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1、大家好,notice,information,below,better,anything,worry about,design,group,n.,布告,通知,n.,信息,adv.,下面,adj.(good/well,的比,较级,),较好,更好,pron.,任何事,为,担心,vt.,设计,构思,n.,组,群,Words review,大家好,Who do you like best?,Task1,大家好,Different jobs,different activities,A cook,is good at,_,cooking nice food for us,=A cook,knows a

2、lot,about,_,how to,cook nice food.,大家好,an,artist,Different jobs,different activities,Artists are good at,_,They,know a lot about,_,drawing pictures and,design,ing things.,stytles and colours.,大家好,Different jobs,different activities,A dancer,knows a lot about,_.,how to,dance,大家好,Different jobs,differ

3、ent activities,Computer engineers,will,help us,_,,,if,(,如果,)there,is,something wrong with,our computers.,check our computers and fix them,If,there,is,something wrong with our,computers,computer engineers,will,help us,check our computers and fix,them,.,大家好,Different jobs,different activities,If,we,ar

4、e not,happy today,_,they,will,sing for us.,大家好,Different jobs,different activities,If,we,dont have,a job,he,will,_,a manager,give us good ideas./,大家好,Doctors and nurses,will,_,when,(,当,时候,)we,do not,feel,well,.,Different jobs,different activities,make us,feel better,When,we,do not,feel well,doctors

5、and,nurses,will,make us feel better.,大家好,when,we,need help,with our homework,_,Different jobs,different activities,teachers,will help,us,with,our homework.,/,大家好,at,the community center,大家好,12,Health Center,Noticeboard,Fix-it Club,Art,&,Design,Group,大家好,13,notice,s,much,information,大家好,14,When and w

6、here is the meeting?,Itll be at the community centre on the,afternoon of 5 March.,Task2,大家好,15,?,Mr White is not feeling well these days._,?,There is something wrong with Janes fridge._,?,Miss Lau worries about what to wear for a party.,_,?,Grandma Lees washing machine is not working well.,_,Healthy

7、 Centre,Fix-It Club,Art&Design Group,Fix-It Club,A Health Centre,B Art&Design Group,C Fix-it Club,大家好,16,B Simon is writing about the meeting on his,blog.Help him complete his article with,the information in Part A.,We are going to have a“helping hands”,meeting at the _ on the,afternoon of _.Some ne

8、ighbours,are there ready to help.,community centre,5 March,Task3,大家好,Sometimes people do not feel well.The,_ at the Health,Centre will _.,There are also some _ at the,Fix-It Club.People will get help if,there is _ with their,washing machine or fridge.,doctors and nurses,make you feel better,engineer

9、s,something wrong,大家好,The members at the Art and Design,Group know a lot about,_.When people do,not know _ or,_,the artists,will give them _.,styles and colours,what to wear to a party,how to design your home,some ideas,大家好,Read Simons article together.Whats each,paragraph about?,Paragraph 1,Time an

10、d place of the“helping,hands”meeting,Paragraph 2,Different activities of the,“helping hands”meeting,Task4,大家好,Please use the information below to write an,article.Use Simons article as a model.,Task5,大家好,Time,:this Sunday morning,Place,:in the hall of Sunshine Community,Centre,Activities,:,Beautiful

11、 Hair Club,cutting hair and designing hairstyle,大家好,Activities,:,Computer Group,checking computer,Delicious Kitchen,teaching people how to cook delicious food,大家好,Sample writing,There is going to be a“helping hands”meeting,in the hall,of Sunshine Community Centre,this Sunday morning,.,If your hair i

12、s too long or you want to change your,hairstyle,the hairdressers at,the Beautiful Hair Club,will,help you.They cut hair very well.,/,The Computer Group,knows a lot about computers.Bring your broken comput,-ers to them.The engineers will check and fix them.People,can also learn more about computers f

13、rom them.,/,If you,want to cook delicious food for your family,the Delicious,Kitchen,will help you.,大家好,大家好,What is my dream,neighbourhood like?,大家好,My dream neighbourhood is near the sea.There are many trees and,flo,My dream neighbourhood is near the sea.There are many trees and,flowers around it.I

14、 want to have a park behind it because I like,walking after dinner.,The neighbours are all kind and helpful.We help each other with,all kinds of problems.When my computer is broken,I will ask an,e_ in Fix-It Club to _,(帮我修它),.Im not,good at cooking,but the Delicious Kitchen will teach,me_(,如何烹饪),.I

