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1、Direct Method,Group members:,秦丹凤,罗茜,尚宇,杨琨,蔡凤梅,1.Brief introduction of Direct Method,?,(1)Definition,:The Direct Method is a method,of foreign or second language teaching which,insists that only the target language,should be,used in class,and meanings should be,communicated,“directly”,by associating,

2、speech forms with,actions,objects,mime,gestures,and situations,.,?,(2)Emphasis:,?,the importance of,spoken language,therefore holds,that reading and writing should be taught only after,speaking.And it also believes in the natural process of,language learning and in the inductive teaching of,grammar.

3、,?,(3)Rise and decline:,?,This method came about as a much needed,replacement for the grammar-translation method,(classic method),in the late 1800s,.,It faded,in the,early 1900s,as it was not practical in classroom,settings,and then saw a comeback under the name of,the,audio-lingual method after Wor

4、ld War II.,2.Historical and social,background,2.Historical and social background,?,2.1 Necessity,:,?,In the late 19th century,with the,development of capitalism,all European countries,increased communication,with each,other.It gave rise to a social need for oral proficiency.,?,However,Grammar-Transl

5、ation Method could not meet the,need.Thus,language teaching innovations were inevitable.,?,The Direct Method,as a reaction against the Grammar-,Translation Method,emerges as a result of the innovations.,2.2 Possibility:,?,The rapid development of,linguistics,psychology,and,education,provided the,the

6、oretical basis for the establishment of the,Direct Method.,Some important researchers and their,basic ideas,W.M.Wundt,laid the,psychological foundation,.,He claimed that feeling,not,thought,played the main,role in language psychology,so concepts and stimulus,should take feeling into,account,which ha

7、d great,influence on the Direct,Method.,Hermann Paul,formed,the main,linguistic base.,He proposed the great,importance of,analogy,”,in language,which led to,the,principles of,imitation and repetition,of the Direct Method.,?,J.A.Comenius,s idea,education should be in,line with nature,which justified

8、the views on,language teaching with the Direct Method.,His,“direct”principle,the principles of“from,concrete to abstract,from near to far,from known,to unknown,from simple to complex,from fact to,conclusion”are put into practice in the Direct,Method.,?,F.Gouins,linguistic and psychological theories,

9、based on his observation of childrens use of,language were directly applied to the practice of,the Direct Method.,3.Linguistic and,psychological theories,behind Direct Method,3.1 Theory of language,3.2 Theory of learning,3.1 Theory of language,(1),There exists no simple one-to-one relationship betwe

10、en,any two languages.,Thus translation should not be,taken as the main technique of language teaching.,Instead“direct”means should be promoted.,(2),Meanings are to be connected with the target language,without going through the process of translating into the,students native language.They should be,

11、communicated“directly”by associating speech forms,with actions,objects,gestures,and situations.,(3),Language is proficiency,skills or habits.,The formation of,habits derives from continuous imitation and repetition.,(4),Language is an art.,not science.,Learning a language,largely lies in practice,no

12、t the knowledge of a,language.,(5),Sentence is the minimum unit of speech communication.,According to Gouin,verbal expression is closely linked with,thought about real events.Thought and corresponding,utterances do not occur randomly or singly;they come in,sequences and end-means series.In addition,

13、concrete,meaning and usage of words can only be learned in,sentences.,(6),Historically speaking,spoken language came into being before,written language.,So speech patterns are fundamental while,written language derivational.This view accounts for the,emphasis on the priority for spoken language teac

14、hing in the,Direct Method.,(7)Spoken language is a learnable system of sounds,and sounds,are best described by phonetic transcription.Therefore,we,should attach great importance to phonetic teaching.,3.2 Theory of learning,(1)It is easier to,memorize things with relations,to others.,So learning thro

15、ugh sentences is,better than learning isolated words.,(2),Emphasis on the priority for spoken,language fits psychological theories.,It,scattered the difficulties and makes,language easy to learn.Whereas students,may be frustrated if spoken and written,language comes at the same time.,(3)“Teaching a

16、foreign language in that,language”has wide theoretical base of,memorial psychology.,?,Review is an effective method to prevent forgetting.,“Teaching a foreign language in that language”must rely on,materials students have learned as much as possible.The more,frequently they appear,the longer they st

17、ay in the memory.,?,Association lays the foundation for memory.,“Teaching a,foreign language in that language”tends to re,-organize those,materials and makes the old and new traces interrelated in,many ways.Use of direct”means can arouse more,associations.The more associations are,the more firmly,ma

18、terials will be remembered.,?,The more sensory organs are involved;the longer materials,stay in the memory.,“Teaching a foreign language in that,language”,together with use of“direct means,makes visual,audio,and speaking organs operate simultaneously.This is,beneficial for memory.,4.Basic principles

19、 of the,direct method,4.Basic principles of the direct,method,?,1,.Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the,target language,.,Native language was thought to be an,obstacle in the mastery of the target language and it,should be avoided to a maximum.Concrete vocabulary,was taught through

20、 demonstration,objects,pictures;,Abstract vocabulary was taught through association of,ideas.,2.Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught,.,Its obvious that children learn social languages that are,widely used in everyday life,especially in the form of vivid,languages,in great contrast to t

