外研版英语七级下册课件:Module 11 Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them.ppt

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1、Module 11Body language,Unit 2Here are some ways to welcome them.,They are from China.They are Chinese.,They usually _ when they meet.,Where are they from?,How do they greet?,Maybe,shake hands and smile,Review,They are from Russia.They are Russian.,They usually _ when they meet.,Where are they from?,

2、How do they greet?,Maybe,kiss three times,Review,Where are they from?,They are from Japan.They are Japanese.,Maybe,They usually when they meet.,Review,How do they greet?,bow each other,She is from India.She is Indian.,They usually _ and _ when they meet.,Where is she from?,How do Indian people greet

3、?,Maybe,put their hands together,nod their heads,Review,They are from New Zealand.They are Maori.,They noses.,Where are they from?,How do they greet?,touch,Review,finger,foot,knee,leg,mouth,比一比,看谁能快速说出下面的单词。,body,wave,move,rude,arm,hold,polite,fingerfg footft kneeni legleg mouthma bodybd foreignfrn

4、North Americann:personal p snlarmm arm in armSouth Americansa holdhld,n.手指n.(pl.feetfit)脚,足n.膝盖n.腿n.嘴,口n.身体,躯干adj.外国的北美人adj.个人的n.臂;手臂臂挽臂地南美人v.(heldheld)握着;使不动,New words,movemuv Britainbrtn not at allpoliteplat somewheresmwe wavewev factfkt in factruderud,v.移动不列颠;英国一点也不adj.礼貌的adv.某处;某个地方v.挥(手);招(手);摆

5、(手)n.事实;细节事实上adj.粗鲁的;无礼的,Match the words with the parts of the body.,Scan the passage and answer:,How many places of the body language are mentioned in the article?What?Four.Britain,Middle East,South America and the US.,Skim and Check()the body language you can use in different countries and places.

6、,1.Read Part 1 and Part 2,choose T or F.(1).No foreign students are going to arrive.()(2).You can stand close to people in the Middle East and North America.()2 Read Part 3 choose T or F.(1)Girls like walking arm in arm with their friends in China.()(2)In Britain,people dont like to touch other peop

7、le.(),F,F,T,T,导学案四(课堂活动),3 Read Part 4 and answer the questions.In which countries,people usually look at each other when they talk?_4 Read Part 5 and fill in the blanks.In China,we _ to say goodbye.But in _,it isnt_to say goodbye in this way.In fact,its _.,In Britain and the US.,wave,Greece,polite,

8、rude,3,Lets read:,1.Read with the video in low voice(小声跟读).,2.Read together in your group.,Body language in our life.,say“good”,walk arm in arm,say“yes”,say“ok”,wave to say goodbye,wave to say hello,In many countries,its polite to wave to say goodbye or hello.,But in Greece,its not at all polite.In

9、fact,its very rude.,rude=not polite,Language points,Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon,and here are some ways to welcome them.,around the world foreign studentsvery soonsome ways to welcome them,全世界外国学生很快一些欢迎他们的方式,arrive,in+大地点,at+小地点,Body language around the world,How close do y

10、ou stand when you talk to friend?You can stand close to people in the Middle East but dont stand too close to North Americans!Give them more personal space.,talk to/with sbclose toin the Middle EastNorth Americanspersonal space,与某人交谈靠近在中东北美人个人空间,talk about sth谈论某事,How about touching people?Chinese g

11、irls often walk arm in arm with their friends.South Americans sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you,so you cant move away!But in Britain many people dont like other people to touch them at all.,How about sth/doing sth?=What about.?arm in armSouth Americanshold ones armmove awaynot at all,怎么样

12、?臂挽臂地南美人抓住某人的手臂移开一点也不,Do you look at people when you talk?In some places,it isnt polite to look at people when you talk,but in other countries it isnt polite to look somewhere else.In Britain and the US,people usually look at each other when they talk.,look atin other countriessomewhere elselook at

13、each other,看在其他国家其他某个地方看着对方,it isnt polite to look at people when you talk交谈时看着对方是不礼貌的 It is adj for sb to do sth.,And how do you say goodbye?Thats easy,wave to say goodbye.But be careful!In Greece,its not at all polite!In fact,its very rude.,说“再见”那很简单挥手告别小心事实上,say goodbyethats easywave to say goodb

14、yebe carefulin fact,4 Complete the passage with the words from the box.(group work),Lingling:People from(1)_ countries have different body language from us.In(2)_ people dont like to,Britain,fact,foreign,hold,movepersonal,polite,rude,someone,wave,foreign,Britain,touch other people,but in South Ameri

15、ca they like to(3)_ on to you so you cant(4)_ away.Remember to give(5)_ from North America lots of(6)_ space.In some countries it isnt(7)_ to look at people when you talk.And it isnt polite to(8)_ goodbye in Greece.In(9)_,its quite(10)_!,hold,move,someone,personal,polite,wave,fact,rude,导学案(随堂练习),一、单

16、项选择()1.The TV is too loud.Please_.A.turn it down B.to turn it down C.turn down it D.to turn down it()2._ late again,Bill!A.Dont to be B.Dont be C.Not be D.Be not()3._ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.A.Not B.Wont C.Doesnt D.Dont()4.Kate,_ your homework here tomorrow.A.bring B.bring

17、s C.to bring D.bringing,导学案(随堂练习),二、句型转换1.Will you please read it again more slowly?(改为祈使句)_ _ _ _ again more slowly,please.2.If you dont listen to me,Ill go.(改为同义句)_ _ _ _ me,or Ill go.3.The teachers often tell the students not to be careless(粗心的).(改为祈使句)_ _ _ _ careless,please.4.Please sit next to

18、 Nancy.(改为否定句)_ _ _ _ next to Nancy.,抽测啦!加油!按照句子意思,填入恰当的词。,How many f_ languages can you speak?2.Your feelings about him is very _(person).We cannot trust your words.3.I cannot find my glasses.I must put it _(某个地方).,oreign,personal,somewhere,4.We Chinese like to _(wave)to say goodbye.5.When we arriv

19、ed there,he was _(hold)a knife in his hand.6.You should be _(有礼貌的)to the older.7.I didnt mean to be _(失礼的),but I have to leave early.,wave,holding,polite,rude,8.Do you like the Japanese food?_.(一点也不)9.They are very good friends.They always walk _(臂挽臂 地)when they are together.10.You know what?_(事实 上),you are right.I need to drop the idea at once.,Not at all,arm in arm,In fact,Homework,1.Remember the new words and phrases in unit 2.2.Read the text three times.3.Make a list of class rules.,


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