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1、炉边诗人 朗费罗,服从真理,就能征服一切事物,Henry Wadsworth LongfellowFebruary 27,1807-March 24,1882w IntroductionLifeWriting Styles WorksA Psalm of Life,IntroductionHenry Wadsworth Longfellow was an Americanpoet and educator whose works includePaulReveres Ride,The Song of Hiawatha,andEvangeline.He was also the first Am

2、erican totranslate Dante Alighieris The Divine Comedywas one of the five fireside poets(炉边诗人),Lifedescendant of a colonial family,was born at portland maine.and educated in private schoolsBowdoin鲍登学院,where he graduated(1825)asaclassmate of hawthorne9 after graduation,he was offered a professormodern

3、 languages at Bowdoin,on the condithe prepared himself by studying abroade Accordingly,he spent the years from 1826 to 182%inFrance.Spain,Italy,and Germa8,Longfellows Birthplace,Portland,e.IIII8Longfellows Birthplace,PortlandLOGO,In 1854 he resigned his professorship,which he said wasgreat hand laid

4、 on all the strings of my lyre,stopping theirvibrationhis wife was burned to death(1861)e For a long time his grief stopped his creative worke honors were heaped upon hime his home became a shrine for Americans and a point offor distinguished foreignershe received degrees from Cambridge and Oxfordan

5、d was given a private audience by Queen Victor9 After his death,he became the only American to be honoredith a bust in the poets ceabbe8),As professor and librarian at Bowdoin(1829-35),hecontributed essays and sketches to many magazinese he was recommended by George Ticknor to be his successor inthe

6、 Smith professorship of French and Spanish at Harvard9 To improve his knowledge of languages,Longfellow wentabroad in 1835e His wife to whom he had been married in 1831.dietimeIn 1836 began his 18 years of teaching at Harvard,ee he became a significant figure in the literary and social life ofCambri

7、dge),Franny Appleton经过的求爱,朗费罗弗朗1831年和4后死亡,ContributionHe is the most important one of theNewEngland Poets(other poets:William Cullen bryantJames Russell Lowell.Oliver Wendell holmes andJohn Greenleaf Whittier)Based on his knowledge of European literarytradition.he became a master of sonnets andrefle

8、ctive lyricHe did a great service to American literature inedomesticating certain forms from European literatue.83His search for new forms and his efforts inconveying didacticism in popular prems B3 eight hima popularity with the common remesh Al8thatnever been approached bCher poet,LONCFELLOW8Grave of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,LoGo Mount Auburn Cemetery,谢谢,46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。卡耐基47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。陆游48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。史美尔斯49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。孙洙50、谁和我一样用功,谁就会和我一样成功。莫扎特,


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