信自己能把自己塑造到最好,从而建立自信心。这不仅能为酒店增加不可估量的价值,而且能将对你在公司中的职业生涯大有益处。PERSONAL APPEARANCE个人外表It is a fact of life that people form their first impression of others from

12、 their outward appearance as a member of the Hospitality Industry. Initially, physical appearance counts more than in most fields. Employees in this industry work in highly visible jobs, circulating amongst discerning guests.作为酒店业的成员,人们总是通过他人的外表来建立对别人的第一印象的。外表在一开始要比任何许多方面都重要。酒店行业的员工从事的是一种门面性的工作,他的周围

13、有着许多带有鉴赏眼光的客人。A smartly dressed, well-groomed employee, who has made the most of his physical appearance, immediately sways our guests.一个穿着得体,仪表端庄的员工,将会给客人留下很好的印象。Slovenly or careless grooming, outlandish or extreme hairstyle, make-up and accessories will create a low-grade impression to our guests.

14、相反的,外表懒散,头发不修边幅,不得体的化装和首饰都将给我们的的客人留下不好的印象。As an employee, you are assigned specific tasks and responsibilities. In addition to these tasks, you are an ambassador of goodwill. You are expected to become competent in promoting good guest relations on certain levels.作为一名员工,除了肩负特有的责任和任务以外,你还应是一位亲善大使。具有提

15、升和客人的良好关系的能力。The following personal presentation code outlines the grooming standards expected for all employees.一下是针对所有员工的着装准则。If any aspect of the personal presentation code seems incomprehensible to you, do not hesitate to discuss them with your Department Head.如果你对里面的任何方面有什么不理解的,请不要犹豫,可以和你的部门领导共

16、同探讨。GROOMING着 装All employees must observe the following:所有的员工必须遵守以下规定:1. Uniforms must be worn on duty.当班的时候必须穿制服2. Staff may keep a set of uniforms in their lockers. They are held responsible for taking care of the uniforms issued to them. These are to returned to the Uniform Issuance Dept. when th

17、ey go on leave and should not be brought home. 员工可以在自己的柜子里留一套制服。必须妥善保管制服。当他们离岗时必须制服交还给制服保管部门而不能带回家。3. No badges, ornamental buttons or jewelry and lavish accessories should be worn on the uniform unless issued by the company.不能戴徽章,装饰性的纽扣。首饰,多余的配件必须放在公司制服里面。A. PERSONAL HYGIENE个人卫生Good personal hygien

18、e habits must be observed at all times. A daily shower is essential along with the use of an effective deodorant or anti-per spirant.要养成良好的卫生习惯。每天洗澡对保持无体味是非常有效的。Oral hygiene is also essential. Your programme should include regular brushing and flossing of teeth and use of a mouthwash or breath mints

19、 before or during your shift.口腔卫生也很重要。你必须有规律地刷牙,在当班前或是当班过程中使用漱口水或是口气薄荷喷雾剂。B. SKIN皮肤A clear complexion is important. If you have acne, dry skin or other skin disorders, seek advice from a skin care consultant. Other conditions such as cold sores, impetigo and tinesa are not only unsightly, they can b

20、e contagious. If you suspect that you have a skin disorder, consult our Medical Department immediately.有干净的肌肤很重要。如果你有痤疮,皮肤干燥或是其他肌肤问题,要去咨询皮肤顾问寻求解决。有些状况如感冒疮、脓疱病不仅不好看而且会传染。如果你怀疑你有皮肤问题,请到我们的医药部门查询。C. UNIFORMED MALE EMPLOYEES穿制服的男员工1. Hair 头发Must be neat and tidy at all times. The style should be contemp

21、orary but never extreme. Hair length must not extend past the bottom of the earlobe, collar or eyebrows.必须时刻保持干净整洁。发型可以是时尚的但不能过于夸张。头发的长度不能过耳垂及领口,留海不能过眉毛。Sideburns are acceptable, provided the length does not exceed past the bottom of the earlobe and the style is not extreme.胡子的长度不能过耳垂,造型不能太夸张。要让人能够接

22、受。Extreme styles, such as shaved scalps, rat tails and dreadlocks are not permissible.所有古怪的造型,如理光头、留小辫子或长发绺都是不允许的。Styling gels and hair tonics may be used to ensure that hair ends remain in place.发胶及护发素不要使用太多Your hair colour should look natural. If highlights or colourings are used, they should enha

23、nce your hair subtly and naturally. Extreme fashion colours are not allowed.头发的颜色看上去要自然。如果挑染或是染发,要让你的头发看上去自然细致。夸张的颜色是不允许的。Wigs and hairpieces are permitted provided they meet the above requirements.如果假发及假眉毛符合以上的标准是允许使用的。2. Facial Hair面部的清洁A well-shaven face is essential. Beards are acceptable if kep

