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1、HistoryeditOgilvy & Mather was founded in 1948 by David Ogilvy. After a short and successful career in sales Ogilvy had been employed in London in 1935 by his brother Francis Ogilvy at the British ad shop Mather & Crowther which had been founded by Edmund Mather in 1850.1 Mather & Crowther sent Davi

2、d Ogilvy to the US in 1938. Following a ten year gap during which time he worked in research, for British Intelligence duringWWII and a sabbatical period, Ogilvy in 1948 started a US agency with the backing of Mather & Crowther, who by then had merged with the Benson agency group in the UK. Ogilvy o

3、pened his US shop as Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson, & Mather in Manhattan with a staff of two and no clients.2 The company became a leading worldwide agency by the 1960s.citation needed Central to its growth was its strategy of buildingbrands such as American Express, BP, Ford, Barbie, Maxwell House, IBM,

4、Kodak, Nestl, Cadbury and Unilever brands Ponds and Dove.3Ogilvy & Mather was built on Ogilvys principles, in particular, that the function of advertising is to sell and that successful advertising for any product is based on information about its consumer.His entry into the company of giants starte

5、d with several iconic campaigns:The man in the Hathaway shirt with his aristocratic eye patch; The man from Schweppes is here introduced Commander Whitehead, the elegant, bearded Brit, bringing Schweppes (and Schweppervesence) to the United States.; At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new

6、Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock; and Pablo Casals is coming home to Puerto Rico, a campaign that Ogilvy said helped change the image of a country and was his proudest achievement. Only Dove is one-quarter moisturizing cream. This campaign helped Dove become the top selling soap in the U.S.

7、In 1989, The Ogilvy Group was purchased by WPP Group.ClientseditOgilvy & Mather board has produced work for a wide range of leading brands, including:American Express (since 1962)5British American Tobacco (since 1981)5Amway (since 2009)6Coca-Cola Company (since 2001)7Louis Vuitton (since 2006)Contro

8、versieseditOgilvy caused some controversy in 2004 when a reportedly discarded video advertisement for the Ford SportKa hatchback began spreading virally via email. The 40-second video, which shows a lifelike computer-generated cat being decapitated by the cars sunroof was apparently rejected by Ford

9、, but still made its way onto the internet, sparking outrage among bloggers and animal rights groups.2223Ogilvy also has been involved with the notorious Asia Pulp & Paper, a large logging company that has been convicted of illegal logging in three countries, and recently has built roads illegally i

10、nto the last remaining habitats of the critically endangered Sumatran Tiger, but spent large sums on global advertising campaigns claiming sustainability beyond compliance.24In 2005, Shona Seifert and Thomas Early, two former directors of Ogilvy & Mather, were convicted of one count of conspiring to

11、 defraud the government and nine counts of filing false claims for Ogilvy over-billing advertising work done for the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy account. In an e-mail, Seifert stated Ill wring the money out of the ONDCP, I promise. Seifert and Early were sentenced to 18 and 14 months

12、 in prison, respectively. Seifert also was ordered to pay a $125,000 fine, in addition to writing a code of ethics for the ad industry as part of 400 hours of community service. Ogilvy & Mather repaid $1.8 million to the government to settle a civil suit based on the same billing issues and continue

13、s to produce anti-drug spots for the government.25262728Ogilvy Government Relations, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ogilvy Public Relations, is credited with playing an instrumental role in killing the controversial 2005 bid by Chinese oil company CNOOC to buy Unocal Corporation, which would then go o

14、n to merge with Chevron Corporation, an OGR client.21The company was involved with a controversy in May 2009 when a Clio Award was given to a campaign for the A & E History Channel. One of the associated images compared the American deaths at Pearl Harbor with the Japanese deaths after the bombing o

15、f Hiroshima.29In September 2010, An Ogilvy & Mather produced radio ad for ARCO a U.S. based oil and gasoline company caused a controversy when the advertisement which used a sped up version of the Emergency Alert System header tones caused EAS decoders at radio stations across the country to unmute

16、and activate causing a false emergency message to be sent out to monitoring television and radio stations as well as local cable systems which had their programming locked out and replaced with the primary EAS stations emergency message which in this case ended up being the ARCO ad. The situation ca