15、can also help my neighbours,w_their English.,Our neighbours are always,(愿意),help each other.,So Im lucky to live in the neighbourhood like that.,nginee,r,help me fix it,how to cook,ith,ready to,大家好,合作探究,(,独立自主思考,小组合作探讨,),?,1.Please look at the information below.,请看下面的信息。,?,Information=news,不可数名词,?,翻

16、译:,?,许多信息(三种表达方式),?,2.They will make you feel better!,他们将使你感觉更好些。,?,His mother makes him()(stay)at home.,?,(,1,),make sb do sth,使某人做某事,?,He makes us().(,高兴,),?,(,2,),make sb/sth+adj.,使某人,/,某物,.,3.Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design,your home?,?,(,1,),what to wear,和,how to

17、 design your home,是“疑问词,+,不定式”结,构,?,你还能回忆上学期的几个类似短语吗?,Task6,大家好,1.help each other,2.at the community centre,3.on the afternoon of 5 March,4.look at the information below,5.Are you not feeling well these days?,6.make you feel better,7.Is your washing machine not working?,8.Is there anything wrong wit

18、h your fridge?,在,3,月,5,号,在社区中心,看下面的信息,你的冰箱有故障吗?,Useful phrases,使你感觉更好,彼此帮助,你这些天感觉不舒服吗?,你的洗衣机不运转了吗?,大家好,9.help with your problems,10.worry about what to wear,11.what to wear to a party,12.how to design your home,13.have some artists to help,14.all our group members,15.know a lot about sth.,16.styles

19、and colours,17.be happy to do sth.,18.give you some ideas,19.at the Health Centre,20.at the Fit-It club,怎样设计你的家,担心穿什么,我们全体组员,对,了解很多,帮你解决问题,穿什么去参加聚会,有一些艺术家可以帮忙,款式和颜色,开心做某事,为你出些注意,在健康中心,在维修俱乐部,大家好,Language points,(,强调情报,资料,消息和网上信息,),n.,信息,1.,information,(不可数,n,),message,消息,音讯,(可数,n,),(,常指口信,),news,新闻,

20、报道,(不可数,n,),(,从媒体上得到的消息,),You can get much _ about the World Expo,on the Internet.,information,大家好,2.below,adv.,下面,(,在下方或位置低于什么,),反义词为,above,e.g.,Read_(,读下面故事,),the story below,3.well,adj.,用于系动词之后,只表身体好,adv.,修饰,v.,good,adj.,表示人和物的内在品质好,1)He doesnt _ _ these days.(,感觉不舒服,),feel,well,=He isnt _ _ thes

21、e days.,feeling,well,2)He plays football very _(good),well,3)That idea sounds _(well),good,大家好,5.,某事,某物,anything,(否定句和疑问句),something,1)There is something wrong with the fridge.(,疑问句,),_ there _ wrong with the fridge?,Is,anything,2),他什么也看不见,什么也听不见。,He couldnt see or hear _ at all.,anything,任何事,4.bett

22、er,是,good,和,well,的比较级,?,If you go to see a doctor,you will feel much _,(well),better,2)They will _ you _ _(,他们会让,你感觉更好,),make,feel,better,大家好,6.,1,)不要担心你的英语,我可以帮助你。,为某事或某人担心,worry about,Dont _ _ your English,I can help you.,Dont _ _ _ mistakes.,worry,about,sth/sb.,doing,sth.,担心做某事,2,)你还在担心他?,Are you

23、 still _ _ him?,worrying,about,3,)不必担心犯错误。,worry,about,making,大家好,7.know a lot about sb./sth.,对某人或某事很了解,Do you _ him?(,很了解,),know a lot about,大家好,Check out,?,用所给中文或英文的适当形式填空。,?,1.Can you see those _(,通知,),?,?,2.He wants to know some _(,信息,).,?,3.The good doctors makes her feel _,(更好),.,?,4.Is there

24、_,(,something,),wrong,with his bike?,?,5.Her mother w_ about her every,day.,Task7,notices,information,better,anything,orry,大家好,A near neighbour is better,than a distant cousin.,(,远亲不如近邻),A near neighbour is better,than a distant cousin.,d?st?nt,(,远亲不如近邻),大家好,The roses in her hand;,the flavor in mine.,大家好,结束,大家好,


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