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1、图形创意在公益广告招贴中的应用研究摘 要:图形创意是公益广告招贴设计作品的重要表现形式,是设计作品中备受注目的视觉中心。一副优秀的公益广告招贴作品都会以自己独特的图形语言准确清晰地表达设计的主题,以最简洁有效的元素来表现富有深刻内涵的主题,由此可以看出图形创意在公益广告招贴设计中具有灵魂的作用。关键词:图形 ;创意;公益广告招贴;应用Creative graphic posters in public service application inAbstractAbstract:Creative graphic design work is public service advertising

2、 posters an important form, is designed to work in the visual center of much attention. An outstanding public service advertising posters will be in their own unique works of graphic language accurately and clearly express the design theme, in the most simple and effective element to express the pro

3、found meaning of the theme of the rich, which can be seen graphically creative design advertising posters in public The role of a soul。Keywords: Graphics;Creative;Public service advertising posters;Applications一、图形演变与发展1、图形的起源图形的产生源于人类认识和改造世界的需要。人类认识和改造世界需要依靠视觉和思维,而视觉与思维又需要借助形象与概念。自然形象做为人类常用的形象是不够的,

4、所以一部分创造了表达概念。图形是人为创造的形象,是构成视觉传达的最基本要素。是设计师与观众沟通的重要视觉语言。“图形”一次是由英文学名“graphic”直译而来。在新石器时代人类就以图形做为视觉传达工具使用了。当然旧石器时代也有图符的出现,是模仿自然形态的绘画和雕刻,而新石器时代是用使用艺术的时代。人们不仅用图形作为装饰而且还用来表达愿望和理想,它具有图腾崇拜的意义。可以说图形具有传达信息的功能,在新石器时期就出现了。 2、图形的发展随着社会的进步与发展,人类已从农业文明进入了工业文明,图形作为视觉传达形象语言有了新的内涵。视觉图形传达设计在20世纪成为人类生活工作等不可缺少的一部分,它是人类



7、纪20年代,概念形成于20世纪60年代,图形创意是由英文“Visual communication Design”翻译过来的,可以称其为视觉信息设计。图形创意的“图形”是一种说明性的符号,是视觉语言形式。所谓的“创意”,即是创造新意,使你的主意或者构想能够新颖、独特。创造性作为创意的核心,更能够突出它的独特性。创意是一种创造活动,它直接的结果必须是独创的、新颖的。图形创意并不是单纯的为了寻求新奇视觉的过程,它总是围绕着传播信息主旨这一要点来展开活动。呈现传播的策略性、目的性。因此,图形创意的完整诠释应该是:以传播信息为根本原则,以创造性思维为中心,以独特、新颖为表达方式和表现形式,以独特、新颖

8、的方式表达主旨内容,以引人注目的形象给大众留产生兴趣,留下深刻印象,从而使大众不得不对此内容接受。2、图形创意的构成方法图形创意的构成方法有很多,其中大家熟悉的有意念构成法、一形共生法、共用形法、物质转换与矛盾空间法、正负形、重组同构、物体与影子、渐变、和元素替换。意念是图形创意的基本思维。意念思维联想不需要合理和现实。意念思维始终是创作的动力和源泉,它将梦幻的不现实变为现实。我们每个人都具有意念联想的思维,生活经历不同所以联想方式和结果也就不同,如图1。图1 意念图形所谓一形共生法,即是利用一个主体形象,里面又出现另外一个形象与主体形象重合产生出来的共生效果。图形内的形象沟通,相互转换,虚实

9、相合,同异关系相互对应,达到我中有你、你中有我的境界,如图2。共用形的基本形式是利用共同一个形象、共同的空进、共同的线条等设计要领,相互存在,相互制约,相互影响的合理图形。明代成化皇帝所绘一团和气图远看是一人,其实是三 图 2 共生图形 人。经学者研究认为其分别代表 道家、佛家、儒家三个派别,如图3。物质转换与矛盾空间。物质转换是将两种不同的事物通过矛盾空间进行转换物象并且看似非常巧妙的融为一体。矛盾空间就是利用你对空间透视方法凭借一 图3共用图形定的构成手段,合理巧妙的将两种不同空间的物体融为一体。当然矛盾空间在现实是无法实现的。荷兰画家埃舍尔在矛盾空间方面的表现绝对堪称为大师。正负形图形。

