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1、 部门/班组职员代码 岗位填表日期Dept. Employee No. Position Date联系方式 Contact Information移动电话Mobile Phone工作电话Office Phone:家庭电话Home Phone:电子邮件E-mail:紧急情况下的联系人 Person to Be Notified in Case of Emergency关系Relationship姓名Name地址Address联系电话Telephone家庭状况 Family Status家庭成员Family Members姓名Name职业/职位Employment/Position联系电话Tele

2、phone父亲Father母亲Mother配偶Spouse子女Child教育程度 Education Background学历Academic Background学校名称Name of School期间Duration专业Major学位Degree是否毕业Graduated or Not是否全日制Full-time or Part-time从From至To基本资料 Basic Information中文姓名Chinese Name出生日期Date of Birthh性别Gender近照Photo英文姓名English Name婚姻状况Marriage Status身高/体重Height/We

3、ight 厘米Cm/ 公斤Kg身份证号码ID-Number.首次参加工作时间First Job Started籍贯Place of Origin民族现住址Address邮政编码Postcode户口类型HuKou Type城镇户口 非城镇户口 City and town Country户口所在地HuKou Location工作经历Working Experience以前公司名称Previous Company Name期间Duration部门及职位Dept. & Position证明人及联系电话Witness &Telephone从Form至To其他说明 Other Explains本人是否有亲

4、属在公司上班?如有,请写明与本人关系、姓名及所在部门.Do you have relatives in Chervon? If yes, please write down your relationship, name and department he or she works in.有 Yes 无 No与本人关系Relationship姓名Name所在部门Department有身体上不能适应的工作项目,请说明:If you have any physical issues, please list:与原单位关系是否处理妥当?Did you handle the relationship

5、with your previous company properly?宣言 DECLARATION:本人在该申请书中所填写的一切均属实且准确。如有隐瞒或虚报,自愿接受立即解雇之处分。本人授权调查上述资料的真实性。By signing my name below, I certify that the answers given in this form are true and correct. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this form including a background check per

6、formed by the company or a third party agency. I understand that any false or misleading information given in this form or during a pre-employment interview, including a failure to disclose requested information, may result in termination.应聘人签名Signature日期Date录用情况 Hire Information (本栏由人力资源部填写 This column is filled by HR)到职日期On Board Date 离职日期Termination Date离职原因Reason for Termination 辞职Resignations解雇Dismissal合同到期Contract Expiration自动离职Absenteeism Without Approval其他Others人力资源部审核HR Department Audit


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