24、t neat and well trimmed. Beards should be grown in your own time. Two or three day growth is prohibited.有清洁的面部很重要。胡须如果能修剪平整是允许的。根据个人的情况对胡须进行修剪,一般不能超出两到三天。Moustaches are also acceptable but must conform to the standards listed below:留鬓角必须符合以下的标准:- Neatly trimmed and clipped修剪平整- No narrower than 12 m

25、m宽度不小于12毫米- The horizontal width and downward drop may not extend more than 12mm. beyond the corners of the mouth.离嘴角四周不能少于12毫米3. Fingernails手指甲Must be clean and neatly trimmed at all times.手指甲要随时保持干净,修剪平整4. Scent体味Cologne or after-shave, if used, should be subtle. It should not clash with your deod

26、orant, soap or talc.可以使用一些古龙香水或是须后水,这不和你所使用的除臭剂、香皂或是滑石粉相冲突。5. Jewelry 首饰No earrings are permitted. If a necklace is worn, it must be kept inside the shirt. A single bracelet and dress ring, either silver or gold may be worn.不允许带耳环。如果有戴项链必须把它藏在衬衫的里面。只能佩带一只手镯或戒指。A dress watch, if worn, must be subtle

27、in design. Watch faces may be no larger than 30mm. in diameter and preferred colours are black, gold, silver or white.如果佩带手表,表面直径不能大于30毫米。最好选用黑色、金色、银色、或是白色。6. Spectacles眼镜Framed styles must be subtle and should compliment your own natural facial features. Extreme fashion styled glasses is not accept

28、able. If your doctor prescribes dark glasses, they may be worn provided that the eyes can still be seen.眼镜的边框要符合个人的脸型,不能佩带造型过于夸张的眼镜。如果你的医生嘱咐你要佩带墨镜,必须确保你的眼睛还能该看清东西。7. Shoes鞋子Comfortable and supportive shoes must be worn at all times. Staff shoes must conform to the dress codes dictated by their respe

29、ctive department. Shoes must be cleaned and polished regularly.穿舒适平稳的鞋子。员工鞋必须符合所属部门的制服号码。鞋子要经常清洁,擦拭。8. Belts腰带If your trousers have belt loops, a plain belt may be worn. The belts colour should closely match your trousers and be no wider than 40mm. Oversized or ornamental buckles are not permissible

30、.如果你的裤腰太宽的话,你必须使用腰带。腰带的颜色必须和你所穿的裤子相匹配。宽度不能超过40毫米。不允许使用过大或是带有装饰性的带扣。9. Undergarments衬衣Undergarments are to be worn at all times. A singlet or undershirt is permitted. Flesh or white colours are recommended. Coloured or motif undershirts must be visibly worn.要穿衬衣。允许穿汗衫。建议穿肉色或是白色的。有颜色或是有图案的衬衣要看得见。D. UN

31、IFORMED FEMALE EMPLOYEES穿制服的女员工1. Hair头发Hair must be neat and tidy at all times. The style should contemporary but never extreme. If you are wearing long hair, tie it and bond it during hours of duty. Your hair should not block your vision or cover your identification badge.头发必须时刻保持干净整洁。发型可以时尚但不能过于古

32、怪。如果你留长发,必须在当班的时候把头发扎起来。头发不能遮住你的视线或是你的工作牌。Extreme styles, such as shaven scalps, rat tails, twines, beads and exaggerated teasing are not acceptable.造型古怪的发型,如:光头,留小辫子,扎两个辫子,麻花辫或任何怪异的梳法都不允许。Styling gels or hair sprays are recommended to ensure that hair ends stay in place.不要使用过量的发胶及喷雾剂Your hair colou

33、r should look natural. If highlights or colouring are used, they should enhance your hair subtly and naturally. Extreme fashion colours or revealing dark roots are not permitted. Hair colour treatment, if theres any, should be maintained as often as necessary.头发的颜色要自然。如果挑染或是全染,要让你的头发看起来自然,精美。过于夸张的的颜

34、色或是现出头根的黑色都是不允许的。如果有染颜色,要及时的补色,让颜色保持一致。Wigs and hairpieces are permissible provided they meet the above requirements.假发及假眉毛如果符合以上的条件,可以使用。All accessories such as pins, combs or elastic bands should match the colour of your hair, while ribbons or bows should coordinate with the colour of your uniform

