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1、初中英语教学关键问题读书报告,方飞2017年8月,25个关键问题,阅读,词汇,语音,文化意识,语法,听力,问题,写作,口语,一、教学关键问题16 P162,如何帮助学生感知不同文体特点形成针对性阅读策略?,Major Reading Strategies,Skimming 略读Scanning 寻读Predicting 预测Inferring 推理判断Guessing the meaning of new words(猜测词义),What is skimming like?,The bird is the reader,the landscape is the passage!,How to

2、skim?,观察图片关注标题找寻段落主旨句找关键词,Match the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph 1 Abings musical skills made him very popular during his lifetimeParagraph 2The piece of music named Erquan Yingyue moved me.Paragraph 3Introduction of Abing.,Tip:Read the first sentence of each para.to get main ideas.,九年级 Uni

3、t 9 Sad but Beautiful,Skimming,Scanning 就是寻读,How to scan?,在较短的时间内找到材料中查询的特定细节,做到精、准、快.回答问题完成表格短文填空完成思维导图,Abing,A folk musician,Erhu,Play over 600 pieces of music,Tip 3:Move your eyes quickly to find specific information,Be born,His mother died.,Be known.,Life grow worse.,九年级 Unit 9 Sad but Beautiful

4、,Scanning,1.激发学生学习动机2.激活学生知识背景3.增加对文本的理解4.为下一阅读活动做铺垫,prediction,1)Which musician does the passage mainly talk about?2)What is the name of his most famous piece of music?,Sad but Beautiful,九年级 Unit 9 Sad but Beautiful,1.判断作者的写作意图2.判断人物的动机、目的和性格特征3.判断事件可能发生的前因或后果,inferring,?,Q:Can the shirt of a happy

5、 man really make the King happy?Why do you think so?,Inferring,九年级 Unit 11 The Shirt of a Happy Man,Guessing meanings of new words,利用构词法猜词义,根据标志词猜词义,根据语境猜词义,Key words:is,mean,that is to say,in other words,be called,be known as 关注:破折号、冒号,Tip 1.根据定义,释义猜测词义,I read the book a few months ago and thats hi

6、lariousI really laughed out loud!(2015丽水卷),42.The underlined word hilarious in Paragraph 1 most probably means _.A.simple B.helpfulC.humorous D.meaningful,Key words:and,or,like,the same as,asas,as well,also,but,however,although,though,while,if,rather than,instead of,Tip 2.根据同义词,反义词猜测词义小结,We say a jo

7、ke is“corny”if it is stupid.An example of a corny joke is:(2016衢州卷)35.A“corny”joke is one that is _.very funny B.stupid or not funny C.very short D.very harmful,e.g.He is a punctual boy,but he was late this morning.,A.糊涂的 B.干净的 C.守时的 D.精明的,Key words:because so,therefore,sothat,suchthat,as,since,for,

8、as a result,Tip 3.根据前后句因果关系猜测词义,Many people do fun things to make themselves stand out,like wear silly clothes or do things instead of just running.For example,Tom Harrison took three days just to reach the halfway point,as he was crawling on his hands and knees dressed as a gorilla.(2017丽水卷),35.The

9、 meaning of the underlined word“crawling”is probably similar to_.A.drawing B.walking C.singing Dswimming,Key words:such as,like,for example,for instance,Tip 4.举例归纳法猜测词义小结,On the farm they mainly raise poultry,such as chickens,ducks and sheep,for their eggs and meat.,家禽,Tip 5:利用语境或生活常识经验来猜测词义,Here is

10、 an example of how conflict resolution works step by step in a school playground setting:Someone says a student pushed him on the football field.The person who was accused as the“pusher”says it was actually an accident.(2017舟山卷),The underlined words“was accused”in this passage might mean“_”in Chines

11、e.A.被惩罚 B.被轻视 C.被指责 D.被否定,针对不同的文本特点,运用不同的阅读策略,1.叙事类的文本:scanning找出事件发生的时间、地点人物和发展过程等信息。,2.论诉文本:skimming归纳论点、捕捉段落大意、把握论点与论据之间的关系、关注作者的思想感情与观点、把握文本结构。,3.说明类文本:Scanning分析事物的性质、构造、成因、功能并理解文章的作用。,4.非连续文本:Predicting/Scanning查看标题、通读材料、提取信息、读懂图标,二、教学关键问题12(P125),如何设计读前活动,以帮助学生加速课文理解进程?,Pre-reading,1.,1.激发学生学

12、习热情2.克服阅读中的词汇障碍3.帮助激活学生的阅读背景4.加速课文理解,功能,Pre-reading,原则,1.合理掌控读前活动的时间2.合理把握读前活动的重点3.紧密结合学生的实际4.充分利用教材资源,1.视听活动 2.竞赛游戏3.问题思考 4.话题讨论,5.头脑风暴,Pre-reading,形式,九年级 Unit2 Full Moon,Full feeling,Look at the picture,and the question.Q1:Who is the lady?Q2:Do you know her story?Q3:What festival is the story abou

