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1、Language points,说出下列句子中bow的词性及意义,Dont draw your bow till your arrow is fixed.A violin|valn is played with a bow.She had a bow of pink ribbon|rbn in her hair.,n.弓,n.蝴蝶结,The actor bowed to the audience after performing.The guilty bowed his head in shame.The man was bowed with old age.The wind has bowe

2、d all the trees towards the east.Of course I must bow to the committees decision.,v.鞠躬,v.使低下来,使弯曲,v.向低头,同意,接受,n.弓,1.关于地名前冠词使用问题,_ Thailand,Japan,China,Europe,France,_ United States,_ South America,_Alps,_Hawaiian Islands,_Equator,_Netherlands 荷兰,_ Sahara Desert,_ New York City,_ Wall Street 华尔街,_ Ha

3、inan Island,_ South Pole 南极,X,X,X,X,X,the,the,the,the,the,the,the,归纳:国家,城市,街道,港口,洲名前一般不用冠 词,但是 the USA,the Netherlands除外山脉,河流,群岛,沙漠,极地,赤道等一般要 加the.,accumulate Vt.积累,积聚,Before you work in that big company,you have to accumulate quite a lot of working experience.(2)True poetry accumulates meaning ever

4、y time it is read.(3)Snow accumulates to a depth of 10 feet.(vi)(4)_ stamps is a hobby but with the idea of reselling them later at a profit.A.Accumulating B.Collecting C.Gathering D.Adding,B,在你去大公司工作之前,你不得不积累很多的工作经验。,雪在地上积累到了10英寸深,真正的诗歌在每次被读的时候意思都得到了升华。,experience,经历,经验,可数,不可数,经历体验,及物,n.,V,Young as

5、 he is,David has gained rich experience in society.,Travelling in Zhangjiajie last summer was an unforgettable experience.,We have experienced what hardships mean.,选择填空:-I hear you have _ in the Royal Air Force.Is that true?-Yes.I served in the Royal Air Force for six years.experience B.an experienc

6、eC.experienced D.experiencing,B,native,adj.本国的,本地的native land/language/plants/speakerThe tiger is native to India.(2)n.当地人,本地人,本国人 a native of She is a native of New York.她是纽约本地人。,原产于,(指移民 访客等)接受土着的(而放弃自己的)风俗习惯,同化,老虎原产于印度。,Hes emigrated to the USA and gone completely native.他已移居美国,完全成了美国人.,be native

7、 to,go native,一种传统习俗做法/方法(可数)It is a tradition that women get married in long white dresses.,Whenever it comes toWhenever 无论何时,每当的时候 Whenever you meet the girl,she is always wearing a smile=No matter when 引导让步状语从句 You are welcome whenever you come.(2)come to Dont talk around the question;come straig

8、ht to the point.,Most of the kids got excited when it came _ a picnic this weekend.A.about having B.to have C.to having D.about to have,讲到,谈到,别总是在那个问题上讨论了;直接切入要点。,C,in celebration of They held a party in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary.类似表达 Vt celebrate 与 congratulate 区别(填空)On Octo

9、ber 1st we _ our National DayWe _him on passing the driving test.We _ Christmas with a tree and presents.Many _ in the streets!Is the day special?_ to you on winning the game.,为了庆祝,他们举办了一个晚会来庆祝他们结婚50周年。,in honour of/in memory of,为了纪念,celebrate,congratulated,celebrate,celebrations,Congratulations,do

10、with 说出下列句式中 do with 的含义。Dont you find him difficult to do with?I cant do with his carelessness.Id much rather do with a man than a woman.Women are sharp.(4)I have a huge pile of letters to do with.与deal with 为同义词组。但在与疑问词连用时有区别。Not every one can understand _ to do with changes in their lives and wor

11、k.A.how B.what C.why D.where,相处,忍受,对付,处理,B,do with 1.“处理,对付,应付”2.前有could(偶尔用can)时,“得,要”,相当于need或want。I could do with a cup of coffee.Your room could do with a cleaning.3.do with前有cant或couldnt时,“受不了;不下”I cant do with loud music.I couldnt do with waiting any longer,so I left.我再也等不下去了,于是离开了。4.do with与助