10、所谓正负形就是在背景上的实形涂黑,负形就是正形周围的背景,是与正形对应的形。正形与负形相互借用有一语双关的作用。其手法也经常被运用在各种图形创意方面,如图4。将两种不同的事物有机的结合构成一个新图形就叫做重组同构。它需要找到两种不同的事物之间的相关联系,达到 “形”与“意” 图4正负图形 的相结合,以反映出图形所要表达 的含义,如图5。物体与影子图形。在我们的生活中,只要有光的地方就 图5重组同构会伴有影子的出现。这种自然环境我们已经习以为常,如果我们把物体投射出来的影子进行变换,那这种矛盾的表现手法就会表现出不一样的感觉。更能够生动幽默的突出我们要表达的思想主题,如图6。 渐变图形。渐变图形

11、就是事物从一个渐变到另 图6物体与影子 一个事物,要在它们渐变 的过程中找到规律和相近性,在渐变过程中使图形更有趣味,如图7。物体元素更换法。这是指物体的基本结构特征不改变的前提下,将某一局部的元素更换到物体上而构成的图形。 图7渐变图形这种表现手法具有强烈的视觉冲击力,很能吸引观众的眼球,在追究为什么替换这部分元素的同时也对此发生了兴趣,去思考它为什么这么出现,和出现的目的是什么,如图8。图形创意是一个奇思妙想、丰富多彩的形象,给人深刻的视觉刺激,图形创意追求一个新的视觉世界。图8元素替换图形 但是图形创意不会单一的出现,它的应用领域非常广泛,图形创意的艺术,能够使应用领域更加的大放光彩。

12、三、 公益广告招贴的概念及其特性1、公益广告招贴的概念公益广告包括:社会公德、社会福利、环境保护、劳动保护、交通安全、防火防盗、禁烟禁毒、预防疾病、保护人权。不直接涉及商业利益性,传播有利于于人类观念的广告,称为公益广告。大概对于我们学设计的人来说,提起广告,恐怕首先想到的就是招贴。招贴又名“海报”或“宣传画”,属于户外广告。分布在各街道、影剧院、展览会、商业闹区、公园等公共场所。招贴相比其它广告具有画面大、内容广泛、艺术表现力丰富、远视效果强烈的特点。2、公益广告招贴的特性公益广告是时代文化的窗口,不仅仅是指它的各种超前的传播宣传途径,体现出当代的发展水平,更重要的是指公益广告的内容及其表现


14、性。公益广告为了体现出导向性,必须具有适度的超前性。这种“超前”,不是追赶“时髦”,而是指面对中国的现实,对现实的发展趋势,有着敏锐的洞察,在预见其发展规律性的基础上,适度地站在现实生活的发展趋势的前头,引导生活前进。从性质上讲公益广告有着相比其它广告的不同特性,主要分为四个特性。2.4非利润。公益广告以人与社会、人与自然和谐发展为宗旨,以社会保护与群体素养提升为目的,促进社会的发展、注重社会效益。公益广告是非盈利性的。凡是从事公益广告的单位或个人,他的终极目标是公众的利益,而不是以盈利为目的。 2.5观念性。公益广告要求的是观念,以某一观念的传播,使大众能够受到影响并付出行动,以符合公德的社

15、会行为为准则,规范行为并身体力行以形成社会良好风尚。它传播的是精神上的促进,而不是物质形态的商品。 2.6广泛的受众性。公益广告面对的是社会公众。这表明,公益广告不同于商业广告,它不是为某个企业的产品树形象、打知名度,而是为社会大众谋利,为公众利益服务的广告。创作者是站在社会公众角度去创造启迪,而不是针对某一特殊群体。公益广告就是要针对社会公众的特点和心态,反映公众的意愿和呼声,反映公众普遍关注的社会问题。公益广告期待尽可能多的公众目光,受众的范围越大越好。 2.7自觉性。高度的社会责任感是做公益广告的原动力,大众可从中感觉到公共事业心。公益广告的费用由广告人自行承担,公益广告表现了利益他人主


