1、CHECKLIST for terminationBefore leaving the company, please take care of the following final procedures as indicated, get confirmation of the persons involved and return this checklist to HR department.Name:Dept.: Pers. NoProcedure Person to approachSettled Dept. NameDateResponsible Person Sign Dept
2、. Mgr SignLast working day: Last day of employment: Own Dept.Job handoverOthers:Dept. ManagerCancel network, e-mail, relative system etc. ITIT System engineerOthers:Dept. ManagerSettle permanent cashAccountingAccountantSettle open travel advancedAccountantFixed assets transferAccountant FSA/R (incl.
3、 Backlog)Accountant A/RCancel credit card guaranteeAccountantClarify loan affairs AccountantOthers:Dept. ManagerHand over business matters stationary, desk/file cabinet keys other company propertyHR&GAGA OfficerReturn remaining name cards, Siemens TagGA OfficerMobile phone SIM card transferGA Office
4、rStock returningGA OfficerLunch CardGA OfficerIndividual Seal (BA)GA OfficerSupplementary contractHR OfficerSettle housing fundHR OfficerSettle pension fundHR OfficerReturn signed letter of terminationHR OfficerContact address & phone number for final correspondenceHR OfficerOthers:Dept. ManagerYou are requested to complete the steps mentioned above before you leave the company. If you have any questions, please contact us in time.Employee Declaration:Ive received Labor handbook from HR.Signature _