12、动词have或系动词be连用时,“做完,做好”Have you done?/are you done with the magazine?你看完杂志了吗?,我要一杯咖啡。,你的房间得扫一扫了,我受不了吵闹的音乐。,do with 1.“处理,对付,应付”2.前有could(偶尔用can)时,“得,要”,相当于need或want。I could do with a cup of coffee.Your room could do with a cleaning.3.do with前有cant或couldnt时,“受不了;不下”I cant do with loud music.I couldnt

13、 do with waiting any longer,so I left.我再也等不下去了,于是离开了。4.do with与助动词have或系动词be连用时,“做完,做好”Have you done?/are you done with the magazine?你看完杂志了吗?,我要一杯咖啡。,你的房间得扫一扫了,我受不了吵闹的音乐。,2.说出下列句子中bow的词性及意义,Dont draw your bow till your arrow is fixed.A violin is played with a bow.She had a bow of pink ribbon in her

14、hair.,n.弓,n.蝴蝶结,The actor bowed to the audience after performing.The guilty bowed his head in shame.The man was bowed with old age.The wind has bowed all the trees towards the east.Of course I must bow to the committees decision.,v.鞠躬,v.使低下来,使弯曲,v.向低头,同意,接受,n.弓,Do with“将就,凑合”(不用于被动语态)Im afraid well

15、have to do with this little food and water.恐怕我们只好拿这所剩无几的食物和水将就一下了。,If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago,you would have known what we were talking about.此句是含有虚拟语气结构的if条件状语从句。虚拟语气的类型主要是以下几种:(1)“建议,要求,命令”型(2)“愿望”型(3)“假设”型(4)“隐含”型(5)“混合”型,You didnt come here,otherwise you would have met her.(

16、without,but,for),关于假设型虚拟语气,例句:(1)If my brother were here,everything would be all right.(2)If you had taken my advice,you wouldnt have failed in the exam.(3)If it were Sunday tomorrow,I should go to see my grandmother.注:混合If you had listened to the doctor,you would be all right now.注:省略倒装Were I you,I

17、 would not do that.Had you come here earlier,you would have met him.,even though“即使,尽管”even so“尽管如此,尽管这样”独立使用。The fire was out,but even so,the smell of smoke was strong.(2)They will stand by you even if you dont succeed.,11.such as 用来例举事物,“诸如”后面跟n.与动名词。He has many hobbies,such as hiking,climbing and

18、 swimming.,12.embarrassing/embarrassed Frank found himself in an embarrassing situation,and therefore he felt rather embarrassed.,相当于“even if”,火被扑灭了,尽管如此,烟的气味仍然很浓。,他们将依然支持你,即使你没有成功。,他的爱好有很多,诸如:远足,爬山,游泳。,弗兰克发现他处在一个很尴尬的情形下,因此他感到很尴尬。,Getting things wrong can be quite embarrassing!动名词作主语,注意逻辑主语问题。_ a co

19、ld worries his mother.He easily catches B.His easy catchingC.His easily catching D.His easily caught,C,clarify vt.使清楚,澄清 He clarified his stand on the issue.An example will help to clarify what I mean.to clarify“说清楚点”独立运用,作插入语 To clarify,customs in China is greatly different from those in Italy.,他澄清

20、了他在这个问题上的态度。,一个例子可是使我的意思很清楚。,说清楚点,就是中国的风俗和意大利的风俗差别很大。,participate in 参加(活动等)Students are encouraged to participate fully in the running of the college.(2)Terry cant participate in the match because he has hurt his foot.,play the drums/the piano/the guitar,-What kind of instruments do you like to pla

21、y?,-,_.,A.Guitar B.a guitar C.the guitar D.guitars,C,adjust v.调整,调节;使适应;整理,adjust something,adjust to(doing)something,adjust oneself to doing something,The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature.He soon adjusted to army life.It took him quite a long time to_ alone there.adjust to live B.adjust living C.adjust herself to live D.adjust to living,D,adjustable seat-belts 可调节的座位安全带.,the focus of a camera,Thank you,


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