13、t?,Pre-reading,Quiz:Are you a good learner now?,1.When school lets out,you_,jump Immediately for joy and do nothing the whole summerstart to plan your summer reading C.Wait a few weeks then start doing summer work,2.One night you have a lot of homework,you_A.Do it right when you get home B.Play outs

14、ide for a while then come do itC.Wing it(dont do it),3.Two projects are due next week,you _Do them a few days ahead B.Wait till the last minuteC.Do them the day you get the assignments,4,Pre-reading,九年级 Unit 1 How can you be a successful learner?,Pre-reading,八下 Unit 9 Section B Singapore,Q1:What hav

15、e you known about this country?,Title:SingaporeA place you will never forget!,Q2:What will be talked about in this passage?,Pre-reading,九年级 Unit 7 Section B Should I be allowed to make my own decision?,What kind of decision can be made by yourselvesat present?,Discuss in groups:,Life is full of surp

16、rises,and unexpected turns),I like surprises,I am open to the world.I take a chanceand roll the dices,I tend tolive and learn.Life is full of surprises and unexpected turns.If I ever fall down and stumbleon my feet,Ill get up in an instance,theres nothing wrong with me.Ill get up in an instance,the

17、scares are going to heal.,Pre-reading,九年级 Unit 12 Section A Reading,Life is full of _.,三、教学关键问题13(P133),如何设计读中活动,以帮助学生理解阅读文本,积累阅读体验?,while-reading,填表,填空,回答问题,判断正误,总结段落中心,总结全文大意,填写流程图,猜词义,排序,评论,(1)读中活动要匹配阅读技能训练,八上 Unit6 Section B Reading,2.To give the meaning of resolution.,3.To discuss the different

18、 kinds of resolutions.,1.To question the idea of making resolutions.,Predicting,Read the three sentences and predict what the passage is about.,Para.1Para.2Para.3,To give the meaning of resolution.,To discuss the different kinds of resolutions.,To question the idea of making resolutions.,Get the top

19、ic sentences of each paragraph,and match the main idea of them.,Skimming,Para.1 Para.2Para.3,Do you know what a resolution is?,There are different kinds of resolutions.,Although there are differences,most resolutions have one thing in common.people hardly ever keep them!,A.These are about making you

20、rself a better person.,B.For example,a student may have to find more time to study.,C.There are good reasons for this.,D.The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions.,Read the four sentences in 2c,put them into the blanks.Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide.,Inferr

21、ing,(2)读中活动要加强文本理解的深度,引导学生在够感知音乐中悲伤美的同时,又能体会到阿炳生活中的苦与乐,悲与喜。最终让学生明白:要以积极的态度面对自己人生。,How do you understand the title“Sad but Beautiful”?,Sad but Beautiful,九年级 Unit 9 Sad but Beautiful,(3)读中活动要促进阅读体验积累,八下Unit3 Could you please clean your room?Section A Reading,活动1:Ask Ss to read the story and answer the

22、 questions.Q1:What did I do when my mom asked me to take the dog for a walk?Q2:What did my mother feel at that time?Q3:What did my mother feel when she came back from workthe next day?,活动2:Ask Ss to role play me and my mother.,四、教学关键问题14(P141),如何设计读后活动,以帮助学生巩固课文理解,发展思维与表达能力?,1、读后活动要丰富多样,帮助学生对课文的理解2、

23、读后活动难度要适切,鼓励学生表达3、读后活动要基于文本,巧用问题,发挥学生 思维,Post-reading,1.Abing played music _could _of people.2.When we listen to his music,we can _both the beauty and the sadness.3.It makes us think about the _and _ we have experienced in the past.4.For this reason,many people praise him as the musician _ has great

24、ly influenced erhu music.5.Many great masters _ have played Abings pieces feel it a_ that not many pieces of his music were recorded.,Post-reading,Task1:Fill in the blanks with the words from the passage.,Task 2.Oral practiceStudent A is a foreigner reporter who is interested in Chinese folk music.S

25、tudent B is Chinese and introduce Abing to him.,Abing,A folk musician,Erhu,Play over 600 pieces of music,Be born,His mother died.,Be known.,Life grow worse.,Task 2:Oral practice,Task 3.Writing:The person I admire.,Disabled in his left leg,An Outstanding Chinese Mathematician 数学家。,Disabledlearned many languagescreated many worksthe pride of Chinese,Comments and criticism are welcome!,谢谢您的耐心!,读中活动设计的注意点,关注文体特征说明文采用填写流程图,树形图,判断正误等。故事类采用排序,填表格、时间线,情节推理等。议论文采用区分论点、论据,找出主题句等。承上启下读中活动是读前活动的延续,并为读后活动做准备读中活动的设计要鼓励学生参与,教师要给学生充足的思考、探索的机会和时间。,


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