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1、Unit1 How tall are you?,Part B Read and write,B:Im _ years old.,A:How old are you?,A:How tall are you?,B:Im _m.,A:How heavy are you?,B:Im _kg.,A:What size are your shoes?,B:I wear size_.(My shoes are size_),lets chant,更晴朗,更明亮;更明媚,想到,变化,Wu Yifan and his family are going on a trip to the countryside.W

2、u Yifan has a story to tell Robin.,学习新知 Read and write,Tips:go on a trip 旅行,去旅行,进行一次旅行,countryside kntrsad,乡村,New words1.go down2.lower l 3.shadow d4.smarter sm:t5.become bkm,更聪明的,开始变得、变成,落下,更低地,The sun goes down.,shadow,old trees shadow,d,影子,What can you see in the picture?,Who is in the story?,The

3、 duck and the old tree.,First reading,listen and choose a title for the story.A.Little Ducks shadow B.Old Trees shadow,Second reading,Read the story again and answer the questions.(Silent reading默读),1.Who is younger?A.Little Duck B.Old Tree2.When is the Little Ducks shadow longer?A.In the morning B.

4、In the afternoon,Little duck is watching the sun go down.,3.What is little duck doing?4.When does the story happen(发生)?,In the afternoon.,Tips:,1.It is getting lower and lower,but his shadow is getting longer and longer.,它正在变得越来越低,但是他的影子正变得越来越长。,比较级+and+比较级:越来越be动词+动词ing形式:表示正在做,学习新知 Read and write,

5、4.Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller.,2.Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?,为什么当太阳变得更低时候,我的影子更长?,3.The sun goes down every day,and we grow older every day.,太阳每天会落下,而且我们每天我们会成长。,你的影子变得更长是因为你正在长高。,listen and repeat,Read the dialogue again and finish the dialogue.,lowe

6、r,longer,older,taller,Think and discuss.,1.Do you agree with Old Tree?Why?,No,I dont.Because when the sun gets lower,the shadow will get longer.When the sun gets higher,the shadow will get shorter.The length of the shadow has nothing to do with the height of the duck.,2.Can you answer Little Ducks question?Whats your answer?,Think and discuss.,Yes,I can.The shadow changes(变化)over the height(高度)of the sun.When the sun gets lower,the shadow will get longer.,3.Please circle the words with“-er”.Then talk about the changes in your friends.,Goodbye,


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