17、领会其创作意图,并能起到促成其相关行为的作用。但在此前提下,公益广告更注重的是倡导观念、规范行为、启迪受众,而所有这一切的体现都要通过图形这一载体来完成。这其间优秀的图形创意会使公益广告的警示教化效果倍增。图形以它独特的表现力和表现手法,在整幅作品中展示着新颖独特的魅力。图形创意在整个平面设计作品中占据着重要地位,是决定整幅作品的重要因素。图形在整幅作品中占据着很大的位置,有的甚至是占据着全部。图形往往更能引起人们的注意,并激发阅读激情,产生兴趣。图形给人的视觉冲击印象要优于文字。图形创意大师霍尔格马蒂斯曾说过:“一幅好的广告,应该是靠图形语言而不是仅靠文字来注解说明” 1。图形创意的表现是通

18、过对创意中心思想的深刻思考和系统分析,充分发挥想象思维和创造力,将想象、意念具体的用手法表达出来。各类公益广告中的优秀图形创意作品,虽然出发角度欣赏角度不同,表现形式各异,但经过总体归纳, 但我们还是可以从以下三个手法上进行分析。1.1具象图形表现手法。具象图形以其直观的形象和真实性,很容易从心理上取得人们的信任,具有创意的写实图形,更加会给人以强烈的视觉冲击力和心灵的震撼。这种直观的表现手法,使图形创意产生了更深刻的意义,其主要中心是将新的内容和含义附加到一个基本形态上。日本大师福田繁雄在1975年设计的“1945年的胜利”,该作品采用了类似漫画的具象表现手法。飞行的子弹倒飞入枪口。营造出一

19、种简洁、干净、诙谐的环境,就是这种环境更能在招贴的过程中引起观者的沉思。这种具象的表现手法同样能给人视觉上带来冲击 图1 力和思想上的震撼共鸣,如图1。1.2抽象图形表现手法。具有独创性和不受时空的局限性的抽象图形,它能使主体形象特征更加强烈、鲜明并具有典型性,抽象图形的表现手法打破了具象图形的单调,极大地拓展了广告的表现空间,也使图形在简洁的构图中能给人强烈视觉的冲击。抽象手法在表现上有很大的发挥空间,它同时又能反映内在感性的东西。设计师罗荣在汶川地震后设计的作品济汶川,借“济”字结构,拆字成 “汶”、“川”两字,借次设计来表达救济汶川的呼吁,用最简洁却又最震撼的视觉冲击来感动观者,呼吁大家

20、献出爱心,用爱的力量来重建家园。这种抽象手法的运用,在招贴过程中第一时间把信息准确无误的传达给大众,虽然没有具体的反映客观事 图2 物,但却更能的表达设计者的初衷,如图2。1.3意象图形表现手法。意象图形是指从人的主观理想的视角出发,用具象的手法表达并不存在的形象,它是具象中的抽象,是抽象中的具象,由于二者融合,恰恰会给人以独特的形象视觉感受。二者的完美结合,给图形创意留下了更完美的形象感。瑞士的设计大师尼古拉斯特罗斯勒的设计作品树,该作品是一幅由抽象与具象完美结合的典型作品。被砍伐的红色树墩是具象的与抽象的绿色背景融一体,寓意着人类的乱砍滥伐的行为击溃了生命的力量, 图3不得不让观者留下叹息