17、me to a head when one radio station reported that its EAS decode activated at least 5 times during the week because of the ARCO ad. The Society of Broadcast Engineers issued an alert bulletin to all broadcasters warning them about the ad.30 Initially theFederal Communications Commission had issued N

18、otice of Apparent Liability to several radio stations until it was discovered that the ads were the culprit and the header tones were most like downloaded by producers from the Internet. Ogilvy and Mather and ARCO pulled the ad and apologized. The FCC is investigating whether or not Ogilvy and Mathe

19、r violated FCC Regulation CFR 47 11.45 which states No person may transmit or cause to transmit the EAS codes or Attention Signal, or a recording or simulation thereof, in any circumstance other than in an actual National, State or Local Area emergency or authorized test of the EAS.In 1972 Ogilvy &

20、Mather, Sydney first developed the line Dont Leave Home Without It as a means of educating Australians how to use the countrys first credit card. Created by Ian Latham and David Prentice.citation needed Three years later in 1975, the line was adapted by Ogilvy & Mather New York to Dont Leave Home Wi

21、thout Them ad campaign for American Express Travelers Cheques, featuring Oscar Award-winning actor Karl Malden. The Dont Leave Home Without It slogan was revived in 2005 for the prepaid American Express Travelers Cheque Card. After Maldens departure, American Express continued to feature celebrities

22、, including Jerry Seinfeld, Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Wes Anderson, Ken Watanabe, Ellen DeGeneres and Conan OBrien.In 2003, Ogilvy and Mather released the infamous Miller Lite Catfight campaign. The ad, which featured two very beautiful women (Tanya Ballinger and Kitana Baker) first fighting

23、in a fountain and later in a mud pit, was well received by males and made the girls instant celebrities, but generated significant controversy over its depiction of women. Further controversy was generated over an uncensored version of the ad, which ended in the two muddy girls falling in love and k

24、issing.In 2007, Ogilvy Stockholm developed the Animals in the Womb campaign for Ford Flexifuel, which was nominated for the Cannes Lion Award and for the Guldgget Award in 2008.citation needed历史编辑由大卫奥格威,奥美成立于1948年。经过短期和成功的销售生涯中,奥美已受聘于伦敦1935年由他的弟弟弗朗西斯奥美在英国广告店奥美克劳瑟已成立由埃德蒙马瑟在1850年。 1奥美克劳瑟派出大卫奥格威美国于1938

25、年。经过10年的差距,在这期间,他的研究工作,在1948年为英国情报机构在二战期间和休假期间,奥美开始了美国机构为后盾马瑟克劳瑟,谁在合并了与班森机构组英国。奥美公关“休伊特,奥美森,奥美”在曼哈顿开了他的美国店一两个工作人员,没有客户端2 该公司成为一家全球领先的机构,由20世纪60年代需要的引证其增长的核心是其战略建设品牌,如福特, BP ,美国运通卡,芭比娃娃,麦斯威尔, IBM ,柯达,雀巢,吉百利,联合利华品牌池塘和鸽子。 3奥美建在奥美的原则,特别是,广告的功能是卖的任何产品,成功的广告是基于其消费信息。他进入巨人公司开始与几个标志性的活动:“该名男子在哈撒韦衬衫” ,他的贵族眼罩

26、; “史威士的男子从这里是”指挥官介绍,白石,优雅,大胡子的英国人,将史威士( “ Schweppervesence ”的)到美国。 “在60英里一个小时在这个新的劳斯莱斯最响亮的噪音来自电钟“ , ”卡萨尔斯回家 - 波多黎各“,竞选奥格维说,有助于改变一个国家的形象,是他最值得骄傲的成就。 “只有鸽子是一季度的保湿霜” 。这个运动有助于鸽子成为在美国最畅销的肥皂1989年, WPP集团的奥美集团购买了。客户编辑奥美板工作已经产生了广泛的领导品牌,包括:美国运通(自1962年) 5英美烟草公司(自1981年) 5安利( 2009年以来) 6可口可乐公司(自2001年) 7路易威登(自2006

