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1、初中英语人教版八上,Unit10 If you go to the party,youll,have a great time!,单元总复习课件,词汇训练营,一、翻译。,go to the party,1.,去参加聚会,_,wear jeans to the party,2.,穿牛仔裤去聚会,_,have a great time,3.,玩得很高兴,_,take the bus to the party,4.,坐公交车去聚会,_,5.,呆在家里,_,stay at home,go with sb.,6.,和某人去,_,词汇训练营,be happy,7.,高兴,_,travel around t

2、he world,8.,环游全球,_,go to college,9.,上大学,_,make a lot of money,10.,赚大量的钱,_,be famous,11.,有名的,_,get an education,12.,得到教育,_,为学习,13.study for _,词汇训练营,二、根据句意或首字母,完成句子。,eans,1.It is a formal,(正式的),party.Please dont wear j_.,eeting,2.They are talking about when to have a class m_.,alf,3.H_ an hour is thir

3、ty minutes.,4.If they watch a v_ at the party,students will,ideo,leave early.,organize,(组织),5.What will Mike _.,词汇训练营,6.Are you free _,to come,(下周)?,7.My little sister likes _,chocolate,(巧克力),best.,upset,(不安的),.,8.If I go to the party,they will be _,advice,(建议),.,9.You should give him some _,10.If w

4、e ask them to bring food,theyll just bring,potato chips,(薯条),.,_,词汇训练营,三、单项选择题。,1.,Mrs.Jenny gave US _ on how to learn English well.,A.,some advice,C.some advice,B.many advice,D.an advice,2.Mr.Li asks the students _ in the river,because its too,dangerous.,A.,swim,B.to swim,D.to not swim,C.not to swi

5、m,词汇训练营,3.My physics teacher said that light _ faster than,sound.,A.,travel,B.travels,C.traveled,4.That radio company is so big that it has a lot of _,in foreign countries.,A.conductors,C.introducers,B.agents,D.drivers,词汇训练营,5.Please read every sentence _.The more _,you are,the fewer mistakes youll

6、make.,A.,carefully;carefully,C.carefully;careful,6._this kind of peach,and you will like it.,A.,To try,C.Try,B.Trying,D.Tried,B.careful;careful,句型大闯关,1.If you go to the party,youll have a great time!,本句是含有条件状语从句的复合句。,if,引导的条件,状语从句中,常用一般现在时表示将来,而主句,用一般将来时。,例:,If youre free,well go shopping next Sunda

7、y.,如果你有空,我们下星期天要去购物。,句型大闯关,2.The students are talking about when to have a,class meeting.,本句是简单句。,when to have a class meeting,作了,talk about,的,宾语。特殊疑问词,when,,,what,,,where,,,which,,,whom,,,how,等都可和动词不定式连用,在句中通常作宾语。,例:,I dont know when to get to Beijing.,我不知道何时到达北京。,句型大闯关,3.If people have problems,,,

8、they should try to,keep them to themselves.,keep.to oneself,保守秘密,keep to myself,自己保留;保守秘密,例:,Dont keep it to yourself.,不要闷在心里。,I want to keep sadness to myself.,我想把悲伤留给自己。,句型大闯关,4.Unless we talk to,someone,well,certainly feel,worse.,本句是复合句,,unless,引导的条件状语从句。,unless,引导的条,件状语从句和,if,条件状语从句,与时间状语从句一样,若主

9、句,为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。,例:,Dont come unless I call you.,如果我不打电话你就不要来。,句型大闯关,5.In the end,,,she talked to her parents and they,were really understanding.,1,),in the end,最后;终于,2,),at the end of,在,的末尾;在,的尽头,例:,He worked hard and in the end he got an A in the English,test.,There is a shop at the end of

10、the street.,句型大闯关,单项选择。,1.,Would you please tell me _this camera?,Yes,its,easy.,A,where to use,C,when to use,B,how to use,D,which to use,2.,Jim will bring some friends from other school to the party.,If he _,,,the teachers will ask them to leave.,A,is,B,does,C,has,D,do,句型大闯关,3.I want three _.Can you

11、 give them to me?,A,pieces of advice,C,advice,B,advices,D,pieces of advices,4.He _ the country _.,A,travels,;,on feet,B,travelled,;,on foot,C,travels,;,by foot,D,traveled,;,by feet,句型大闯关,4.If you are _ tomorrow,,,you can bring all the _.,A,available,;,available newspapers,B,available,;,newspapers av

12、ailable,C,not available,;,available newspapers,D,not available,;,newspapers available,5.I can tell you if you promise _ it to _.,A,to keep,;,you,C,to keep,;,yourself,B,keeping,;,yourself,D,keeping,;,you,句型大闯关,5.I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed _ at the,dancing party.,A,myself,B,himself,C,h

13、erself,D,themselves,6.The sports meeting will continue _ it rains this,afternoon.,A,if,B,since,D,unless,C,as soon as,句型大闯关,7._,,,he passed the exam.,A,By the end,C,In the end,B,At the end,D,On the end,8.Can you help me _ the math problem,?,I cant give the,right _ it.,A,to solve,;,solution,B,solve,;,

14、solution,D,solving,;,solution to,C,to solve,;,solution to,语法加油站,If,引导的条件状语从句,用,法,主句为一般将来时态,,if,从,句用一般现在时态(即主将从,现)。,主句中含有情态动词,,if,从,句用一般现在时态。,If you finish your homework,you can go,home now.,如果你做完了作业,你现在,可以回家了。,例,句,We will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.,如果明天下雨,我将要呆在家。,语法加油站,用,法,主句为祈使句,,if,从句用一,般现

15、在时态。,主句为过去将来时,,if,从句,用一般过去时态(如果涉及,例,句,Dont jump into the river if you feel very,hot.,如果你感到很热,不要跳入河里。,If I were you,I wouldnt do it like that.,如果我是你,我就不会那么做的。,到,be,动词,一律都用,were,)。,If you gave me some money,I would be,此时,表达的是和现实相反,的推测,用虚拟语气。,very happy.,如果你给我一些钱,我就,会很高兴的,语法加油站,记忆口诀:,if,条件句不一般,几个要点记心间;

16、,条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间。,条件句表可能,主句多用将来时;,条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。,语法加油站,单项选择,1.,Tom wants to know if you will have a picnic tomorrow.,Yes.But if it _,well play chess instead.,A.,will rain,C.is raining,B.rained,D.rains,2.We will be punished _ we break the law.,A.,until,C.unless,B.if,D.though,语法加油站,3.I enjoy fresh ai

17、r so I always sleep with the window open,_ it is really cold.,A.,unless,B.when,C.if,D.since,4.Everyone must dress up.If you _,they wont let you,in.,A.dont,B.wont,C.cant,D.mustnt,语法加油站,5.We will go to the square to watch the raising of national,flag _ it rains tomorrow.,A.,when,B.if,C.since,D.unless,6.,Sam,do you know if Alice _ to my party next,week?,I think she will come if she _ free.,A.,comes;is,B.comes;will be,C.will come;is,D.will come;will be,


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