21、和感动,简简单单的符合就产生了让人不得不佩服的作用,如图3。 每张公益广告招贴都有它自己的表达主题思想和内容,所以图形创意也要围绕这一点,在理性的分析后用丰富的创意将主题思想和内容表达出来,所以图形创意在公益广告招贴的应用中要有鲜明的主题。公益广告招贴中的图形创意需要视觉冲击力,为什么这么说呢?因为公益广告招贴一般是置于户外的,广告的效果好不好,能不能抓住观众的眼球直接与作品的好坏密切相关。一副好的公益广告招贴作品一定是视觉冲击力特别强,让人放眼过去觉得眼前一亮情不自禁的停住脚步观看,这样观众才能耐下心来理解其中要表达的内容,从而留下深刻的印象。公益广告招贴需要让图形来说话。公益广告招贴中的图

22、形语言追求的是用最简洁的图形表达出丰富的内容和深刻的内涵,好的广告招贴不需要注释文字,只要看图后就能理解出作者要表达的内涵。所以图形创意在公益广告招贴中有着无可替代的作用。 2、图形创意在公益广告招贴中的意义优秀图形设计可以在没有文字的情况下,通过视觉语言的沟通理解,可以跨越地域和语言的限制、文化的差异而进行默默的交流,从而达到无声胜有声的艺术境界。公益广告中的图形创意中最主要的是创意思维的广度和深度。其手法追求的是简洁、有力。这与米斯凡德洛提出的“Less is more” 5的观点是一致的,而我们设计师要做到这一点,就要看设计者积累的实践经验和对生活的认识有着密切的关系,只有多多积累多多观


24、默化中接受它要表达的观点。随着社会的发展和时代的进步,公益广告在人们的生活中越来越发挥出巨大的作用,做好公益广告宣传,也在构建和谐社会中发挥着不可替代的作用。参考文献1 杨为渝 周靖明.图形创意M.重庆大学出版社,2005-9-12 冯斌、周建中、慕洋.平面广告创意经典M.辽宁科学技术出版社,2000、053 余雁.平面广告创意设计M.福建美术出版社,2005-014 席涛 、毛溪.图形创意设计与应用M,江西美术出版社,2009-075 杨志麟.设计创意M,东南大学出版社,20026 吴建华.招贴设计M,中国轻工业出版社,20057王江友.平面设计基础M,北京中国纺织出版社,2004.6致谢今

25、天,论文能够最终顺利得以完成,首先要感谢我的导师习丽老师的悉心指导,从选题确定、思路分析、框架搭建、资料收集直到对文章进行多次的修改,导师都给予我极大的帮助与支持。这段时间我不仅在学业上获益匪浅,而且学会了很多做人做事的道理。在此,对习丽老师的培养和关怀表示最诚挚的感谢。同时,我还要感谢所有教育过、帮助过我的老师们和同学们,在我撰写毕业论文和毕业设计工作的进程中,也得到了他们的鼎力相助,再次对他们表示衷心的感谢。外文翻译Poster creative graphicsThe meaning of modern poster design has applications far beyond

26、the limits, and have the possibility of multiple interpretations, has a parallel to the subject outside the liberal interpretation entrusted with, designers and artists to convey information in which the focus and self- personality. Information focus outstanding personality and self-creative graphic

27、 posters need to carry. A great idea can change the popular culture, changing our language, thinking and way of life; a great idea to launch a career or business to save a brink of extinction; a great idea can completely change the world. Generally speaking, is a creative graphic creative act is an

28、enhanced graphical language of expression. Awareness of its innovative, followed the trend of the times, if innovation is an inexhaustible motive force for national prosperity, then the graphics stand out poster design creativity is the source of strength. Creative graphic design of a unique perspec

29、tive of the requirements clearly, highlighting the theme of deepening the content; to break the shackles of the old impression of inertia, try thinking from a new perspective of things that used to be implied in the alternative and the associated factors of the special character; design full of aest

30、hetic taste of the unconventional poster work. Graphic creative way of thinking, according to certain laws to guide the creative designers creative thinking process. This thinking process is essentially new, the result is expected Superman. But with a clear purpose and behavior of those who brought

31、the audience to enjoy the new visual and contacts to bring new value and information. Graphics is a creative way of thinking to rely on intuition or insight inspired way of sensibility, and then by the emotional to the rational comprehensive emotional complex dialectical form of scientific thinking,

