1、,湖協和院目证据的特征与分级Evidence features and its grade武汉协和医院ICU米元元,口循证护理证据的特征多元性、等级性口证据的分级1979加拿大定期体检工作组 CTFPHE)1986 David Sackett1992美国卫生保健政策研究所(AHRQ19 North england循证指南制定项自(NEEBGDP2019/2019 Oxford University循证医学中心2019 WHO Grade系统2019JBI证据级别及推荐强度系统V The Johns Hopkins Hospital/University,前言医疗研究实践护理研究实践实验性和非实
2、验性研究研究方法的多样性量性研究质性研究,Clinical GuidelinespensJoumal of parenteral and EnteralGuidelines for the provision and assessment of nutritionVolume 4y Number 2Support Therapy in the adult critically Ill Patient:Societyc2019 Ameriean Sucietyof Critical Care Medicine(SCCM and american Societyor Parenteral and
3、Eneral Nutritionfor Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition(AS P.E.N.D:10.11770148715621863Stephen A.McClave.MD:Beth ERD.DCN:Robert G.Martindale.MD.PhD:SSAGFconpMalissa m,warren rd:Debbie rI,RN.MS:Carol Braunschweig.RD,PhDMary s Mccarthy.RN.PhD:Evalavanos,PharmD:Todd w.Rice.MD,MScGail A Cresei RD Phd;Jane
4、M.Gervasio,PharmD:Gordon S Sacks,PharmDPamela R,Roberts.MD:Charlene Compher,RD PhD;and the Society of Critical CareMedicine and the A merican Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,協院游vened by the 2 societies.Literature searches were then per-formed using keywords(critically ill,critical care,
5、intensivecare,nutrition,enteral,parenteral,tube feeding,and thoserelated to assigned topics,such as pancreatitis,sepsis,etc)toevaluate the quality of evidence supporting a response to thosequestions,which were then used to derive a subsequent treatment recommendation.The literature search includedME
6、DLINE,PubMed,Cochrane Database of SysteReviews.the National Guideline Clearinghouse.and anInternet search using the Google search engine for scholarlyarticles through an end date of December 31,2019(includingePub publications)多元性While preference was given to RCTs,other forms ofresource material were used to support the response,includingnonrandomized cohort trials.prospective observational stud-ies,and retrospective case series.Use of publications was lim-ited to full-text articles available in English on adult humansFor all included RCTs,2 readers completed data abstraction,