21、he decent written,languages and dead languages.Therefore,direct method,should also be based on real life so as to facilitate,communication.,?,3.,Oral communication skills,were built up in a carefully traded,progression organized around questions-and-answer exchanges between,teachers and students in

22、small intensive classes.,4.,Grammar was taught inductively.,Students will first of all learn the,language materials and then summarize the grammatical rules based on,the previous knowledge of the input materials which will in turn guide,their future study.,5.,New teaching points were taught through

23、modeling and practice,.As,children learn language by first listening to others and then imitating,and practicing,so much attention should be given to imitation and much,oral drill.Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.Both,speech and listening comprehension were taught,5.,Procedures usua

24、lly,adopted by the teachers,5.,Procedures usually adopted by,the teachers,?,1.Presentation by direct association,?,New language items are presented by associating,meaning with the target language directly.,?,2.Oral practice in the target language,?,In order to have the newly-introduced language item

25、s,fully understood by students,the teacher answers,students questions and asks students to answer her,questions in full sentences.Students are encouraged to,ask each other questions using the same grammatical,structures they have practiced.Students are not allowed,to make mistakes.Their mistakes are

26、 immediately,corrected by the teacher or by students themselves.,?,3.Consolidation with written work,?,Dictation is an exercise frequently used in,consolidation with written work in the Direct Method.,Dictation is used as a means to reinforce and test,what the students have learned.,Writing,can be,i

27、ntroduced as a means of consolidation and,evaluation in the Direct Method.Written work,should be graded in the following sequence:,reproduction of familiar reading texts;,reproduction of narrative orally presented by the,teacher;,free composition.,6.Typical classroom,activities,6.Typical classroom a

28、ctivities,?,1.,Question and answer exercises,:in order to have the newly-,introduced language items fully understood by students,the,teacher answers students questions and asks students to,answer her questions in full sentences.,?,2.,Conversation practice,:students are encouraged to ask,each other q

29、uestions using the same grammatical structures,they have practiced.,?,3,.,Error correction,:Students are not allowed to make mistakes.,Their mistakes are immediately corrected by the teacher or by,students themselves.,?,4,.,Dictation,:,Dictation is an exercise frequently used in,consolidation with w

30、ritten work in the Direct Method.Dictation is,used as a means to reinforce and test what the students have,learned.,?,5.,Inductive teaching of grammar,.,Grammar is learned,inductively through listening and speaking activities.,?,6.,Listening comprehension tasks,:Designing listening,comprehension tas

31、ks is,one of the ways,to establish a favorable,classroom climate in the Direct Method.,?,7.,Graded composition,(,分级作文,):,Writing,can be introduced,as a means of consolidation and evaluation in the Direct Method.,Written work should be graded in the following sequence:,reproduction of familiar readin

32、g texts;,reproduction of narrative,orally presented by the teacher;,free composition.,7.Roles of the learner,of the,teacher and of the instructional,materials,?,The role of the learner,:,the learner is expected to,listen,to answer questions,to work in pairs or groups,on conversations,to write down d

33、ictations,and to write,short passages.One of the driving ideas is to put the,learner in situations in which she is expected to,produce the language.,The role of,the teacher:,?,the teacher should preferably be a,native-speaker of the language.,?,task:to present the language,and,to direct classroom ac

34、tivities.,?,The language is presented,through the teachers monologue,and the use of realia,or images or,representations of the objects and,actions,The instructional materials:,?,the Direct Method based material on ordinary,situations,in,which the learner might expect to find herself on,going,abroad,

35、a lesson on the bank,the restaurant,or the hotel,?,or on,subjects,of ordinary conversation,geography,money,the weather.,Some textbooks used by Direct Method:,Method for Teaching Modern Language,(M.Berlitz),Direct Method English Readers,(J.G.Endicott),The New Method Readers,(M.West),English through P

36、ictures,(I.A.Richards&C.Gibson),Essential English,(C.E.Eckersley),8.Comments on Direct,Method,Merits,?,(1).The use of the target language as a means of,instruction and communication in the classroom,contributes greatly to forming the habit of thinking,in the target language,which is necessary in,eff

37、icient real communication.,?,(2).The emphasis on practice with new language,items and on language skills,rather than on,language knowledge,is important in achieving,automaticity of using the target language.,?,(3).The emphasis on spoken language conforms to the,objectives of modern language teaching

38、.Special attention,paid to pronunciation and intonation is desirable in teaching,spoken language.,?,(4).Regarding listening and speaking as the basis of reading,and writing is strategic in fostering the four skills.,?,(5).Using full sentences as teaching units makes foreign,language learning more na

39、tural and efficient for students to,understand a new text and acquire a language.,Defects,?,(1)It neglects the part played by the mother tongue.In its,early period,the Direct Method completely rejected the,mother tongue,and failed to note or underestimated its,positive role in FLT;,?,(2)It ignores t

40、he characteristics of the foreign language,learners who have already mastered their mother tongue;,?,(3)It overlooks the role of grammar and puts undue stress on,mechanical imitation and memorization.This leads to the,phenomenon of mechanical memorizing without seeking,thorough understanding;,?,(4)It lays particular stress upon practical mastery of the,language at the expense of developing intellectual faculties.,Thanks,for your attention!,


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