32、 is the most concentrated expression of human wisdom. Flexible way of thinking in the emotional, driven, creative graphic design will have a strong visual effect on the audience a strong visual impact to attract attention, and profound memory of the audience to accept the bearer of information, idea

33、s and concept. Creative thinking in creative graphic is through intuition, inspiration, reasoning, practice and the formation of higher thought processes, is a distillation of the wisdom and imagination of the high form of expression, is novel and unique solution to the problem of the thinking proce

34、ss. Creative graphic designer is the personal interaction between thinking and the results of the audience. A graphic designer either in the procedures for transmitting information, or the audience to understand and be moved graphics degree, there are feelings from the visual to communicate a very c

35、omplex process of bi-directional associative thinking. The use of reasonable methods and procedures appropriate to be mobilized to guide and adjust the laws of thinking in the direction of thinking, and ultimately burst the spark of thinking, so that creative design with a new vitality. Creativity i

36、n the graphic is a high level of creative thinking in the form of complex thinking, is the combined movement of a variety of forms of thinking; is already in the knowledge and experience based on thinking; is a dynamic way of thinking, with clear purpose, and to discover new problems, and ensure the

37、 originality and novelty products. Creative thinking flexibility, fluency, and unique features, these three characteristics of duties, dependent and relatively independent existence. Flexibility to reflect the breadth of thinking; dare to break the fixed thinking. Response rate of fluency of thinkin

38、g;, because of his divergent thinking, attention to Lenovo and imagination, attention to the problem from a different perspective, so the thinking process of the few block, good spread, in a very short period of time can generate a lot of new ideas, ideas and programs. Reflects the depth of original

39、 thought; it is the most important feature of creative thinking is the highest level of creative thinking. The creative process in the graphics to coordinate the relations between, the harmony of three methods to manipulate the graphic creativity, so that work is more full of vitality. Creative thin

40、king activities from the characteristics of the psychological point of view, the way of thinking can be roughly divided into logical thinking and non-logical thinking. Logical thinking is the process of rational knowledge, with concepts, judgments, logical thinking, reasoning and other forms of abst

41、ract and general way of thinking to reflect the nature of things, activities and ways of thinking. From the dynamic behavior of logical thinking can be divided into centralized thinking and lateral thinking. Focus on logical thinking ability of non-emotional development, have a strong role in the sp

42、read and impact. Divided into specific divergent thinking, the transfer of thinking, intuition and inspiration of thinking, thinking in images and so on. Designers should be familiar with a variety of creative ways of thinking, so as to make their own creative ideas to develop clear, creative ideas

43、abound. Designed from a focus on the creation of graphic visual style, attention shifted to deeper inner needs of human emotional communication. Individual expression of the output from the traditional to interactive communication, try to arouse the recipients participation in intervention, in the g

44、lances of Tech, so the intention of the designers thoughts and feelings with the audience drive to achieve harmony in the mind. Rather than ignoring the performance of creative graphics and the intrinsic link between the theme. Therefore, we can not blindly focusing only on graphics of innovation, o

45、r theme of the statements, but should be a combination of both, to the creative graphics to represent the theme, the theme for the center for creative graphics to make the application graphic elements and design ideas to be expressed with a reasonable point, but logically consistent. Graphic design,

46、 creative use of the poster in the poster is a quick effect and the publicity generated as a way to design performance should have the following characteristics: novel idea, personalized performance, simplistic composition, strong form of influenza. These performance features, just need the creative

47、 poster design graphics to achievement, and creativity can not do without the guidance of creative thinking, creative thinking also reflects the agility of the trapping force, fluid form of thinking and a unique viewing angle, for the poster design bedding in a bright creative graphics Avenue of Sta

48、rs. Whether commercial or public service poster bills, outstanding creative needs to improve its appeal rendering; and creative breadth, depth and degree of success in turn depends on the guidance of creative thinking; an ideal formation of graphic design, often the result of creative thinking people. Therefore, to enhance creative thinking abilities, is to produce the key to good creative


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