35、.所有的饰物如:别针、头梳及牛皮筋都要和你头发的颜色协调。头上稠带的颜色要和你制服的颜色协调。2. Fingernails手指甲Must be clean and neatly trimmed at all times. Nail polish is not compulsory. Should you choose to wear nail polish, the colour should be pale or translucent.指甲要保持干净,修剪平整。是否涂指甲油没有强制性。如果有涂,必须选择无色或是半透明的颜色。3. Make-up化妆Wearing make-up is a

36、must. From both presentation and skin protection point of view, a basic make-up should include blush or rouge, lipstick, eye shadow and mascara.必须化妆。从外表及保护皮肤的角度出发,基本的化妆包括:胭脂、口红、眼影和眉毛膏。Always apply only light make-up to enhance your own natural features and skin complexion. Ensure that you make the m

37、ost of your appearance at all times.只要化能够体现你个人自然气质及保护皮肤的淡妆就可以了。确保时刻体现自己就完美的一面。4. Scent体味Perfume or cologne, f used, should be subtle. It should not clash with your deodorant, soap or talc.适当使用香水。不能和你的除臭剂、香皂及滑石粉相冲。5. Jewelry首饰Only one pair of subtle-designed earrings may be sported, of which the leng

38、th and width are no more than 20mm. in diameter. Earrings worn on the nose are unacceptable.只允许佩带一副耳环,设计精美,长度和宽度都不能超过20毫米。不允许戴鼻环。A necklace, if worn, is restricted to a single strand, either gold, silver or pearl. Any pendant or drop in the chain must be no more than 20mm. in length or width and the

39、 design should be faint.如果佩带项链,只能有一条。可以是金的、银的或是珍珠项链。项链的坠子长度和宽度不能超过20毫米。设计要简单。A single dress ring or bracelet on each hand may be worn provided that the designs are delicate, either gold or silver.每只手只能戴一个戒指和一个手镯。必须设计精美,银的或是金的。A dress watch, if worn, must be subtle in design. Watch faces may be no la

40、rger than 20mm. in diameter and preferred colours are black, gold, silver or white.如果佩带手表,手表的设计必须精美。表面的直径不能超过20毫米。颜色最好是黑色、金色、银色或是白色。6. Spectacles. 眼镜Framed styles must be subtle and should compliment your own natural facial features. Extreme fashion styled glasses is not acceptable. If your doctor p

41、rescribes dark glasses, they may be worn provided that the eyes can still be seen.眼镜的边框要符合个人的脸型,不能佩带造型过于夸张的眼镜。如果你的医生嘱咐你要佩带墨镜,必须确保你的眼睛还能该看清东西。7. Shoes 鞋子Comfortable and supportive shoes with a minimum heel of 25mm. must be worn at all times. Staff shoes must conform to the dress code dictated by thei

42、r respective department. Shoes must be clean and polished regularly.鞋子必须要舒适,鞋跟最少要25毫米。员工鞋必须符合所属部门的制服号码。鞋子要经常清洁,擦拭。8. Stockings / Pantyhose. 袜子Stockings or pantyhose must be worn at all times. Natural colours are preferable; patterns or thick-ribbed styles are not permissible.必须穿袜子。最好是自然的的颜色。有印花的袜子不能

43、穿。9. Undergarments衬衣Flesh coloured undergarments must be worn underneath sheer blouses and dresses at all times.裙子里面必须穿肉色的衬衣。CONDUCT AND ATTITUDE 行为和态度CONDUCT 行为Being presentable and well groomed is only a part of the total image we project to our guests. How you react to our guests, the manner in w

44、hich your provide service and treat guests provide the TOTAL image.仪容仪表只是我们给客人印象的一部分,礼貌会给客人提供的服务中留下深刻的印象The manner in which we offer service to a guest should be, as you would treat them in your own home, offering assistance, if and when required.对待客人的要求应象在你家里一样礼貌的对待Remember to always to give courte

45、ous, knowledgeable and friendly service. From the moment the guest arrives, it is up to you to establish a positive relationship for doing business, satisfying their needs, making them feel comfortable, relaxed, looked after and welcomed, thus building his desire to return.记住总是提供礼貌,专业和友善的服务。To be su

46、ccessful in our industry, you require a positive attitude. Make the most of the things you do, be enthusiastic, get involved and share it with your guests, your department and colleagues.要积极的态度去工作,才可以取得成功,热情的投入工作,将棘手的问题与你的客人,部门和同事一起讨论。You are valuable and are a vital part of our operation with much

47、to contribute. Believe in your own abilities, do things to the best of your capacity and make others and yourself, feel good.你是我们工作中必不可少的一员,相信自己的能力,把工作做到让自己和别人都满意。The right attitude can move mountains; the wrong attitude destroys everything and leads to total failure. Remember this, put it into practice and you are a WINNER!正确的态度可以将大山移走,错误的态


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