27、年)争议编辑奥美在2004年引起了一些争议时,据说被丢弃的视频广告福特SportKa的两厢车开始通过电子邮件传播病毒。由福特的40秒的视频,其中显示一个逼真的计算机生成的猫被汽车的天窗断头显然拒绝,但仍然做了它的方式在互联网上,博客和动物保护组织之间激起公愤。 22 23 奥美也已参与了臭名昭著的亚洲纸浆及纸,大的已被定罪的非法采伐,在三个国家,最近已建成道路,到最后剩下极度濒危的苏门答腊虎的栖息地非法伐木公司,但花费了大笔在全球广告活动,声称“超越合规的可持续性 。 242005年,绍纳语和塞弗特托马斯月初,两名前董事奥美,被裁定一项串谋诈骗政府和九项超额计费奥美广告所做的工作为美国国家药品

28、监督办公室提交虚假索赔控制政策账号。在一封电子邮件中,塞弗特说:“我就拧断 ONDCP 钱出来,我答应。”塞弗特和早期被判处18个月和14个月在监狱中,分别。塞弗特也被勒令支付125,000美元的罚款,除了写“广告业道德守则” ,作为400小时的社区服务的一部分。奥美180万美元偿还政府,解决民事诉讼基于相同的计费问题,并继续对政府产生禁毒点。 25 26 27 28奥美政府关系,为本公司之全资附属公司奥美公共关系起到了重要作用,在杀死争议的2005年中国石油企业中海油出价收购优尼科公司,该公司将与雪佛龙公司合并, OGR客户端,计入21。该公司涉及的争议在2009年5月,当克里欧奖是给运动的

29、A E历史频道。相关图像,而美国的死亡与日本在珍珠港轰炸广岛后死亡。 292010年9月,安奥美制作的电台广告ARCO造成一个总部设在美国的石油和汽油公司广告使用了加快版本的紧急警报系统头色调引起的争议时, EAS解码器在全国各地的电台取消静音并激活导致虚假的紧急消息被发送到电视台和广播电台以及当地的有线电视系统,锁定了他们的节目和更换主EAS站的紧急消息,在这种情况下,结束了ARCO广告监测。情况来到头,当一个电台报告说,它激活了至少5倍于上周因ARCO广告EAS解码。广播工程师协会发出警示公告,向全体广播,警告他们的广告。 30 最初,美国联邦通信委员会曾发出通知表观责任直到它被发现的几个

30、电台的广告是罪魁祸首头音最喜欢由生产者从互联网下载。奥美广告公司和ARCO拉到广告,并道了歉。 FCC正在调查是否奥美违反FCC条例47 CFR 11.45 “任何人不得发送或导致传输EAS代码或警示信号,或记录或模拟,在任何情况下,在实际的国家以外国家或区域紧急情况或授权的测试EAS “ 。1972年,奥美,悉尼首次开发行“不要离开它带回家”作为一种手段,教育澳大利亚人如何使用该国的第一张信用卡。创建者伊恩莱瑟姆和大卫普伦蒂斯需要的引证三年后,于1975年,该行被改编奥美纽约“不要离开家没有他们的广告活动美国运通旅行支票,具有奥斯卡奖马尔登的出发获奖演员卡尔莫尔登。 “不要离开它带回家”的口

31、号,在2005年恢复预付美国运通旅行支票卡后,美国运通继续为特色的名人,包括杰瑞宋飞,马丁斯科塞斯,罗伯特德尼罗韦斯安德森,渡边谦,艾伦德杰尼勒斯和科南奥布莱恩。在2003年,奥美广告公司发布臭名昭著的米勒精简版剧烈争吵竞选。的广告,它的特点两个非常美丽的女性(蔡健雅巴林杰和贝克基塔娜) , ,第一次战斗在一个喷泉,后来在一个泥坑,深受男性和女孩瞬间名人,但在其描绘女性产生重大争议。进一步的争论产生了一个未经审查的广告版本,从而结束了在两个泥泞的女孩坠入爱河,和亲吻。2007年,奥美斯德哥尔摩开发了“动物在子宫内”福特Flexifuel赛车运动,这是戛纳电影节金狮奖和提名奖在2008年Guldgget 引证需要


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